Maliniak Method


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Slow moe and D Rex keep going! This is the real deal guys! D Rex those results are great and believe me they will get better and better. But yea like I said, it turns out I wasn't bald in the first place. I don't belong on here. Though I find it interesting that there is finally a cure to this whole baldness thing =]. Best thing I can tell you guys is ignore Jacob and stay focused. Dude is one of those "trolls"... You know, the ones that live in their moms basement and watch those trolololol videos all day lol. No life what so ever. Like dude what do you get out if this lol? Your probably a grown *** man that hates his life and plays Xbox all day. I wouldn't even go as far as saying you work in a damn cubicle because my intuition tells me you don't even have a job lol. Go visit the Bosley website you sheep =] Adios and good luck guys!


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:uglylol: that was too easy :twisted:

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I am a believer and supporter of the theory behind your method.
With that said, it is hard to determine exactly how much hair is on your hair in the pics posted on your site. The old pics are fuzzy and out of focus, and in the new ones it appears as though some of the hair from the sides may be "combed over" to give the appearance of thicker hair in the middle.
Can you please post pics on here, withyour hair fashioned in a way that shows a clear representation of the amount of hair on your scalp (parted down the middle on top, forward in the front).

Thanks, Moe

Haha wow man.

Just earlier today you said there were 20,000 websites buzzing about the MALINIAK method, and now there are over 100,000! Holy **** dude i seriously think you are stoned right now.

And sorry, but the first pics really do not prove anything. I can take pics of my scalp right now that make it look slick bald.

I know I am giving you alot of **** right now Leon, but I really do believe your method has merit; I just think that a lot of your pics may be taken from favorable angles. Not sure if it was intentional, I just want to bring it to your attention.

Those were from SlowMoe..over a year after the other in another forum/thread. So I'm not sure why those of us who are questioning things are getting crap..and I'm not seeing anything so far in my reading of these various threads that show anything has changed(for 2 years or more) on Mr. M's part- his responses to such requests/questions or evidence for calling it anything close to a cure.

And I'm sure there is much more out there...

In fact..a page later in the same thread..someone posted the obvious, and it's obvious it didn't/doesn't just happen there:


Not naming names, but this technique seems to draw out a lot of what I feel are shill posters, that claim results then magically disappear or make up a myriad of excuses when asked for photographic proof, especially blaming the persons who are asking for proof. This is NOT the only website I've noticed this trend on. If you read the postings of the "Yay-Sayers", there seems to be a lot of commonalities. The internet should be packed with hundreds or thousands of people EAGER to show their great hair growth results, especially on youtube videos, blogs, facebook, etc. But that's not what's happening. Why is that?

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And from Mr. Leon M himself:

These are just JEALOUS, BITTER, trolling remarks from people who are upset that they did not come up with a solution themselves. They don't like my theory and treatment method ? They don't see the LOGIC of it ?...NO NOT USE IT ! COME UP WITH YOUR OWN THEORY AND TREATMENT METHOD.

They want to use UNTESTED and UNPROVEN "variations" of the MALINIAK METHOD ?...STAY BALD.

What a guy! STAY BALD. Wait..didn't someone just say that in THIS thread here? :whistle:
The more I read of his posts..and everything surrounding him/this... :puke:


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So Slowmoe..are you going to ask "BeliefISKEY" for proof that it's the cure?
A cure is something that you don't have to continuously apply, in my opinion.

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Jacob, you are trying preeeety hard to discredit this method..........Searching through the IH forum, digging through that unGodly long thread there, just to find any dirt you can on the Maliniak method......Hmmm.....If anyone is exhibiting shady behavior, it's you bud. Just chill let it run its course, the truth will come out in the end; until then, please stop spewing your goddamned negativity on here, mkay.


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A cure is something that you don't have to continuously apply, in my opinion.

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Jacob, you are trying preeeety hard to discredit this method..........Searching through the IH forum, digging through that unGodly long thread there, just to find any dirt you can on the Maliniak method......Hmmm.....If anyone is exhibiting shady behavior, it's you bud. Just chill let it run its course, the truth will come out in the end; until then, please stop spewing your goddamned negativity on here, mkay.

Well there you have it folks. A cure doesn't solve your problem. Doesn't get rid of cancer. Doesn't regrow all or even most of your hair back. A cure is something you don't have to continuously take, or in this case- apply. Shall we start a thread on everything that could then be considered a cure for hair loss? The list would be quite long. This is the kind of ridiculousness you get from ppl trying to defend the indefensible.

While it looks like I'm trying preeeety hard to discredit this method- you and the rest, including the guy behind it, are doing a preeeeety good job of it yourselves. There sure isn't much out there to prove the claims being made. What I found was in a few minutes of searching here and there. I'm sure there's tons more I'll be able to post if you guys want to continue this.

