Maliniak Method


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elliotramsey said:
...The more LOGICAL answer I suggest is that the transplant succeeds because the transplanted follicles are coming from an area without a GALEA, and as a result they are NOT CLOGGED WITH DHT and therefore they survive. Follicles on the TOP of the scalp have been subjected to DHT accumulation and over-production for years and are clogged with DHT attached to their receptors because of the disrupted blood flow. The corollary of this is also true, namely, that a follicle transplanted FROM a bald area with a GALEA to an area WITHOUT a GALEA does NOT survive. This is a common comment I see in the debate about the involvement of the GALEA and it is derived from the findings of the famous NORDSTROM study of 1979.

I humbly submit that that study was flawed and its conclusions inaccurate precisely because they FAILED to control for this SECOND factor in HAIR LOSS, which I refer to above, which is the degree of DHT present/absent in the transplants in either case, whether transplanting from an area with a GALEA to an area WITHOUT a GALEA or vice versa.


That guy is a complete quack.


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Hi Leon
I don't concur you are a quack but a person trying solve a problem with hairloss, but you need know that the important androgens affecting hair are produced inside pilosebaceous unit and then, there is not difference between women and men hairs. Androgens in blood flow are indiferent in common baldness. It is basic biology.


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In other words, he doesn't know exactly why everything works. But then again, neither do the scientists that are so knowledgeable about the subject.

Just because someone found something that works, doesn't mean that they have no know exactly why it works.


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He should add more progress photos to his website AND YouTube. Some of those were taken months ago so an update would go a LONG WAY to help his theory. ALSO photos of OTHERS using The Maliniak Method would be proof that it doesn't only work for ONE person.


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omg i bought the ebook:) he tells nothing! Only story`s about hair loss and how he came up with his own treatment, after 30 pages he says that he found out you have to massage your whole scalp, also above the ears and neck for 10 minutes with the fingertips and only move your scalp, not the fingers! And use a natural shampoo and a violet device! Thats it!!!!!


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Bombarie said:
omg i bought the ebook:) he tells nothing! Only story`s about hair loss and how he came up with his own treatment, after 30 pages he says that he found out you have to massage your whole scalp, also above the ears and neck for 10 minutes with the fingertips and only move your scalp, not the fingers! And use a natural shampoo and a violet device! Thats it!!!!!
Must piss u off when u feel ripped off that way. Hair loss is a sensitive issue & unfortunately there's a lot of information , methods & treatments out there that are not very good , some are downright misleading or dishonest. It's tough , confusing and very time consuming wading through the myriad of information available. All you can really say is that there isn't a definitive cure and what may work for one person may not work for another. When I hear about guys going bald in their late teens or twenties I really feel for them , if that had happened to me I think I would've freaked out. My hair loss has been a very slow & gradual process over the last 11 yrs or so and it only really became noticeable around 4 or 5 yrs ago. Even then there were times my hair would be noticeably thicker & longer than other times. I've done a fair bit of research on different natural methods and I would encourage you to take a look at Paul Taylors Skull Expansion theory & possibly Tom Hagerty. There's some info on this thread about both methods , just go through the different posts & click on links whenever they are available or google the info/subjects you're interested in.


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I can personally vouch for the Tom hagerty and skull expansion exercises. I've at least halted my hairless, and considering I was loosing my hair at 17, I must have been doomed for aggressive hairloss (my dad lost his early). The fact that it hasn't gotten worse since I started is a testament to these theories. Which has the most benefit? I don't know. Tom Hagertys info is free, and while the ebook from paul taylor is 30some dollars, it contains tons of information and half the book is the solution to the problem.

I know there are a bajilion vellus hairs around my hairline that weren't there before, and I think this is where Maliniaks violet ray device may help to start these back into terminal growth. No, the violet ray device is not the same as a laser. It has been shown to posses many beneficial properties


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A theory can be brilliant and have no therapeutical method to go with it. A method can show its efficiency while being based on a right, or wrong theory, or no theory at all. Aspirin was used for decades on various problems because of its effectiveness, without explanation regarding its exact action. What's the exact biological action of Nizoral on the scalp?

Some people are trying Maliniak's method, they'll surely report about it in the months to come. The thing about it is that after one minimal spending, applying the method doesn't cost anything and is supposed to show effects after 4-5 months. It's not like a massive investment that ruins your budget and wastes your personal time for years. If it's effective, Maliniak will be thanked by the balding community (and he'll be a target for lobbies), if it's not it will just be another failed experiment.

Just try it and see for yourself.


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Mr. Maliniak follows this thread and he sent me an email in regards to a post made earlier...

