Maliniak Method


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I guess this is really in response to drex, even though it was cassin's post that really brought it to my attention. The answer to your question is that I had gotten some small results already. I only noticed them because they are completely new terminal hairs that appeared in an area of my head that was completely bald before. If it was in any other part I wouldn't have noticed so quickly.

Of course I realize nobody's going to believe that anyway. This is how it works on here.. people make up their mind about the answer to something and when somebody else comes along and says something contrary to their dogma they scream "pics!" then even when pics are provided they make up some other excuse of how the pics were really just faked, etc. They're never going to be satisfied. It's fine though, since I really don't give a crap whether or not anyone else tries this.


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I'm sure that even if there was solid proof that it worked (e.g. irrefutable pictures) the moderators (among others) would still turn a blind eye. Apparently the only things that "work" are expensive drugs and such.

The violet ray that matches the specs that Leon uses should be arriving soon. I will be documenting my progress (or lack thereof)


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I will soon join the game here. I have bought the book and am in the process of trying to get a used modern machine with the power reccomended by Leon. If that is to fall through in the next few days, I will go with the one mentioned by Archon or a Jellen one that is just slightly less powerful than reccomended. I will post the exact date I start and update my progress month to month.

I went back and forth with Leon with multiple e-mails, even though I had told him I had not bought the book yet. It was quite a bit of effort just to sell a $30 book. There are much simpler ways for a lawyer to make $30 imo. If you look, there is evidence these machines have worked in the past. Maybe Leon has made the rules for success. I don't know yet but I have seen enough to drop $250 on the experiment. I believe Leon believes this will work. There is no other reason for his enthusiasim, imo.

I ask Archon if he could look and tell us how many KHZ his machine has. I am just looking for the best back up if my deal falls through.


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it's been a while, and well it looks like we have a whopping sample size of 3 people who have tried this and it appears 1 may have responded positively. anyways i'm just starting this now (actually got the device ages ago but was too lazy), i'll see how it goes. i recall leon saying younger subjects in the early stages of hair loss respond better/faster to his method. we'll see.


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I would be grateful if you would post this letter of appreciation which I address to you and to the other recent posters;

I am really overwhelmed by the POSITIVE responses and reactions I have seen recently from yourself and other members of your forum. It is especially gratifying that as a result of reading my lengthy letters and thus getting a chance to know me better, they have correctly concluded that I must be SINCERE in all of this and are willing to give the MALINIAK METHOD a try. They have correctly judged that I am not doing all of this just to sell a $ 30.00 book. I suffered from HAIR LOSS and male pattern baldness my whole adult life and been as frustrated and traumatized as all of you. I have finally come up with something which MAKES SENSE and which works and I want ALL OF US TO GET OUR HAIR BACK. That's why I have disclosed so much of this method on this forum even though it could reduce my book sales.

But to make sure your people are really doing the MALINIAK METHOD as it should be done, I strongly suggest that they get the book themselves, understand the whole science and rely on partial, second hand info, or else they will not really be on this method properly. They must also absolutely get the correct VIOLET RAY device which comes as close to the ORIGINAL SCIENCE as possible, or else, again, they will not really be on the MALINIAK METHOD.

They can still all buy a device directly themselves, but those who don't want to shop around can get now finally get one from us directly. It will cost more then buying direct but it will save the running around and the uncertainty. Until now we did not even sell a VIOLET RAY ourselves and we only added this service recently because so many of our members said they did not want to shop around and wanted to be sure they were using the RIGHT MACHINE. So everyone still has a free choice. But those who want to can email me for the link to the buy page.

So to answer ARCHON, the machine he posted the link for looks similar to many others I tested and even though I do not know that particular company's specs, based on the price they are asking and the cosmetic appearance of it, it closely resembles others I have tested which have NOT been adequate for stimulating the SCALP follicles and they are sold mainly for facial treatments.

The TOP quality machines are only a few hundred dollars more and it is really worth it...because they give results. These other, lower powered machines do not.



I just remind everyone AGAIN and AGAIN that for those of us with this problem, the follicles are under constant and never-ending pressure from the factors which are causing our hair loss, the TIGHT GALEA and the over-production and accumulation of DHT, and if you are older, meaning in your late twenties or more, they have been slowly "shutting down" for they will not revive overnight. YOU MUST STAY WITH IT AND BE PATIENT. Everyone will have different response rates but in my case, at 62 years old, it took me four months before I saw one new hair...but then it accelerated. Our other younger men saw much faster results.





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elliotramsey said:
The TOP quality machines are only a few hundred dollars more and it is really worth it...because they give results. These other, lower powered machines do not.

huh? so lowered powered machines don't work? this is not what he told me in a e-mail. also according to his e-book, "increasing the power did not seem to make any difference."


