Social Skills And Your Looks.


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I notice more bald women now, but I think it's because this forum makes me self-conscious and I see everybody's hairline whereas previously I didn't give a f***.


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just wanted to chime in that when i was 15 i was 300 pounds, fat as f***, had acne, was labelled as an emo kid (due to hairstyle and choice of clothing, and the immediate friends i had) and still was very popular and dated hot girls (dead srs). Its actually when i lost weight and realized i looked semi decent when my confidence was lowered and i had to work in order to be as not shy as i used to be, but i had some serious charm even as a fat f***. Thats when i realized girls really do like confidence... id honestly post a pic here but its embaressing af lol.

It's well known that high school girls have different tastes.

As a confident and charming 300 lbs thirty year old, you would almost certainly do much less well.


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lold at girls rele do like confident men.

No they liked your aesthetics. it is not a ground breaking discovery.


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Girls liked your genes, and they were good, even hidden under all that fat.

Thank you for confirming my theory that there is no such thing as getting better with women.

Even if you're fat but you have good genetics, they will still f-ck you.

But if you're subhuman and in shape, they still won't touch you with a ten foot pole.

Even I didn't notice much difference when I was bald when it came to raw attraction. I was still having sex as a slick NW5.

Sexual attraction is static and cannot be influenced by factors like personality, confidence, not even being lean.

It should common knowledge by now, especially after the PUA movement and all "seduction communities" have failed.

What? what?!
Fred you make no fcking sense and you contradict yourself so much, this whole post is pure BS and I can't believe people actually agree with this BS of yours.

I've read so many posts here mentioning how fat is one of the biggest turns off, including you commenting about it or agreeing to it.
But now, suddenly, because this guy said he dated hot girls even while he was fat, you make up an absolute BS explanation in your twisted head and point of view to try an cope with the fact that he dated hot girls as a fat guy.
but your "reasoning" that makes sense in your head, contradicts your usual posts about looks.

so fat is unattractive to everybody, but for some reason those hot girls he dated could "see" under all those layers of fat and somehow used their super X-vision to see to his genes so they liked him - LOL
so now, according to your joke of logic, you can still score hotties even if you're fat as fk, as long as you have "good genes"
so I guess girls wouldn't mind dating a fat blob, as long as their face is cute, even though their face is bloated full of fat, no jawline whatsoever, cheeks looking like small balloons- but hey! the girls can see past all that and see the inner genes apparently! LOL

Fred, you shot yourself in the leg with this BS comment of yours, along with everyone who agreed with you.

You say looks is everything, you and everyone else agree that fat is unattractive and one of the biggest negatives in looks, yet once someone who was fat proved you wrong by saying they dated hotties, you make up the most stupid contradictory explanation by saying the women must have seen under his fat and liked his genes.
>Fat is unattractive
>Dated a fat man
>liked his genes
>apparently being fat now counts as good genes

Can you get anymore absurd than you already are currently?
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Just FYI women don't have superpowers whereby they can judge your genes better than men can judge women's genes or whatever. Women never see your genetics they see your phenotype which is a product of genes and environment.

I know these identical triplets. They're genetically identical, but they don't look the same, there's a clear, substantial hierarchy between them in terms of looks which is obviously entirely due to embryonic environment (one of them got a better spot and more nutrients) and subsequent lifestyle.

Phenotype is a function of genetics, environment, and even luck. People are taller today than a hundred years ago not because genetics have changed but because environment has changed.

Some sexual preferences are also socially constructed, for example women preferring white men, or medieval Chinese men preferring women with bound feet. Google "Chinese foot bounding" that was considered sexy once.

As for social skills not being affected by environment, tell that to victims of post-traumatic stress disorder.


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People rag on EvilLocks but a least she is honest.
That, in itself, is refreshing.


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A girl sees you and she knows, she will be attracted to you for no particular reason. And yes, the guy can be bald, or a little overweight, it won't matter.