Thank you for responding to the post from BOMBARIE, but if it is acceptable to you I would appreciate you posting my following response because it addresses other aspects of his comments. I believe it is in the interests of your members who need help with their hair loss and male pattern baldness to get a complete picture and not be dissuaded or mislead by this partial and inaccurate "resume" of the book, which diminishes the critical importance of the scientific basis of it's underlying premise and which over-simplifies and trivializes the treatment method I came up with and the specific electrical device I suggest we adopt and apply to this problem;

Firstly, the posted account of what the MALINIAK METHOD says about the MASSAGE aspect of the treatment method is completely wrong and mis leading. The book emphasizes that the primary FOCUS should be on massaging the muscles to which the GALEA is attached, which is in the areas which are NOT bald, and that it is NOT really necessary to massage the rest of the " head", meaning the actual bald spots. I say that I continue to do that only as a "MINOR" and secondary element because I have done it for years and it may somehow improve general circulation but that the "knee jerk" reaction of massaging the actual BALD AREAS alone never worked for me in the past. Everything changed when I realized I was massaging the wrong areas and that the muscles connected to the GALEA were the important thing.

Again, the KEY to the whole thing, and the founding principal upon which the MALINIAK METHOD is based, is to RELAX THE GALEA...EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE HAIR LOSS PROCESS IS TRIGGERED FROM THAT "FIRST" TIGHT GALEA...according to this theory.

Secondly, to dismiss the thirty pages on the background information and thinking that went into coming up with this new theory and treatment method as merely some "stories" about hair loss is disingenuous, gratuitous and trivializes the importance of this information and the whole process of years of INTUITIVE thinking and reflection that went into formulating this comprehensive new TWO FACTORED theory about the whole hair loss syndrome. The reason I went into this detail was because I felt that people with this problem, who have been burned, scammed and disappointed so often before, would really want to know the COMPLETE reasoning behind this theory to see for themselves IF and WHY it is LOGICAL. This process of growing back lost hair and reviving dormant follicles is difficult and takes a lot of dedication and PATIENCE to stay with it until the first results show up, which in my case took four to five months, ( for younger men it has worked much faster), so really understanding and agreeing with the thinking behind the whole thing is very important to maintain this level of commitment.

Finally, to diminish the importance of the recommendation that I make that we rely on the VIOLET RAY invented by NIKOLA TESLA over all other forms of stimulating devices to try to revive the dormant follicles is to imply that this was obvious or simple. IT WAS NOT. The book goes into great detail to explain the history and science behind this particular device and why I chose it over all other devices and again, all of this is to provide people with the proper "information" so they would agree that this also MAKES SENSE and adopt this treatment method with confidence.

Sure, everything in life is easy and obvious once you are told how to do something and "AFTER " one learns about this particular device and it's application to this field of hair loss, and the other steps suggested in the MALINIAK METHOD, it becomes " SIMPLE" and obvious. But if all of the combination of elements of the MALINIAK METHOD, including the use of the VIOLET RAY, which is only part of it, was so simple and so obvious...HOW COME NOBODY PUT IT ALL TOGETHER BEFORE?


It is disservice to the other members of this forum who may benefit from this new comprehensive approach to diminish the importance of all the supporting information I provided and to fail to indicate that there are exact procedures to use which are properly and completely detailed in the book , and not just say " use the violet ray device and that's it" otherwise they WILL NOT GET RESULTS.

It took a long time to experiment and come up with a protocol for this specific treatment method which works and people should get the whole story for themselves and not rely on some partial summary from someone else. Everyone is capable of evaluating this theory and its merits and decide for themselves if IT MAKES SENSE.

In conclusion, and regardless of how he "characterized" the contents of the book, I invite BOMBARIE to now actually implement the MALINIAK METHOD exactly as it is described in the book and see if it stops his hair loss and grows back his hair as is theorized and as it did for me and everyone else who has tried it so far...or he can STAY BALD. If it doesn't work we will give his money back...but he must do it as outlined in the book and not take shortcuts or make changes.

The bottom line in all of this, members of this forum, is that you can choose to continue to debate this subject back and forth ad nauseum for years and years and never take action or you can try this simple, inexpensive method which has taken me years to conceive and years of suffering with my hair loss and where finally I was actually able to do something about my hair loss.


We may never understand every single aspect of the hair loss syndrome but that is not necessary. The MALINIAK THEORY takes a position, provides a global and cohesive THEORY which makes tremendous sense and also suggests a simple treatment method which is based, ONLY in part, on reviving an old and established science of the VIOLET RAY...AND IT WORKS.

Hope you agree to post this letter and that it helps others decide to see what this is all about for THEMSELVES.



Like i mentioned earlier, when i get the funds for it, i will be purchasing a violet ray device..

I also agree with Cyberprimate


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Where does the link talk about the Violet ray Machine? All i see is the selection you posted!

I'm no expert on this machine by any means, and im sure Mr. Maliniak will comment, but i'd say that for some (or most) medical purposes the violet machine IS a quakery machine. But perhaps it DOES have some useful purposes? If Leon sends me an email i will post it asap.


