I was going to reply to this on Saturday night before I went out but then saw another post of yours where you apparently state that even people liking you as friends is 'genetic'. Then, as usual, I thought, 'why am I even bothering'..this guy has such extreme views and spends so long on here it can't be anything other than the symptoms of a mental illness. You wouldn't believe anything else which hasn't personally happened to you, regardless of any evidence to the contrary. I think you've set your whole life up based on the internet and it is your crutch; for daily life, for what you call self 'therapy' (even though it is the worst thing for you and probably makes any genuine therapy pointless) and for dating. Even this post, reading it, I thought 'hang on, he's literally copied what shookwun said the other day'. I'm referring to the 'you can't get women because you think it is something hard' line. I actually agreed with that post by shookwun, for a change, but largely from the point of view that certain guys on here place way too much importance on what women think, including yourself. Having said that, I do just fine with women...in real life situations too believe it or not.
My point regarding competing is that in any relationship, there will be times when your woman is around other guys that might tempt her...in work, on nights out, through friends etc etc. In life, we always have competition, like it or not. Now if you are a guy who relies so much on the internet to get women (as shookwun also later alluded to) and if you are SO scared of rejection, like you state, then there will be times in real life that you lose out to other guys, either if it is just a girl that you like who may have been interested if you had the balls to approach her, or if it is your woman who is both attracted to another guy and senses that he has other alpha qualities which you don't. That is just a fact i'm not even going to argue about. Like it or not, believe me or don't believe me. Most guys who genuinely are successful with women will know what i'm talking about. You, with your 'its only looks' mantra will not, but I appreciate that you have no way to understand it. A woman WILL be aware of your behaviour, she will be aware of whether her guy acts dominantly or submissively, she will be aware if he is too sensitive or even cowardly and she will lose attraction for those certain types of non alpha qualities. You may or may not have your success with tinder or plenty of fish, i have my own opinions on the quality of women in those sites compared to the quality of women it is possible to get day to day if you do have things together. Looks matter, but so does everything else. You'll disagree, but I really don't care... your answers are weak to most things. That picture i posted of Mike tindel (the rugby player with the bald head and bent nose) ...'celebrity, proves nothing', despite the fact that she would have been surrounded by 'good looking' guys whenever she wanted. "No bald guys are apparently ever genuinely happy or have great relationships' because they are not on this site personally telling you so. Why the hell would they bother coming here to say it!?!? It would be funny if it weren't so sad that this is how you actually think. "Women aren't attracted to muscles because you can't genetically fool them"; well, think you'll find they do like it...
Everything you say is weak, your arguments constantly fall short and you spend such unbelievable amounts of time on here spouting things which are so untrue and sometimes so spiteful that personally if it had been up to me would have had you banned a long time ago; for everyone's benefit, including your own. Alas, I'm not a moderator.
I do wonder what you will do in future. You say you have success now and are happy, I struggle to believe it given the crazy amount of time you spend here and the way obsessive nature of your posts. But then in the future, lets imagine in ten years time you are single and if say your supposed 'looks' fade, then your whole online dating strategy crumbles, you will have next to no real life experience with approaching and meeting women normally, an absolute fear of rejection and no social skills to do anything about it with. It all seems very sad to me. But then I suppose you don't believe in 'social skills', because it is all just genetic. Suit yourself.