So they have this "superpower" that us men can't understand. Ask EvilLocks, any girl, what makes a girl go crazy over that particular man and feel nothing about the 9 others in the room, while they're all more or less equal in terms of attractiveness?

Genetic compatibility, it's the only explanation. The 9 other men could all be very interesting, funny, and share all her interests, it doesn't matter, she wants 'that guy'.

So confidence truly is irrelevant. The 9 guys can act dominant and confident and the one she fancies shy, hesitant and awkward, and she will still want him. She will find his awkwardness 'cute' while finding all the other candidates rude and arrogant.

We always say that people who advocate "you need to be fit, you need to be hot, you need to have a NW1 to date hot girls!" should get out of the house more. Seriously, while attractive men have higher chances, it's always astonishing to see so many women with fat, balding or short men.

It's common knowledge in fact, but society will explain these cases by: "It's because the guyz haz confidenz! It's because he haz money!"

Nope, it's his genetic and biological compatibility with that particular girl. Confidence doesn't make women wet, money and status don't make women wet. If a woman isn't instantly attracted to you, you will never change her mind.

Anyway, some guys I know are like that, fat NW4 with a cute girl. Are they confident and so skilled socially? Talk to them for 10 minutes to find out, they're often an absolute bore and socially awkward. They mostly got lucky with girls who didn't have many hotter guys available in their environment, so they settled for a fat NW4 blob.

Social skills matter to find a job (well, less and less with these female HR who think men they're not attracted to are not suitable for the job), maybe to navigate and feeling at ease in society.

For women though: nope. Of course if you suffer from crippling social anxiety that even prevents you from asking a girl out, that's another story. It's not about not being skilled anymore, but not being able to do anything.


There is no such thing as seeing a person's genetics in the way you're imagining it to be.

We see phenotypes, nobody sees genotypes.

There's no superpower to distinguish between laser eye surgery, contact lens, or 20/20 vision for most people or probably ever in any practical sense.

Women's tastes change depending on the time of the month, and what culture they grow up in, and their own age for that matter. Ask any women if she's attracted to the same men at age 12 as she is at 32 as she is at 52.

Here you go:
Women's sexual interests across the ovulatory cycle depend on primary partner developmental instability
In a sample of 54 couples, we found that women whose partners had high developmental instability (high fluctuating asymmetry) had greater attraction to men other than their partners, and less attraction to their own partners, when fertile.

Women’s Taste in Men Changes as They Mature
Age 25-34:
• As they forge ahead in their careers, women at this age begin to take a more long-term view, but are still susceptible to a dashing man; physical attraction is more important than ever
• Sexual compatibility is more important to 25-34s than at any other stage in their lives

How Your Race Affects The Messages You Get

Black men get a 17% response rate from Asian women, a 21% response rate from white women, a 25% response rate from Pacific Islander women, and a 27% response rate from Native American women. That must be due to genetics and not social class ... oh wait, native americans are more genetically similar to asians than they are to whites ...


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Age of first marriage by country

In the United Kingdom, the grooms are 3.1 years older than their brides
In Norway, the grooms are 2.1 years older than their brides
In Portugal, the grooms are 1.5 years older than their brides

Two guiding questions:
1) Is the variation in age difference due to genetics?
2) Do people of the same age share more compatible genes?

Two answers:
1) No.
2) No.

If genetics were the only factor, you would find that women are just as likely to marry much older men than younger men, since genes don't improve from one generation to the next. In fact, the only societies where women follow Fred's model of how women behave are specifically the countries where women have less say in the matter, such as Iran and India, where the age difference is > 5 years.


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Yes, I had one great-looking guy tell me that he attracted plenty of women because he was "friendly". Sure.
isn't this what @shookwun also says?
He says he is sociable, fun, etc
Then goes back to the gym to put muscles on his 6'5" frame
(No offense ah)


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David, it still doesn't explain why mating is so random.

Explanation: we don't know yet. Some studies have shown that women can tell which man is attractive (to her, as always) only by smell.

It's been suggested that women are attracted to men that will give them the best offspring based on their genetic compatibility.

