Maliniak Method


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Personally I don't think RDKML knows enough about the violet ray to say that; IMO he knows way more about and supports LLLT helmets and because his friends build them. I haven't seen laser helmets grow hair from slick bald spots...


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Experience with Maliniak Method

Personally I don't think RDKML knows enough about the violet ray to say that; IMO he knows way more about and supports LLLT helmets and because his friends build them. I haven't seen laser helmets grow hair from slick bald spots...

I bought the violet ray device from Mr. Maliniak about 10 months ago for about $450, as I remember. I have used it faithfully and done the massage exercises every day. Sadly, I don't see any effect,...nada.

I went to the website, hoping to get some encouragement from the success of others. Unfortunately, there are no before-after photos to provide evidence that it is working. Lots of claims, but no proof. This is beginning to smell like a scam. I don't want to believe it after spending the money and the time, but if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

I see on the bornagainhair website that Mr. Maliniak's recommendation for those who have had no success with his method is to redouble efforts -- use the violet ray device and massage twice a day. Again, he presents no evidence that this works either.

To add to the scam-like atmosphere, Mr. Maliniak puts out volumes upon volumes of verbiage on this website. But, no photos.

I would love to be proven wrong, but from what I have seen so far, I don't think this method works and feel that I've been had.


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Alphadave, I'm sorry you haven't had any significant results. If there is one thing Maliniak has been passionate about it's been about helping his costumers. I was given the violet ray to test out his method and he has been in frequent contact with me to figure out the best course of action. I'm sure he would love to help you, so I recommend you contact him directly ( and hopefully he can help you out.

As for Jacob, man, if you diverted all of the time and energy you spend trying to bash us into actually contributing meaningful discussion the world would be a much happier place. In case you didn't notice this is an alternative treatment forum, so excuse us for discussion alternative treatments. As Drex said, I really don't care whether you believe this is legit or not. I used to spend a great deal of time trying to make people see the light, but there will always be people (such as yourself) who refuse to let us be and try this method free from ridicule. So why bother? If i'm happy with the way things are going I will tell you about it, but I don't give a rats *** about whether you believe me or not.


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Alphadave, I'm sorry you haven't had any significant results. If there is one thing Maliniak has been passionate about it's been about helping his costumers. I was given the violet ray to test out his method and he has been in frequent contact with me to figure out the best course of action. I'm sure he would love to help you, so I recommend you contact him directly ( and hopefully he can help you out.

As for Jacob, man, if you diverted all of the time and energy you spend trying to bash us into actually contributing meaningful discussion the world would be a much happier place. In case you didn't notice this is an alternative treatment forum, so excuse us for discussion alternative treatments. As Drex said, I really don't care whether you believe this is legit or not. I used to spend a great deal of time trying to make people see the light, but there will always be people (such as yourself) who refuse to let us be and try this method free from ridicule. So why bother? If i'm happy with the way things are going I will tell you about it, but I don't give a rats *** about whether you believe me or not.

Eliiotramsey, Thanks for the reply. I have talked with Maliniak in the past and I find that he just repeats the same things...that it worked for him. He says that he has heard from the many people using the violet ray device what is working for them. However, he can present no proof. Some doubters believe that he joins the hair site discussion groups under many different aliases and posts positive comments about the method. I doubt that he is that neurotic, but I would just like some evidence before continuing to waste my time with his method.


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Lol (I MAY BE WRONG) but my intuition tells me this is either Jacob or just another FAKE. By the way, Mr.Maliniak would like you to contact him. I'm sure you don't want all that money to just go to waste, right? Why not give him a call to fix up your regimen or make some minor tweaks to it? Oh and while your at it you wouldn't mind giving him your full name and info to prove you ACTUALLY bought his book and machine, right?

I find it extremely weird that Jacob hasn't chimed in with a negative rebuttal to all of these positive statements yet. It's also WEIRD that you are brand new on this forum and this is your first and only post. Hmmmmmmmmm.

Although I MAY be wrong about this account being a fluke (which I doubt) Mr.Maliniak still wants you to shoot him an email so he can help you. It wouldn't make sense for a person to invest that amount of money into a product just to go try it for a while and call it a scam afterwards on a random hairloss forum without even CONTACTING Mr.Maliniak. It just doesn't add up. For me (and I think I speak for everyone else as well), to invest ANY type of money into ANY product, I would have to believe in it first. So I don't understand how you never tried contacting Mr.Maliniak before you posted this "scam review" or whatever you want to call it. The first thing I would have done was atleast contact the provider FIRST and "complain" to HIM instead of bashing his method on a random forum as if it only costed you a measly $20 in total. You might get much more out of that than complaining on this forum.

