Maliniak Method


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Hey BadMucker, I'm sorry you haven't had amazing results but like you said, you haven't been able to "get to it" on a regular basis. This might be your problem.


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Hey BadMucker, I'm sorry you haven't had amazing results but like you said, you haven't been able to "get to it" on a regular basis. This might be your problem.

Yep, I agree with you this is part of the issue as Leon has said from his blog. Consistency is the key to this method working. Without being really regular at it, every single day, your results will be negligible. This is why I had to get on and stay on Finasteride. However I'm regular with the wand and Tom Hagerty's exercises. The massage I'm still fairly regular with it as Tom's exercises can leave your neck feeling worked! I was really stunned that areas that I've wanted to fill in for a while now have actually shown some progress. So all I'm saying is I've had to adapt to my situation and what I respond to and I felt it might have been worth mentioning for others who might have had difficulty with consistency in performing "The Method".


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1 1/2 year results. Comparison pics of 3 months, 1 year and then the 1 1/2 years.





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Guys, you need to realize that DHT is only bad in low oxygen areas of the body. High oxygen = hair promotion/ low oxygen = miniaturization.

Low oxygen areas create an overproduction of DHT, since estradiol production needs a high oxygen environment; the conversion to estradiol cannot happen because the aromatase enzyme needs a high oxygen level "catalyst", therefore there is more free T for the 5ar to bind to, creting more DHT than the cells can process.

This is why finasteride does a poor job at reducing scalp DHT levels; it is being over produced locally.

The violet wand not only fixes the low oxygen condition, but it promotes growth factors by wounding the scalp via electrical sparks.


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Hey I'm new on this forum. I believe the maliniak method is the true cure for baldness. I noticed your progress was going good from your last posts on this thread.... How's it going buddy?

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Hey that's great progress!! Is that the frontal/temple area?


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drex1999..any chance you could take that last photo with everything combed back?


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I agree with Jacob... Take new pics of your progress but please comb your hair the same way as the before pics so that we can see how much actual progress you've made.... Btw is this the frontal area of the scalp?


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Temporary Wounding?

Guys, you need to realize that DHT is only bad in low oxygen areas of the body. High oxygen = hair promotion/ low oxygen = miniaturization.

Low oxygen areas create an overproduction of DHT, since estradiol production needs a high oxygen environment; the conversion to estradiol cannot happen because the aromatase enzyme needs a high oxygen level "catalyst", therefore there is more free T for the 5ar to bind to, creting more DHT than the cells can process.

This is why finasteride does a poor job at reducing scalp DHT levels; it is being over produced locally.

The violet wand not only fixes the low oxygen condition, but it promotes growth factors by wounding the scalp via electrical sparks.

Hey SlowMoe, actually what you said actually speaks volumes to me. My question to you is, if the wand wounds the scalp, do you think people should leave a day in between treatments to allow the growth factors to kick in and actually work? I'm thinking that the violet ray may kind of make small damage to the scalp kind of like those dermalrollers for skin. Those dermal rollers are actually supposed to help you get rid of most superficial scars and perfrom an exfoliation type action. The dermal rollers actually are supposed to help promote growth factors such as collagen production to the area treated. The dermal rollers suggest leaving a DAY in between treatments. Leon however suggests daily use of the violet wand so i'm not sure if the action is quite the same as a dermal roller. Any thoughts guys?


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Hey SlowMoe, actually what you said actually speaks volumes to me. My question to you is, if the wand wounds the scalp, do you think people should leave a day in between treatments to allow the growth factors to kick in and actually work? I'm thinking that the violet ray may kind of make small damage to the scalp kind of like those dermalrollers for skin. Those dermal rollers are actually supposed to help you get rid of most superficial scars and perfrom an exfoliation type action. The dermal rollers actually are supposed to help promote growth factors such as collagen production to the area treated. The dermal rollers suggest leaving a DAY in between treatments. Leon however suggests daily use of the violet wand so i'm not sure if the action is quite the same as a dermal roller. Any thoughts guys?

Yes!. I started using mine a week or so ago and I use it on a fairly high setting that is quite painful the day of and the day after. So yes I think it is very important to wait for the inflammation to go away so the healing factors can run their course. :)

Another thing I notice is that the emu oil I use (infused with saw palmetto oil) really calms the inflammation when applied the following day.


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About Intensity People are using with the official Violet Ray Wand

Yes!. I started using mine a week or so ago and I use it on a fairly high setting that is quite painful the day of and the day after. So yes I think it is very important to wait for the inflammation to go away so the healing factors can run their course. :)

Another thing I notice is that the emu oil I use (infused with saw palmetto oil) really calms the inflammation when applied the following day.

