I haven't posted in a few days, and it looks like the same thing, so I guess Squeegee's post says something good?
We should just wait about 2-3 weeks before doing the procedure again
Yeah, about the waiting stuff I said way earlier in the thread that a week was too short the way many people were stabbing their head

. I still feel like many people should just follow the derma roller trial and do light wounding (no blood), wait one week and then repeat. If you don't have a fgf9 or at least pge2, having minoxidil indirectly inducing fgf9 is a long shot. At least you will have enough growth factors weekly to help existing follicle, probably the way the massaging theory works. Cots is telling us in the video below to not go all cheese grater on your shiny heads unless we have fgf9, lucky bastard with a full head of almost negative norwood:
Also the unpigmented white hair they are discussing in the mouse wound, hellouser reported a long unpigmented terminal looking hair, wonder if anybody is seeing this.
DesperateOne said:
follow Rambo's internal regime almost to the letter and hope for the best(what is can we do right?...) Did he ever supplied his full current topical treatment so far? hmm I will have to search for it.
about my topicals: you already know one of them

, I use Calciportriol every other day (occasionally every 3 days). I use capsaicin mixed with keto 1% + caffeine shampo 3 times a day (stays on for 10-15mn), yeah lots of broscientist will tell you that keto should only be used couple of times a week, I say, show me a single study claiming that, it's something that's been repeated over and over without any facts behind it.
In fact the japanese study on 2% keto vs 2% minoxidil used a cream that stayed on all night.
I also use topical EGCG + resveratrol (tried topical curcumin but the yellow stain is unbearable). I also have different mixtures combining capsaicin with EGCG and resveratrol as a leave in topical, but it is not a high concentration of cap, otherwise, leaving it in burns like a mofo. I have now included minoxidil 4 times a day to my daily regiment since I started the wounding thing.
Again some people will say that will stop your heart, I say, broscience, in fact there is study that tried application of minoxidil 2 4 6 and 8 times a day and they didn't find any more systemic increase from 8 times to 2 times, the authors concluded that the initial application saturates the scalp enough to prevent further systemic absorption. So if you are not sensitive to a single dose of topical minoxidil's system effect, you will like not feel anything different applying 8 times a day.
Now does that work better? The study didn't investigate the efficacy, but only the systemic absorption. Lots of people concluded from that study that 2 times is as much efficient as 8 times, but that again is broscience because 4h is maximum absorption time of minoxidil, so it stands to reason that if you space them out by 4h, you are likely benefiting the hair follicles (I tend to go off topic sometimes). Sorry for the typos, typing on my cellphone while trying to catch up on Homeland
Reason I love curcumin so much, well, I am telling you guys, that little molecule is magical. At least I might live longer:
Writing in the journal Nature, the scientists describe how their research led them to what appears to be the body's control centre for ageing. They found that a chemical called NF-kB became more active in the hypothalamus of mice as they got older. When the researchers blocked the substance, mice lived up to 1,100 days, compared with 600 to 1000 days for normal healthy mice. When they boosted NF-kB in mice, they all died within 900 days.Tests on the animals six months into the study found that those without NF-kB had more muscle and bone, were better at learning, and had healthier skin than controls.
Further work showed that NF-kB lowered levels of a hormone called GnRH, which is better known for the central role it plays in fertility and the development of sperm and eggs. When the scientists gave old mice daily jabs of GnRH, they found this too extended the animals' lives, and even caused fresh neurons to grow in their brains.
What is the most potent inhibitor of NF Kb? Curcumin, even more so when combined with resveratrol. It seems NF KB pops its ugly head in almost all known inflammatory diseases.