Probably because it doesn't matter for their business? The population of people who have such aggressive hair loss that going bald again would be a concern is very small, and then even for those people it just means more sales to Stemson in the long run. Most people who get this procedure will be filling in crowns, frontal sections or temple points and that will last them for the lifespan of the hair follicle.
I don't know why you guys are focusing or wasting your time on pages and pages of debating whether the follicles are DHT resistant when we don't even know the life cycle length of a cloned follicle. These follicles might die on their own before DHT can harm them, and at that point who cares if they are DHT resistant because you're going to need another procedure even if these are 100% resistant follicles.
I understand that the procedure will be expensive and you want your money's worth, but if this process works and you get a restored full head of hair for 10~ years even you are not going to give a sh*t if they fall out again. Prices will drop and it will be even more affordable the second time, or who knows, there might be a pharmaceutical cure by then. Just focus on if the product works or not and don't argue useless semantics.