Hey again moe, one thing you might want to consider with your intensity of violet ray. Leon has suggested that this violet ray should not be painful while you are using it. According to Leon you should only turn the power knob half a turn after you notice electricity flowing in the glass rod. is an easier way to measure how much power to use. If you turn your violet ray allllll the way off, (i.e. where it cannot unscrew any further, and there is not electricity flowing in the glass rod. Your violet ray is also completely vertical at this point) then turn it 1 complete turn, this is about the most power you need to apply. Do you doubt me? Here do this test: after you have followed my intensity suggestion as stated above, put the violet ray to your chest (don't do this if you have a pacemaker please...). When you do this you will feel the ray touching you deeeeeply into your chest. Trust me this will actually happen. This is how you know, you don't need more power than 1 full turn to apply to your scalp, because if the violet ray can hit that deep in your chest (seeing is believing here gents) no way in hell could you possibly need more power! In fact someone had pointed out early last year in this forum that too much power could actually damage your follicles. (I believe it was some study in Germany. Yes, scary I know)


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Hey again moe, one thing you might want to consider with your intensity of violet ray. Leon has suggested that this violet ray should not be painful while you are using it. According to Leon you should only turn the power knob half a turn after you notice electricity flowing in the glass rod. is an easier way to measure how much power to use. If you turn your violet ray allllll the way off, (i.e. where it cannot unscrew any further, and there is not electricity flowing in the glass rod. Your violet ray is also completely vertical at this point) then turn it 1 complete turn, this is about the most power you need to apply. Do you doubt me? Here do this test: after you have followed my intensity suggestion as stated above, put the violet ray to your chest (don't do this if you have a pacemaker please...). When you do this you will feel the ray touching you deeeeeply into your chest. Trust me this will actually happen. This is how you know, you don't need more power than 1 full turn to apply to your scalp, because if the violet ray can hit that deep in your chest (seeing is believing here gents) no way in hell could you possibly need more power! In fact someone had pointed out early last year in this forum that too much power could actually damage your follicles. (I believe it was some study in Germany. Yes, scary I know)

Oh really...I always thought is needed to be as powerful as could be tolerated....Did Leon say this in his book?


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So no answer for me? Lol. I just want to know if I'll be able to grow my hairline back using this method. Me temples just starred receeding =\


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BeliefISKEy..don't forget to buy his device- others are crap! And here I thought he was just selling a book :woot:

Notice the words "this cure for baldness" etc on his website. While such a "method" and even device may be helpful...all you have to do is see how he's calling it a "cure" should be enough for you to just move on. I've been hearing/reading about this for years and never seen anything that shows it does any better than anything else. You know what they say- just about ANYthing can grow SOME hair.

He says he'll have a full head of hair in one year if things continue as they are, this was in 2011: (7:28)

I'd be willing to bet things aren't much better these days.

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Here's the page with his cure talk: pattern baldness-has-finally-been-found/

He's got about 1/4 page just for his "Tags" 8O But it's not like he's trying to get the word out..sell more books..and now gadgets! :woot:


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Does Maliniak Mention intensity in his book?

Oh really...I always thought is needed to be as powerful as could be tolerated....Did Leon say this in his book?
He does mention intensity in his book. However I am referring to the first generation of his e-book. I'm not exactly sure if the intensity is mentioned again in the newest version but I am pretty sure he does specify in all versions that the intensity should be like half a turn after the unit starts to make that buzzing sound.


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Jacob, even the mediocre results drex got are still more than minoxidil or finasteride ever got on the bald areas of the hairline. If you disagree please provide proof


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Jacob, even the mediocre results drex got are still more than minoxidil or finasteride ever got on the bald areas of the hairline. If you disagree please provide proof

Ah...we, including YOU, are still awaiting better pictures from DREX to "provide proof". I guess it's taking him more time to..get it right.
Are you going to buy the new version e-book btw? It's too bad someone who just pops in just happens to only have an old version :(

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Jacob... That machine "The violet ray" used to cure every skinny known to nan before the inventor of it (Nokola Tesla) was murdered and his info was confiscated. He also invented free energy. If there's a method that wires its THIS METHOD. A recent study came out that supports maliniaks claims. The Nordstrom study is garbage. Stop discrediting this method and grow some hair will you? I have a master violet ray and might be upgrading to maliniaks machine. You seem to know nothing about the violet ray or Mr. Maliniak at all. This guy has given out free E books and free machines to people. He not only found a cure to baldness... He is trying to find an alternative cure for cancer too. Unfortunately for him a lot of his fair follicles died already (he's been bald for a very long time) follicles take about 20-30 years to die out after being dormant for do long. I just lost some hair a couple months ago and I believe stress had a lot to do with it. With this method in conjunction with emu oil and EFT tapping I'm gonna restore my hairline back to the way it was. I understand how people like you can be skeptical about a new "cure" to baldness simply because there are so many frauds out there, BUT THIS METHOD RIGHT HERE I BELIEVE TO BE LEGIT. Anyone else with me?

And there you have it folks. Yet another newbie asking about this(you even say above "So no answer for me? Lol. I just want to know if I'll be able to grow my hairline back using this method. Me temples just starred receeding =\ ") while at the same time calling it the "cure"..etc. Where/who have we heard "stop discrediting this method...." from before? :rolleyes: Amazingly you're also going to "upgrade" to "maliniaks machine". Shocking!

So Slowmoe..are you going to ask "BeliefISKEY" for proof that it's the cure?

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The only review at Amazon:

Now watch 4-5 star reviews magically start appearing there.


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That would be your best move.."I'm off this". You're digging a hole for yourself deeper with every post.

"You want to stay bald"..can you guess who also says that?

Looking back at your previous posts..." The Nordstrom study is garbage."

On and on