Putting Aside Cash For Unborn Child's Hair Plugs


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My values and morals are what works.

Not having children has never been done before, that's not the norm, and for the people making that choice right now, or having made that choice since the late 1970's, it's a social experiment, and I don't think it will end well for them.

I'm lucky enough to have maternal grandparents that are still alive and lived by those values their whole lives.

When I see where they ended up, especially after so much suffering, I can't help but admire them and want to be like them.

Every advice they've given me was spot on.

My mom was not their first child, they had a baby before her, he died unexpectedly when he was one.

It was hard for her to get pregnant again, and when she finally got pregnant, she had a lot of complications and my mother's life in her womb was hanging to a thread, so much that her doctor advised that she stayed in bed for the rest of her pregnancy.

And she did, for 6 months she remained in her bed, they swore to God that if they made it through this, that if they could have this baby, they'd go on a long pilgrimage to a church in Belgium, a whole day's walk on foot.

Of course you know the rest, my mother was born, after a dead baby, a lot of tears and suffering. Every day they thank God that they were given this chance, and you can see the amazing work that they've done with my mom, who also became an admirable woman.

My grandparents were evicted of their apartment recently because of a change of owner, and thanks to the help of her family, they could be relocated immediately. My mom and my father took care of everything: finding the apartment, renting the moving trucks, being at their side though this traumatic experience. When you're old and have lived at the same place for 30 years, even a little change can be difficult.

I don't think people think far ahead enough when they say "I don't want children!", they underestimate how hard life will become in their old age, and how crucial the support of a family is. I don't think people realize how ungrateful they are, how they indirectly snob their parents to who they owe their own existence, because they chose to be "selfish" and to have kids.

Only people who haven't had kids could ever say such nonsense. Selfish? Having kids? Ask any parent. Ask @Joan .

I've also never heard my grandparents being negative, like "What's the point of living, let's just be done with it already, I'm old!" That's for those who'll say "Why does it matter if you have a family when you're old, you'll most likely want to die anyway!"

Nope, not if your life has meaning. And you need children for your life to have meaning. Sorry if this triggers you, but I think you're quite young and you don't really know what you're talking about when you say "not having children is fine!" You'll change your mind once you go through motherhood. Don't hesitate to go for it, it's people like you who should have children.

I think she is talking about people who use having kids to have a life and are not actually good parents because they never really had a desire to have them..but had them to have an 'identity' or conform to community.

We have people on the forum with terrible parents and stories (I don't want to tag them I feel like it would be rude of me to do so)--I am going to assume those people did not have kids out of some calling of nature or loving parenting--most likely they did it as a compromise of what they thought they were 'supposed' to do to fit in.
I mean no way to know for sure but...if you do not have the calling to be a parent I do not know if its something someone should force for societal expectations.

Added--I think Evillocks would make a great Mom and she should not count it out for herself as she is still young and if it's something she desires to have in her life--she should give it a lot of thought. I do think 'love' can sometimes factor in to these decisions also. I have known women who did not want kids and met the 'right guy' and they had baby on brain..it happens.


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Your grandparents were evicted... That's a shame... Inacceptable. I juge a society on the way it treats the more vulnerable ones.
Don't you fear the future for your children though? Climate migrations and War for water, etc.
Sometimes, I think we are a key génération. The Life expectency has went down for the first time. Youngest are more subject to cancer. But we are this close to "immortalité". It would make a good book...

Not to mention the crazy little fat asian man running North Korea..

(just kidding lol...well sort of)


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If we go to the root of your thinking, we get something like this:

"Life is not perfect, so it's better for life not to exist all all."

I disagree.

No not at al, that looks at it from child perspective--which it is a given, life is better than not existing at all in most cases. (even on HairLossTalk.com impact section)

I am talking more from the parents perspective.

We are discussing being 'parents' or not..not the kids.


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Give it a year or two and you will want children too.

I (thought I) didn't want kids at the age of 25, but experience and self-reflection have made me change my mind.

At a point, you have to think about what's good for you and for the people around you in the long-term.

Not having children will make you feel unfulfilled and meaningless, which in turn will make life hell for you, your family and eventually the rest of the people around you.

Therefore, it is selfish not to want children, not the other way around.

No one wants to be around a selfish miserable purposeless loser who's battling depression and anxiety and can't figure out why he's unhappy.

If you know older childless people, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. My mother has such friends and she's always warned me about not having children.

These people are miserable, all of them, and it takes one very special person to find fulfillment in life without a family.

Allow me to clear up a few things

1 bringing a kid into the world implies that the kid has no choice in the matter just like you had no choice

2 you have kids to fulfill your own life not theirs

Thus, not to be in denial you are basically creating your own slave


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Allow me to clear up a few things

1 bringing a kid into the world implies that the kid has no choice in the matter just like you had no choice

2 you have kids to fulfill your own life not theirs

Thus, not to be in denial you are basically creating your own slave

big healthy family of slaves

That Guy

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Nope, not if your life has meaning. And you need children for your life to have meaning. Sorry if this triggers you, but I think you're quite young and you don't really know what you're talking about when you say "not having children is fine!"

