Excellent post. It's an excuse or cope by some others to hide behind their race. Ultimately, what you say here, matters the most in a developed country. No one dates or socialises with you based on your race. Looks, career, intellect and health - well said. It's so easy to see the people who have life experience on here or have basic understanding.
Thats not entirely true
assortative mating holds that people generally date (i.e mate) with people from similar genetic and cultural backgrounds - interracial dating is very rare, despite all media attempts to portray it as in vogue and normal.
theres a subset of liberals who want to encourage racial mixing as much as possible, not for noble ideas but because they have weak fractured identities and want everyone else to have weak fractured identities. The same way they want the whole planet to be open borders and hate the concepts of nationalism because they themselves feel like strangers in their homeland - no community etc.
But undoubtedly, good looking people and rich people may as well be a class apart.