You want to talk about shady? Just read L-M's own words. Look at his website. Even look at what you've said yourself. Then these newbies showing up in all these forums on this topic, many as even others have pointed out- look to be the same posters or even Wacky himself. And even not-so-new ones that just come around from time to time to bump up these threads. All this shady behavior and lack of evidence, and what you said above is the best you can do. 8O


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Well there you have it folks. A cure doesn't solve your problem. Doesn't get rid of cancer. Doesn't regrow all or even most of your hair back. A cure is something you don't have to continuously take, or in this case- apply. Shall we start a thread on everything that could then be considered a cure for hair loss? The list would be quite long. This is the kind of ridiculousness you get from ppl trying to defend the indefensible.
This post is a marvelous showcase of your lack of intelligence.

A cure is something that is applied and the ailment is CURED! As in, does not require further treatment!!!!... I can only imagine what kind of foolish thoughts you have bouncing around in your head if you can be dumbfounded by such a simple statement. Now please go back to your room or whatever bridge you crawled out from under and let the grownups talk....Mkay pumpkin


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MY lack of intelligence? Here is exactly what you said: "A cure is something that you don't have to continuously apply, in my opinion."

Notice you didn't say- you no longer have to apply the something because you're CURED. You say- you don't have to CONTINUOUSLY APPLY. In fact..your reply there was in response to my "So Slowmoe..are you going to ask "BeliefISKEY" for proof that it's the cure?". Nothing about- yes, it'll cure your hair loss. You're done. Nothing more to do. I'd be willing to bet that even Wacky M would disagree with your new definition anyway. He'd say to keep at it, or you'll lose what you've gained.
And of didn't ask BeliefISKEY for proof.

And back to your new definition. So you're saying this is THE/A CURE for male pattern baldness? Meaning your hair will all be regrown, or enough to make it look like you have no hair loss?

Now go back and reread my comments above that you didn't quote. So I don't have to repost them here :woot:


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Until you provide evidence of another treatment that produces long terminal hairs in slick bald spots, you have no case at all Jacob. Drex1999's results are amazing, turning hairs that had been shriveled up by DHT years ago into long, terminal hairs. That proves it has the power to regenerate any hair.


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So it's not the cure. Until you post again and say that it is :rolleyes:

Even you have agreed Drex1999 should provide pictures that aren't messing around with the combing etc. Just as you pointed out with Wacky M's pictures.

This page has been pointed out to you in the past: and yet you still have the gall to ask someone to "provide evidence of another treatment that produces long terminal hairs in slick bald spots". Now some of those one could easily also say they're playing with time(longer hair) etc..but shame on you if you're going to say many are not much much better than Drex's. Notice they are also the full head shots, unlike Drex's. Edit: There are 5 pages total. Some of the same guys- different shots.

Until you provide evidence that this "method" is the cure, you're full of it.


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I have news for you. I don't care if you believe I had hair grow back or not. I am not here to prove or make you or anybody else believe anything. I'm the only one who mattered on if this worked or not. I posted pictures just to show those who were interested. The fact that some don't believe is actually kind of funny to me. I put out the effort to put pictures up and that is the end of it. I'll continue spending 10-15 minutes of my time on the little routine I do and you can spend your hours a day on here searching and waiting. It's a simple as that. There is no more I can add that I haven't already shared. I won't be lured into any discussion. I have nothing to gain. What I have posted in the past few pages is all I have to give. It is up to the individual to decide what they will do with it.


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So it's not the cure. Until you post again and say that it is :rolleyes:

Even you have agreed Drex1999 should provide pictures that aren't messing around with the combing etc. Just as you pointed out with Wacky M's pictures.

This page has been pointed out to you in the past: and yet you still have the gall to ask someone to "provide evidence of another treatment that produces long terminal hairs in slick bald spots". Now some of those one could easily also say they're playing with time(longer hair) etc..but shame on you if you're going to say many are not much much better than Drex's. Notice they are also the full head shots, unlike Drex's. Edit: There are 5 pages total. Some of the same guys- different shots.

Until you provide evidence that this "method" is the cure, you're full of it.

Those pics are a joke! 95% of them are eith comb overs or much longer hair, and the ones that show real decent results are on high enough doses of drugs to turn most guys into women...

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Not a comb over much



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I have news for you. I don't care if you believe I had hair grow back or not. I am not here to prove or make you or anybody else believe anything. I'm the only one who mattered on if this worked or not. I posted pictures just to show those who were interested. The fact that some don't believe is actually kind of funny to me. I put out the effort to put pictures up and that is the end of it. I'll continue spending 10-15 minutes of my time on the little routine I do and you can spend your hours a day on here searching and waiting. It's a simple as that. There is no more I can add that I haven't already shared. I won't be lured into any discussion. I have nothing to gain. What I have posted in the past few pages is all I have to give. It is up to the individual to decide what they will do with it.

