Maliniak Method


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Mine zaps really hard as well. I shudder to think how much it would hurt if it was turned up all the way. I can only tolerate the first few notches on the dial.

But then again, you're not supposed to turn it up TOO high!

Wayne Sunn

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Hi everyone. I'm new to this site, but not to hair loss. I've been desperately looking for a solution since 1998 or so. I'll try to express my thoughts as clearly as I can.

To those that are trying/considering the Maliniak Method, ie loosening the scalp and clearing the trapped dht from the hair follicles with a violet ray wand type of electrical device, I have some questions. Does anyone have any ideas or concepts about the "catch-22" aspect of the Maliniak Method, if it works?

Some example questions that come to mind, for example: What if you're covering up your hair loss with a hairpiece and must keep your scalp shaved at all times so the hairpiece will adhere to your scalp? How would you know if the Maliniak Method is growing hair back for you? Or would it actually be easier to have no hair on top of your head when using Mr Maliniak's approach, so that hopefully the violet ray wand could be more effective at clearing out the trapped dht in the follicles? It sounds like a catch-22 situation to me.

Another question that occurred to me is, what if someone is using a concealing powder like Couvre or Toppik on their scalp to disguise the hair loss? Don't those products clog the follicles or prevent the Maliniak Method from working? The catch-22 of this situation would be, what if a person uses the Maliniak approach, BUT they don't dare go in public without the hairloss concealing powder? Aren't those powders (and the hairsprays that hold them to your scalp) clogging the very follicles the Maliniak Method is trying to un-clog? Wouldn't that mean that you could never unclog your follicles using an electrical device until you stop using concealing powders? And for those that do use concealing powders, that puts them between a rock and a hard place if their hair loss has not been "outed" yet, and no one knows they've lost hair. Who in this position would stop using hair concealers and make that kind of "leap of faith" while waiting for the Maliniak Method to work? I've heard before that hair loss concealment powders do not clog the follicles, but that information is understandably coming from the manufacturers, and I'd prefer an unbiased source for the answer. And that's another catch-22 type situation, at least from what I can tell. I would love to be wrong.

I personally think Leon Maliniak's method sounds great, but I'd love to see other people who've actually done it make their presence known and post some photos and details of how long it took them to regrow hair, etc. The only success with this method I've seen are Mr Maliniak's photos on his website, but I don't doubt his results for a minute.

Wishing everyone here freedom from the tyranny of hair loss.



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none of your questions really seem to make any sense Wayne. No, don't zap your hairpiece, and spraying paint on your scalp isn't going to affect dht in your follicles at all. Give the method a try and let us know what happens, thats what a few of us are doing here..

Wayne Sunn

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Hello zambutu, and thank you for the reply. Sorry that I didn't make my point clearly enough, I guess. What I'm asking those who've actually tried the Maliniak Method is this:

How does someone use the Maliniak Method of loosening the scalp and using a violet ray wand electrical device to unclog the dht from their hair follicles if:

1) They're wearing a hairpiece (which requires a cleanly-shaven scalp). How can you know if the Maliniak Method is working if your scalp must be clean shaven all the times so the hairpiece properly adheres to the scalp? And please note Zambutu that I didn't mean to imply to you that people zapped the hairpiece itself with a violet ray wand. Of course I meant that they use the violet ray wand on their scalp when their hairpiece is off their heads :)

2) And what if the person in question is using a concealing powder like Couvre, which may continuously clog up the hair follicles that the Maliniak Method is trying to UNclog? Again, I never suggested that anyone spraypaint their scalp, but I don't see how putting powder on your scalp on a regular basis could possibly help the process of cleaning/un-clogging the scalp. I hope I'm wrong about that.

How does someone in those circumstances try the Maliniak Method without tipping people off that they've lost their hair? Imagine being in those two "catch-22" circumstances I mentioned above for a moment, ie quitting the use of scalp concealing powders or to stop wearing a hairpiece so you don't have to shave your head cleanly so the hairpiece adheres to your scalp, in order to give the Maliniak Method a chance to work. For those that would be bothered by being "outed" about their hair loss, can you imagine the humiliation if someone in the circumstances above tried the Maliniak Method as a "leap of faith", stopped covering their hair with a hairpiece or powders, then people found out they were bald, and then the Maliniak Method did not work for them? There would be no "going back" to covering up your hair loss with powder concealers or a hairpiece now. That's my whole point.

How would you go from those 2 circumstances (among others), then try the Maliniak Method withOUT tipping people off that you've lost hair? This of course presumes that no one is yet AWARE that you've lost your hair, and that you DO mind if they find out, which is true for most of us. Just like most of us, I wish there wasn't prejudice against people who've lost some or all of their hair in society, but there is such prejudice.

Thanks for reading my reply Zambutu, and I look forward to more participation from you and others. I would love to see this method put an end to hair loss once and for all, but it DOES raise questions as to how you would pull it all off without people realizing you've lost your hair, presuming they don't already know.



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tipping people off that you've lost your hair? hairloss is widespread and normal, no one is going to hate you for it wayne. I've had a shaved head for 7 years, this is the best way to see if something is working or not.

also, i think you're reading too much in to this "clogging and unclogging" the pores bit. He's talking about dislodging dht at the celular level and you are talking about a physical contaminent over the pore on the skin.

