Maliniak Method


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Mind you that sometimes even hairloss drugs need a full year to be evaluated as far as results. I think it is plausible to assume that everyone will respond slightly differently to ANY treatment, natural or medical.


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I wouldn't recommend Tom Hagerty's scalp exercises. They cause forehead wrinkles and will make you look much older than you are.

This happened to me. Don't listen to Tom despite what he says. It gives you wrinkles!


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I haven't had any noticeable wrinkles from doing the scalp exercise. However I don't do his exact definition of it, but rather a variation. Instead of raising the eyebrows then flexing the back muscles, i just flex the back muscles. Someone in a forum (maybe this one) suggested that they had better results this way


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hey guys

I actually did the haggarty scalp exercises for 26 months straight, very strictly with hardly missing a day (plus another year or two less strictly). When i try somthing i really give it. my hairs still dissapeared, and i did get some extra forhead lines, but the lines softened when i quit the exercises... drop in the bucket they were.

...not to say they won't complement a greater regimen.

Guys, something i'd recomend if you are doing the scalp massages is to get a cheap vibrating hand held massager. I use the rubber suction cup bit and rotate through my scalp muscles by grabbing onto the skin. ..just like i did with my hands, except you'll get a double massage, it feels much better and its easier to do.

other than that, no regrowth to report... what am i at ...3.5 months...


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well i'm just over 4 months now and nothing to show for.. anyone else who has been doing it for a while seeing anything?


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It hasn't gotten any worse for me, so that in itself is good news.

I'm obtaining a more powerful violet ray to see if that makes any temple regrowth


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i'm finding the violet ray does nothing for helping the skin either. its supposed to help smooth out lines etc but it does nothin'

its a 'cheap' 80$ one or whatever, but it has lots of power to really zap, but who knows, maybe it is all a crock anyway..


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The violet ray has definitely had a benefit on my skin. If i get a break out (which only occurs if i go a few days not using the violet ray much), it clears it all up in a day or 2


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Well Elliot, Mr Maliniak seems to watch the thread and reply through you....does he have any thoughts on why himself and his group have gotten results but nobody in this group has gotten any?


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Well, so far I think "everyone" just includes Zambutu as i haven't seen anyone else say it's not working.

I'll let you know if Maliniak makes a reply, but I imagine he will say something along the lines of how important the massage component is because it relaxes the galea, and how it is critical that it is done correctly.

He will probably also stress that that while it may be tempting to go for a cheaper violet ray, if one expects to see any regrowth it would probably be wise to invest it a better machine. I really don't know the main difference between a cheap on and a more expensive model. Since they both make enough "zap" to really get you.


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From his testimonials, his people were seeing results by this point. The two people replying here are not. Somewhere there is a fly in the ointment and I am wondering what it might be. If this could get ironed out and start working for people, he would soon be selling a whole lot of e-books.


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I love the "openness" of the HAIRLOSSTALK forum and the fact that people know that I AM responding to comments and not avoiding difficult questions, like the new questions I just saw, and also that I am clearly doing so through you, so there is no "secret" about it. I am not allowed, by the rules of the forum to POST directly, so this is the only way your members can get their questions answered.

Please post this letter, but please post it in its entirety so that people get a complete answer. I also invite anyone from that forum to write to me anytime at LEONMAL33@HOTMAIL.COM and I will gladly and enthusiastically answer them directly.

The first new question on the forum revolves around the nature of the violet ray device to be used. It is important to understand that although there are many such CHEAPER devices available on the internet, and I even suggest on the website and in the book that they can buy one directly themselves from any such source, that in my opinion, ONLY those which come close to the specifications of the ORIGINAL science of TESLA would be effective for HAIR LOSS.

It's not whether a machine is CHEAPER or not that counts, it's whether or not it replicates the specs of the old-established science. You could get a good quality USED or OLDER device which also has those specs, so that's O.K., but most of the cheaper NEW machines do NOT come close to those specs and are SOLD for SKIN treatments. They would therefore NOT be useful for HAIR LOSS and male pattern baldness and not be recommended under the MALINIAK METHOD.

It is NOT just the strength of the "SPARK" which determines how effective one of these devices are because this can be achieved by just having a higher AMPERAGE but if it does not have the correct FREQUENCY or VOLTAGE of the original science it would NOT be effective for HAIR LOSS, in my humble opinion, and as the results have shown. Myself and my other test subjects have tried many of these new cheaper devices and they do NOT work for hair loss. So if anyone on the forum is using one of those NEW cheaper machines, it would explain why they are not getting results.

We never used to sell a machine directly ourselves because we did not want to compromise the validity of the MALINIAK METHOD by having people think that all we wanted to do was make a profit from the sale of a machine. However, because of the overwhelming popular demand from our members who asked to get the WHOLE system from us, and to get the right machine without having to shop around themselves, we now have a TOP QUALITY device available directly from us which comes from one of the best and longest established suppliers in the world.

But people are still free to get one themselves from any other source if they want to.