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Per Leon:

The recent comment from JosephHOWL is another classical example of why people have to absolutely get the book and read it themselves and not rely on the second hand "partial" accounts of others because his comment is completely wrong and misleading. It refers to one line in a paragraph and leaves out the other parts of the paragraph and the next paragraph which complete the statement and put his extract in the proper context, and which results in a totally different understanding. Someone just reading his partial comment would be misled and confused and think there is a contradiction and there is not.

The COMPLETE extract, the important parts which I added "highlights" to, are on pages 59 and 60 of the book, is as follows;

" I just suggest you start at VERY LOW POWER settings, especially with the more powerful machines, which is what I have been doing. After a while I increased the power and experimented to see if that improves or accelerates the results. At first, when I wrote the first edition of this book, I said that increasing the power did not seem to make any difference and that I got as good results as with the lower power settings, but as time went on after about six months I used a higher power level on the RESISTENT area, and I did get better results.

All of this was using a QUALITY device with classical specs prescribed in the original TESLA devices; a 300-500 KHZ frequency range and 10,000-50,000 volts @ .03 amps. Cheaper machines with lower outputs DID NOT WORK and did not get results in my personal experiments. So if you want to buy a cheaper machine, check that at least the output matches these “classicâ€￾ specs as closely as possible.

One day, after more research we may find that there is an OPTIMAL frequency and voltage level for hair growth, as with other applications of the science of RESONANCE, but for now, myself and our various other members seem to be getting results from machines with any kind of decent output which are close to these classical specs. But to avoid confusion, I still strongly recommend one of the top QUALITY devices with the proper specs, like the one we now directly resell from an established manufacturer. "

I am sure that JosephHOWL did not mean to deliberately mislead anybody and he probably only reviewed a small part of those pages before making his comment but it proves my point that people who really want to see what the MALINIAK METHOD is all about and get the WHOLE story must read the book themselves or they will miss out on the potential benefits of this treatment method.





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elliotramsey said:
Per Leon:

The recent comment from JosephHOWL is another classical example of why people have to absolutely get the book and read it themselves and not rely on the second hand "partial" accounts of others because his comment is completely wrong and misleading. It refers to one line in a paragraph and leaves out the other parts of the paragraph and the next paragraph which complete the statement and put his extract in the proper context, and which results in a totally different understanding. Someone just reading his partial comment would be misled and confused and think there is a contradiction and there is not.

The COMPLETE extract, the important parts which I added "highlights" to, are on pages 59 and 60 of the book, is as follows;

" I just suggest you start at VERY LOW POWER settings, especially with the more powerful machines, which is what I have been doing. After a while I increased the power and experimented to see if that improves or accelerates the results. At first, when I wrote the first edition of this book, I said that increasing the power did not seem to make any difference and that I got as good results as with the lower power settings, but as time went on after about six months I used a higher power level on the RESISTENT area, and I did get better results.

All of this was using a QUALITY device with classical specs prescribed in the original TESLA devices; a 300-500 KHZ frequency range and 10,000-50,000 volts @ .03 amps. Cheaper machines with lower outputs DID NOT WORK and did not get results in my personal experiments. So if you want to buy a cheaper machine, check that at least the output matches these “classicâ€￾ specs as closely as possible.

One day, after more research we may find that there is an OPTIMAL frequency and voltage level for hair growth, as with other applications of the science of RESONANCE, but for now, myself and our various other members seem to be getting results from machines with any kind of decent output which are close to these classical specs. But to avoid confusion, I still strongly recommend one of the top QUALITY devices with the proper specs, like the one we now directly resell from an established manufacturer. "

I am sure that JosephHOWL did not mean to deliberately mislead anybody and he probably only reviewed a small part of those pages before making his comment but it proves my point that people who really want to see what the MALINIAK METHOD is all about and get the WHOLE story must read the book themselves or they will miss out on the potential benefits of this treatment method.




Thanks for your input Leon.

But we have a rule on about it being salesman or company rep free. Look around they don't exist. While we appreciate your comments speaking to people on this forum, even passivel,y breaks the spirit of the rule. We have some very good people I would love to have here that we unfortunately can't have an account here and I respectfully ask that you just let this and other threads run their natural course.

Thank you.


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Actually I have your e-book and I'll quote it right here:

"I make no technical or performance claims about any of these machines, so read the owner’s manual very carefully and follow the instructions to use it correctly and safely. It’s really easy. I just suggest you start at VERY LOW POWER settings, especially with the more powerful machines, which is what I have been doing. After a while I increased the power and experimented to see if that improves or accelerates the results. So far, increasing the power did not seem to make any difference. I will e-mail our buyers with any new updates or developments about my progress. But for now I am satisfied with the performance of the older weaker model and recommend any such weaker device for anyone starting this method. If they choose to buy a more powerful unit then they should use it at the lowest power setting available."

