Lol, conspiracy theories.
Yeah, Americans dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan just because they're evil pieces of sh*t. Pearl Harbor?
Here's a map with the average IQ around the world: No surprises, really.
IQ is a bigger predictor of life success than social class and wealth. Studies support this.
Again, you're ruled by "fuckers" that you and your people chose to put into power.
One night stands and hookers have their places in Western Civilization. Especially the latter for 50% of men who will never reproduce.
It's an outlet for them and prevents them from killing and raping women, like they do in Muslim and other third-world shitholes.
Yes, many of our women and men (white cucks) were easily manipulated ideologies like feminism.
Arranged marriages are highly unnatural and produce fucked up offspring. Sexual attraction and love in free societies assure that women choose men who are genetically superior and high status to produce healthy offspring to ensure the proper evolution of the species. These are mostly conjectures on my part of course.
Divorce rape only exist in the US and the UK as far as I know. You won't hear stories like these in Europe because it's impossible, the legal system don't allow women to steal half their husband's money. Alimony does not exist. Only child support and even then, it's not mandatory.
Don't sh*t on Western countries, we've fought hard to build what we have in the West, and it's not wonder that the rest of the world dreams of coming here to escape their corrupt second-class shitholes.
Slavery has been practiced throughout history and not just by white people. Arab people enslaved black men too in the past, educate yourself.
What is money? Money is value, and yes the West produces value, it's not perfect, but no Westerner would ever trade places with say a Pakistani or Moroccan. Whether you like it or not, we got something right in the West.
Now stop being bitter and resentful and at least recognize that we're doing better than Muslim countries.