So again, I'll take it that you ARE having some trouble and that you are just venting from frustration. If this is the case you can contact Mr.Maliniak personally through his email which is


New Member
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Lol (I MAY BE WRONG) but my intuition tells me this is either Jacob or just another FAKE. By the way, Mr.Maliniak would like you to contact him. I'm sure you don't want all that money to just go to waste, right? Why not give him a call to fix up your regimen or make some minor tweaks to it? Oh and while your at it you wouldn't mind giving him your full name and info to prove you ACTUALLY bought his book and machine, right?

I find it extremely weird that Jacob hasn't chimed in with a negative rebuttal to all of these positive statements yet. It's also WEIRD that you are brand new on this forum and this is your first and only post. Hmmmmmmmmm.

Although I MAY be wrong about this account being a fluke (which I doubt) Mr.Maliniak still wants you to shoot him an email so he can help you. It wouldn't make sense for a person to invest that amount of money into a product just to go try it for a while and call it a scam afterwards on a random hairloss forum without even CONTACTING Mr.Maliniak. It just doesn't add up. For me (and I think I speak for everyone else as well), to invest ANY type of money into ANY product, I would have to believe in it first. So I don't understand how you never tried contacting Mr.Maliniak before you posted this "scam review" or whatever you want to call it. The first thing I would have done was atleast contact the provider FIRST and "complain" to HIM instead of bashing his method on a random forum as if it only costed you a measly $20 in total. You might get much more out of that than complaining on this forum.

So again, I'll take it that you ARE having some trouble and that you are just venting from frustration. If this is the case you can contact Mr.Maliniak personally through his email which is

You must either be Maliniak posting under an alias or his gofer. I would like to see some before-after photos before I continue with the process. Is that asking too much? If he can't produce evidence, then he can keep my $450 and I'll put my time to better use.


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seems like either a scam or it doesn't work well enough to bother. nobody's going from NW6-NW1 anytime soon on this. and look at things objectively: very strange man sells strange theory strange books and strange devices that you must purchase from him. no good photos even though this method has been around for years. surely if it worked quicker on younger guys we'd see at least a dozen photos of 20 year olds who have gone up a couple norwoods by now.

you guys start posting pics with LEGIT regrowth i'll pay attention. until then, no thanks. not worth the effort to regrow 1% of my hair each year.


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1: you can buy your own wand.
2: he has given away free E books and wands.
3: he sells the machines for retail price he doesn't profit off of them and if he does the kidney goes back into his business.
4: I have been through many many different hairloss forums and it seems that you and a person called "2020" are the only two idiots I've seen on here that don't believe in this method.
4: on the other hand the people that I HAVE SEEN with no results either quit too fast or are not doing it right.

Lastly. You hate that you're bald... You hate your life and have spent countless amounts of money on other products that do not work. Lol you even showed a post on here talking about garbage machines on another thread lol. But it IS understandable that you think this device is no different. I mean, like Maliniak and many other people have said "people show results and studies yet skeptics will still find a way to disprove it"

Get a life kid. All you do is jerk off and post negative **** on this forum. Nobody is being negative towards this CURE yes I said it (CURE) but you. There's a **** load of evidence that both relaxing the Galea and using the violet ray to halt hairloss/regrow hair is LEGIT and this is in fact the best method out to date.

Anywayssssss like Henry ford said "Whether you think you can or can't you're RIGHT" you do realize your hurting nobody but yourself by being negative, right? No hairloss product, lotion, transplant, stem cell surgery, etc. will work for you EVER because your subconscious mind will not ALLOW it. It will prevent anything from working when it comes to hair regrowth. You did this to yourself.

Oh and one more thing STAY BALD =] 0=] ^__^ ^__- =D XD =3)

1. That's what they all say.
2. That's what they all do(or claim)
3. For someone calling his program a CURE...I don't believe anything he says. It's yet another snake-oil salesman tactic.
4. We must be the only two you care to read...or maybe we're just the most persistent. But even in this thread there are plenty more. Plenty in other forums as well. Maybe I'll start posting links to them.
4(part 2?). Maybe they quit because they're not seeing results from ANYbody, including yourself.

You sound so much like Wacky it's pathetic. I hate that I'm bald? Why does anyone even say something idiotic like that? :roll: I don't see anybody anywhere with better or worse results with the devices I posted about or Wacky's.

