Maliniak Method


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elliotramsey said:
I've been doing the skull expansion techniques for about 11 months. I'm confident they have halted my hairloss.

Thanks for your reply. Is The skull expansion technique you've been using from Paul Taylor's book? It's the only ebook I've seen on this theory.
You said that this technique does not take the Galea as being an important factor or doesn't mention it at all. Is that correct??
It's curious then that both these theories would use similar techniques ie. treat hairloss. I guess there must be some relationship between the two.
Btw is the Violet Ray machine used in the Maliniak technique similar to Infrared or hair lasers being used today for hairloss?
Look forward to your reply. Cheers.


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noneother said:
Can you get your friend to post on this forum?

He used to post on the website but they ridiculed him so he decided to not participate. I can ask him but I highly doubt he will want to post on here.
TheNazz said:
elliotramsey said:
I've been doing the skull expansion techniques for about 11 months. I'm confident they have halted my hairloss.

Thanks for your reply. Is The skull expansion technique you've been using from Paul Taylor's book? It's the only ebook I've seen on this theory.
You said that this technique does not take the Galea as being an important factor or doesn't mention it at all. Is that correct??
It's curious then that both these theories would use similar techniques ie. treat hairloss. I guess there must be some relationship between the two.
Btw is the Violet Ray machine used in the Maliniak technique similar to Infrared or hair lasers being used today for hairloss?
Look forward to your reply. Cheers.

Yes, the techniques are from Paul's ebook. His techniques don't directly mention the Galea, but he did post on a forum that it is possible that the bones growth acts on the underlying tissue.

The huge different between him and Maliniak is that Maliniak's contains information that can really be found anywhere on the internet: Massage and laser treatment. Paul's just uses massage as a way to undo any tension created by doing the main exercises which require applying pressure to various parts of the skull (the parts that are/have a tendency to grow).. so theres a component in there that isn't found anywhere else.

I personally believe that skull expansion is tied into the tight galea theory, perhaps massage + the laser helps to restore growth, while treating the underlying cause (skull expansion) with the massage also helps restore growth.

Like i said before, my hairloss is not severe, but definitely prevalent, i'm mostly going off of my own experience, which has been hair loss stabilization. It is also important to note that I also use Tom Hagerty's SE.

As far as the lasers go.. i'm not educated at all on the subject. I don't plan on using lasers myself, so can't really comment on their similarities or differences.

Hope i helped. Cheers!


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I am wondering how impact massage in the possible acumulation of sebum oxicided in scalp. I think that the physical motion of galea provide a mobilitation of this sebum.
Any ideas?


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elliotramsey said:
Yes, the techniques are from Paul's ebook. The huge different between him and Maliniak is that Maliniak's contains information that can really be found anywhere on the internet: Massage and laser treatment. Paul's just uses massage as a way to undo any tension created by doing the main exercises which require applying pressure to various parts of the skull (the parts that are/have a tendency to grow).. so theres a component in there that isn't found anywhere else.
I personally believe that skull expansion is tied into the tight galea theory, perhaps massage + the laser helps to restore growth, while treating the underlying cause (skull expansion) with the massage also helps restore growth.
Like i said before, my hairloss is not severe, but definitely prevalent, i'm mostly going off of my own experience, which has been hair loss stabilization. It is also important to note that I also use Tom Hagerty's SE.
Hope i helped. Cheers!

Once again thankyou for your reply. There's lot of good information there. There's just a few points of clarification: I'm assuming you have Maliniaks book.....the way you describe his technique(s) and your very first post in this topic would suggest this. So if that's the case I would also assume you'd know more about the Violet Ray aparatus he mentions on his website and his YouTube videos. Apparently this is an important piece of hardware for his technique to work. What exactly is this machine? Is it a massager? Or does it just emit a light or Ray as the name suggests? Do you have one?
And lastly what are the main differences between Paul Taylors SE tecniques and Tom Hagerty's. As a practitioner of both methods which of the two would you say has been: 1/ easier to use and follow and 2/ been more successful in helping with your hairloss? Thanks


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I violet ray machine is pretty much just a wand that emits some kind of UV light? Kind of like a laser i think, but i'm no expert.

That is the device he is talking about. I don't have one, and unless all else fails, i probably won't be buying one.

The biggest difference between Paul's methods and Tom's is their approach. Paul's aims to halt growth of bone, while Tom's, well he isn't sure how it helps, but he has a few theories on his website.

