Sick Of Seeing Idiots Claiming Nw2s Don't Have A Right To Complain


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You think this guy would get laid by non cows if he had 10/10 personality? (As if it exists.)

In before you say I'm using a extreme. So are you: a Chad who isn't able to ask a girl her name and where she's from/her study/work, then proceed to say variations of that's cool. That's extreme autism, not personality.

Personality in 2017 what a joke. The only people you are making feel even better are the 7/10+ guys who are getting laid with their "EPIC personality". And the guys who get rejected as soon as they say hello feel even worse. gg

i would honestly be scared shittless if i saw this guy walking towards me


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You think this guy would get laid by non cows if he had 10/10 personality? (As if it exists.)

In before you say I'm using a extreme. So are you: a Chad who isn't able to ask a girl her name and where she's from/her study/work, then proceed to say variations of that's cool. That's extreme autism, not personality.

Personality in 2017 what a joke. The only people you are making feel even better are the 7/10+ guys who are getting laid with their "EPIC personality". And the guys who get rejected as soon as they say hello feel even worse. gg

I admitted that looks can make personality redundant and vice versa, I don't think you're able to look outside of the Chad's Vs Incels mindset so this isn't going to go anywhere productive.

I also admitted that the Chad examples I used where a very small amount of Chad's and for the vast majority it's easy to get laid, no doubt.

The point of bringing that up? There's variables for all people, even the extremely good looking. So you think it's easy for a 7/10 guy to randomly slay prime women? The amount of 7 guys you see with sub 5 women, and that's because he could never talk up a woman at his level or above. Simple as that.

And no that guy won't lay women who aren't cows but he won't even lay cows if he can't decently talk to some and play the numbers game.

Do you see what I'm getting at here? Personality and other small factors can get you further up the ladder, looks are highly important but as I say, will only get you so far.

As for guys not getting laid and thinking for anyone 7 of above it's "easy" that's such an inverted cope. You wouldn't have a clue how difficult it can be and in a way you're lucky you're a non-starter and don't have to worry about it (I don't know how attractive you are btw, just that you identify as incel, so presumably you don't try).

Fine if you feel looks have fucked your chances, but I don't see why anyone is pretending they know what it's like to pull even an average looking girl when you don't know the first thing about it.


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I admitted that looks can make personality redundant and vice versa, I don't think you're able to look outside of the Chad's Vs Incels mindset so this isn't going to go anywhere productive.

I also admitted that the Chad examples I used where a very small amount of Chad's and for the vast majority it's easy to get laid, no doubt.

The point of bringing that up? There's variables for all people, even the extremely good looking. So you think it's easy for a 7/10 guy to randomly slay prime women? The amount of 7 guys you see with sub 5 women, and that's because he could never talk up a woman at his level or above. Simple as that.

And no that guy won't lay women who aren't cows but he won't even lay cows if he can't decently talk to some and play the numbers game.

Do you see what I'm getting at here? Personality and other small factors can get you further up the ladder, looks are highly important but as I say, will only get you so far.

As for guys not getting laid and thinking for anyone 7 of above it's "easy" that's such an inverted cope. You wouldn't have a clue how difficult it can be and in a way you're lucky you're a non-starter and don't have to worry about it (I don't know how attractive you are btw, just that you identify as incel, so presumably you don't try).

Fine if you feel looks have fucked your chances, but I don't see why anyone is pretending they know what it's like to pull even an average looking girl when you don't know the first thing about it.
Lol at your presumtions about me, and then not acknowledging what I'm saying.
Also what's this magical personality sounds like another version of the magical confidence meme. Personality aka being able to talk to another human? Are you seriously this delusional. Do you really see yourself as being a superior being in every way because you look better?


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Personality matters when getting a looksmatched girl, the mistake is thinking it will ever allow you to date up.

If you're average, and you're trying, and you can't get average girls then it's likely your personality.

Most girls will have many looksmatched options, you must compete against them.


Just like some guys can look good bald and others can be absolutely ruined, some guys can be fine at nw2 and others not so much. It's entirely down to the person. Maybe his perfect NW1 was his saving grace.

But it's largely down to density, when i was nw2.5 with sh*t density i was definitely noticeably balding. Now I have thick density and a good haircut and even Norwood spotters would have a hard time noticing.


