Maliniak Method


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baroudeur said:
balder said:
Hair growth can be stimulated with electrostatic fields generated by devices like the violet ray ... l=CRTCF.PK

Current Technology Corporation (Current Technology), incorporated on June 3, 1986, is focused on the development and distribution of electrotherapeutic products. Specifically the Company has focused on ElectroTrichoGenesis (ETG or ETG Treatment) and CosmeticTrichoGenesis (CTG or CTG Mark 5), and collectively referred to as TrichoGenesis. The Company has developed an electrotherapeutic device, which reduces excessive hair loss and is also focused to stimulate hair regrowth in those who suffer from androgenetic alopecia (common baldness).


I guess someone forgot their RU dose today ¯\_(?)_/¯


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RU is proven,i don't sell it

enjoy your "maliniak method",hope you sell more 30$ ebooks :jackit:


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baroudeur said:
RU is proven,i don't sell it

enjoy your "maliniak method",hope you sell more 30$ ebooks :jackit:

let me know when you break the 1k barrier on hair loss products because I reckon it's happening soon. :bravo:


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LOL 1k??? this is nothing if treatment is proven,will be willing to spend any money for thtreatment proven to work
this "maliniak method should go to success stories,this thread looks like the promotion of a 30$ ebook and some machines


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i hope RU becomes cheaper so you can afford it,it works
but sorry i can't afford a useless 30ebook and a machine wich i will end up throwing like my 1500$ laser helmet


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baroudeur said:
i hope RU becomes cheaper so you can afford it,it works
but sorry i can't afford a useless 30ebook and a machine wich i will end up throwing like my 1500$ laser helmet

oh oops looks like you already broke that 1k barrier. let me know when you get to 10k instead. :punk:


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JosephHowl said:
baroudeur said:
i hope RU becomes cheaper so you can afford it,it works
but sorry i can't afford a useless 30ebook and a machine wich i will end up throwing like my 1500$ laser helmet

oh oops looks like you already broke that 1k barrier. let me know when you get to 10k instead. :punk:

you can't afford ,keep :jackit: on your 30$ ebook


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I don't understand why you are even participating in this thread. You've made your opinion known (Although it is not very founded. It sounds more like a personal attack rather than based on reason).

If you don't want to use these methods and would rather go for treatments that cost way more than a "30$ ebook" then fine, go. But stop trolling this thread with unfounded criticism. If you have a legit scientific reason why this method can't work, then go ahead and let us know. But "I bet this guy is on a hairloss drug" or "his pictures are fake" just doesn't really cut it.


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baroudeur said:
JosephHowl said:
baroudeur said:
i hope RU becomes cheaper so you can afford it,it works
but sorry i can't afford a useless 30ebook and a machine wich i will end up throwing like my 1500$ laser helmet

oh oops looks like you already broke that 1k barrier. let me know when you get to 10k instead. :punk:

you can't afford ,keep :jackit: on your 30$ ebook

thank god it was only $30. wouldn't want to waste $1.5k on a laser helmet now would I?


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elliotramsey said:

I don't understand why you are even participating in this thread. You've made your opinion known (Although it is not very founded. It sounds more like a personal attack rather than based on reason).

If you don't want to use these methods and would rather go for treatments that cost way more than a "30$ ebook" then fine, go. But stop trolling this thread with unfounded criticism. If you have a legit scientific reason why this method can't work, then go ahead and let us know. But "I bet this guy is on a hairloss drug" or "his pictures are fake" just doesn't really cut it.

He's just attention-whoring. Probably also mad about all the money he's blowing on RU like the others said. I just went ahead and put him on the ignore list, but personally I hope he never does try the Maliniak Method. :)


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well i'm coming up on 3 months here, 4 months of scalp massages. Zero results yet.. :( three months is typically the standard milestone marker for seeing a difference with any formula.. not looking good


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37, hairloss is widespread, but not slick bald at all, plenty of good fuzz ready for action.

I used the violet zapper every morning and night for 15 mins each usually. one scalp massage per day usually 10 or 15 mins.


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Do you do the massage right before the violet ray? Relaxing the galea first seems to be something maliniak stresses as most important


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Two things here.

You have to make sure your machine is as efficient as the one Maliniak uses.

First SIGNS of improvement are supposed to appear after 4 months. That doesn't mean it will happen after 4 months for everyone (some may have to wait longer) and these signs are supposed to be noticeable but small.

I'm not saying the Maliniak method works. I don't know. Just want to clarify a bit these details.


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well i got one off ebay for nearly 100$. I don't know what's efficient or not, i can turn it up enough to sting my skin, although it weakens a bit after it warms in 15 mins and i keep turning it up.

The ones maliniak promotes are 300$. he said he was going to come out with one of his own to sell, but i still see no info on it. I don't think its wise to splurge on the expensive one until you know this can work.

I havn't read the ebook for a while, but i assume the 4 months was for him right? My hair is buzzed, so i'm very familiar with every hair up front. No change in the peach fuzz, skin colour or skin quality at 3 months here at all. I'm not quitting or anything, will go for 6 months..


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When someone is on hairloss meds, how long is it typically before they experience a shed from the med?

around 2 months or so?

I'm coming up at 2 and 1/2 months using the violet ray-massage and I believe I am experiencing a "shed" in the areas i applied the violet ray, mostly at the front. Hair has been falling out easier for about a week now. For the most part, a majority of the hairs look perfectly healthy, with some thinner ones mixed in.

I asked Maliniak about it and he thinks it is a good sign that the treatment is working. He said that when he was first doing the treatment, he didn't really have much hair to shed, but about a year after wards a small patch of hair began to shed more rapidly. This concerned him at first but after a month or so thicker hair was growing in that area.

So if i am indeed experiencing a shed. That's a good thing. My hair is not noticeably thinner than it was a couple months ago. And recent pictures show a possibly better hairline at the temples than when I started the skull expansion and tom hagerty exercises last year.