Soul Crushing Depression Because Your Youth Is Going Down The Drain


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she's on f*****g dutaseride, finasteride, RU, spironolactone, minoxidil, etc, etc... the f*** is "validation seeking" about a woman going completely f*****g NUCLEAR on her body from hair loss? What kind of forum is this? she's depressed as hell and desperate. I will explain what's going on here - IF she was ugly, you would all pay grand sympathy to her struggle and actually read what she's writing and give her advice. She's hot though... so basic logic tells us that it is all the incel basement dwellers that are hating on her. JUST IGNORE THE WAY SHE LOOKS AND FOCUS ON HER HAIR LOSS PROBLEMS.
Thank you


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ETA: Denise Richards is way hotter in spite of having less hair density :) Hair isn't everything ;-)

Neve for me, David. Love her sexy eyes and vamped up look, especially in this photo.


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haha this geinunely made me laugh. When I was reading the first part I thought this was going to be a heartfelt post about evilocks and then I got to the second part about strapping on the wig and boom 'a wild chad approaches'.
Don't laugh at this transparent attack on an innocent female doing it tough.
It was classless.

@Patrick_Bateman, blow me!


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The white knight has arrived!!
View attachment 80710

Once again a topless man and a topless woman isn't the same f*****g thing.

She's not being "attacked", I simply told her a story of a female in her very situation (even worse hair loss) and how she turned it around. Helpful advice.

I didn't see anyone attacking Pas. When did this happen? She never mentioned these "incel attacks" in her farewell thread. As far as I know she never posted any pics, how could someone know that she is a "pretty woman" and therefore attack her for it? lol at your logic in the first place.

Lying to protect the wahmenz?
You take every opportunity to unleash your vile wrath on the fairer sex.
I hope you change and one day become like us..
Reasonable men of conscience.


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You take every opportunity to unleash your vile wrath on the fairer sex.
I hope you change and one day become like us..
Reasonable men of conscience.

I actually really like patrick bateman. he's even one of my quotes. I don't even think he meant anything offensive, was just conveying his opinion on other things. I just think this thread spun out of control.


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View attachment 80737

Neve for me, David. Love her sexy eyes and vamped up look, especially in this photo.

which is which? the one on the right is WAY hotter imo. evolutionary biology. eyes farther apart look like prey. ;)


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which is which? the one on the right is WAY hotter imo. evolutionary biology. eyes farther apart look like prey. ;)

Neve Campbell on the left, Denise Richards on the right, famous photograph from the 1990s cult movie Wild Things.

That, and Cruel Intentions, are the two 1990s mainstream movies best known for making people horny.


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Neve Campbell on the left, Denise Richards on the right, famous photograph from the 1990s cult movie Wild Things.

That, and Cruel Intentions, are the two 1990s mainstream movies best known for making people horny.

Denise Richards doesn't even have hair loss AND I can see her breasts in many pics on google. f*****g wh***.


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I actually really like patrick bateman. he's even one of my quotes. I don't even think he meant anything offensive, was just conveying his opinion on other things. I just think this thread spun out of control.
He’s taken every opportunity to attack my on multiple threads. He’s just an a**h**.


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she's on f*****g dutaseride, finasteride, RU, spironolactone, minoxidil, etc, etc... the f*** is "validation seeking" about a woman going completely f*****g NUCLEAR on her body from hair loss? What kind of forum is this? she's depressed as hell and desperate. I will explain what's going on here - IF she was ugly, you would all pay grand sympathy to her struggle and actually read what she's writing and give her advice. She's hot though... so basic logic tells us that it is all the incel basement dwellers that are hating on her. JUST IGNORE THE WAY SHE LOOKS AND FOCUS ON HER HAIR LOSS PROBLEMS.
In my opinion posting photos like she did knowing this forum's demographic is seeking validation.You can't tell me that she had no conscience thought that it would draw compliments and attention. What better place to feel better about yourself as a woman feeling insecure than a hairloss forum with the majority men. I would say the same thing for a male member here if they posted shirtless photos or what have you. Her being on a list of hairloss meds isn't seeking validation, I'm fully aware of that, but thanks for pointing that out as if I'm an idiot who can't differentiate what's "attention" seeking or not.

