Maliniak Method


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The proof that Wacky's book etc is a scam is...oh just reread my previous posts. 8O Expect me to just copy/paste what I've said previously if we're going to go over this again... really cannot seriously expect ppl to be able to tell anything from those pics.......


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No....I can't be fool(ed). At the rate you let your hair grow and the way you combed your hair .....:rolleyes: I see very little difference regardless. The "after" is also a bit fuzzy. Is there any other reason why you didn't highlight the crown as well?


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No....I can't be fool(ed). At the rate you let your hair grow and the way you combed your hair .....:rolleyes: I see very little difference regardless. The "after" is also a bit fuzzy. Is there any other reason why you didn't highlight the crown as well?

My hair is growing back in the order it went; the crown will fill in from the edges inward. And I didnt comb my hair dude, that's how it fell.

So you're telling me that I didn't thicken up my hair in those two areas?

- - - Updated - - -

I bet if I would say that these are my results with finasteride and minoxidil, you'd be singing another tune.


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My hair is growing back in the order it went; the crown will fill in from the edges inward. And I didnt comb my hair dude, that's how it fell.

So you're telling me that I didn't thicken up my hair in those two areas?

- - - Updated - - -

I bet if I would say that these are my results with finasteride and minoxidil, you'd be singing another tune.

You've got the hairs combed/laying/falling/pointing inward on the "after". The "before" they just "fell" forward..or downward depending upon how you're looking at it. Again..the "after" is also a bit fuzzy.

Look..if you think you're getting results keep up with it. As for if they were results with finasteride and minoxidil- look at YOUR comments regarding such pictures.
I'm not a fan of finasteride or minoxidil..never have been....never will be- finasteride especially.


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My hair is growing back in the order it went; the crown will fill in from the edges inward. And I didnt comb my hair dude, that's how it fell.

So you're telling me that I didn't thicken up my hair in those two areas?

- - - Updated - - -

I bet if I would say that these are my results with finasteride and minoxidil, you'd be singing another tune.

I see a definite improvement there -- for sure without a doubt...

Listen guys...we're on the cusp of something here....There has been soooooo much more chatter about hairloss over the past year -- more than ever before....

We're getting to the point soon that between hair transplant's and other supportive methods, nobody should be slick bald...will they be flowing manes for everyone?? NOT YET...but I'd would rather have some hair than be cue-ball bald


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Oh I see definite improvement as well. Now I wouldn't say *major*. But with the way the pictures(referring to the others as well) are taken and the hair is combed etc..there's no way to tell if it's new growth.

The main issues I see are the claims being made by the clown this thread is devoted to. The "book" he sells. The ray-gun that he now sells. And his responses in at least one other forum. I didn't realize what he was all about, other than what his "method" is, until I did some reading.


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Maliniak based his theory on this study, which proves that loosening the scalp can regrow hair on its' own,by way of increased bloodflow.

Then he found a device that not only increases bloodflow, but stimulates cells electrically, which has also been proven to regrow hair. It is legit.
We would like to present the results of an open-label pilot study using botulinum toxin type A (Botox; Allergan, Inc., Irvine, Calif.) for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia. This form of alopecia is believed to be caused by a genetically predisposed sensitivity of hair follicles to the toxic effects of dihydrotestosterone, a metabolite of testosterone. Medical treatment of androgenetic alopecia has previously only been moderately effective using systemic drugs such as finasteride, a 5α-reductase inhibitor.1
In this ethically approved study, 50 male subjects aged between 19 and 57 years with Norwood/Hamilton ratings of II to IV participated.2 The study was 60 weeks in duration, with 12 weeks of run-in followed by two treatment cycles of 24 weeks each. Subjects were injected with 150 units of Botox (5 units per 0.1 ml saline) into the muscles surrounding the scalp, including frontalis, temporalis, periauricular, and occipitalis muscles in equally divided doses over 30 injection sites. The primary outcome measure was a change in hair count in a fixed 2-cm area using a method described by Canfield.3 Secondary outcome measures included hair loss, measured by having subjects collect loose hair from their pillow with a sticky lint roller, and subjective efficacy using a validated questionnaire. Statistical analysis entailed paired t tests of group means.
Forty subjects completed the study, and no adverse effects were reported. The treatment response rate was 75 percent. Mean hair counts for the entire group showed a statistically significant (p < 0.0001) increase of 18 percent between baseline and week 48 (Table 1), similar to the results reported with Propecia (Merck, Whitehouse Station, N.J.).1 Hair regrowth was objectively visible in some subjects (Fig. 1). Secondary outcome measures were also significantly improved. The reduction in hair loss and increase in hair count did not show a statistically significant correlation. This suggested that longer retention of terminal hairs did not account for the increase in hair count.
Mechanistically, the scalp behaves like a drum skin with tensioning muscles around the periphery. These muscle groups—the frontalis, occipitalis, and periauricular muscles and to a minor degree the temporalis—can create a “tight” scalp when chronically active. Because the blood supply to the scalp enters through the periphery, a reduction in blood flow would be most apparent at the distal ends of the vessels, specifically, the vertex and frontal peaks. Areas of the scalp with sparse hair growth have been shown to be relatively hypoxic, have slow capillary refill, and to have high levels of dihydrotestosterone.4
Conceptually, Botox “loosens” the scalp, reducing pressure on the perforating vasculature, thereby increasing blood flow and oxygen concentration. The enzymatic conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone is oxygen dependent. In low-oxygen environments, the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone is favored; whereas in high-oxygen environments, more testosterone is converted to estradiol
.4 Blood flow may therefore be a primary determinant in follicular health. Strategically placed Botox injections appear able to indirectly modify this variable, resulting in reduced hair loss and new hair growth in some men with androgenetic alopecia.[/b]


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I don't care what he based it on. It is not a "cure", as he calls it. He sells a stupid e-book. He now sells a device(which is nothing new, it's been used/discussed for hair loss for YEARS) and tells others to basically use his, or GO BALD. He is so unprofessional etc in the forums. Etc Etc.

