The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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I went to this gym since this was an eating day. I'm slowly getting back into lifting. I did dumbbell bench press, bicep curl, military press, reverse bicep curl, seated row, tricep pushdown. I mostly lifted to exhaustion, three sets each.

I need to be more assertive asking people to get off their asses if they're sitting on the machine between sets and browsing on their cell phone. I didn't ask a guy if he was using the machine. Thirty minutes later I look back at it and I'm embarrassed.
I usually just ask the person how many more sets they have and that usually gives them the hint to hurry up and let me use the machine. The other day, there was this nice looking woman who asked me the same thing and I said just got on the machine but you can work in with me. She at first said no, then in a matter of seconds changed her mind and we shared the machine. How romantic! :D


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oh f*** me that looks good
sarcasm? not a chance
i want that goddamn pie now

You know, I wrote down that there's good food in Baltimore, with a straight face.

But ...

You live in New York.

If you want some excellent pie, you might even be able to get some at 11:58 pm.

Even the desserts in Penn Station and Grand Central Station are good. I like Zarro's.

And you can easily find better at Zarro's.


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I usually just ask the person how many more sets they have and that usually gives them the hint to hurry up and let me use the machine. The other day, there was this nice looking woman who asked me the same thing and I said just got on the machine but you can work in with me. She at first said no, then in a matter of seconds changed her mind and we shared the machine. How romantic! :D

was she hot Doctor?

did you get her number?

we need more details


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This is why you should always get a second opinion on dating profile photos! Some people catch things others don't - the left photo doesn't look weird to me but maybe it's because i'm weird or something. I must have some mental blind spot that prevents me from seeing that

dude that chick is hot dont worry

maybe in a unconventional way

but shes hot


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your telling me you don't want to hop on a train to Baltimore to get some of that pie? what is wrong with you
piece of pie, cup of coffee, couple of slices of pizza, some vanilla ice cream, maybe a little fried rice and some fried chicken... yeh

No I just brushed my teeth. In bed.
I would not travel for food.

I make killer fried chicken but have not made it in years--my friend is from Georgia she gave me recipes.
Nothing like home made southern fried chicken.


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Microsoft CEO's wife


I'm seeing a pattern here.


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The two best "classic" JAWS of all time:



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One would think so right?! She's hot!

But she married him way back in 1992, before he even started his MBA, just 4 years after his undergraduate degree in India.


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all this high maintenance selfie posing sh*t is total bullshit to me.

girls like the one you posted are so obviously cool, that i would take a chick like that over a 10/10 selfie retard anyday

lol @Notcoolanymore

i think u hit the wrong button dude

u pressed the like button not the dislike one


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With hair


Good teeth (I don't know if he had work done).


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what about guys with smp lol?

If you are really going to get SMP go to Facebook group Alopecia Areata--they have a lot of members who get SMP and the microblading they know the good the bad and the ugly about it.
I know not all SMP is same. Both the technique and the dye they use.


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Honestly? I don't know..I am okay with and do date balding and bald men so I don't really care as long as good jaw...but to be honest I need a good jaw/chin even if full head.
Would you date someone like Ryan Gosling who has a bit of a weak jaw but a great face?
