Sheesh It Never Ends - Always The Butt Of Jokes


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I fully support counter protests. I do not view people carrying batons as "counter protestors".
Antifa initiated weaponized gatherings in Berkeley (maybe even earlier), protesting of all nitwits Milo, the gay dude. Only fools would expect lack of violence in the presence of Antifa.

In a world without Antifa, we would only have Nazis marching and waving flags.

In our world with Antifa, a girl is dead.

I'm not pro antifa

I have said many times Ann coulter and Millo etc should be allowed to speak on campuses.

I'm anti Nazi and KKK who show up with police batons and body shileds and guns
Which they did if you are unaware--which you seem be.

Do I care if Nazis get stoned or beat up?

Most people would agree with me right or left.


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You are the kind of immigrant all countries should welcome with open arms. You are a contributor and you're prepared to work hard, even with initial disadvantages. Essentially, a person like you should have a passport entitled "The World".

BLM/Antifa would not support you. They would lump you in as "right wing" as your philosophy is geared toward people helping themselves, rather than being spoonfed by a massive welfare state government. Of course, anyone with common sense would want a welfare state to help the TRULY needy and sick. It should be a safety net, not a hammock. If we can contribute, we MUST. If we cannot (truly cannot), then we should be supported. However, I do think you need to show some commitment to a country to prove you have earned your support. That might be tax dollars paid in, or some kind of show of loyalty to the country. I say this because in the UK, up to 500,000,000 EU passport holders can come into the UK with a criminal record, not be able to speak English, have no skills or a job to go to, and pick up all kinds of free-money, non-contributory benefits.

They won't support him

But they would not kill him or not support him due to the color of his skin


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People are so easily manipulated by the media. This is all a big show. The right wing could have protested peacefully with little to no media coverage. Nobody would have even known about it. Instead, it got massive coverage AHEAD of the event. The mayor
declares a state of emergency AHEAD of the event. Police were bizarrely told to stand down even though Antifa were present and there was real potential for violence. The whole thing was contrived and was setup to be a focal point and get everyone taking sides (classic divide and conquer). And now everyone is talking about how nazis are a problem, when a year ago they weren't. More people should read 1984 and get an idea of how people's feelings of fear and hate are so easily manipulated. Don't play into it.

That was not 'right wing'
It was Nazis and KKK


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People are so easily manipulated by the media. This is all a big show. The right wing could have protested peacefully with little to no media coverage. Nobody would have even known about it. Instead, it got massive coverage AHEAD of the event. The mayor
declares a state of emergency AHEAD of the event. Police were bizarrely told to stand down even though Antifa were present and there was real potential for violence. The whole thing was contrived and was setup to be a focal point and get everyone taking sides (classic divide and conquer). And now everyone is talking about how nazis are a problem, when a year ago they weren't. More people should read 1984 and get an idea of how people's feelings of fear and hate are so easily manipulated. Don't play into it.

A year ago Nazis were considered a problem by FBI
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They won't support him

But they would not kill him or not support him due to the color of his skin

99+% of the people marching against the taking down of the Robert E Lee statue do not want to kill immigrants. That's ridiculous hyperbole and that's what helps create this "phony war". They protested the taking down of a statue. They got a protest permit to be able to do it. You are conflating a whole bunch of issues together, which is exactly what the media want you to do. One nutter ran a car into a crowd. He does not represent the protestors. Neither do the 4 nutters who killed 13 in Spain a few hours ago ... they do not represent Muslims. You wouldn't say Muslims want to kill white people. By playing into the hands of media hyperbole, you pick a side, then you characterise everyone on one side as "bad", and the other side (your side) as "better". The population of a country are not divided into two groups of people other than in the imagination of the media and also the hardcore elements of Antifa and the "alt-right" - let those extremists imagine the country is divided in this way. Normal people don't divide neatly into two such extreme groups - 99% of the population are in the middle somewhere, trying to live peacefully with a reasonable chance of prosperity. BUT, these peaceful people (in the middle) are told to pick a side and engage in hate against half the population.


