Maliniak Method


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zambutu said:
i've been following this system for about 2 weeks now. I bought the Ebook a couple of months ago and did start doing the massages a bit, then finally decided to spring for a cheap ebay violet ray device. I was a little disappointed with Leon because i had questions for him after reading his ebook and he wouldn't even respond to any of my many email attempts. I started to think he was just a big scammer. I know he was talking about coming out with his own device for sale, but i see no further mention of it...?

Also, he did have some pics of some one elses regrowth posted up but i don't see them anymore.

Its only been 2 weeks, and the device i'm using is a cheap one so who knows. his pics do look pretty good however. For a possible "quack" regrowth system, he looks a lot better than most of the other stuff out there, even if he won't answer emails..

any results/changes so far?


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The galea theory of balding needs more investigation :woot: ... 38888.html

Christopher Walken Pulls At His Hair To Keep Baldness At Bay....

Veteran actor Christopher Walken likes to pull his hair every day, after reading the practice makes going bald less likely.The Hairspray star credits his distinctive hairstyle with regular yanking at his locks, which he read was what late U.S. President John F. Kennedy used to do as well.He says, "President Kennedy had this great hair, and I read that somebody came and massaged him because he had that back problem, but he would also get his hair pulled."As men get older, the skin on their heads tightens and the blood gets constricted. Apparently, if you keep your scalp skin loose, you're more apt to keep your hair."So I just grab it with both hands and yank on it while I'm watching the news".



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I can see the validity in Maliniak's theory because my scalp tightens depending on my emotions and level of stress. I can feel where the muscles attached to the galea pull down. The massages addresses the tension but it's only a bandaid you have to constantly be vigilant in your thoughts to provide continual relaxation throughout your body and scalp.

In a matter of seconds if I relax, the male pattern baldness part of my scalp becomes extremely flexible, as flexible as the scalp at the sides and back of the head not affected by male pattern baldness. Bear in mind I have also been working with Paul Taylor's Skull Expansion exercises.

I believe the Maliniak Method and the skull expansion theory are complementary.


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JosephHowl said:
zambutu said:
i've been following this system for about 2 weeks now. I bought the Ebook a couple of months ago and did start doing the massages a bit, then finally decided to spring for a cheap ebay violet ray device. I was a little disappointed with Leon because i had questions for him after reading his ebook and he wouldn't even respond to any of my many email attempts. I started to think he was just a big scammer. I know he was talking about coming out with his own device for sale, but i see no further mention of it...?

Also, he did have some pics of some one elses regrowth posted up but i don't see them anymore.

Its only been 2 weeks, and the device i'm using is a cheap one so who knows. his pics do look pretty good however. For a possible "quack" regrowth system, he looks a lot better than most of the other stuff out there, even if he won't answer emails..

any results/changes so far?

Nothing after a month. Any system should be given 3 months to notice any change


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I just ordered a cheaper violet ray from ebay.

Hopefully that, combined with Maliniak Method, Tom Hagerty method, and Paul Taylor Method, will be enough to sort this out


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Studies on electromagnetic fields and male pattern baldness ... Review.htm

Hair Loss
This double-blind, placebo-controlled study examined the effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on hair loss in men suffering from male pattern baldness. PEMF exposures were administered to the head for 12 minutes and were given weekly or twice weekly over a period of 36 weeks. Results found the PEMF treatment both prevented hair loss and promoted regrowth without side effects.

W.S. Maddin, et al., "The Biological Effects of a Pulsed Electrostatic with Specific Reference to Hair: Electrotrichogenesis," International Journal of Dermatology, 29(6), 1990, p. 446-450.



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R.A. Drolet: 'Thumart Therapy: A non-Invasive Cell Regeneration Ion and Anti-Inflammatory Therapy Using Electromagnetic Fields,' Bioelectromagnetics Society, 4th 0oAnnual Meeting, Los Angeles. - The positive anti-inflammatory, cell-regenerating, sedative and pain-relieving effects of PEMF are described.

Burns and Sunburn

R.A. Drolet: 'Rhumart Therapy: A Noninvasive Cell Regeneration Ion and Anti-Inflammatory Therapy Using LF-EM Fields,' Bioelectromagnetics Society, 4th Annual Meeting. -A variety of applications of PEMF were listed in several international studies. The pain-relieving effects, improved circulation in the skin, improved wound healing and the soothing effect are especially important.

Hair Loss

W.S. Maddin et al.: 'The Biological Effects of a Pulsed Electrostatic with Specific Reference to Hair: Electrotrichogenesis,' International Journal of Dermatology, 29 (6), 1990, pp. 446-50. - This double blind, placebo-controlled study investigated men with alopecia to determine the effect of PEMF. After 36 weeks of treatment, it was found that the hair loss was stopped and new hair growth was promoted.


V.P. Adaskevich: 'Effectiveness of the Use of Millimeter-Range Electromagnetic Radiation in Complex Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis Patients,' Millimetrovie Volni v Biologii I Medicine (3), 1994 pp. 78-81. - PEMF in combination with conventional treatment methods on patients with neuro-dermatitis was tolerated very well by all patients and an improvement in redness could be seen after 7-8 treatments. 78% of the patients treated with the combination therapy showed a lasting improvement in the disease. After two years of treatment with PEMF only 23% a relapse, whereas 54% in the control group had a relapse.