The abbreviation "SE" stands for different things depending on the method you are using. For Tom's it is the Scalp Exercise (SE), and Paul's is Skull Expansion Exercises (which should probably be called SEE). Paul's uses the hands to stop the growth of bone by applying frequent pressure to certain areas. Tom's uses the muscles in the scalp to "work out" the entire scalp.

I use both methods, but I use Tom's Scalp Exercise more. Why? Because it doesn't require the hands. In fact, i am doing his SE as I type this out. That being said, i've been using the Skull Expansion Exercises for longer, almost a year. I am confident I halted hairloss within 3-4 months of doing the Skull Expansion exercises. I probably would have had better results if i had dedicate more time to doing them (there is quite a time commitment involved).
Tom gives no definite time frame for his SE. He says it took him about 9 months before he saw results. It can vary from person to person. I'm at around 7-8 months now.

I still use both however. Hope I helped.


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Cheers. Sounds like your regime is working well. I checked out the Violet Wand/Ray and it seems to have a dodgy history. I noticed that Maliniak is selling a very expensive model , which kinda leads me to believe that this could be the real way he's making money rather than the book itself which I think is only around $29.00. In any case I guess it's a method that should be checked out and studied further though it seems that the SE & SEE methods of Tom and Paul are all related and it's plausible that skull expansion could be the cause of the tight Galea or at least one of the causes. The fact that Paul Taylors method stopped your hairloss after 4 mths is very impressive and from all accounts and what I've read elsewhere could be the technique to go for.
One other thing have you or do you use Minoxidal or Propecia? And what is your view on these products. Like any other 'medications' I've read great and not so great things about them. Thanks


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The 4 months is a rough guess. Its so hard for me to really tell because i wouldn't classify my hairloss as severe, it hasn't gotten noticeably worse though, so i assume it has stopped. (the fact that i was receding at such a young age leads me to think that im predisposed to bald rapidly.. so little or no change means progress for me) Right now i would say i have strong growth somewhere between a Norwood 2 and 3 hairline, with "intermediate" hair *hopefully* filling in to about a Norwood 2 mature hairline. I've never had a youthful hairline, plus my big round forehead make it looks worse.

As far as minoxidil or propecia, i've never used either, and really don't plan to. I take enough drugs for various other internal problems. I don't want to risk the side effects. Plus i don't have the money for their ongoing costs.


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Here is a message from Mr. Maliniak. I think it shows that he is serious about his program and it should be considered a little more seriously. Please take the time to read it.

Dear Elliot,

My name is LEON MALINIAK and I am the author of the MALINIAK METHOD.

I have followed with interest your comments and the comments of other people on your forum about my theory and treatment method and have been frustrated by the fact that the forum rules do not allow me to respond to some of the completely misleading and false statements that appear because I am part of a commercial venture.

It is doing a great disservice to those people who might be interested in the truth about what the MALINIAK METHOD says and who might really benefit from this totally new approach because it has shown positive results on everyone who has tried it so far. More importantly, the independent scientific studies which have recently been published and which are now posted on our website confirm that the two principal hypotheses of my new theory are correct.

I would not mind legitimate commentary and criticism or a reporting to other members which accurately reflects what I have said in the book and on the website, but statements which are manifestly wrong and misleading is malicious and uncivilized, and if you are truly interested in helping other people to solve this problem you will correct some of these misstatements.

I finally found this site and I am trying to comment here but I don't know who will see this post. If it is only you Elliot, I invite you you contact me directly and I will be glad to address and respond to any questions whatsoever that you may have about the MALINIAK METHOD, and try to clear up any misunderstandings so that the merits of my idea can be discussed in a legitimate and fair fashion.

There may be many more issues to clarify, but some of the first issues I want to address which I have seen being misrepresented on the hairlosstalk forum are the following;

1. The violet ray device we recommend as part of our treatment method has NOTHING to do with LASERS. We do NOT sell these devices ourselves, specifically because we did not want people to think that all we wanted to do was sell a machine and we do NOT profit from or receive any commission from the suppliers that we recommend in the e-book, a false statement which was made by someone on the forum.

2. My approach is not a rehash whatsoever of the skull expansion theory, because although that theory has definite merit in concluding that SE may play a role in male pattern baldness and that yourself and others have benefited from using it, this condition is still rare and cannot possibly explain the epidemic of hair loss and male pattern baldness. In fact it fits in perfectly with the principles of the MALINIAK METHOD because it explains ONE of the possible origins of a TIGHT GALEA...but it cannot be the only cause.