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Did a quick search on google ... ptions.htm

I think you're referring to how in the 1900s, companies were mass producing these devices and doctors were falsely marketing them as "cure-alls":

"Soon America became the world of patent medicine and quackery, and many manufacturers began making the devices and advertising them as cure-alls"

And a lot of these claims were debunked:

"Eventually the cure-all claims were put to trial and most of the devices were banned by the FDA for illegitimate claims."

That is not to say that these machines are completely useless. It just seems the ailments they were effective in treating were exaggerated out of proportions:

"So what are the authentic use of Violet Ray machines? Mainly (as the original units) for treating minor skin conditions. Ozone is germicidal (kills bacteria) and high frequency currents are dehydrating for the skin. Acne or similar conditions are often improved by the nature of these applications. Also, fulguration or cold cautery is used with these devices"

Nothing specifically about hair loss from that link but I've seen various sources saying that it supposedly helps with blood circulation but I wasn't able to find anything concrete.


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i would have been thrilled if you had any drawings ore videos how you show where to massage excactly!
I will try out your procedure! So 10 minutes massage everyday and i`m also wiggling my ears for 20 min a day! I`m still a young guy with a Norwood 1,5 so according to your information i will not have to use the violet ray device! The regrowt will only go slower! But i would be happy to maintain what i have!
Sorry for my previous post!

I will do almost everything you say, but not use the violet ray device! This would still be ok right?


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I've noticed that Mr Maliniaks extensive emails have been posted here several times rebutting & explaining his method which is fair enough BUT why hasn't he said or done anything regarding my request for progress photos. It seems like he's avoiding the issue.

This is the 3rd & last time I will post this request. If he doesn't respond then I will assume that there hasn't been any "progress" in regaining hair since someone who IS regaining lost hair and using/selling his OWN method would be shouting it from the rooftops AND Showing everyone!!!!!!! ie. Photos....

He should add more progress photos to his website AND YouTube. Some of those were taken months ago so an update would go a LONG WAY to help his theory. ALSO photos of OTHERS using The Maliniak Method would be proof that it doesn't only work for ONE person.


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Bombarie.. When you say wiggle your ears do you mean Tom Hagertys scalp exercise? Are you doing it correctly? There's more to it than just wiggling your ears. If you are doing the scalp exercise then there's a chance you will receive stabilization with massage but I can't guarantee regrowth.

If your a Norwood 1.5 , are you sure you just aren't developing a mature hairline?


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yes i`m doing them correctly, i got them from Tom haggerty!I`m doing them for 6 months now!

I`m sure that i`m thinning, i have alot of small hairs at the hairline and its thinner then the middle of the hairline!

I stretch my occipitalis muscle so my ears go back and hold it for 3 sec, i do this for like 30 min a day! Sometimes i use my hands and hold them on my scalp and i feel a burning sensation at the occipitalis muscle.

Maybe if i first relax the galea by giving the occipitalis muscle a massage everything will speed up!

Time will tell


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1. On the question of the VIOLET RAY device and the references to it a QUACK device;

Firstly, that device is STILL in common use today and FDA approved for the treatments of skin conditions and is standard equipment in every beautician and aesthetician's salon. Early on, when it was first invented by TESLA around 1900, it was also promoted to GROW HAIR, along with claims about its usefulness in the treatment of many types of medical problems.

The history of it's use for "medical" problems demonstrates that it was used for almost fifty years , up until about 1950, by every doctor in north america( maybe elsewhere too, but I am not sure). So either all the doctors and all their patients were a bunch of idiots for over fifty years, which is doubtful, OR this device actually was of some value for treating a wide variety of medical problems.

What happened is that the American Medical Association( A.M.A.) eventually abolished the use of this device and ALL forms of "electrotherapy" , including that of a Doctor that I talk about in the book names ROYAL RAYMOND RIFE who used an ADVANCED version of this TESLA science to successfully treat and cure 16 out of 16 terminally ill cancer patients in a "controlled" scientific experiment under the auspices of the University of California in 1934 in collaboration of a team of six of the top doctors in the United States. It was so successful that the A.M.A. tried to buy into the company created to exploit this technology and when they could not, they abolished all forms of this RIFE electrotherapy and prosecuted doctors who used it.

Unlike other "conspiracy" theories which imply that " secret" technologies exists which could turn water into gasoline", for example, and for which there is never any "credible" proof, the A.M.A. and the RIFE partners all ended up in COURT and the written proofs of the effectiveness of this approach and the testimonies of the witnesses are all a matter of PUBLIC RECORD in the transcript of that trial.

