Look At This Hot Guy And His Average Gf. People's Response Are So Mean


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Well said. When I see someone like @Xander94 complain about their looks, I often wonder, what are they really complaining about? They are good looking enough to get a nice women and live a happy life. I don't think they are complaining about that. What they are really sad about is that they are not living life like God mode Chads who f*** different women every week. They don't realize that as long as they have one good life partner, they can live pretty happy and satisfied life. In a way, their misery is result of their own unrealistic ambitions.
Mate when did you see me complain about my looks? I just said average and no social skills / depressed is fucked just like ugly.

If you want an average woman you have to really work for it in my situation and work for it alot.

I just want a looksmatched girl that's it no unrealistic expectations.

Anyway game over for me too depressed and old and my friends have noticed it too and I have become more and more isolated and bitter.
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social skills is so easily fixable though compared to baldness and looks issues
You have to have the will to do that. I don't I live as a social hobo. And Im also heavily diffuse balding Im just hoping that finasteride will stop it. Under lights my rats nest is see through.

Before balding my depression was moderate when I noticed it it got amplified 10xfold


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You have to have the will to do that. I don't I live as a social hobo. And Im also heavily diffuse balding Im just hoping that finasteride will stop it. Under lights my rats nest is see through.

Before balding my depression was moderate when I noticed it it got amplified 10xfold
i understand. i'm 23, never had a job, and still live with my mom. its really difficult to just leave and go to university and sh*t. i'm probably agoraphobic actually. which ironically even makes it difficult to get help haha


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Halo Effect: you can be shy or an introvert, but if you've got looks and have good, positive experiences because of them you'll get confident. Unless you're a useless f*****g aspie. I despise good-looking aspies more than anything, they are absolutely pathetic.
Yep and about the people saying im above average looking and I should be fine. Then why am I getting only when 1 land whale per week match on tinder ?

Im average at best and that's not enough unfortunately "I don't make the cut".


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"Connor" probably isn't "Connor", it's probably an overweight incel, who's coping with the lack of action he gets by flaming sl*ts on tinder.

Yep. I doubt any real Connor cares for the plight of overweight ugly guys so much he'd verbally harpoon a landwhale online.


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I don't think he made any point other than he is a psycho.

That would be like hot women doing that to unattractive men.

I completely understand not being attracted to someone...i don't understand tormenting someone for it.


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The discussion of women's intelligence started because @Xander94 said he can't meet women who are intellectually interesting. I pointed out that this is nonsense, and @Exodus2011 got very defensive about it and started posting flawed research about IQ distributions, et cetera.

The majority of couples I know are both approximately looks-matched and intelligence-matched, as well as matched in socioeconomic class, race, etc. It's the norm with a few exceptions, intelligence matters. Xander is correct to want a woman about as smart as him, he's mistaken in thinking that he can't find any because all women are uninteresting.

For the most part women are about as interesting and intelligent as men, I'll safely assume that anybody who disagrees has not been around much, and has not known that many people. Often the interests are different, but if you can't handle going a little outside your comfort zone then there's something wrong with you.

The three sharpest men I know all have wives. I know two nobel laureates, they both have wives. My best friend is smarter than I am, he scored 1580/1600 on his SAT, was reading when he was 4, he was married to an equally smart woman in her late 20s. My brother-in-law learned to read when he was 2. In my observation, knowing a lot of smart people, being smart is not an impediment to meeting women.

It may be that there are fewer "outliers" among women, but that's a non-issue as there are no outliers on this forum. Nobody here compares to Elon Musk or Stephen Hawking.

If you're not meeting any interesting women, you're either not doing a good job of meeting new people, or you have an internal bias that prevents you from appreciating women's intelligence.


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One of the smartest women I know, let's call her Liora, I meant in undergrad. I had also separately made friends with her boyfriend Mitch (name changed) at about the same time they started dating. They dated for ~6 months.

She was very feminine, she wore mini skirts, she wore a lot of pink, makeup, she was into sailor moon, her body language was feminine, her voice was soft, etc. She didn't discuss deep issues as much as the rest of us. On the first midterm in classical physics, meant to fail people, she got 100 whereas most people got less than 50. That gave her some notoriety. She generally took a lot of hard classes, and her GPA was 3.80 or 3.90 on 4.00.

Some ten years later, I met up with Mitch in Melbourne, and he told me something puzzling. "Until I met Liora, I had never realized that women could be intelligent." I berated him on it but the truth is that I was not that different, I had simply met a few other brilliant women a couple years earlier. Minor difference.

Years later Liora has opened up. She reads a lot of books and watches a lot of movies and thinks of them in detail. She did a graduate degree in engineering. She's submitted movies to film festivals. She built a chess set for one of her ex boyfriends. We used to do experiments cooking together back in the day. All of these talents were not as visible when we were 20 because we had barely met her, barely gotten to know her, she may not have yet developed them herself, and she may have kept them to herself.


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One of the smartest women I know, let's call her Liora, I meant in undergrad. I had also separately made friends with her boyfriend Mitch (name changed) at about the same time they started dating. They dated for ~6 months.

She was very feminine, she wore mini skirts, she wore a lot of pink, makeup, she was into sailor moon, her body language was feminine, her voice was soft, etc. She didn't discuss deep issues as much as the rest of us. On the first midterm in classical physics, meant to fail people, she got 100 whereas most people got less than 50. That gave her some notoriety. She generally took a lot of hard classes, and her GPA was 3.80 or 3.90 on 4.00.

Some ten years later, I met up with Mitch in Melbourne, and he told me something puzzling. "Until I met Liora, I had never realized that women could be intelligent." I berated him on it but the truth is that I was not that different, I had simply met a few other brilliant women a couple years earlier. Minor difference.

Years later Liora has opened up. She reads a lot of books and watches a lot of movies and thinks of them in detail. She did a graduate degree in engineering. She's submitted movies to film festivals. She built a chess set for one of her ex boyfriends. We used to do experiments cooking together back in the day. All of these talents were not as visible when we were 20 because we had barely met her, barely gotten to know her, she may not have yet developed them herself, and she may have kept them to herself.

As if intelligence was determined by gender. LOL The smartest person I ever met was a 67-year-old woman with a genius-level-intellect who cooperated with NASA, among the other things. Intelligence is determined by genetics.


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Lol research flawed how david?

Makes you feel bad? Lol

And haha you name just like 3 women lolz. Like every other guy i know who does stem hardly knows women in it

And just lol at you putting words in xanders mouth

Meanwhile lets look at everyone significant ever . . . Not just random unconfirmed people who are supposedly intelligent lol