R. Castelpietra et al.: 'Initial Experiences in the Treatment of Psoriasis with Pulsating Magnetic Fields,' Ospedale die Bambini [Children's Hospital]. V. Buzzi, Milan. Minerva Med. -The therapeutic success of PEMF in psoriasis was investigated on 110 patients. The best results were achieved in the area of the head and hair (100%) good results, in the typical locations/joints: 73.7% in men and 75% in women. The best results were achieved by people in the 2nd, 5th and 6th decades of life. The prospects for success were better, the longer the disease had been in existence in a given patient. The results showed the best results when treatment was performed in the period of March/April. No side effects were reported.

Y.L Arzumano: 'An Overview of the Third Workshop 'Use of Millimeter Wave in Medicine.' Millimetrovie Volini v Bilogii I Medicine (3), 1994, pp. 104-107. - This review article emphasizes the excellent effect of PEMF on psoriasis.

Ulcers of the Skin

A.V. Alekseenko et al.: 'Use of PEMF Combined with Galvanization and Tissue Electrophoresis in the Treatment of Trophic Ulcers,' Klein Khir (7-8), 1993, pp. 31-34. - PEMF was investigated on 86 patients with skin ulcers. On the basis of the study results, the author recommends the use of PEMF for skin ulcers on the lower extremities..

Comorosan S, Vasilco R, Arghiropol M, Paslaru L, Jieanu V, Stelea Fundeni Hospital, Bucharest, Romania. Romania Journal of Physiol., 30 (1-2), 1993, pp. 41-45. The effect of PEMF on pressure ulcers has been studied on 20 elderly patients, hospitalized and bearing long-standing pressure ulcers. All were subjected to PEMF 1 -2 times daily parallel to conventional treatment. 5 control group patients underwent only conventional therapy, 5 others conventional + placebo PEMF treatment. After 2-weeks treatment, bulge healing rate was as follows: under PEMF 85% excellent and 15% very good healing; in the placebo group, 80% no improvement and 20% poor improvement; in the control group, 60% no improvement and 40% poor improvement. PEMF is strongly advised as a modern, uninvasive therapy of great efficiency.

Stiller, Pak, Shupack, Thaler, Kenny, Jondreau; NY University Medical Centre, British Journal of Dermatology, 127 (2), 1992. A randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled multi-centre study assessed the clinical efficacy and safety of PEMF in the healing of recalcitrant, predominantly venous leg ulcers. For 8 weeks a portable device was used at home for 3 h daily as an adjunct to a wound dressing. Wound surface area, ulcer depth and pain intensity were assessed. 50% of the ulcers in the active group healed or markedly improved vs. 0% in the placebo group. 0% of the active group worsened vs. 54% of the placebo group (P < 0.001). PEMF is a safe and effective adjunct to non-surgical therapy for leg ulcers.

Ieran, Zaffuto, Bagnacani, Annovi, Moratti, Cadossi; Medical Angiology, , Reggio Emilia, Italy. Double blind study on the effect of PEMF on the healing of skin ulcers. 44 patients; one-half exposed to active stimulators and the remaining to dummy stimulators (control group). The PEMF therapy lasted 90 days. The success rate in the experimental group was significantly higher after 90 days (p less than 0.02) and in the follow-up period (p less than 0.005). The data suggest that the effect of PEMF lasts even when the stimulation is over. No ulcers worsened in the experimental group, while four worsened in the control group. It is concluded that stimulation with PEMF is a useful adjunctive therapy. PMID: 2303961 PubMed

Yeast Infections

Y. Mizushima et al.: 'Effects of Magnetic Fields on Inflammation,' Department of Medicine and Physical Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokoyo. JAMA, Vol. 248, no. 5, p. 921. - Pulsed electromagnetic fields are capable of influencing and counteracting inflammations such as caused by yeast infections (Candida).


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Wow guys, thanks for those articles.

I'm not very scientific, but do the believe the violet ray machine is a form of electromagnetic energy.

It also appears that this machine could have a multitude of other health benefits (psoriasis definitely sparks my interest), mostly at the skin.

I think i will definitely be trying this device for other skin related conditions alongside the maliniak method


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So am I the only one actually TRYING this, instead of just talking about it? :dunno:

This was day 4 for me.


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Archon said:
So am I the only one actually TRYING this, instead of just talking about it? :dunno:

This was day 4 for me.

Nope. I've had my Violet Ray for about a week and a couple days now! Your not alone!


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month and a half for me, but i havnt been able to use my violet ray for 2 weeks :( ... it doesnt work in the UK ~50hz. the scalp massages ive been going at for 2.5 months now tho.


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zambutu said:
month and a half for me, but i havnt been able to use my violet ray for 2 weeks :( ... it doesnt work in the UK ~50hz. the scalp massages ive been going at for 2.5 months now tho.

That sucks.. I think the violet ray is the most important aspect of the maliniak method.

What brand did you guys get? I bought a Novator off ebay for around 80$. So far it works great.


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elliotramsey said:
What brand did you guys get? I bought a Novator off ebay for around 80$. So far it works great.

I think the brand was "New Spa" iirc... The high frequency device I got gives off an orange beam instead of violet because it uses neon gas instead of argon. The two are interchangeable for this.