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"The western civilization". You guys no one heard about until like 200 years ago. You have no history or real civilization. The only history you have is invading countries and killing people for gold and lands. Wanna tell you how England killed 50 million native american and enslaved millions of black people for 400 years to establish the great USA ? Wanna tell you how the first and second world war was between European countries and how you killed like 50 million humans of your own ? Wanna tell you how you nuked Japan, twice ? Wanna tell you how France invaded Morocco and Algeria and killed hundreds of thousands of people ? And how England invaded Egypt and a sh*t ton of other countries ? Wanna tell you how Spain were f*****g the southern american people to death for the mountain of silver ? Yeah, that's your history and that's how you established your civilization, simply by stealing and enslaving the poor countries wealth and people. Remember the ottoman empire and how Europe was afraid and couldn't do sh*t ? How Muslims ruled nearly 2/3 of the world and how we would have ruled the whole world if the empire was just left for another century ? Wanna tell you about the Egyptian civilization or the Iraqi civilization ? Only Italy and Greece had history or civilization, but the rest of you no one even cared about until like 200 years ago, before that you were nothing. And your shitty civilization was established on people sufferings and stealing.

lol what the f*** am I reading

you do realise all of these empires came to be through violent conquest and war? like the Ottomans or the Muslims invading Persia just turned up and calmly sat down to discuss things over herbal tea, nah bro they Jihadi'd the f*** out of anyone standing in their path, man woman or child

anyway, "killing" and "invading" are such ghastly words, we of the British Empire prefer the term "civilizing"

what language is that you're speaking again?
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99+% of the people marching against the taking down of the Robert E Lee statue do not want to kill immigrants. That's ridiculous hyperbole and that's what helps create this "phony war". They protested the taking down of a statue. They got a protest permit to be able to do it. You are conflating a whole bunch of issues together, which is exactly what the media want you to do. One nutter ran a car into a crowd. He does not represent the protestors. Neither do the 4 nutters who killed 13 in Spain a few hours ago ... they do not represent Muslims. You wouldn't say Muslims want to kill white people. By playing into the hands of media hyperbole, you pick a side, then you characterise everyone on one side as "bad", and the other side (your side) as "better". The population of a country are not divided into two groups of people other than in the imagination of the media and also the hardcore elements of Antifa and the "alt-right" - let those extremists imagine the country is divided in this way. Normal people don't divide neatly into two such extreme groups - 99% of the population are in the middle somewhere, trying to live peacefully with a reasonable chance of prosperity. BUT, these peaceful people (in the middle) are told to pick a side and engage in hate against half the population.

They represent two organizations that represent a long history of murdereing people for skin color and religion

If you are marching with them in my opinion you may as well be marching with ISiS flags

They were not here to protest the statues removal pretending so is disingenuous on
your part.
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The public weren't told nazis were a threat a year ago. It was ISIS back then, and by extension, Muslims. It will be another group of people in a year's time.


Look it up

Under DOJ and FBI

I have been aware of it if you are not that is your problem.

Hate groups have dramatically risen and they are mostly white in past few years
FBI was watching this and this year it was de prioritized. Look it up it may have been heightened after Dylan Roof
We have a lot of history with these people committing domestic terrorism I am not sure how you grew up here and are unaware of it.

Look it up
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The media is definitely helping the polarization of the political debate.

Now everyone who is slightly right-leaning is alt-right, and alt-right is pretty much like being far-right, which is exactly the same as being a nazi, which is exactly the same as being literally Hilter!

On the other hand, you hear almost nothing about the radical left, no outcry anyway, that's because the media silently sympathize with what the far left is trying to do: instigate chaos and eventually destruction upon Western Civilization.

"Everything is an arbitrary construct, there are no races, sex, sexual orientations, differences in intelligence, there are no differences between people at all! And identity is fluid! Anyone can be anything they want any time they want! You're a straight black male mason with an IQ of 95? Well tomorrow you can become a white gay female engineer with an IQ of 135 if you desire so!"

"Oh and if you don't agree with my ideology based on nothing but thin air, you're a misogynist homophic islamophobic racist ableist bigot nazi! Literally Hitler! And you deserve to be beaten up and fired from your job!"

You are kidding right?

I don't consider Nazis right leaning

It's YOU who consider anyone protesting Nazis 'left'

Lots of people on right condemning NAZi

Bob Corker
Lyndsey Graham
Head of the RNC
Mitt Riney
Head of our ALL of our Armed Forces

No one except Trump and his *** licking followers like Pence have equated Nazis and the anti protesters.


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The public weren't told nazis were a threat a year ago. It was ISIS back then, and by extension, Muslims. It will be another group of people in a year's time.

Umm nah. Nazis have always been a problem. But they're not even close to being the threat that Islam is.


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Umm nah. Nazis have always been a problem. But they're not even close to being the threat that Islam is.

In USA we have a long history of domestic terrorism including Nazis and KKK, white supremacy, religious fanatics, going back to even the 70 80 and 90s and 00
So maybe not as imminent as ISIS BUT
These guys are f*****g crazy don't let them kid you and they are armed stock piled armed.
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In USA we have a long history of domestic terrorism of Nazis and KKK going back to even the 70 80 and 90s and 00
So maybe not as imminent as ISIS BUT
These guys are f*****g crazy don't let them kid you and they are armed stock piled armed.