What would her being ugly have to do with me feeling sympathy? I feel for anyone who has hairloss. Most members expose their hair or lack of with photos just fine, without showing their bodies or much face. So, by your accord, anyone who thinks she sought out 'extra' attention is a basement dwelling incel? Seems a bit extreme to label like that. Kinda resembles the whole "if you don't agree with me you're a nazi" way of thinking. I'm not hating on her. Just stating how I feel from what I've witnessed. She's a valuable member here who knows quite a bit about hairloss and the different mechanisms. I don't only notice faults.


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In my opinion posting photos like she did knowing this forum's demographic is seeking validation.You can't tell me that she had no conscience thought that it would draw compliments and attention. What better place to feel better about yourself as a woman feeling insecure than a hairloss forum with the majority men. I would say the same thing for a male member here if they posted shirtless photos or what have you. Her being on a list of hairloss meds isn't seeking validation, I'm fully aware of that, but thanks for pointing that out as if I'm an idiot who can't differentiate what's "attention" seeking or not.

What would her being ugly have to do with me feeling sympathy? I feel for anyone who has hairloss. Most members expose their hair or lack of with photos just fine, without showing their bodies or much face. So, by your accord, anyone who thinks she sought out 'extra' attention is a basement dwelling incel? Seems a bit extreme to label like that. Kinda resembles the whole "if you don't agree with me you're a nazi" way of thinking. I'm not hating on her. Just stating how I feel from what I've witnessed. She's a valuable member here who knows quite a bit about hairloss and the different mechanisms. I don't only notice faults.
I posted those photos months ago on a combined male/female forum looking for help from anyone from either gender. I posted in the male section because it has more traffic. You can stick your attention up your arse mate. The last thing I feel is beautiful or sexy, nor do I need to be told so because it doesn’t change how much I hate myself. You’re all getting bent out of shape over one f*****g photo that I took after a shower where I am covering all areas anyway. If I want the attention I’d take a full body photo and put little love hearts over my nipples or some sh*t. Sure, let’s show everyone a photo of my scalpy head with a hit of the top of my chest because I’m SURE that’ll have all the men frothing. You’re so far off the mark it’s laughable.


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I posted those photos months ago on a combined male/female forum looking for help from anyone from either gender. I posted in the male section because it has more traffic. You can stick your attention up your arse mate. The last thing I feel is beautiful or sexy, nor do I need to be told so because it doesn’t change how much I hate myself. You’re all getting bent out of shape over one f*****g photo that I took after a shower where I am covering all areas anyway. If I want the attention I’d take a full body photo and put little love hearts over my nipples or some sh*t. Sure, let’s show everyone a photo of my scalpy head with a hit of the top of my chest because I’m SURE that’ll have all the men frothing. You’re so far off the mark it’s laughable.
I wasn't aware I was on where we all post gym selfies tilting a leg up so our bums pop out more.


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In my opinion posting photos like she did knowing this forum's demographic is seeking validation.You can't tell me that she had no conscience thought that it would draw compliments and attention. What better place to feel better about yourself as a woman feeling insecure than a hairloss forum with the majority men. I would say the same thing for a male member here if they posted shirtless photos or what have you. Her being on a list of hairloss meds isn't seeking validation, I'm fully aware of that, but thanks for pointing that out as if I'm an idiot who can't differentiate what's "attention" seeking or not.

What would her being ugly have to do with me feeling sympathy? I feel for anyone who has hairloss. Most members expose their hair or lack of with photos just fine, without showing their bodies or much face. So, by your accord, anyone who thinks she sought out 'extra' attention is a basement dwelling incel? Seems a bit extreme to label like that. Kinda resembles the whole "if you don't agree with me you're a nazi" way of thinking. I'm not hating on her. Just stating how I feel from what I've witnessed. She's a valuable member here who knows quite a bit about hairloss and the different mechanisms. I don't only notice faults.
Good post, agree with everything you said here. i shamed baldingat18's attention whoring fake hair loss thread just as much.

thats also true about calling anyone who doesnt white knight an incel, way to not even focus on their actual arguments, and revealing of how much the world hates loser/low status men. if a mans ugly he can't be right! lawl. when in reality a lot of the time the smartest men are pretty ugly