The MALINIAK METHOD concludes that it is firstly the TIGHT GALEA ( in fact all the three top layers of the scalp which are attached together) which disrupts blood flow to the follicles and that this then triggers both DHT "over-production" and excessive "accumulation" of DHT which is the SECOND of my TWO factor theoretical cause of hair loss and male pattern baldness. This therefore still respects the conventional wisdom that DHT is the actual "killer" of follicles but it adds the radical new idea that it is ONLY IN THOSE CASES where first the GALEA is tight and disrupts normal blood flow.

The debate about whether or not the GALEA is involved in hair loss or not has now been conclusively and definitively resolved by the findings of the CROWN INSTITUTE REPORT published on our website

So my theory does not reject the SE theory but rather elaborates and expands on it by now allowing people, like yourself, to conclude that if SE is an issue, it is because it is ONE reason why the GALEA gets"tight", but explaining that there are OTHER reasons which therefore would broaden the group of people to whom this would apply.

3. My treatment method is in now way related to to the massage techniques advocated by anyone else because the whole point of my approach is NOT to massage the BALD AREAS themselves as the main target of treating hair loss and male pattern baldness ( except as a secondary and general aide to improving circulation) but instead to concentrate on massaging the muscles to which the GALEA is attached. The actual technique is irrelevant and can be performed many ways. The MAIN issue is WHERE TO MASSAGE.

4.Some comments on the forum are to the effect that "ALL MEN HAVE a GALEA SO WHY AREN'T ALL MEN BALD ?".

Although this was always addressed on the website I realized after reading this comment that it may not have been as obvious as I thought and I recently clarified it even more on the website itself although it has always been very clear in the e-book; the MALINIAK METHOD clearly provides that it is ONLY in those men who develop a TIGHT GALEA where it becomes a factor in hair loss. My theory is that is either due to a genetic predisposition to developing a tight GALEA, which is obviously not a factor for all men, or because of extreme stress.

In young when when this happens at the same time as their "spike" in testosterone production it would explain my the most dramatic, serious and most rapid onset of male pattern baldness cases is in such young men. It seems from your pictures and history that this is your particular situation. I myself was exactly in that position when I was around 20 years old.

5. The history of the violet ray device and the science behind it ,which is based on the work of NIKOLA TESLA, the greatest inventor of all time, whose achievements are more important than the work of EDISON, EINSTEIN and all other inventors combined rebut the gratuitous and misinformed statement by someone on the forum who said the history of this device was "sketchy" or words to that effect.

On the contrary, anything based on the science of TESLA is of the highest order of significance because we are only learning now that he was 100 years ahead of his time. His name is now back in the news with TESLA MOTORS and scientists have still not been able to recreate his inventions which he came up with a century ago.

By the way, seeing from your pictures that you have already made progress using some sort of massage techniques indicates to me that if you added this device to your treatments you would do even better. The electrical stimulation is more important for OLDER guys whose follicles have been dormant longer and in many young men MASSAGE alone, of the correct areas, might be enough if the hair loss is addressed soon enough, but this device can only make the results show up faster and better. That is my experience and the experience of all of the test subjects we have and from our first buyers.

Elliot, these are only a few of the rebuttals I have to some of the incorrect statements which have been made on that forum, and if you are a fair minded individual who is interested in sincere and legitimate scientific discourse and debate you will reconsider some of the comments you made about the MALINIAK METHOD and clarify it to the other members.

I value your opinion and that of the other people on that site because you have all been studying this issue for so long and know so much about it. I know you are all very sceptical and cynical because, like myself, you have all been disappointed for so long, but this issue has plagued me my whole life and I believe I have finally come up with a solution which really works and it troubles me that many people may be dissuaded from investigating this themselves because of these misleading or incomplete statements about it.

It is true this has become a commercial venture for me and I would be happy to make lots of money from it but if you read my whole family history, dealing with cancer and my general motivation to help change the way we deal with catastrophic disease, you will understand that there is also a very important emotional aspect to my involvement with hair loss.

I understand the trauma and distress that hair loss causes in men, especially young men and I hate seeing the members of your forum tormenting themselves in their endless and circuitous debates about the causes of hair loss when I know that this MALINIAK METHOD can probably help them. There may obviously still be much we have to learn about all the factors involved in hair loss, but it definitely seems like the TWO FACTORED theory I have developed and the TREATMENT method is SUFFICIENT for now to STOP HAIR LOSS and GROW NEW HAIR.