Apparently you have "revised" your e-book to which I never received updates as promised according to your website.

Also I have sent a e-mail to you to which you responded that a lower budget device was sufficient. I have the e-mail.

There is no misleading, you simply "changed" your opinions.

elliotramsey said:
Per Leon:

The recent comment from JosephHOWL is another classical example of why people have to absolutely get the book and read it themselves and not rely on the second hand "partial" accounts of others because his comment is completely wrong and misleading. It refers to one line in a paragraph and leaves out the other parts of the paragraph and the next paragraph which complete the statement and put his extract in the proper context, and which results in a totally different understanding. Someone just reading his partial comment would be misled and confused and think there is a contradiction and there is not.

The COMPLETE extract, the important parts which I added "highlights" to, are on pages 59 and 60 of the book, is as follows;

" I just suggest you start at VERY LOW POWER settings, especially with the more powerful machines, which is what I have been doing. After a while I increased the power and experimented to see if that improves or accelerates the results. At first, when I wrote the first edition of this book, I said that increasing the power did not seem to make any difference and that I got as good results as with the lower power settings, but as time went on after about six months I used a higher power level on the RESISTENT area, and I did get better results.

All of this was using a QUALITY device with classical specs prescribed in the original TESLA devices; a 300-500 KHZ frequency range and 10,000-50,000 volts @ .03 amps. Cheaper machines with lower outputs DID NOT WORK and did not get results in my personal experiments. So if you want to buy a cheaper machine, check that at least the output matches these “classicâ€￾ specs as closely as possible.

One day, after more research we may find that there is an OPTIMAL frequency and voltage level for hair growth, as with other applications of the science of RESONANCE, but for now, myself and our various other members seem to be getting results from machines with any kind of decent output which are close to these classical specs. But to avoid confusion, I still strongly recommend one of the top QUALITY devices with the proper specs, like the one we now directly resell from an established manufacturer. "

I am sure that JosephHOWL did not mean to deliberately mislead anybody and he probably only reviewed a small part of those pages before making his comment but it proves my point that people who really want to see what the MALINIAK METHOD is all about and get the WHOLE story must read the book themselves or they will miss out on the potential benefits of this treatment method.





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elliotramsey said:
So to answer ARCHON, the machine he posted the link for looks similar to many others I tested and even though I do not know that particular company's specs, based on the price they are asking and the cosmetic appearance of it, it closely resembles others I have tested which have NOT been adequate for stimulating the SCALP follicles and they are sold mainly for facial treatments.

The TOP quality machines are only a few hundred dollars more and it is really worth it...because they give results. These other, lower powered machines do not.


Well the other thing is I had also used this (apparently not real violet ray? lol) device at pretty close to full-power instead of at the "lowest" setting as you'd advised in the book. I don't know if that could possibly compensate some. :) I've seen some youtube videos of more standard-issue violet rays and they DO seem to pack a lot more punch than the one I'm using, which can barely make any sort of spark even at full strength. Hopefully what I'm doing makes it at least somewhat comparable to what you recommend.

(I know you can't respond to this here now Leon so I'll make this my last response to you on here and any further correspondence will be in private. Thanks!)


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drex1999 said:
I ask Archon if he could look and tell us how many KHZ his machine has. I am just looking for the best back up if my deal falls through.

From the manual:

"The characteristics of the current are high frequency (110-400kHz), high voltage (about 20kV) and low amperage (no more than 100-200mA)."


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Okay, i've finally received one of the devices that matches the specs that Leon uses and let me tell you, he was NOT lying when he said that there is a difference between the cheaper machines and the more expensive ones that he recommends. The lowest setting on the new machine is probably more powerful than the highest setting on the cheaper device. It is also physically much bigger than the cheaper one.

All this makes me realize right off the bat why he has been stressing that it would be more beneficial to obtain a higher quality machine. Just experiencing these differences alone tells me that there is a huge difference between a cheaper device and the more expensive ones


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well mine hasn't come in yet, but i noticed in videos that the better machine's 'spark' really jumps the air gap to their fingers, where as my cheap one does not do this well


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Yes the sparks definitely "jump" farther. And that is on the lowest setting. I dare not go anywhere near the thing with it turned up past the lowest setting!


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well my device just arrived today, so i'm officially on track starting now..

it sure zaps hard tho, it stings!! I could use this to kill ants and bugs if it doesn't work out for my hair..!