I'm only talking about sexual attraction here, as in, a woman wants you only by looking at you.

Women just know when they're attracted to a guy, it's something men cannot comprehend.

Just ask EvilLocks (as she will be honest), most women will BS you about this: "Yeah he won me over with his charms!" Just to seem less shallow.

Nothing in the studies you posted actually contradicts my hypothesis.

Yes, women's preference vary with her menstrual cycle, I already knew this.

The fact that women's taste change as they mature probably also has to do with hormones.

The race factor is cultural, the sexual attraction would still be there but racist females would try to deny and repress it.

Even though it's extremely hard to do. If a girl wants to have sex with you, she will do it no matter what.

The other day, I asked a girl to go to her place, and as we were walking, I told her I cheated on my girlfriend in Thailand, 5 times, she laughed and was like "You're such an a**h**! Why can't men be honest?! Ah you're not helping your case!" I was a bit worried as I thought she would change her mind about having sex with me at a point. Nope, it didn't matter, still banged her.

Women never cease to amaze me. They truly are slaves to their biology.

Would you not have shagged her if SHE had said she cheated on her boyfriend?
I think that we should acknowledge the fact that this day and age women just want to have fun with whom they like, as men do. And they can have fun more frequently than men, if they are so inclined.

Centuries of romantic poets and novelists have not helped.
Luckily, then came Anna Karenina. And Cindy Lauper...


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Why are you guys talking about women so much? You don't have to like all women, most of everything is not that great. Just don't give any woman you encounter your precious time and always search for red flags. I have friends that allow women to treat them like sh*t, it's their fault for wanting to stay with crazy b****s when there are great women out there. And women want to have sex with hot men just like men want to have sex with hot women. The problem is nature made the percentage of hot women bigger than the percentage of hot men.


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If most (generally sp.) women can't be trusted,
then interestingly enough however,
why doesn't it stop the many, many men who run nipping after their heels?

What does this say about these men (generally sp.) ..
maybe that these panting men rate a close second (trustworthy wise)?


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If most (generally sp.) women can't be trusted,
then interestingly enough however,
why doesn't it stop the many, many men who run nipping after their heels?

What does this say about these men (generally sp.) ..
maybe that these panting men rate a close second (trustworthy wise)?
Hmm.. I've never actually thought about it like that.


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Of course it wouldn't have mattered.

But we know how women are, or rather are supposed to be.

We've been fed so many lies about them that reactions like that still surprise me.

"Women are more romantic, empathetic, they can do no wrong! You have to be a good man to them, and they will reward you!"

Yep, the absolute opposite of all these is true.
I wonder how this romantic idea of women came to be.

I mean: you do not need to be Flaubert to understand that women are b****s just like men are dogs.

Either women in the past were more capable of fooling men or men were idiots (and some stil are)


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If most (generally sp.) women can't be trusted,
then interestingly enough however,
why doesn't it stop the many, many men who run nipping after their heels?

What does this say about these men (generally sp.) ..
maybe that these panting men rate a close second (trustworthy wise)?


A women most valued tool, and weapon for control. When done right will regulate most men...


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Fred you're still contradicting yourself left and right.
First looks is everything
but now there is also Genetic compatibility, so I can still be fat and bald but I'll score hotties that I have Genetic compatibility with.
And apparently 300 pounds 15 years old is "a little fat", no big deal right?
The guy said he dated hotties, hence in more than one hot girl, during that age when he was 300 pounds, I guess he must have had "genetic compatibillity" with all of them right? lol.

come on Fred, cut your BS already, you can't explain it, and I bet my life it wasn't his looks that got him to date the hotties, nor his "genetic compatibillity" with them either.

If you as a man saw a girl so fat, but she had a cute face, or you were attracted to her body scent, would you date her? I doubt it.
And we all know women are WAY MORE picky and shallow than men, so why did those hotties date a 300 pounds guy? I'm sure there were other good looking guys around them, with "genetic compatibility" as well, but alas, they dated the fat guy.

please no more BS

And women do get wet for status and money, lol, be a pilot and see how many girls you will score, they will literally come and hit on you even if you're just average looking.
women like men who have a job with authority. women like money too.
there was several big surveys on dating sites and apps, including tinder, on what job women found the most attractive, pilot was number one in all of them.