And since you are also calling it a are really starting to smell like a shill...or worse.

And it's nice to be back ;)

- - - Updated - - -

If it works for you keep doing it. A lot of things can contribute to a better environment for hair growth, it's best to target hair loss from more than one angle. No need to fight over this. :)

I agree- if it works, keep doing it. But don't go running around trying to prove it works by not posting any real evidence that it does work. The one person on here- even some of the "users" here were asking for better pics. Only got excuses.

But the main issue is the clown calling his program a cure.

- - - Updated - - -

Personally I don't think RDKML knows enough about the violet ray to say that; IMO he knows way more about and supports LLLT helmets and because his friends build them. I haven't seen laser helmets grow hair from slick bald spots...

On slick bald spots? We haven't seen any in this thread, either.

- - - Updated - - -

I bought the violet ray device from Mr. Maliniak about 10 months ago for about $450, as I remember. I have used it faithfully and done the massage exercises every day. Sadly, I don't see any effect,...nada.

I went to the website, hoping to get some encouragement from the success of others. Unfortunately, there are no before-after photos to provide evidence that it is working. Lots of claims, but no proof. This is beginning to smell like a scam. I don't want to believe it after spending the money and the time, but if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

I see on the bornagainhair website that Mr. Maliniak's recommendation for those who have had no success with his method is to redouble efforts -- use the violet ray device and massage twice a day. Again, he presents no evidence that this works either.

To add to the scam-like atmosphere, Mr. Maliniak puts out volumes upon volumes of verbiage on this website. But, no photos.

I would love to be proven wrong, but from what I have seen so far, I don't think this method works and feel that I've been had.

No photos? What? For a CURE? :shock:

- - - Updated - - -

As for Jacob, man, if you diverted all of the time and energy you spend trying to bash us into actually contributing meaningful discussion the world would be a much happier place. In case you didn't notice this is an alternative treatment forum, so excuse us for discussion alternative treatments. As Drex said, I really don't care whether you believe this is legit or not. I used to spend a great deal of time trying to make people see the light, but there will always be people (such as yourself) who refuse to let us be and try this method free from ridicule. So why bother? If i'm happy with the way things are going I will tell you about it, but I don't give a rats *** about whether you believe me or not.

Obviously you haven't bothered to read any of my other posts over the past many years. You should have noticed that even in this thread I posted earlier w/out "bashing" this snake-oil'r- didn't bother looking into it until much later. You'll also see I've gone after others, such as Proctor/Proxiphen, for good reason. If you don't give a rats *** about whether I believe you or not, then don't even bother responding to what I say.

- - - Updated - - -

Lol (I MAY BE WRONG) but my intuition tells me this is either Jacob or just another FAKE. By the way, Mr.Maliniak would like you to contact him. I'm sure you don't want all that money to just go to waste, right? Why not give him a call to fix up your regimen or make some minor tweaks to it? Oh and while your at it you wouldn't mind giving him your full name and info to prove you ACTUALLY bought his book and machine, right?

I find it extremely weird that Jacob hasn't chimed in with a negative rebuttal to all of these positive statements yet. It's also WEIRD that you are brand new on this forum and this is your first and only post. Hmmmmmmmmm.

Although I MAY be wrong about this account being a fluke (which I doubt) Mr.Maliniak still wants you to shoot him an email so he can help you. It wouldn't make sense for a person to invest that amount of money into a product just to go try it for a while and call it a scam afterwards on a random hairloss forum without even CONTACTING Mr.Maliniak. It just doesn't add up. For me (and I think I speak for everyone else as well), to invest ANY type of money into ANY product, I would have to believe in it first. So I don't understand how you never tried contacting Mr.Maliniak before you posted this "scam review" or whatever you want to call it. The first thing I would have done was atleast contact the provider FIRST and "complain" to HIM instead of bashing his method on a random forum as if it only costed you a measly $20 in total. You might get much more out of that than complaining on this forum.

So again, I'll take it that you ARE having some trouble and that you are just venting from frustration. If this is the case you can contact Mr.Maliniak personally through his email which is

Hey kiddo..I was on vacation. I did come back last week for a bit but you could see I didn't even bother coming on here then. The other forums too- you can see I haven't been around, except for a couple of days last week. BTW..."all these positive statements" ?? Where???

