Maliniak Method


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i think i plateaued at the 5 month mark. It gave a slightly better than minoxidil effect, but nothing really to right home about, so no cosmetic regrowth. 7.5 month mark here and its maintenance that im looking for.


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zambutu said:
i think i plateaued at the 5 month mark. It gave a slightly better than minoxidil effect, but nothing really to right home about, so no cosmetic regrowth. 7.5 month mark here and its maintenance that im looking for.

oh wow.... I could probably do nothing for 8 months and for me it would look like I maintained as well


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2020 said:
oh wow.... I could probably do nothing for 8 months and for me it would look like I maintained as well

I know quite a few people who did nothing for 8 months and their hair is quite a bit worse... so don't think your arrogant comments are true for everyone.

Personally, when I comb my hair back there is a bunch of short hairs at the hairline. Good or bad? Not sure, but i'll be getting a haircut in the next week or so, so I will definitely be able to tell when that happens.


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I'm just saying that's it not fair to blame your results on maliniak method when you're taking four other things...


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4. castrated men fail to regrow hair, so dht might be required for hair growth, too much dht however has the opposite effect

So your claiming you might need DHT to grow hair but too much of it stops hair growth? Sounds logical to me I will try that.


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abcdefg said:
4. castrated men fail to regrow hair, so dht might be required for hair growth, too much dht however has the opposite effect

So your claiming you might need DHT to grow hair but too much of it stops hair growth? Sounds logical to me I will try that.

how could DHT be both good at low doses and bad in high doses? plenty of people are extremely hairy due to high DHT yet they still have 100% of their scalp hair


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2020 said:
abcdefg said:
4. castrated men fail to regrow hair, so dht might be required for hair growth, too much dht however has the opposite effect

So your claiming you might need DHT to grow hair but too much of it stops hair growth? Sounds logical to me I will try that.

how could DHT be both good at low doses and bad in high doses? plenty of people are extremely hairy due to high DHT yet they still have 100% of their scalp hair

Why do castrated men fail to show amazing regrowth? Why do they use Rogaine? Why does Rogaine by itself work for some people?

Maybe DHT is required for new growth, something else for continual growth.

As for those guys that are extremely hairy due to high DHT, what ever continues to grow hair is more resistant to DHT?

Does a lot of body hair have to = high DHT?


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i'm certain that i saw changes to the velus hairs, and it made my buzzed scalp feel a bit bristlier, but no cosmetic changes that i saw. this all came together at about the 5 month mark. havn't seen anything new for the last 2 months, thats why i'm going into maintenance mode.


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abcdefg said:
4. castrated men fail to regrow hair, so dht might be required for hair growth, too much dht however has the opposite effect

So your claiming you might need DHT to grow hair but too much of it stops hair growth? Sounds logical to me I will try that.

DHT and other androgens aren't needed AT ALL by scalp hair to grow. Scalp hair can have zero DHT, and grow just fine.


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Bryan said:
abcdefg said:
4. castrated men fail to regrow hair, so dht might be required for hair growth, too much dht however has the opposite effect

So your claiming you might need DHT to grow hair but too much of it stops hair growth? Sounds logical to me I will try that.

DHT and other androgens aren't needed AT ALL by scalp hair to grow. Scalp hair can have zero DHT, and grow just fine.

Grow is one thing, what about regrowth and new hairs?


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zeroes said:
Grow is one thing, what about regrowth and new hairs?

Scalp hair has no need whatsoever for DHT.


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I'm sure everyone is different and will respond differently. Perhaps maintenance is all that can be expected (for now).

At any rate, maintenance is success in my book.


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how could DHT be both good at low doses and bad in high doses?


Numerous things are good at low doses and bad at high.

eg: Water is good at the right dose, essential for life even, but fatal when consumed at high doses.

In fact, at the right dose anything can be dangerous.

This is not to say DHT is necessary for hair, but in general the logic you used there is extremely flawed. Substances don't contain essenses of "good" or "bad". Everything is context in biology.


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Bryan said:
zeroes said:
Grow is one thing, what about regrowth and new hairs?

Scalp hair has no need whatsoever for DHT.

In that case why does new hair fail to grow when a male is castrated?

Castrated men also loss body hair.


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zeroes said:
In that case why does new hair fail to grow when a male is castrated?

It depends on what caused the initial loss of hair. If it was caused by male pattern baldness and it first happened several years ago, it's too late to regrow it with castration, because severe damage has already been done to scalp hair follicles.

If the loss of hair was caused by severe malnutrition, then yes, it's possible that correcting the malnutrition may cause it to regrow.

zeroes said:
Castrated men also loss body hair.

Yes. So what? What's your point? Androgens stimulate the growth of most body hair.


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Well, I stalled out and stopped seeing progress after I posted my last picture 6 months ago. Then, two months ago I added to the program and it got things rolling again. I started brushing my hair with a boar bristle brush once a day until my scalp felt sore (only when it's dry). I started using Bronners Liquid Peppermint Soap on my bald spots and let it sit there in the shower and I started taking vitamin D. All that I am doing can be found to help if you use the internet. I was already pinching my scalp up, on top of the Maliniak Method which I continue to do daily. I am not the only person to do all this and I am not the only one seeing results but for those still following this thread, I came back for an update. I have been doing this for 1 year now and I am back to seeing new growth. It seems I can put pictures up here, so here is one from 2 months in and now a new one with new growth currently, at 1 year in so you can see the improvement. Click on the pictures a few times to really zoom in, especially on the new one. You can see the fine new terminal hair filling in.


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Wow that is great result. Be interesting to see what happens in another 6 months.


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Wow look at that. I definitely see progress.

You're definitely right about the "continuous path".. sometimes I feel like I see results, while other times I feel like i've stalled out.

Recently I revisited the issue of my dry scalp and how dead skin seems to layer itself on the scalp. I couldn't see how this would be a suitable environment to combat hairloss. I found a thread on this forum about scalp cleansing and hair/scalp products from JASON were recommended. I bought them and have been using them for a couple weeks now. I immediately noticed that the skin buildup has mostly gone away, itch is less noticeable, and the stuff makes my hair and scalp feel pretty nice. I'm extremely hopeful that this will create a more favorable environment for to see some more significant results beyond just stabilization.

Again, those are definitely results, there is no denying. Many congrats!


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Well no one has written here in a while, and let me say that I have been following this thing for a while.
What I would contribute is that I am trying the Maliniak Method with 1 of the Big 3 as well as Tom Hagerty's scalp exercises. Talk to Tom 1 day you'll see, he's a very reasonable humble guy and is not above agreeing with other methods. I know for a fact that Leon would hate to here that I am taking Finasteride in addition to his method. I guess in his mind it would be against the Maliniak Method. But I have found that personally without being on finasteride I experienced more shedding and less of the results that successful Maliniak customers have seen. I just find the massage technique is a bit lengthy and time consuming. I do the massage technique but sometimes I don't always get to it, that's why I've decided to resume finasteride in addition to all the Maliniak techniques. And before you ask YES I did go out and buy the actual wand from the master himself, Leon Maliniak. I've bought at least 3 other wands of lesser quality and none of them, and I mean none of them have the power that this unit has. Any thoughts anybody?