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I admitted that looks can make personality redundant and vice versa, I don't think you're able to look outside of the Chad's Vs Incels mindset so this isn't going to go anywhere productive.

I also admitted that the Chad examples I used where a very small amount of Chad's and for the vast majority it's easy to get laid, no doubt.

The point of bringing that up? There's variables for all people, even the extremely good looking. So you think it's easy for a 7/10 guy to randomly slay prime women? The amount of 7 guys you see with sub 5 women, and that's because he could never talk up a woman at his level or above. Simple as that.

And no that guy won't lay women who aren't cows but he won't even lay cows if he can't decently talk to some and play the numbers game.

Do you see what I'm getting at here? Personality and other small factors can get you further up the ladder, looks are highly important but as I say, will only get you so far.

As for guys not getting laid and thinking for anyone 7 of above it's "easy" that's such an inverted cope. You wouldn't have a clue how difficult it can be and in a way you're lucky you're a non-starter and don't have to worry about it (I don't know how attractive you are btw, just that you identify as incel, so presumably you don't try).

Fine if you feel looks have fucked your chances, but I don't see why anyone is pretending they know what it's like to pull even an average looking girl when you don't know the first thing about it.
but the point is looks are 90% of what counts. i just saw a related facebook post about this. this girl uploaded a pic of her boyfriend with his covers over his head saying it was 'cute'. lmao if that was a bald guy she would say its pathetic. exact same thing, totally different interpretation. another reason i absolutely f*****g hate hair loss. as @WhitePolarBear mentions you aren't allowed to have a f*****g personality. you have to be this ridiculous idiotic meathead to not be looked down on. its sickening

also its still easy as pie being hot . its not even just about girls but the passive value you have and social desirability. honestly i dont even fantasize about girls i just fantasize about looks and being accepted and not f*****g looked down on.


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Lol at your presumtions about me, and then not acknowledging what I'm saying.
Also what's this magical personality sounds like another version of the magical confidence meme. Personality aka being able to talk to another human? Are you seriously this delusional. Do you really see yourself as being a superior being in every way because you look better?

How are these presumptions when you regularly call yourself incel? Is that not the truth? I made it clear I don't know what attractive level you are, just that you're incel.

And what didn't I address? I replied to everything you wrote thoroughly, so let me know what I've apparently skipped out.

Being able to talk to another human being is just the basics, have you had a lot of experience trying to chat up women then? Is that the assumption you don't like? It's pretty reasonable to assume someone who believes personality is of 0% importance and has called himself an incel, had no clue what it's like talking to women. And no not just standard sh*t you'd talk to anyone about in politeness, but engaging in a full on flirty conversation which is entertaining but doesn't overstep the mark.

Please correct me if I'm wrong here, because if you think it's "easy" then you must be naturally skilled.


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but the point is looks are 90% of what counts.

Well then you're making a different point, in fact by saying personality is in any way a factor, even 10%, you're closer to what I'm saying.

@SmoothSailing put it well, you need to be able to stand out above the other guys in your lane, and that's by personality. If you're weaker in that field, prepare to drop down a few points and we see it all the time.

If you're completely useless aesthetically then you're fucked, I'm not disputing that. The only thing you can do with personality is try and land truly sub-par women, I'm definitely not saying that personality is going to jump 3/10 baldcel into landing a genuinely cute 6/10, no way, but personality is key if a 7/10 guy wants even a 6/10 woman.

Too many guys fail at getting even a point lower than their level, and yet it's "easy".


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This dynamic matters less at the extremes but it's very relevant in-between.

I agree with everything before this but this sentence stands out, exactly. I used the Chad striking out as an extreme example, I also originally referred to what chance an introverted average guy could have Vs an extroverted one.

But of course it just jumps to "I'm ugly and don't get laid because I'm ugly" which is fair enough but the entire dating world is not simply down to just your experiences.


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How are these presumptions when you regularly call yourself incel? Is that not the truth? I made it clear I don't know what attractive level you are, just that you're incel.

And what didn't I address? I replied to everything you wrote thoroughly, so let me know what I've apparently skipped out.

Being able to talk to another human being is just the basics, have you had a lot of experience trying to chat up women then? Is that the assumption you don't like? It's pretty reasonable to assume someone who believes personality is of 0% importance and has called himself an incel, had no clue what it's like talking to women. And no not just standard sh*t you'd talk to anyone about in politeness, but engaging in a full on flirty conversation which is entertaining but doesn't overstep the mark.

