Sheesh It Never Ends - Always The Butt Of Jokes


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All of this is correct but at least those people aren't trying to destroy Western society from within.

Antifa is a violent group, they recognize it themselves (bash a fash, punch nazis, etc.). The problem is that they consider anyone who doesn't share their leftist ideals a nazi.

You're against open borders? Nazi! You're against gay marriage? Nazi! You get the gist of it.

Assange is denouncing corruption so how could that be a bad thing? Yeah yeah, people shouldn't know everything, it's bad for them you know! I disagree with that statement.

I don't care about influence if it's positive or at least harmless for the rest of us.

But telling people they should go around punching (people that they think are) nazis? I'm sorry but that's unacceptable.

And telling people that the whole West is corrupt and rotten from the inside and all we do is steal wealth all over the world, go to war and oppress people who are not straight white males?

The far left is the problem and is the main cause of the rising of the far right.

you don't think white militia groups in US have a recent history as being anti Govt?
Dylan Roof

You don't think they kill cops or govt officials?

What about the guy who all the militia went to his property to have a standoff with FBI because he did not want to give up public land his cows grazed on for free or some crap like that?

What about the state troopers killed by the couple dressed as the joker who were white supremacy militia ant Govt people?

What about the guy who shot up the abortion clinic last winter?

Three Indians shot on two different occasions in two different states within days of each other all of them told 'get out of my country'

The mosque bombing

Lol must have been nice in Belgium before you got Muslim over load.

We have not ever had that luxury here


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All of this is correct but at least those people aren't trying to destroy Western society from within.

Antifa is a violent group, they recognize it themselves (bash a fash, punch nazis, etc.). The problem is that they consider anyone who doesn't share their leftist ideals a nazi.

You're against open borders? Nazi! You're against gay marriage? Nazi! You get the gist of it.

Assange is denouncing corruption so how could that be a bad thing? Yeah yeah, people shouldn't know everything, it's bad for them you know! I disagree with that statement.

I don't care about influence if it's positive or at least harmless for the rest of us.

But telling people they should go around punching (people that they think are) nazis? I'm sorry but that's unacceptable.

And telling people that the whole West is corrupt and rotten from the inside and all we do is steal wealth all over the world, go to war and oppress people who are not straight white males?

The far left is the problem and is the main cause of the rising of the far right.

Honey that far rights been rising since the late 60s in USA so don't know what you are talking about


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From the end of WWII to the late 1970's (when they decided to import Moroccan workers en masse), it was close to being heaven on earth.

You can laugh at that all you want, I only have to ask my grandparents and they know.

That's the difference between them and millennials, they think Belgium (or at least Brussels) has always been a sewer.

Not at all, before the Muslim mass immigration, Belgium was like Poland, or Japan.

What I laugh at is your arogance to use Your experience Belgium to compare to what goes in the USA.

We have a long history of violence

Movie pun not intended.


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From the end of WWII to the late 1970's (when they decided to import Moroccan workers en masse), it was close to being heaven on earth.

You can laugh at that all you want, I only have to ask my grandparents and they know.

That's the difference between them and millennials, they think Belgium (or at least Brussels) has always been a sewer.

Not at all, before the Muslim mass immigration, Belgium was like Poland, or Japan.

The far left has been trying to destabilize society since the late 1960's, when they lost the battle on the scientific front, so they started infiltrating academia, the media, law, etc.

Their ideological engineer indirectly led to the rise of the far right since those times.

Political correctness didn't appear overnight.

Are you pro McCarthy now?


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Are you pro "let's punch nazis and make them lose their jobs"?

Being a communist is as bad as being a nazi, and it could be argued that it's actually even worse.

you answered a question with a question


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Are you pro "let's punch nazis and make them lose their jobs"?

Being a communist is as bad as being a nazi, and it could be argued that it's actually even worse.

Most people are pro punching a Nazis in the face regardless of their political standing.


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There's a reason for that.