Theirs is an ideological war not a religious war. These guys don't think they're going to heaven with 72 virgins if they walk into a crowded mall and detonate themselves. I don't believe they're willing to commit mass suicide bombings of innocents, to spread the death and destruction on the scale that radical Islam is. Nazi Germany was their best chance for a white world and they fucked it. There will always be extreme right/white supremacy in western society but they're not as big of a threat to our way of life. The problem has been exacerbated by the rise of Trump and the alt-right though.


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Theirs is an ideological war not a religious war. These guys don't think they're going to heaven with 72 virgins if they walk into a crowded mall and detonate themselves. I don't believe they're willing to commit mass suicide bombings of innocents, to spread the death and destruction on the scale that radical Islam is. Nazi Germany was their best chance for a white world and they fucked it. There will always be extreme right/white supremacy in western society but they're not as big of a threat to our way of life.

Do not get me wrong I do t down play ISIS

I just don't down play White supremacy groups in this country because I grew up with them committing terrorism
And they are heavily armed

Dylan Roof most recent
But also
Oklahoma bombing
olympics bombing
Many abortion clinics and Doctors in late 80s
Not to mention even just a few years ago they tied a black man to the back of a pick up truck and dragged him to death

I think people kind of forget a lot of things they have done in the not too distant past


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I think you guys forgot both Olympic bombing and Oklahoma bombing

Those were white supremacists.

One of them was actually hot. (Olympic guy) and had a lot to lose just in his looks.


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I think you guys forgot both Olympic bombing and Oklahoma bombing

Those were white supremacists.

One of them was actually hot. (Olympic guy) and had a lot to lose just in his looks.

Timothy McVeigh was motivated by Waco and his hatred for the Federal government wasn't he?

We will both see things differently because you see far-right/white supremacy stuff a lot more in the US whereas in Europe we see radical Islam as the main threat.
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Timothy McVeigh was motivated by Waco and his hatred for the Federal government wasn't it?

We will both see things differently because you see far-right/white supremacy stuff a lot more in the US whereas in Europe we see radical Islam as the main threat.

I am pretty sure he was found to have had ties to white supremacy.

I can't look it up now.


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Keep in mind these guys marched with their faces exposed very well lit chanting these Nazi chants

They in my opinion have nothing to lose

They are all identified by now by FBI and probably on websites that expose people for sh*t like this and identify them and expose their names to public.

They won't be hired ever again.
Whose going to hire these guys who are mostly young ever again?

So that's dangerous when people feel they have nothing to lose

I would not underestimate them and what they may do over the next year

one guy from NY who was identified is already having on camera mental breakdowns about killing/not killing and how he has the weapons to do it (as he is crying)

I mean I think you have to be a bit desperate already to join these groups and they are indeed dangerous and unstable in my opinion.

That's not media hype lol it's just common sense.


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The media is definitely helping the polarization of the political debate.

Now everyone who is slightly right-leaning is alt-right, and alt-right is pretty much like being far-right, which is exactly the same as being a nazi, which is exactly the same as being literally Hilter!

On the other hand, you hear almost nothing about the radical left, no outcry anyway, that's because the media silently sympathize with what the far left is trying to do: instigate chaos and eventually destruction upon Western Civilization.

"Everything is an arbitrary construct, there are no races, sex, sexual orientations, differences in intelligence, there are no differences between people at all! And identity is fluid! Anyone can be anything they want any time they want! You're a straight black male mason with an IQ of 95? Well tomorrow you can become a white gay female engineer with an IQ of 135 if you desire so!"

"Oh and if you don't agree with my ideology based on nothing but thin air, you're a misogynist homophic islamophobic racist ableist bigot nazi! Literally Hitler! And you deserve to be beaten up and fired from your job!"
Fred hit it right on the button again, very much what Brian Holdsworth said - only with more hair to it:



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Fred hit it right on the button again, very much what Brian Holdsworth said - only with more hair to it:

You are right

Except this goes on with both sides which I think Fred leaves out.

Rupert Murdoch for instance is friends with Trump for a long time.

As well as the owner of the Enquirer is a close friend of his

If it's technically collusion or not is regardless Roger Stone has met with Julian Asante (I think) around the time of leaks and it's suspicious t to me he may have been trying to get in good graces
(just heard he wants Wiki leaks to have a seat in WH press core)

Bannon used to run Breitbart and I am sure they still have a strong influence

There is a story circulating with proof that Violence is being exaggerated via photoshop and digital editing for Antifa towards police (don't get me wrong I know their is already violence BUt some groups are doctoring photos and sending them about

So it goes on with both sides no one is innocent in that regards and that's as old as politics in USA at least