Wayne Sunn

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Zambutu, that would be great news if using concealing powders like Couvre or Toppik did nothing to interfere with the unblocking of dht from the follicles by use of a violet ray wand. I hope you're right, and thanks for the reply. The reason I'm so interested in this is because I DO believe the Maliniak Method has potential to work, but what about the people who are using concealing powders or hairpieces? I use Couvre, and it would be glaringly obvious that much of my hair is gone if I stopped using it. I dare not stop using Couvre or shave my head and wait for the Maliniak Method to work, if it would in fact work for me. I do not possess a pretty face and could not pull off the bald look at all. I'm afraid it would ruin my life.

If you're right about hair powders not interfering with the removal of dht, then that's one problem out of the way. I'm glad to hear from you, and I've got my fingers crossed for everyone who gives this method a try.



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I guess there is no for sure answer to your question(s), since this is such a new method. My gut instinct would tell me, as Zambutu said, that using concealer would not make a difference in the method's effectiveness. It's goal is to unclog DHT, which is at a very small scale, not some powder that might sit on your scalp. That being said, I DO think it would be advisable to wash the concealer from your scalp very thoroughly.


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Hello everybody, I'm new to this forum (as a matter of fact this is my first time posting here). Like many of you I am looking for a way to get back my hair and this method seems to make sense to me. Many months have passed since some of you started with this treatment so I was wondering if you could tell us if it is doing to your scalp what it promises or not. I am willing to buy a violet ray machine, but before i do it I just need some confirmations. Thanx


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Well, after a 5 week wait, I finally have a damn machine. A full power one. As of today, I start the program. I will report at the end of each month. I just tried it out and it is a hair raising experience isn't it? I still have over 80% of my hair and for a time it was standing up like I had my finger in an electrical socket, lol!

Although I have most of my hair, what I have lost is about a 1" square at each temple which I only have about 10 hairs left so it will be easy to see regrowth in that area if it happens.

And awaaaayyy we go......

If anyone is wondering what it feels like, imagine someone rubbing their feet on a carpet and touching you giving you a shock. Now imagine that in rapid fire. It's not really a bad feeling. I think I even tasted fillings a bit.


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Hi Learner,

While we have been speculating about this method for several months, most of us are just jumping on board with the correct spec'd device. I think I was the first to receive a high powered one and I began using it about 1 month ago. As the way with any hair loss treatment, results (if any) take time and persistence. I am not expecting to see anything major until the new year.

Also, since I only have temple loss, some of that may never come back. But experiencing hairloss at such an early age (17 probably when it started), it is clear that my condition is aggressive. If I maintain what i have after 6 - 12 months, then to me that is an indication that it is working.

Drex1999, it's crazy the difference between a cheaper model and the one you just bought isn't it? The highest setting on my cheap model is not as powerful/doesn't give the same feel as the lower setting on the more expensive one. When i first tried it out I was shocked by the power of the thing. I wouldn't dare use it above the first few notches.


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I might end up trying it, since I'm getting pretty desperate now. :( I have about 90% of my hair, just trying to get my old hair line back.

How much did you guys pay for your ray machine?


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Elliot or Drex, could you please PM me with the name of the higher powered device that you purchased. I bought the ebook and am very interested in picking up a wand but the one in the back of the book doesn't resemble the device in the video. Does yours have the comb like glass attachment? Any info would be greatly appreciated.


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Mine is called an Electro-technic. Mine came as a kit but it seems you can buy the attachments separate. A google search just now came up with this ebay listing below. Although it's old, it gives you an idea. That metal pin thing just pulls out and the rake you can buy plugs in. Maybe contact the company for more info. ... 0487402000


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these things are marketed as some kind of perverted sex toy, i can't imagine what these people are thinking. :gay:


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We're probably doing it wrong. Stuff one of these things up your *** and turn it on and hair would probably shoot out of your head, lol!


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I realized that some of these are marketed as a sex toy. I really would rather not know what exactly people use it for in that way. 8O


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Thanks for the link for the device Drex. I have been emailing Leon back and forth and I purchased one through his site. I will get back to you all with any progress I hopefully have with the massage and the wand. I almost lost my lunch with that comment on sticking the wand up our ***, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. If nothing else at least we can have a good laugh, maybe even some success.


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Best of luck Cleve55

I can only imagine what it would be like to crank that thing up to full power and....

I'll leave it there.

As my luck will have it, I was doing the routine last night and the electrode appeared to loose its seal. The sparks slowly got less and less until it was nothing.

The device works though, it still gives a huge shock when touched near the base where the electrode goes in.


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Just one word of advice: there is a reason why Mr.Maliniak recommend using a low to medium setting on the violet ray. If you read some of the old German texts (can be found freely on the internet, in German), they explain that you should never use the violet ray at a high setting, as the skin then automatically builds a resistance (a natural response to protect itself) and the violet ray will cause the opposite of what you want (no hair growth possible!). That is why you should always use it at a low setting, only after some time (and also starting out each session at the lowest setting) may you increase to a medium setting (better to stay on the low side though). Also it is stated that it is better to use it 2-3 times for a short interval (5 minutes) instead of twice at 10 minutes.
So, if you have been using the violet ray for some months now without ay success, it is probably that your setting is way too high and/or you are using it for extended periods instead of very short ones.
From the posts here I see that many have gone overboard and naturally there are no success stories expected if done in this matter.
Hope this helps!