Look At This Hot Guy And His Average Gf. People's Response Are So Mean


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Yes, and there are numerous other studies showing the opposite. For example, if you change the name on a CV from female to male, the CV gets a better response. A lot of women publish with their first name as an initial rather than as a first name, to avoid gender-based discrimination.

[I use my full name, middle name as an initial].

Whatever percentage of women you're smarter than, that's approximately the percentage of men you're smarter than.

How many women do you know well?
How many of these studies have you read in detail?

We're all biased by the way.

I used to think literature was a joke as well.

Then one day, I took a literature class with a great instructor. That's when I started taking it seriously and respecting it. She would do things like point out that different novels emerged from different historical contexts. The first poet I ever respected was Pablo Neruda.

If literature and storytelling were easy, every Hollywood movie would be a classic. But they're not, most movies are bad. They often have characters that don't make sense, plots that are not coherent, et cetera. Most screenwriters fail, and fail often. It's a hard job.

I'm a scientist who presents at international conferences. I don't consider myself smarter than novelists or musicians.
Literature is also a vast subject that encompasses many other fields that forces the student to be well versed in language, sociology, philosophy, and history.

But still, I think STEM is a much more valuable degree.


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Boohoo Im an oppressed woman


I have never actually been suppressed.

I pursued everything I ever wanted to do professionally.

so i don't know wtf you are talking about.


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I am vastly more informed than you are -- do you even know anybody who works at Google?

Some reality, here's an article on how hard it can be for women to work in silicon valley:
I don't give two sh*t about your feminist leftist articles Im stating the truth as I see it I work in the software industry and we are all men it's a problem. And big companies (rightly so) are trying to tackle it by organizing WOMEN ONLY events to get more WOMEN to the software business.

Also special programs for women to get into and recruited by the big companies.


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What will make you feel better is 'doing' things you are passionate about.

'this' you feel is just a placebo, it means nothing in the real world.

I don't want to hurt you so I am not going to say more.
Wut. Its a feeling lol. Why do i give a sh*t about if the "real world" doesnt care about it?


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Literature is also a vast subject that encompasses many other fields that forces the student to be well versed in language, sociology, philosophy, and history.

But still, I think STEM is a much more valuable degree.

STEM is certainly more economically valuable right now.


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Yes, I confirm that (at least un France). I studied both French littérature and philosophy: first was mostly girls, but boys were more interesting ; second was mostly boys (90 %), a girl majored though...
The feminism module killed me as I was the only man in the seminar - I felt like a male apologist.


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What have you and Xander accomplished?


It doesn't reflect well on you at all that Pablo Picasso and Pierre Curie also had penises.
Why don't you list your accomplishments by age and we can compare??


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What have you and Xander accomplished?


It doesn't reflect well on you at all that Pablo Picasso and Pierre Curie also had penises.
I already know i havent done anything. Im just saying its something to be proud of for me


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Lol. I was the most anti feminist of my promotion. Choose my litterature subjet memoire based on the fact not one woman ever wrote on it.
It was easier for me to right about feminism in the 19th century novel because back then there were very clear gender divisions. Its a lot more nuanced now and I am so relieved I am not a sociology student in 2017.


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Why don't you list your accomplishments by age and we can compare??

First Class Honours in a challenging program at a top university
PhD at a top program, finished faster than most, long, widely cited dissertation, nine first-authored publications
Job offers from elite institutions on three continents.
Currently working at a top-20 university worldwide.

And there are lots of women doing as good or better than me.


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Wut. Its a feeling lol. Why do i give a sh*t about if the "real world" doesnt care about it?

It's a mind set you have that you would rather sit home read articles about women being inferior to men because it makes you feel like you are part of a better 'team'.
Meanwhile you are sitting home dreaming about 'what if' instead of being out there pursuing your dreams...so the dumb girl who is not as smart as you is out there in the world tenaciously pursuing what she wants.


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First Class Honours in a challenging program at a top university
PhD at a top program, finished faster than most, long, widely cited dissertation
Job offers from elite institutions on three continents.
Currently working at a top-20 university worldwide.

And there are lots of women doing as good or better than me.
Why don't you list the program?


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First Class Honours in a challenging program at a top university
PhD at a top program, finished faster than most, long, widely cited dissertation, nine first-authored publications
Job offers from elite institutions on three continents.
Currently working at a top-20 university worldwide.

And there are lots of women doing as good or better than me.
What was your thesis on?


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Why don't you list the program?

If you want to be delusional then you are free to do so.

You are looking to nitpick rather than looking to discuss and be informed.

Fact is you have very little life experience. Stop being defensive, and be more open minded.

You're a good-looking man ... you're much better looking than me. You're smart enough to write code so IQ is 115+. You should be out there living a good life. Stop making excuses, and go for it.


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Meanwhile you are sitting home dreaming about 'what if' instead of being out there pursuing your dreams...so the dumb girl who is not as smart as you is out there in the world tenaciously pursuing what she wants.
The dumb girl has been handed all her desires for free and never had any real struggles.

Meanwhile we have struggled all our lives for nothing just to be depressed baldcels.