McCarthy became paranoid and started seeing communists everywhere, doesn't that make you think? No? OK.

i don't think you actually answered what I asked you 2x now


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Freedom of speech is for everyone even nazis and SJWs. If the nazi protesters had their little protest without involvement from people who hate them it wouldn't have gained tons of publicity (they had protest in other countries to with little to no publicity). A non violent protest isn't hurting anyone. Why show up for a protest that you don't like? Leave them be, it's not like anyone is suddenly going to become a nazi by hearing their chants.


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So you're advocating violence against far right activists. But what about far left activists? Should people also punch them in the face and get them fired? And if not? Why? Why is it OK to use violence against one extreme but not against the other?

Lets not call Nazis and Antifa "activists" Fred. They're morons.


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So you're advocating violence against far right activists. But what about far left activists? Should people also punch them in the face and get them fired? And if not? Why? Why is it OK to use violence against one extreme but not against the other?

Because one group in this country was our enemy by war that many of our grandparents died fighting

The other has a long history of killing blacks, Jews, Catholics, Irish Italians and many other cultures in this country who have intergrated well.

I don't advocate punching people BUT I have no beef with it if it's Nazis and KKK or white supremacist militia

I don't consider that 'right wing'

If anyone punched
Anti abortion protestors
Anti LGBT marriage protestors
Anti union protestors
Anti Obamacare protestors
Anti illegal immigrants protestors
I would have a problem.

But Nazis and white supremacist? No I have no beef if they get punched.
Most people would not


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Freedom of speech is for everyone even nazis and SJWs. If the nazi protesters had their little protest without involvement from people who hate them it wouldn't have gained tons of publicity (they had protest in other countries to with little to no publicity). A non violent protest isn't hurting anyone. Why show up for a protest that you don't like? Leave them be, it's not like anyone is suddenly going to become a nazi by hearing their chants.

Counter-protests are free speech too. They should be non-violent, but thats unlikely for "activists" with such extremist views.


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Counter-protests are free speech too. They should be non-violent though thats unlikely for "activists" with such extremist views.

I remember in 70s and 80s and 90s they would do marches and people always threw sh*t at them it was NEVER considered just the 'left' who physically rejected them.

NOW it's considered to be a leftist if you have beef with Nazis?


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Let me clear this up

Nazis evil
KKk evil
Terrorism, racial and religion or political evil

Destructive activism of any kind -very bad

Pulling down statues without any authority to do so? Bad

Punching a Nazi? Not so bad in my book

Punching a religious and or political conservative? Very very Bad

Voting to move some of confederate statues? Not so bad. Can go to museum
Destroying them bad.

Wanting to touch any of the statues of founding Fathers or anyone because they happen to be slave owners--awful and stupid and ridiculous ans should not even be considered.

We don't all fit in one of two boxes


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I remember in 70s and 80s and 90s they would do marches and people always threw sh*t at them it was NEVER considered just the 'left' who physically rejected them.

NOW it's considered to be a leftist if you have beef with Nazis?
We all agree that nazis are bad. But, you think they deserve to be punched for speaking their mind and that they shouldn't be allowed to protest? That's very naive.

We can't pick and choose who has freedom of speech. Everyone has freedom of speech even people you disagree with politically. Trying to shut down a non violent protest with the use of violence, encouraging violence, doxxing (making their identity known) which results in them losing their jobs, getting death threats etc. is worse than having a political view that isn't PC.

Law and order is the basis for a functioning civilized society. I despise nazis too, but no matter how much we despise them they have the right of freedom of speech like everyone else. If you don't let them protest peacefully they will find other ways to have their opinions heard.


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We all agree that nazis are bad. But, you think they deserve to be punched for speaking their mind and that they shouldn't be allowed to protest? That's very naive.

We can't pick and choose who has freedom of speech. Everyone has freedom of speech even people you disagree with politically. Trying to shut down a non violent protest with the use of violence, encouraging violence, doxxing (making their identity known) which results in them losing their jobs, getting death threats etc. is worse than having a political view that isn't PC.