Let me guess..he started calling it a "cure" before selling the device. Next you know he'll be selling a shampoo...topical...supplements......

I'm getting this urge to start copying/pasting a whole lot of stuff myself.....


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I don't care what he based it on. It is not a "cure", as he calls it. He sells a stupid e-book. He now sells a device(which is nothing new, it's been used/discussed for hair loss for YEARS) and tells others to basically use his, or GO BALD. He is so unprofessional etc in the forums. Etc Etc.

Let me guess..he started calling it a "cure" before selling the device. Next you know he'll be selling a shampoo...topical...supplements......

I'm getting this urge to start copying/pasting a whole lot of stuff myself.....

I don't know if youre a drama queen, the type that has to get the last word or just bored, but sheesh get off the dude's nuts. He's offering a legit solution to hairloss after doing a lot of research which has been huge in my journey, so I believe he deserves credit. His method does indeed reverse hairloss; there may be better options, but to add this is only to increase the regrowth rate of any other treatment, in my opinion.
He might have some quirks, but nobody's perfect..


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I don't know if youre a drama queen, the type that has to get the last word or just bored, but sheesh get off the dude's nuts. He's offering a legit solution to hairloss after doing a lot of research which has been huge in my journey, so I believe he deserves credit. His method does indeed reverse hairloss; there may be better options, but to add this is only to increase the regrowth rate of any other treatment, in my opinion.
He might have some quirks, but nobody's perfect..

Ah..guys like you are the ones on the dude's nuts. And back-end.

His method has thus far not been proven to reverse hair loss. Quirks are one thing. Being a snake-oil salesman...calling it a CURE..selling a stupid-a** e-book...then selling a magic wand(which..again..has been discussed in these forums for years. ppl have used them) and telling others they can just GO BALD if they don't buy his...acting totally unprofessionally in the quite another.

And I see he was calling it a "cure" well before this latest money-making scheme of his- the magic wand. Why would you need that if the "cure" had already been found? And do you think it'll stop there?


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I see you've posted yet another Wacky "after" picture.

Stop pushing this scam, kids.


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My results and Drex's results prove it's not a scam. It is obvious....There are hundreds of people watching this thread and only a couple of naysayers. :)


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There are no such results. Wacky doesn''t have any. Here and elsewhere ppl are saying the same thing. Here..this isn't the copying/pasting I was referring to(I'll save that for later)..but it's good for this reply: His method has thus far not been proven to reverse hair loss. Quirks are one thing. Being a snake-oil salesman...calling it a CURE..selling a stupid-a** e-book...then selling a magic wand(which..again..has been discussed in these forums for years. ppl have used them) and telling others they can just GO BALD if they don't buy his...acting totally unprofessionally in the quite another.

And I see he was calling it a "cure" well before this latest money-making scheme of his- the magic wand. Why would you need that if the "cure" had already been found? And do you think it'll stop there?

Stop pushing this scam, kids.


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1: you can buy your own wand.
2: he has given away free E books and wands.
3: he sells the machines for retail price he doesn't profit off of them and if he does the kidney goes back into his business.
4: I have been through many many different hairloss forums and it seems that you and a person called "2020" are the only two idiots I've seen on here that don't believe in this method.
4: on the other hand the people that I HAVE SEEN with no results either quit too fast or are not doing it right.

Lastly. You hate that you're bald... You hate your life and have spent countless amounts of money on other products that do not work. Lol you even showed a post on here talking about garbage machines on another thread lol. But it IS understandable that you think this device is no different. I mean, like Maliniak and many other people have said "people show results and studies yet skeptics will still find a way to disprove it"

Get a life kid. All you do is jerk off and post negative **** on this forum. Nobody is being negative towards this CURE yes I said it (CURE) but you. There's a **** load of evidence that both relaxing the Galea and using the violet ray to halt hairloss/regrow hair is LEGIT and this is in fact the best method out to date.

Anywayssssss like Henry ford said "Whether you think you can or can't you're RIGHT" you do realize your hurting nobody but yourself by being negative, right? No hairloss product, lotion, transplant, stem cell surgery, etc. will work for you EVER because your subconscious mind will not ALLOW it. It will prevent anything from working when it comes to hair regrowth. You did this to yourself.

Oh and one more thing STAY BALD =] 0=] ^__^ ^__- =D XD =3)


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If it works for you keep doing it. A lot of things can contribute to a better environment for hair growth, it's best to target hair loss from more than one angle. No need to fight over this. :)


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I really don't see how we are still arguing over this.....

It is a fact low oxygen (low blood flow) causes excess DHT formation. We know DHT is bad for hair.

It is a fact loosening the scalp increases blood flow. It is a fact the violet wand increases blood flow.

So loosen the scalp, use violet wand, = less DHT = more hair. It is that simple.

Not to mention the violet wand goes beyond blood flow to stimulate the dormant hair cells into the growth phase by using electrical current. Look at Drex's photos. LONG TERMINAL HAIRS where hair has long "died". NO other treatment has been shown to do that. NONE.


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I am not disputing whether the treatment is beneficial. According to rdkml LLLT (laser helmet) will have better results than violet ray. The point is that you combine this therapy with other treatments.