But you can't spend the (max)10-15 minutes to take additional pics and upload/post them for us to see? And I'm guessing you were talking to all of us who asked for addtional/better pictures, because it wasn't just me.

As with IH..any additional pictures now taken for sure will be B.S. Not that the others weren't :woot:

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Those pics are a joke! 95% of them are eith comb overs or much longer hair, and the ones that show real decent results are on high enough doses of drugs to turn most guys into women...

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Not a comb over much
You said "Until you provide evidence of another treatment that produces long terminal hairs in slick bald spots, you have no case at all Jacob. " You admit some do show really decent results, so you've just admitted I provided evidence. If you like thinking about guys turning into gals, that's your problem.

And I know you read where I said time(longer hair) is obvious in some of those pictures. Go ahead and even say- "most". The others do provide evidence.
But it looks liike Drex1999 isn't going to be able to provide evidence for Wacky M's method either. :sad:


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I see no evidence of long dormant velus turning terminal, only terminal gairs getting thicker, in those pics....


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Well isn't THAT cute. Next you'll go to- I see no evidence that those pictures are of living human beings.

I've provided proof. You've admitted I have. Now lets see yours or Wacky M's, or _____. We can forget about Drex1999.'s not the device that's being used in this "method" I have a problem with. I've actually posted about such devices(and others) in the's just a couple of threads on it:

Of course you MUST get Wacky's. Or GO BALD.


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The devices you posted about are garbage. Just a heads up. Get a legit violet ray with a Tesla coil.

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D Rex can you post some pics of your hair combed the same way as before? Do you notice more "new" terminal hairs growing? Good work though. I love the violet ray man! It thickens the **** out of your hair follicles after doing the galea massage.


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Well of course they're garbage. And of course I listed so many, too. You HAVE to get Wacky's. Or GO BALD!
The main point was to point out I've discussed them before.

Post some pictures combed the same way as before? Are you asking for the same type Slow and I were asking for?

But speaking of the pictures again...I've been reading this long thread little by little..up to page 33 now, which has some interesting posts about Drex and his pictures back then: Nothing has changed. can't tell the truth..about anything it seems. You said you were "off this". You also said you weren't coming back unless progress was being shown. I guess you meant my continuously poking holes in Wacky's claims..the pictures...etc.

I'm going to repost what you said about that..including your "stay bald" Wackyisms.

Lol stay bald bro... I'm new to these forums... I get pussy and make money. This is not for me WHAT SO EVER lol i am off this. BTW my hairloss isn't even noticeable my temples are just a bit thinner now that I look at it =D this machine thickened up my hair significantly haha. I thought my temples were receeding but they really weren't after all.. Guess that's why I'm so confident. But yea you guys are loosers I'm off this. I can't believe a balding idiot would be so skeptical about every single theory. I guess your life sucks and you want to stay bald. I bet your face looks like trash as well along with that terrible hairline of yours lolololol

Guess what though bro? Your BALD.... I'm not! Haha!

Guys if I see progress going on on this thread I'll chime back in but for now akunamatataaaaa.


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I read the whole thread as well. His hair did change A LOT. =] he only posted those 3 pics. Go back to when Elliot said "wow you see there that's some good progress" or something like that, when D rex said he got through some plateu and started plucking =] FAIL. Lol why are you trying so hard bro?


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I read the whole thread as well. His hair dud change A LOT. =] he only posted those 3 pics. Go back to when Elliot said "wow you see there that's some good progress" or something like that, when D rex said he got through some plateu and started plucking =] FAIL. Lol why are you trying so hard bro?

"dud change" is exactly right. So "Elliot" was impressed. We shouldn't be surprised. Others were not. Even yourself and Slow were asking for better pictures. much for being "off this" :roll:

BTW...I have yet to go through the whole thread. Saving that for when I need some entertainment.


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Hair loss cures/solutions are like UFO's. Lots of speculation, some people claim to know they exist, some people say they have seen them, most people don't believe they are real, some people claim to have proof, all the proof that exists is generally a illusion with lights or angles, never been any 'clear' evidence, lots of misinformation, etc.

Also, why are all aliens bald?



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This whole thread is ****ed, I can't believe you guys are spending this much time with this bunk method. Is nobody here checking out Hellouser's RU thread at BTT? Has nobody heard of the BNP-32 trials, Dr. Gho's donor regeneration, and the new info from the World Congress about a topical finasteride solution that will kill off more DHT than propecia without sides?? Indomethacin, Bimatoprost, hell, even Cetirizine is on a better track than this. Why in the **** would you people invest so much time into this old wives' tale? Malaniak is completely scamming everybody into buying his own product. How is that not as obvious as the sky is blue?