As to the second question about the "non-results" results reported from some people on this forum, one of our biggest challenges is that we have NO control over HOW seriously these people are doing their treatments and what type of violet ray they are using so it is impossible to make any conclusions from their comments. A lot of members of this forum have never even bought the book and are relying on second-hand, shared information and are therefore not aware of the EXACT methodology of the MALINIAK METHOD. This is obvious from the nature of the questions which are asked, ALL of which are addressed and answered in the book.

If members of the forum want to get the best possible results, they have to get the book, READ IT THEMSELVES and UNDERSTAND it , and then follow the EXACT techniques. They will see that all the questions which they raise here on the forum are addressed and answered in the book.

Most people want INSTANT results and that will not happen. They must BE PATIENT like I was, and STAY WITH IT because hair loss and male pattern baldness is a resistant and insidious problem and dormant follicles will NOT revive without patient effort and using the correct techniques. These techniques are very EASY but it takes constant and continuous effort.

All I can say is that both myself and all the other actual buyers of the book from all around the world who know the WHOLE story and are using the MALINIAK METHOD as described in the book...are getting great results. We have NOT had even one negative letter yet from any of them telling us it does not work and it has now been over ONE year.

Most of the people who buy the book and get on the method say they did so because my whole theory just MAKES SENSE and because my own progress pictures are the MOST REALISTIC and BELIEVABLE of any other hair loss solutions being offered. Usually you see ridiculous and non-believable "before and after" pictures, or outrageous "testimonials" , which nobody believes anyway. This is why we did not use that standard, tired, old marketing tactic. I wanted people to adopt this method because the science and the LOGIC behind it are very compelling and MAKE SENSE and it very inexpensive compared to any other hair loss solution which cost thousands of dollars and involve taking DRUGS, which I am not in favour of.





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Thank you Elliot for your time and thank you Leon for your reply.

I got the answer I was looking for and what I thought to be the case. I see hope for this method, the main reason being there seems to have been results prior to this over the years with the violet ray. My thought about this whole process is that Leon made it work a bit better than it had in the past but we weren't seeing it with these posters. They both had mentioned I think that their ray was emitting a red or orange light which I was wondering may be affecting the outcome since it wasn't purple, and thereby, different.

I have not bought the E-book but I would gladly buy 4 of them after the first one if it worked for me. I want to see some sort of results happening for people before handing my money to a stranger. Here is the point Leon is missing. People need to see people getting results. As soon as that happens, Maliniak becomes one of the BIG 3 so to speak and the floodgates open. Right now the only results shown is himself. That is not a big enough snowball to roll down the hill. Show results from 10 people or try to help a few here get results and the snowball will be big enough to roll and pick up speed and mass as it goes.

Thank you for everyone's effort. I will continue watching and I will contact Leon with any other questions that might pop up in my head and post them here. FYI, I see no link to the Voilet ray Leon has arranged on the Born again hair site yet. I will e-mail Leon and get a price for those wondering.

Finally, Leon keeps mentioning "making sense" and those words ring true for me. He also just mentioned the cheaper rays might not have the right frequency which also "makes sense"! Some of Tesla's work, if I remember right were all about getting the right frequency, for example, his Earthquake machine.


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I am obtaining one of the top quality machines, so very soon I will be using the Maliniak Method the way it was intended. Then we can all get an accurate view of this whole thing!


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Reply to my question about his machines:

I have every confidence in saying that after thirty years of research and suffering from HAIR LOSS and male pattern baldness my whole adult life...that this is finally the REAL DEAL. Everything I have posted on the webpage about my steady progress is 100% true and I have grown back hair all that hair on a scalp that was bald for many, many years, contrary to all of the previous conventional wisdom. At 63 years old I ACCEPT that I may never get back all my hair or it may never look like a really full head of hair, but what I have already recovered, and what I continue to grow back, is a complete miracle for me, as it would be for others, and I no longer feel bald or helpless against this problem. Younger men can expect much much better and faster results...IF THEY DO IT RIGHT.

Firstly, I want to be sure that you and everyone on that forum actually gets the BOOK because if you don't, and if you rely only on the PARTIAL accounts from other people on the forum, which many times are TOTALLY wrong, you will not get the proper instructions and not really be following the MALINIAK METHOD. This is obviously what is happening to some of the people on the forum because from their questions it is obvious they do NOT have the book and have not read it and therefore they are definitely NOT yet really doing the MALINIAK METHOD, and so if there are any negative comments about their results it is not really reliable as to the true merits of the system.

The procedures are not hard or complicated but you must still get it right and you can't rely on the partial, mis-represented, second-hand accounts of other people. The whole thing is so inexpensive compared to any other hair just get the book.. It is is now available in a beautiful and convenient PRINT version for easy consultation.

As for the violet ray device which we now sell directly, it costs about $ 450.00 - $ 500.00 depending on accessories, like an extra electrode or a voltage converter and shipping location, although for most countries the shipping is the same cost. But you DO NOT have to buy it from us directly and we still tell everyone they can buy devices themselves directly from any number of suppliers, and some of your members have already shown that they know who these are.

I never wanted to sell a violet ray ourselves because I didn't want people to think that all we wanted to do was profit from the sale of a machine, and I thought it would compromise my credibility. However, now we were forced to at least offer that service because many people told us they do NOT want to shop around and don't mind paying a few extra bucks for the convenience of getting the whole system from us.