- - - Updated - - -

seems like either a scam or it doesn't work well enough to bother. nobody's going from NW6-NW1 anytime soon on this. and look at things objectively: very strange man sells strange theory strange books and strange devices that you must purchase from him. no good photos even though this method has been around for years. surely if it worked quicker on younger guys we'd see at least a dozen photos of 20 year olds who have gone up a couple norwoods by now.

you guys start posting pics with LEGIT regrowth i'll pay attention. until then, no thanks. not worth the effort to regrow 1% of my hair each year.

On your first paragraph there- you forgot to mention he calls it a CURE :laugh:

Quantum Cat

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And lastly how can we seriously pretend the exact similarity of the galea and of the thinning hair area is sheer biological coincidence?

I've wondered this. On men who are a total Norwood 7-8, the distinction between the bald (Norwood area) and the 'horseshoe' is so striking. One hair becomes totally destroyed by DHT yet the hair in the very next follicle is totally unaffected. Has established science ever explained why the male pattern baldness pattern is what it is?

Not that I'm saying I believe the Galea theory, but it is interesting


Established Member
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You've talked to him before? Send him an email under the same email to prove it please? Thanks =]

- - - Updated - - -

You've talked to him before? Send him an email under the same email to prove it please? Thanks =]


Reaction score
I've wondered this. On men who are a total Norwood 7-8, the distinction between the bald (Norwood area) and the 'horseshoe' is so striking. One hair becomes totally destroyed by DHT yet the hair in the very next follicle is totally unaffected. Has established science ever explained why the male pattern baldness pattern is what it is?

Not that I'm saying I believe the Galea theory, but it is interesting
It's simple. The galea area gets tight under stress. The tightness chokes off the supplying arteries. The low blood flow condition causes low oxygen. Low oxygen decreases estradiol production, which needs a high oxygen environment. This results in more free testosterone for the 5AR to bind to, creating an elevated DHT/ estradiol ratio. This overloads the dermal papilla cells and causes them to not only starve from lack of sufficient blood flow and poor toxin elimination, but also become overloaded by too much DHT

Outside the galea region you don't have the tension; therefore the oxygen levels remain constant. It is the constant muscle tension (stress) or perhaps an enlarged cranium in some that causes the low oxygen condition. Some may not have very tight scalp skin but a combination of poor circulation and plaque buildup in the tiny capillaries (which only allow a cell or two to pass through when not clogged).

It is lack of proper blood flow, which is the concept that has been around for thousands of years, which causes hair loss. The only reason it isnt widely known, is restoring bloodflow to cells that are already atrophied an miniaturizing does not have much effect (think of the hair cells as cancerous) and it can take years to regrow the hair on increased bloodflow alone; most people don't give it enough chance before they quit scalp massages, etc.

Quantum Cat

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that explains the pattern, but since everyone has a galea, why do some men not go bald?

is having your Galea surgically removed a realistic option?


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that explains the pattern, but since everyone has a galea, why do some men not go bald?

is having your Galea surgically removed a realistic option?
Not so much removed, but disconnected from the attached muscles.

Some men do not react to stress with chronic muscle tension...
Some men have stronger circulatory systems than others.....
Some men do not stress out easily...
Some men have naturally small heads in comparison to their scalp elastic limits.....


Established Member
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Interesting... So people that stress out a lot or have a big head (LOL kinda funny when you put it that wat) have to take the same approach (ie: being persistent and consistent with the Makiniak Method?) BTW Slowmoe, is there any way we can do a PM or something of that nature so we can discuss some things? I have some things to offer that you may be interested in. You also seem like you're very informed about this topic as well. I need somebody to discuss this kind of stuff with without the negativity flowing around the room.


Senior Member
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It seems to be.. as long as there aren't goofy "proof" pictures and Wacky-pushing..the discussion here is just fine. Sure, you may still get some challenges, but that happens with nearly every topic.

But then again..that's strange(or should I say- that's a bit rich) coming from you- see your last responses to me.

Quantum Cat

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has somebody uploaded these special massage techniques to the internet? I don't particularly want to shell out good money for info on a technique that may not even work


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Interesting... So people that stress out a lot or have a big head (LOL kinda funny when you put it that wat) have to take the same approach (ie: being persistent and consistent with the Makiniak Method?) BTW Slowmoe, is there any way we can do a PM or something of that nature so we can discuss some things? I have some things to offer that you may be interested in. You also seem like you're very informed about this topic as well. I need somebody to discuss this kind of stuff with without the negativity flowing around the room.

PM me your email address


Senior Member
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has somebody uploaded these special massage techniques to the internet? I don't particularly want to shell out good money for info on a technique that may not even work
