With respect, Marky, this is utter nonsense. It raises an interesting point though and indeed, suggests something I have been wondering about for a while. It's a well known fact that black women (esp) and other ethnic minorities tend to do less well than Caucasians in the dating market - OkCupid did a study on this a while back. Now, let me be clear, I am not, in any way shape or form a racist. My best friend is part-Portugese and my last girlfriend was half-Indian (so, I guess, brown). I've got to be honest though, I have never found a really 'black' (I mean darker than a relatively light brown) colour attractive. I really just don't like the skin colour aesthetically. Nor do I like any of the traditionally 'ethnic' features, the broad nose, big lips (well, I do quite like these on a woman, but only big but Western standards), pseudo-Norwooding forehead. This isn't the most illustrative picture, but it nevertheless gives a flavour of what I'm talking about (the 'black' I'm thinking about is darker than this though):
https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/57/4d/47/574d47687eb06d3bad3b54602c0d4fdd.jpg . To my mind, these things are unattractive. Most of it isn't really the skin (with the exception of the really 'black', black people) but the facial features that tend to come bundled up with it. I can think of plenty of non-white/brown peeple I consider very attractive, this guy for example:
http://www.grandkidscollective.com/modelagency/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/reeeeeIMG_0079.jpg . But they tend to have stereotypically 'white' features. I know that's an un-PC thing to say, but its the truth. And I want to be very clear that aside from (hypothetical - I'm an incel) romantic situations, I would not and do not treat people differently because of their race. In a romantic context, I 'discriminate' because of my physical attraction (or lack of) to them - it just so happens that I find 'white' features more attractive. That's all there is to it. To me, (and a lot of the rest of the world), Asian/ethnic features are just not as visually appealing as Scandinavian ones; Icelandic girls tend to be more attractive than Ethiopian ones. Just like guys with hair tend to outscore guys without. Its not racism, its lookism, and in the dating world that is (sadly for us baldites) just the way humans operate. Morally, I don't see a problem with it.