I myself as a guy can understand, you're in this big machine, the pilot is in charge of your life and everything else, he's the boss of the plane and everyone on the plane, he's in charge of your life. he has that "supreme" aura.
You think that doesn't make women wet? lol, stop lying to yourself.

same as high ranking military people, can score like no tomorrow and they don't even have to be good looking.


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Looks are everything.

I've never said looks = beauty.

Totally different.

Women don't get wet from status and money. That's the poor man's wet dream. "Women love money, when I have money, I'll f-ck women!"

Think of any rich ugly guy, you can be sure that their wives and girlfriends are repulsed by them and having sex with the pool boy while they are away.

Status and money allow you to get the attention of a wider pool of women who would have been attracted to you without them.

And if they wouldn't have been attracted to you without money and status, bad news, she's a glorified prostitutes and is taking advantage of you.

You won't win with status and money if you don't have at least above average looks.

Women don't f-ck your money, they don't f-ck your job, they f-ck you, what they see is your looks and that's how they get off.

Common sense. I'm talking about sexual attraction. You're talking about women having sex with a guy for his ressources.

As shookwun just said above, women who go for you based on your status and money are just using their pussy to control you.

I would hate to have sex with a woman knowing that she doesn't even want to f-ck me for my looks.

That must be why I enjoy sex so much, I know the girls went for me because they're genuinely attracted to me.

Lol at rich and high status guys getting used by gold diggers.

they may not be attracted to them physically, but they will still f*** them because they are rich- that's about money
status can get them wet, sorry to pop your bubble, women like man with power, and no you don't have to be above average, I told you already, jobs like a pilot will get you women all night long, and not for a long term relationship, I'm talking about flings, so why would a woman have a fling with an average looking pilot if all she wants is his resources that she isn't going to get?
status can turn on women, as long as you're not ugly, status will improve your attractiveness, she may not be attracted more to your looks, but she will be attracted to your status and power, that will increase your points.

And don't worry about ugly rich guys and hot women, it's an even deal, they are not stupid, they know the hotties want them only for the money, be assured the women will not get a dime. it's usually a trade, the guy gets her body and she gets to hang out with them in their castle and get some gifts and luxury time.

And "looks is everything" yet you still can't explain how that former-300 pounds dude got to date hotties, and don't give me this "genetic compability" bullshit please.


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they may not be attracted to them physically, but they will still f*** them because they are rich- that's about money
status can get them wet, sorry to pop your bubble, women like man with power, and no you don't have to be above average, I told you already, jobs like a pilot will get you women all night long, and not for a long term relationship, I'm talking about flings, so why would a woman have a fling with an average looking pilot if all she wants is his resources that she isn't going to get?
status can turn on women, as long as you're not ugly, status will improve your attractiveness, she may not be attracted more to your looks, but she will be attracted to your status and power, that will increase your points.

And don't worry about ugly rich guys and hot women, it's an even deal, they are not stupid, they know the hotties want them only for the money, be assured the women will not get a dime. it's usually a trade, the guy gets her body and she gets to hang out with them in their castle and get some gifts and luxury time.

And "looks is everything" yet you still can't explain how that former-300 pounds dude got to date hotties, and don't give me this "genetic compability" bullshit please.

You don't understand how women's superpowers work Hairon,

Women don't care about the genetics involved in intelligence, emotional acuity, drive, ambition, sense of humour, compassion, likelihood of depression, muscle tone, body fat, et cetera.

All that matters are the genetics of facial bone structure, and maybe smell. That's where the superpowers are focused, because it guarantees the success of the species, if not for women being that smart the human race would be extinct.

We know women care about a man's scent for example, which proves it's all genetics, as scent isn't influenced by diet and lifestyle.