Maybe later other enhancements will be added to make it even better and other information will emerge which will allow us to supplement the treatment method and make it even more effective, but this WORKS well as it is presently described and people who need this should not wait.

I invite you to post this letter on the forum if you want and also invite yourself and any other member to e-mail me directly at;





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someone needs to ask him why a transplated folicle from the back moved onto the balding area won't fall out. That disproves it right? and pretty much backs up that certain folicles are vunerable to DHT whilst others arn't right?


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Also, a question to Maliniak could be, what happen with women?
Any theory must explain, among other issues, the pattern of hair loss and the different incidence of alopecia between women an men, the dynamic model of hair loss, etc. can do it Maliniak's ideas?

On the other hand, I concur that Mr. Testla was well ahead of its time


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His answer about the ladies or about galea removal won't be conclusive. Just like his theory. One should try his method for 4-5 months as he recommends and see. It's not very costly and takes 30 minutes per day. One can watch tv while doing it. An efficient method can be based on a wrong theory. Ultimately no one knows exactly what's happening on our scalp. His view on male pattern baldness, just like all others, is incomplete and speculative. Just try it.


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There might be some science behind the "violet ray device" AKA electrostatic fields, for stimulating hair growth ... ... cology.pdf


Aims: To determine whether specific pulsed electrostatic fields, or electrotrichogenesis (ETG), could potentially prevent or reduce hair loss in patients undergoing adjuvant cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil (CMF) chemotherapy for breast cancer.
Methods: Thirteen women were followed during their adjuvant ETG and chemotherapy treatment to determine the efficacy of ETG. All patients were treated for 12 min, twice weekly with a pulsed electrostatic field. Quantitative hair loss was measured by photographic assessment, and manual hair count. Quality of life assessment was conducted at the end of the study.

Results: Twelve out of 13 participants had good hair retention throughout the chemotherapy period and afterwards. There were no reported side effects attributable to ETG.

Conclusions: This study shows encouraging results in an area where no other appropriate treatment is available Reducing alopecia, secondary to chemotherapy has the potential to increase CMF treatment compliance, enhance patient self-esteem, and improve overall quality of life during this stressful period.



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The short answer..

"HAIR TRANSPLANTS may also work because the transplanted donor plugs are attached to recipient areas in the top of the scalp where the HOLE which is punched into the scalp may go through this GALEA and these transplanted follicles now again have unimpaired access to the blood supply. I am not 100% sure about this conclusion because I do not really know how deeply these transplants are embedded but it seems to make sense and explains why transplants survive in the same area where previous follicles died and continue to die. They certainly do not bring their entire old vascular system with them. They may also survive because they are not clogged with DHT, having come from an area where DHT did not get trapped."

As expected, without going and testing this in lab, something i'm willing to bet almost no one would do, its hard to figure out exactly why transplanted hair survives. (i've heard that it can actually fall out as well if meds aren't taken)

The Violet Ray device is a very interesting concept and one that i believe may be beneficial. Its not the same as lasers. When i get some more $$ i think i will look into buying one off ebay.

I got an updated copy of his ebook. Its about 42 pages long and provides the photographic evidence that he gives on his website. I have no doubt that his method has worked for him. If works, who cares exactly why.


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thanks Balder for this link.


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He should add more progress photos to his website AND YouTube. Some of those were taken months ago so an update would go a LONG WAY to help his theory. ALSO photos of OTHERS using The Maliniak Method would be proof that it doesn't only work for ONE person.


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Others will be sceptical and still ask questions, as I have still seen from some members and this is natural and is to be understood in such a controversial subject. In keeping with my philosophy that you must always address and respond to legitimate questions and be prepared to defend a THEORY that you believe in and are trying to advocate for, I will answer briefly here the other questions you have asked and some that I saw on the FORUM, even though they are in fact addressed, and my INTUITIVE and "THEORETICAL" explanations are already given in greater detail, in the e-book.


This question relates to the fact that TRANSPLANTS do succeed for the main part, although there are many which do not and some which fail over time. Firstly, the problem with transplants is that for really bald guys there is a limited amount of "DONORS" available, so it is not as useful a solution when you have a LOT of bald area to cover.

Also, the problem with transplants is that your ORIGINAL hair on top will still continue to get thin and fall out because the process which is causing this problem still persists and UNLESS you also address that, it will fall out you will be no further ahead on coverage.