Law and order is the basis for a functioning civilized society. I despise nazis too, but no matter how much we despise them they have the right of freedom of speech like everyone else. If you don't let them protest peacefully they will find other ways to have their opinions heard.

Do I think legally?

No of course not they legally have a right to speak their mind

When is see one get punched do I feel empathy?

No not at all

Do I morally equate them with these other people? As Trump and WPB does?

No not at all

Keep in mind Ann Coukter and Milo to me are NOT equivalent to Richard Spencer or David Duke

I have always said they should let people invited to speak as long as it's not hate speech

We have free speech BUT there is legal limits (can't yell fire in movie theater) it can't be dangerous. You can google the ruling it goes back to the 20s I think. So where that actual line is I don't know I am not a lawyer.


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The media is definitely helping the polarization of the political debate.

Now everyone who is slightly right-leaning is alt-right, and alt-right is pretty much like being far-right, which is exactly the same as being a nazi, which is exactly the same as being literally Hilter!

Notice the sleight-of-hand in that they call them out-and-out nazis, not neo-nazis. I looked up "nazi" in the dictionary just to make sure I wasn't imagining things - here's the definition : "1. a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, which controlled Germany from 1933 to 1945 under Adolf Hitler and advocated totalitarian government, territorial expansion, anti-Semitism, and Aryan supremacy, all these leading directly to World War II and the Holocaust.2. (often lowercase) a person elsewhere who holds similar views." (source). These guys wanted a statue to not be removed. They applied for a permit to protest the removal of the statue. They didn't want to gas or kill anybody (as a group). They are not nazis, by definition.

And...why isn't the word "Marxist" used (by the media) to describe Antifa? They are self-described Marxists! They call themselves Marxists. Marxism killed more people than the Nazis did in the 20th century. Marxism is an incredibly intolerant, fascist system that purports to be for equality, but that is merely a means to control the masses through fear. Look at Russian history and how millions died at the hands of fellow Russians. Everyone is equal in a gulag. Equality of outcomes sucks because it means you're in a prison of one kind or another. Inequality of outcomes is freedom. Anyone who bristles when reading that sentence doesn't understand freedom.


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People need to stop using the word "nazi" here. That's a word the media decided to use. At worst, use neo-nazi (though still not recommended). I really hate the way language drifts.


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Theirs is an ideological war not a religious war. These guys don't think they're going to heaven with 72 virgins if they walk into a crowded mall and detonate themselves. I don't believe they're willing to commit mass suicide bombings of innocents, to spread the death and destruction on the scale that radical Islam is. Nazi Germany was their best chance for a white world and they fucked it. There will always be extreme right/white supremacy in western society but they're not as big of a threat to our way of life. The problem has been exacerbated by the rise of Trump and the alt-right though.

It wasn't about white skin per se, it was that "the Germanic peoples were the most racially pure existing peoples of Aryan stock." (source). Plenty of white skinned people were the enemy of the Germans, as we all know. The Nazis knew how to split hairs. It wasn't enough to have white skin. You had to have blue eyes and blonde hair. On the other side of the world the Japanese held similar beliefs about their own "race" (though they are not a distinct race at all). It shows the absurdity of it all that two distinctly genetic groups of people thought they were the "master race" and tried to take over the world - at the same time no less - and both lost.

edit: hairblues - yeah I get it - I comment, you dislike it automatically (don't bother to protest that point, we can see what you are doing). How very clever of you. Grow up and stop being so salty. You act like you're 15, not 45. Sure, we don't agree on much, but that doesn't mean you have to be spiteful. There's always a higher road to take. The view is much better from there.
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NOW it's considered to be a leftist if you have beef with Nazis?

You are using the word "nazi" because you sheep-like follow the media definition of nazi. If they told you they were unicorns, you would be using the word unicorn. Furthermore, you even capitalize the name - you realise you are literally referring to (by definition) : "a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, which controlled Germany from 1933 to 1945 under Adolf Hitler and advocated totalitarian government, territorial expansion, anti-Semitism, and Aryan supremacy, all these leading directly to World War II and the Holocaust."