Look At This Hot Guy And His Average Gf. People's Response Are So Mean


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Time for me to sex change and become a land whale I bet I'll have 100x times more matches.

Forget sex change, put on lipstick and a dress, change gender to female, you will get more matches. Scientific fact, if I wasn't ony phone I'd post source.


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4 days on Tinder i had 72 matches with attractive men in my area 38-55.

I'm good.


RIP @Xander94


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Not having kids?

It was no secret even when I was very young I never wanted kids.
People who are close to me friends and family know this about me so it was never even a question put to me.
Edit i do remember having a conversation with my Mother and my best friend but it was not them questioning me it was more like just discussing it. Like me wondering would I regret it and both told me I should not have them out of fear of a regret.

I think I knew even as a teenager I was not ever going to really want kids and as I got older I never had that desire kick in.

Only people to ever ask me in a negative way have been immigrants I barely know.
3 people lectured me about not having kids and they were people that were from other countries 2 of them men and barely knew me lol. Two were from India and one was Romanian.

As for people I know I would say 80% of the women I know professionally and from college did not have kids in my age group or younger...the women I know about 10 to 15 years older then me in my field had kids. I don't know why it dropped off that way.

The childless women would be destroyed in society I live.

I literally do not know any women without child (from my relatives).

Probably it is consequence of feminism or something because it's in marginal state as well (and better it stays here).


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yeah i see hairblues as a cool hot older chick.

not some f*****g whale lol
The childless women would be destroyed in society I live.

I literally do not know any women without child (from my relatives).

Probably it is consequence of feminism or something because it's in marginal state as well (and better it stays here).

It's a choice.

There's nothing wrong with it.

Some people choose to have kids.

Some people don't. Who cares?


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The childless women would be destroyed in society I live.

I literally do not know any women without child (from my relatives).

Probably it is consequence of feminism or something because it's in marginal state as well (and better it stays here).

Maybe I don't know. but I know feminists (like real feminists) who had kids..I know a lot of lesbian moms also. Gay dads.

It just always looked to me like a real pain in the *** unless you are so wealthy to have nannies and a maid..LOL>
Then that is not really being a Mother.


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I know hundreds of women who do STEM, do so productively, and can easily name thousands. My most recent publication had five female co-authors. I'm not going to name them one by one as it's not worthwhile, targeted examples are more informative.

In the US, around 75% of STEM majors are men. There may be cultural reasons behind it however I am not convinced. The data from Norweigan countries will be more helpful because such cultural factors have been greatly weakened.


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My degree was quite gendered as over 80% were female - if I were to base my views off this I would say women are more intellectual. However, this is just because I studied English, if I studied Philosophy the numbers may have been reversed.

There are two different issues being discussed here:

(1) Are men more intelligent than men

(2) Are women more likely to choose some majors over the others due to biologica/evolutionary reasons.

I am mainly discussing the second issues. The lack of women in Philosophy and STEM majors is actually an argument in the favor of second position.


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The problem about about kids is the fact that successful and smart women often don't have kids, or if they do they have 1 or maybe 2. Because they don't have time or are invested in their career etc. Meanwhile the stupid women often have alot of babies, sometimes just to collect benefits.

This is resulting in a society where the children of the dumb become a majority. Often it's the immigrants that have the most kids, because of different culture these women are more inclined to have babies and stay at home. If this trend continues in alot of countries the original population will be the minority, and we will be left with the children of immigrants and offspring of unsuccessful women.

I wish more of the smart, successful women such as @hairblues for instance would have children, but what can you do? You can't make women who don't want children have children.