Please correct me if I'm wrong here, because if you think it's "easy" then you must be naturally skilled.
incel =\= virgin

I guess I have to prove that I have experience in talking with girls like @WhitePolarBear had to prove he has sex with girls regularily. Otherwise you just dismiss everything I say because you've decided I'm a loser incel.

Personality doesn't matter when you look good, you'll get laid anyways. If you look bad you won't get laid no matter how good your personality is.

Your definition of personality is more "don't be aspie". Try "chatting up" someone who isn't already attracted to you, see how far your epic personality gets you.


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lolz. if i was hot and i would be focused on self improvement and actually live. it would be the most satisfying thing to do. if you're hot you can fail and still have worth. ugly people have nothing to fall back on if they fail.

like lmao i wouldn't even focus on girls, at least at first. i would focus more on the actual f*****g feeling of not being goddamn inferior. i'd probably sit in my f*****g room for days on ends just fully enjoying not being f*****g inferior haha. just being good enough isn't satisfactory at this point. i honestly want to be superior and just lord over others with it. just lawl at how mentally poisoned being a bald twink makes you


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Try "chatting up" someone who isn't already attracted to you, see how far your epic personality gets you.

I only do this about nearly every time I go out, now whether these women are attracted or not is one thing, are they showing interest? Most of the time, f*** no, you have to work your way up from absolutely nothing and work past her disinterest to even get a look in.

I'd love to see how "easy" you'd find that. And also Fred has repeatedly said he's not good at chatting up women randomly like this, whatever the f*** that had to do with anything.

Did you not refer to your "incel gaming skills" this very week? If you don't want to be called incel then don't call yourself one, pretty simple really.

And also you didn't actually point out what I'm apparently ignoring with regards to the point you're making, you just said "way to ignore my point lol" and moved in, when it's becoming clear you're dodging my own points. Eg an average introvert Vs an average extrovert, dating around your levels, etc.

The same guys on here who go on about how it's getting so hard for anyone except Chad to get laid in 2017 are also the ones now saying for any reasonably average guy it's "easy" to chat to women. I regularly try with women at or above my level and often fail, while successes are a hard grind, sometimes you can literally talk to the same girl for hours and get all the good signals, and it goes nowhere. Then you have to do the same thing all over again next time to get a chance.

But that's so easy isn't it?


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I only do this about nearly every time I go out, now whether these women are attracted or not is one thing, are they showing interest? Most of the time, f*** no, you have to work your way up from absolutely nothing and work past her disinterest to even get a look in.

I'd love to see how "easy" you'd find that. And also Fred has repeatedly said he's not good at chatting up women randomly like this, whatever the f*** that had to do with anything.

Did you not refer to your "incel gaming skills" this very week? If you don't want to be called incel then don't call yourself one, pretty simple really.

And also you didn't actually point out what I'm apparently ignoring with regards to the point you're making, you just said "way to ignore my point lol" and moved in, when it's becoming clear you're dodging my own points. Eg an average introvert Vs an average extrovert, dating around your levels, etc.

The same guys on here who go on about how it's getting so hard for anyone except Chad to get laid in 2017 are also the ones now saying for any reasonably average guy it's "easy" to chat to women. I regularly try with women above my level and often fail, while successes are a hard grind, sometimes you can literally talk to the same girl for hours and get all the good signals, and it goes nowhere. Then you have to do the same thing all over again next time to get a chance.

But that's so easy isn't it?
Taking jokes seriously but yet has a epic personality that makes him slay girls.


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The problem is that a lot of people really really want a simple, reductionist take on how relationships work. Reality is human interaction is a super-messy thing with a ton of interlocking factors, randomness and uncertainty. But acknowledging that is hard on the brain. It's much easier to glom on to inane cynicism like "looks are everything".

It's important to acknowledge that there are underlying trends that can be identified and hold true on average. A better-looking person will on average have a better life. A better-looking guy will on average be more successful with women. However, it's not destined to become that way and trends get broken in all kinds of weird ways when you have real flesh and blood humans interacting.

Sometimes the most depressed guys I know are dating the hottest women, and if they aren't initially beaten down by their demands, in time they often are. And that's the harsh thing, you think that once you've met a cute girl around your level, then you're made, your life rides off into the sunset, there's no such thing. Life goes on and gets complicated.