I'm sorry Fred, but this is horseshit.

What's happening here is you are experiencing a torschlusspanik and projecting it onto everyone else.

Life works like this: You're born > You do stuff > You die. What the "stuff" was, really doesn't matter to anyone except you.

Therefore to say "your life doesn't have meaning if you don't have kids" is ludicrous. At the beginning, you asked what one would do for the years of their life where they don't have kids.

Simple: Whatever they want to. Me? I can't think of a more boring life than "parent'.

I'll still be composing music, sound engineering, sound design, session guitar works and conducting (until arthritis or something kills that), etc. and statistically, most people in this business who started at a young age don't even see any real success until they're in their mid 40s and I've been making money at it since 18 now. I also hope to get married to a woman who doesn't want kids either (plenty of them out there) and travel to some places still on the bucket list.

The day I can't do these things anymore is the day I die. Do you think that if Jerry Goldsmith or John Williams, both of which were/are still doing their thing at nearly age 90 would be looked back upon in the history books as people with "meaningless lives" if they didn't have kids?

The human race will have sufficient population and even they don't, it's actually not my problem or responsibility and the world is better off without me getting some chick knocked up to have a kid I don't even want.


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My mother often told her mother that she would throw herself into a fire for me.

And you can be bloody sure that she means it. So selfish!

Have some gratitude, are you not happy to exist? Ah, well, I guess not.

Better be dead than living with hair loss, right?

better not to exist in the first place, lol

you never die if not born

dead simple logic

leverage it


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I understand your desire not to want children, you're special, gifted, obviously intelligent so you think children will be a hindrance.

If you can find meaning in your job and hobbies, then more power to you. You seem to know what you're doing and I hope you'll succeed.

Me? I'm not special in any way, I don't have a high IQ, I don't have some special gift, and I don't believe I'll embark on a lifetime career where I'll make much of a difference.

Children will be a good way to give my life more meaning, as the rest won't be enough. If I'm in my 50's and still playing video games, playing with my band in local cafes and f*****g a prostitute one time a week, I will feel miserable as f***.

I feel an irony but a few pages ago you wrote pamphlets how you despise childless people. How they are evil, unfitted with their life and etc.

Here I see a justification for you to have a baby – to cope with someone else's superiority on you. Book definition of selfishness.


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What's stopping you from ending it right now then?

It seems you prefer to exist than to be dead after all.

Yeah we would all be better off if none of this had ever existed.

Human beings are a disease and the planet would be better off without them.

Lol, it seems you forgot how to convert words into brain signals or trying to misquote what I said.

Where did I say that death process is somehow better than life continuation? That's entirely another topic which I do not want to discuss.

We talk about giving a new life not taking it from someone. Albeit, giving a life to someone you automatically take it from him in a life run.


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You're right here.

But now that you exist, can you say that you'd rather not exist?

Isn't something better than nothing?

Isn't some hair better than no hair?

I need to go to sleep.

Is teeth pain is better than no teeth pain? o_O


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What is your intent when you utter things like:

"What is not born can never die."

I try to see beyond words.

Now there are excuses when you caught on dirty misquoting, lol.

Nice try, but no. You need to go sleep as you wanted minutes ago.

Make an another attempt with fresh head tomorrow.


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It's OK, I already know the answer.

You've articulated (to the best of your abilities in English) it many times.

Lol, you're like typical woman here. I directly asked you to give me a question you talking about and in a reply you deliver this:

> I already know the answer!!1 [puff cheeks]

And then attack me personally on my English skills.

What do you know the answer on? I don't understand again.

Even with your brilliant English skills – they do not help you to form sentences.


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Oh you really want this thread to be a big mess don't ya!?

I said typical.

When they can't say directly and start to say with allusions like everyone must decipher them.


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Don't pull a Saurabhaj here, it's a fair observation.

The question is: What is your intent, what do you want to convey, what do you want to achieve (in other people's minds) when you say:

"What has never been born can never die." And don't say I'm misquoting, this is what you said, but in proper English.

Valar morghulis


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Don't pull a Saurabhaj here, it's a fair observation.

The question is: What is your intent, what do you want to convey, what do you want to achieve (in other people's minds) when you say:

"What has never been born can never die." And don't say I'm misquoting, this is what you said, but in proper English.

Saurabhaj's English is okay, he was just fooling around.

Now better, Fred. Yes, "What has never been born can never die." is exactly what I meant. It is 100% right.

Now compare it to the what you used in a first place when misquoted me.

What has never been born can never die."

It seems you prefer to exist than to be dead after all.

Are these same thing for you? They don't for me.

If you disagree you have broken logic.

With broken logic you will emit broken conclusions.