But I think the main purpose of this question is that it asks me to reconcile the "success" of transplants with the "tight GALEA" theory, i.e., WHY DOES THE TRANSPLANT SURVIVE IF IT IS BEING PUT INTO THE AREA WITH THE GALEA FROM AN AREA WITHOUT A GALEA?"

This also is the thrust of the question from " NEWBIE", on that forum, which is legitimate and deserves an answer. He suggests that the answer is simply that the receptors in some areas of the scalp are more sensitive to DHT than others and this is probably a PART of the answer but is cannot explain all the observed phenomena. For example, if this was the MAIN issue, then ALL MEN would be bald on top if those receptors on TOP are more "sensitive" than DHT receptors elsewhere.

You correctly cited an extract from my book which stated that one theoretical explanation is that the transplanted follicles are implanted in a way which punches a HOLE through the GALEA and gives them unrestricted access to the blood vessel bed, but, as I say in the book, I cannot be sure about that.

The more LOGICAL answer I suggest is that the transplant succeeds because the transplanted follicles are coming from an area without a GALEA, and as a result they are NOT CLOGGED WITH DHT and therefore they survive. Follicles on the TOP of the scalp have been subjected to DHT accumulation and over-production for years and are clogged with DHT attached to their receptors because of the disrupted blood flow. The corollary of this is also true, namely, that a follicle transplanted FROM a bald area with a GALEA to an area WITHOUT a GALEA does NOT survive. This is a common comment I see in the debate about the involvement of the GALEA and it is derived from the findings of the famous NORDSTROM study of 1979.

I humbly submit that that study was flawed and its conclusions inaccurate precisely because they FAILED to control for this SECOND factor in HAIR LOSS, which I refer to above, which is the degree of DHT present/absent in the transplants in either case, whether transplanting from an area with a GALEA to an area WITHOUT a GALEA or vice versa.

More importantly, whatever that 1979 NORDSTROM study said or didn't say, as with all areas of science or in my experience, in LAW, you will always be able to find NUMEROUS studies on BOTH sides of an issue, and as far as I am concerned, I prefer the conclusions of the much more recent CROWN INSTITUTE study of 2010 which unequivocally concludes and proves that the GALEA is definitely involved in HAIR LOSS and that "restricted" blood flow causes HYPOXIA( low oxygen levels), resulting in "over-production" of DHT which would further explain the role of DHT in hair loss and why it is more prominent in areas of limited blood supply and which is consistent with the MALINIAK METHOD theory.

As far as I am concerned, THE DEBATE IS OVER.

If others want to continue to torment themselves over the "excruciating minutiae" ( Seinfeld expression) of this issue they will forever paralyze themselves and never act to solve their hair loss problem. I decided to TAKE A STAND and concluded over one year ago that the GALEA IS INVOLVED and then I developed a treatment method BASED on that conclusion...and it works.


This too is addressed both on the web site and in the book, but briefly, MOST women obviously do NOT lose their hair even though women also have a GALEA, and my explanation for this is based on my TWO FACTOR theory for the cause of hair loss, which is that MOST women, even if they have a "tight GALEA", do NOT have the second problem which is the elevated levels of testosterone, and its by-product DHT and that is why they do not lose their hair.

However, for those women who DO lose their hair later in life or after childbirth, for example, the MALINIAK METHOD explains this by theorizing that it is because they also eventually do develop the second problem which is elevated DHT due to hormonal changes following menopause or childbirth. So it is the same process as for men, but it is more rare in women and is tied to changes in hormonal levels.

This discussion could go back and forth for decades and some people will never be satisfied and continue to torture themselves. The bottom line is that the exact mechanism may never be fully understood for many years to come.

The MALINIAK METHOD at least takes a definitive position on this subject and makes a "STAND" as a RADICAL new THEORY about a TWO FACTORED cause of HAIR LOSS and male pattern baldness and it incorporates and reconciles many of the contradictory and conflicting evidence and opinions on this subject, but actually MAKES A DECISION and still respects conventional wisdom. It is LOGICAL and MAKES SENSE and the treatment method seems to work.

Those who want to debate this forever will do so and STAY BALD.

On the other hand, those people who see, in the words of one of our members, the "LAYMAN'S LOGIC" in all of this, will finally take ACTION and do something about it. They cannot be any worse off than what they are now, this METHOD is not expensive and its slogan is NO DRUGS, NO LOTIONS, NO SURGERY.

I hope this further comforts those who have had continuing questions and persuades them to give it a try.

Please feel free to post this letter. I will never shy away from debate and civilzed discussion.