Everyone else can still buy a machine themselves without going through us, but they should make sure they get a TOP QUALITY device which comes as close to the ORIGINAL specs of TESLA as possible. These specs are in the book and the scientific reasons as for why this is important. Cheaper machines which do not replicate these specs are USELESS for hair loss.. I have tested dozens of them.

As for your questions about more PHOTOS, my own results, which you see on the webpage, have been constantly UPDATED with the most recent pictures added from June 2011. I added these new pictures after someone on your forum hinted that I may be "hiding" something because there were no newer photos , and that my progress "may have stopped" because my previous pictures were from December 2010. SO i had to do this even though I was reluctant to keep adding pictures because we already had posted a dozen progress pictures over a twelve(12) month period and I thought this was enough to prove my point and also because every time we changed the content of our website the search engines lost sight of us for several days and this caused us problems.

You comment that it would be good to see similar PHOTOS from other subjects is obviously relevant and important and it will be something we will be forced to add in the future. We already have some photos of others, especially AURELE, another 62 year old who is growing hair at an incredible rate and whose testimonial is on the website, and we are now asking our members to send us their pictures, but this was not our priority. I was always very reluctant to use this TIRED, OLD marketing strategy because everyone else uses it and NOBODY believes the type of outrageous and unrealistic "before and after" pictures posted nor do they believe the glowing "testimonials".

But I have to accept that this is still an "expected" and we will now compile this type of photo gallery.

But the MAIN reason I did not believe any of these other treatment systems or their pictures or testimonials was because, unlike the MALINIAK METHOD, they did not have any LOGICAL science, explanation or theory behind them which made sense and which adequately explained why their system works and why other treatment methods have not been effective. The MALINIAK METHOD does just that and this is the most important new development in all of this. Almost everyone from all around the world who has bought my book till now, and which has been available for over a year as a PDF, wrote to me first to say they were getting on the MALINIAK METHOD because it JUST MAKES SENSE, and in the words of one of members, " IT'S LAYMAN'S LOGIC". These are the people I am speaking to. People who know about the science behind HAIR LOSS and male pattern baldness and who instantly recognise that this is the first new theory to properly explain the whole HAIR LOSS syndrome and what to do about it.

I say on the webpage that some people will be sceptical and may want to wait until more results are reported and that is their right, but for those who see the intelligence in all of this, they will want to try it right away. Many people have done so and I have received feedback from many of them about how they are seeing positive results and I have not received even one negative letter from any of our hundreds of existing members around the world that complained or said that the MALINIAK METHOD wasn't working.

I want to stress and to remind everyone that I am someone who has personally endured the TRAUMA and tragedy of hair loss and male pattern baldness my whole life and I understand the PAIN of it all. I would not want to be lied to on this sensitive subject and I would not want to mislead others. It's true that this has now become a commercial venture, and I can surely use the money because my wife's seven year battle with breast cancer has destroyed me financially, but this is still more importantly an emotionally traumatic issue which hurts and disturbs so many men and I am absolutely thrilled to be able to have come up with something which seems to finally solve this mystery once and for all.

There will always be people who are forever cynical and sceptical and will never believe anything and so do not be dissuaded by them and MAKE UP YOUR OWN MIND.




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Well it's been a while since I posted here and long story short, I've had to put off using this method for a while even though it seemed like I was actually getting some results at the start. All that aside, I have something I was going to ask Leon about his latest reply here in private but I'm going to just post it here since I feel it's something important to clear up for everybody.

My question is, Leon, how do you reconcile what you just said about getting a specific type of violet ray as close to the original with what you said in the ebook? (and I quote):

This device glows “purpleâ€￾ when it is used because the gas in the glass electrodes was originally
ARGON, which glows purple, and so some people think it is an ultra-violet lamp, but it is not. New
suppliers use NEON gas which glows RED and it is just as, if not more, effective than argon.



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ARCHON asked a question about "reconciling" what I said in the book about the violet ray device and one the one hand talking about staying true to Original science of TESLA with the other comment in the book that some devices use ARGON gas ( purple) while some new devices use NEON gas (red) and I invite you to post this response;

Please note that there is no contradiction here because if you read the history and science of this technology, the type of gas and the actual COLOUR is IRRELEVANT to the functioning of the violet ray device and manufacturers both in the past and in the present have used BOTH gases. What is more IMPORTANT is to "replicate" and STAY TRUE to the original specifications of the power output of the proper devices, meaning the VOLTAGE, the FREQUENCY RANGE and the AMPERAGE...anything else does not respect the original science and is useless, as far as I am concerned.

Also, thanks to ARCHON for buying the book.




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Thanks for your reply Leon! Yeah I didn't mean to imply that you were contradicting yourself, but someone else mentioned a possible relationship to the color of the ray a little earlier so I kind of wanted to nip that in the bud as well as clarify for myself.

This is the one I bought myself, but I don't know how "close" to the specifications it would be. It does give off that trademark ozone smell when you use it though. ... 969&sr=1-6

Also I wonder why you don't just start your own internet forum? But oh well, thanks again.