Nothing is ever simple or straight forward.

Taking jokes seriously but yet has a epic personality that makes him slay girls.

Woah who's being presumptuous now? I take a joke seriously and you decide I must be sh*t with women?

It's almost like, I dunno you have no point left to make so now you'll just throw any old sh*t out there. Funny that.


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Sometimes the most depressed guys I know are dating the hottest women, and if they aren't initially beaten down by their demands, in time they often are. And that's the harsh thing, you think that once you've met a cute girl around your level, then you're made, your life rides off into the sunset, there's no such thing. Life goes on and gets complicated.

Nothing is ever simple or straight forward.

Woah who's being presumptuous now? I take a joke seriously and you decide I must be sh*t with women?

It's almost like, I dunno you have no point left to make so now you'll just throw any old sh*t out there. Funny that.
I didn't say you were sh*t with women, on the contrary you're good looking and somehow deluded enough to think your personality is epic and that's why women sleep with you.


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I didn't say you were sh*t with women, on the contrary you're good looking and somehow deluded enough to think your personality is epic and that's why women sleep with you.

I've already answered to this when you asked if I chat to women who aren't attracted to me, like I said at the start I knew this would be going around in circles, with your bullshit confirmation bias of sniffing out any snippet of information and applying it to how you want the world to be.

Mix that in with the fact you're clearly butthurt at my apparent presumptions about you which you haven't refuted or explained, just seem soppy about it, and making presumptions about me apparently seeing you as a "loser" because you're a virgin.


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I've already answered to this when you asked if I chat to women who aren't attracted to me, like I said at the start I knew this would be going around in circles, with your bullshit confirmation bias of sniffing out any snippet of information and applying it to how you want the world to be.

Mix that in with the fact you're clearly butthurt at my apparent presumptions about you which you haven't refuted or explained, just seem soppy about it, and making presumptions about me apparently seeing you as a "loser" because you're a virgin.
1 Sentence saying that you're wrong and then I'm butthurt while you post short novels trying to undermine me. Hilarious.

And then the ironic thing is that you're the one who's supposed to have the epic personality.


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Another thing to keep in mind is that personality can still matter in a world where some guys just don't have the looks to be interesting to women. It's not an either/or proposition. An ugly guy can have all the push in the world he and he'll probably still get nowhere. In that sense, I'll say the push/pull dynamic is more like the product than the sum of its parts. Your pull enhances the effectiveness of your push and vice versa.

A lot of subpar guys get fed this stuff about confidence and assertiveness as a way to ameliorate insecurity about their looks. I can understand that they get bitter as f about it because the world is indeed more brutal than what those platitudes imply. But it's important to realize that it's not a system of logic gates where your outcome is predetermined. Pretending it is will severely hold you back in your life.

I can understand the bitterness as well but it doesn't mean I'll bow before such characters who insist their situation applied to absolutely everyone, especially if they display little real world experience or knowledge of variables. It's just simply 2-dimensional and I can't pretend it's right to plaster such false thoughts across the board.

But you're balanced way of explaining it makes sense, and you acknowledged something before I've been really stressing, there's a reason why many guys end up way below their level. Also to flip things, I've felt absolutely infatuated by a girl I've just met, when that halo literally controls your dick and angels sing around her, and 2 days later I never want to talk to her again. And that wasn't even because she would be aspire, just vacuous and defunct of morals or any sort of interesting thought. And it actually hurt that I'd be giving up on someone I found so attractive but it had to be done.

But personality ey? Lol


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1 Sentence saying that you're wrong and I'm butthurt while you post short novels trying to undermine me. Hilarious.

And then ironic thing is that you're the one who's supposed to have the epic personality.

It's called explaining your point, congratulations on your much shorter posts but you haven't explained sh*t and wasted both our time.


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Sometimes the most depressed guys I know are dating the hottest women,.
I've only ever dated two hot women (both 8's) and the last one was my perfect woman physically, but she was awful in bed. She was just really loose down there (if you know what I mean) and you couldn't really feel anything as you pumped away.

Imagine how depressing that was - to have a hot woman - but only have terrible sex with them.

Best sex I ever had was with a little chubby woman from Spain who could just f*** forever and then come back for more.