The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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You're promoting exercise from a position of fear: you gotta do it or you'll eventually lose your advantage.

IMO, take it from a position of hope: you have such a gift so imagine how much you'd gain with moderate effort.

Separately, I'm very sore today in my biceps and upper back, and it feels GOOD.

Well said.

@macaroni bad idea mentioning work outs in front of me and David, now you're a forced member of #balditegainsquad

If you have a really fast metabolism I'm not exactly sure how that equates to an advantage in working out, but my guess is that you'd recover quicker, have more energy, and your muscles may grow faster. Or if you want to get lean with strength training instead of hypertrophy, I would imagine the ability to take in high amounts of calories effortlessy would help.

And training programs are much easier than you'd think, just don't overcomplicate it at first. Something like this is pretty straightforward;

I did this for 2 months mixed in with cardio and core exercises at the end (which you don't have to do the much of).

Total exercise time can only be an hour and have good music or a podcast at the ready.


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i know but i'm just so f*****g lazy. i even bought exercise machines for home and can't even be bothered to use them, that's how lazy i am. It's not like the gym is 30miles away; no, there is one literally next door to where i live and i have exercise machines and weights at home but i just don't use them. So, i'll probably keep being a piece of sh*t for a while...

Have you considered yoga?




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yeh these are not the same girls - left one is much older than the right one actually but she's wearing shades so it's hard to tell. Right one has got cute smile on her; perfect smiles get a lot of points with me so i would easily give her an 8, but that's just me.

LOL you would love me. I have a fantastic smile and teeth.


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oh be still my heart; i know some lame-os always say the most important part of a woman is her smile, but i actually mean it. I am a sucker for a cute smile - everything else just revolves around it

I think a lot of men are into good smiles.


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wow that's cool man, that article shows you exactly how many of each exercise and how to do it properly; that helps take away some of the complexity of getting in shape. That does help me feel more prepared to take on exercising. I feel like the routine is the most important part though because my problem is laziness and i have to break the lazy routine. My brother is like me but he is a bodybuilder and he is f*****g massive; he spends his days at the gym though. I would never want to be that big but at least i can get a sense for what can be accomplished if i devoted some time to it

I honestly think about 80% of people would be working out if they knew how simple programs can be if you make them simple.

But thank f*** they don't wanna know because I hate queuing for the bench am I right #gainzlyfe

It's unlikely you'll start from seeing 1 program today but just to remind yourself, leave that link on your bookmark bar or desktop shortcut, one day you might think f*** it. On top of that if you have the equipment to do a basic 40min weight training work out you might just randomly do it, and I think most people are hooked after only 2 or 3 sessions.


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totally - i've bookmarked it because i do plan on getting in shape; i just had surgery and am recovering (hence the binging) but getting in good shape is an inevitability i have to face this year, whether i like it or not.

You had surgery? What for?


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totally - i've bookmarked it because i do plan on getting in shape; i just had surgery and am recovering (hence the binging) but getting in good shape is an inevitability i have to face this year, whether i like it or not.

Ahh in that case it's more important than I thought. What about starting Thursday? I've started to realise picking random days for starting a new plan on anything (and I always have something every few weeks or more I need to grind down to and start) means it feels sloppier but also more naturally becomes a part of my day. Starting a new project randomly on a Tuesday, instead of waiting for the start of the week or some people even wait until the start of the month, it just doesn't make sense to me anymore. If you're incorporating something into your daily life to be permanent, don't treat it like this big commitment.



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haha, nah
it was cancer, but it's gone now so it's all good

Oh dude! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

How was it diagnosed? What were the symptoms?


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UFC chick? Or WWE, she's familiar

Gina Carano.

Was in Deadpool.

I liked Deadpool way better than Logan. Logan was well made, but it was too much of a downer.
Loved the car scene in Deadpool, and the MJ music.


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oh it's a long story but let's just say the dr said i was one lucky son of a b**ch that they caught it as insanely early as they did; it was caught almost by accident. In my case, it's more of a nuisance than anything - i mean i do feel fine at this point

Intensely curious now. You're very young, so it's amazing it was caught early!


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No, no new hobbies, I've just been busy lately: work, weightlifting (yeah still doing that), guitar practice, videogames/movies/TV shows, nice trips with the girlfriend, nights out with my friends, etc.

Life has just been great lately, so yeah, less time to be on here, and when I am, my posts will often have a blue-pilled flavor ( @Dante92 ;) ).

That's awesome! It's always great to see someone from here doing well!


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Some women can pull off the shaved look:


Case in point.

But the women on here have thinning hair and it would look the same as the woman above.