But whatever the evolution of the history of that device is as it relates to its use in "medical" treatments, in our case we are NOT dealing with a true "medical" issue, but what is more aptly described as a "COSMETIC" issue when we talk about HAIR LOSS and male pattern baldness, so whether or not it is a QUACK device with respect to treating serious medical conditions, is irrelevant for me.

By the way, as a side issue, whenever I speak at a symposium or something on the subject of the value of certain "alternative" sciences, like this ROYAL RIFE science, I am always prepared for the inevitable and totally gratuitous remarks about something non mainstream and new being called a "QUACK" medicine. What I tell them when I hear this type of comment is;

" Do you want to know who the real "QUACKS" are? Since 1997, more than 26 prescription drugs have been released on the market after seven years of extensive research involving the sacred cow of the scientific method, the "double-blind", "peer-reviewed", PLACEBO controlled experiments, only to be removed from the market a short time later after having killed thousand of people worldwide. The WHO, The World Health Organization, has released statistics which say that cancer deaths worldwide will increase from 2007 to 2030 from 7.9 million per year to 11.5 million a year. This is the pathetic track record of the mainstream medical research community. It's not the fault of the doctors. They would love to be given more effective techniques then those provided as part of the obsession with toxic and ineffective drugs provided of the research community and the doctors are being let down by them. SO WHO ARE THE REAL "QUACKS" ?

Because of this sad record, the public has the right, NO, the OBLIGATION to pursue research into other alternatives without being labelled "QUACKS". This has nothing to do with HAIR LOSS and male pattern baldness but similarly in this field, we have the right to search for other solutions because the mainstream medical community has failed to cure baldness until we can't do any worse.

So, to get back to the subject of the VIOLET RAY device, I suggested we adapt it for this purpose in my MALINIAK METHOD over all other devices which also purport to "stimulate" the follicles, or circulation, or whatever, because this device emanates from the science of TESLA, the greatest inventor in human history, and its properties, benefits and characteristics are much more diversified and varied than any other devices promoted for this purpose. If someone wants to REJECT the usefulness of this device and try something else, that is their prerogative, but I recommend the VIOLET RAY and I am satisfied with the results we have seen.


There are already TEN(10) pictures on the website of my own personal progress using this method from January 2010 until December 2010 showing the gradual, obvious and steady regrowth of my hair...WITHOUT ANY WILD EXAGGERATIONS.

We will continue to post my pictures but we felt this was enough for now. We even received letters from some of our buyers who said that they bought the book because my pictures, showing that I still had "sparse" areas was the only "credible" pictures they have ever seen on the internet. Some sites post outrageous pictures showing a completely BALD guy in one shot and then having a completely FULL head of hair in the next. They felt, as I always felt, that these were not believable.

In fact in the beginning I did not want to post any "testimonials" or pictures whatsoever, specifically because I felt that most people do NOT believe these testimonials or the classic and conventional marketing technique of BEFORE and AFTER pictures. I wanted people to adopt my method because the reasoning behind it JUST MAKES SENSE. I have had to bow since then to the standard expectations of the marketplace and we posted some testimonials, and will post others, but some sceptics will NEVER be satisfied, they will say the testimonials are fake or that the pictures are doctored, so we will NOT hold ourselves back over these type of people who will never be satisfied and be happy to accommodate those people who see the LOGIC of the MALINIAK METHOD and are willing to give it a try.



Another problem with constantly changing the website is every time we did that it took the GOOGLE search robot many days to find our site again and so we don't want to risk that "disappearance" too often.

I have posted enough pictures already and if that is not acceptable to some people OR they do not see the LOGIC of the MALINIAK METHOD, then as we say on the website...DO NOT BUY THE BOOK !

I hope this answers most of these new questions, but anyone can feel free to continue to challenge this MALINIAK METHOD and ask questions, but at the end of the day, I suggest there is enough anecdotal and "quasi-scientific" evidence already to support its validity and merit and people should give it a try.




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I don't know if Leon Maliniak talks about sebum related hairloss in his book, and if with his method avoid the immobilization of it in the scalp?


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i've been following this system for about 2 weeks now. I bought the Ebook a couple of months ago and did start doing the massages a bit, then finally decided to spring for a cheap ebay violet ray device. I was a little disappointed with Leon because i had questions for him after reading his ebook and he wouldn't even respond to any of my many email attempts. I started to think he was just a big scammer. I know he was talking about coming out with his own device for sale, but i see no further mention of it...?

Also, he did have some pics of some one elses regrowth posted up but i don't see them anymore.

Its only been 2 weeks, and the device i'm using is a cheap one so who knows. his pics do look pretty good however. For a possible "quack" regrowth system, he looks a lot better than most of the other stuff out there, even if he won't answer emails..


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As i'm sure you know, Mr. Maliniak follows this thread closely and enjoys discussing his theory, so he apologizes for not getting/responding to your email.

He urges anyone who has questions or wants to discuss to email him directly at