The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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Okay, this is how I am going to resolve the issue because you've taken to attacking me on this forum and you are the only one who does it. So what I am going to do is block you so that you wont see my posts and I wont see your posts.

I think this is the only way forward and the best resolution to this issue.

Despite disagreeing on nearly everything I still wish you well.

This is the last post of mine you will have to see so good luck.

That's not how blocking works. If you block him, he can still see and reply and dislike and like your posts. You just don't see his.


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I had an ex with short hair, boyish hair cut, until her hair grew a bit (because I requested it), I sometimes had the impression that I was f*****g a man.

Women are not meant to have short hair.

Any man who pretends he finds it sexy is lying, or again, has some weird fetish. Or is gay and in denial.

It doesn't really matter at all.

Women are not "meant" to have anything and neither are men. The universe is amoral and your preference for long hair is entirely socially constructed. Hair style is not a meaningful attribute, mr "everything is genetics", hair style is a choice and arbitrary and says nothing about evolutionary fitness.

However, hair can have a use covering up a wrinkled forehead or big ears where it will yield a genuine aesthetic benefit. That's a little contrived though.


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Hermione can pull off short hair:

She looks sophisticated.

Catwoman can pull it off too:


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Sure they can "pull it off" because they're hot

Still look better with long hair


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Yeah it is, there's nothing about it in nature.
Men's hair and women's hair grows at the same rate.

If you prefer a particular hair style, say if it makes a woman ~10x more attractive, then that's a socially constructed fetish, as there's *zero* biological basis for it.

I'm eagerly awaiting for you to show me a convincing evolutionary advantage to women having waist-length hair that they wait longer to cut.

Does it increase fertility? No.
Does it make them better mothers? No.

I bet that you won't find it.


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There is none
That's what I thought.

I know what my c*** is telling me.
And other men don't give a sh*t.

Different socially constructed preferences.

Here are some things that actually, fundamentally matter: youth, facial symmetry, ~0.7 waist-to-hip ratio, average-sized nose.

As our friend Fred says, people are attracted most to features that can't be easily changed. You can't fool a person's sexuality with something that can easily be changed otherwise we'd be extinct. On that note, hair style can be changed in a few minutes.


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True, but still, long hair on women has to be universally more attractive.

When my ex cut her hair, she received countless compliments from women.

From men thought? Not one. Says it all.

Universally? Citation needed lol.

As for your ex, I'm not there but I'll offer some speculation. Your ex got countless compliments for cutting her hair. She would have gotten countless compliments for growing longer hair. She would have gotten countless compliments for putting on muscle, for cutting fat, for wearing darker clothes, for wearing lighter clothes. Based on the way you've described her I visualise her as being in a bubble of unconditional support that is independent of the actual quality of decisions.

Is your ex still spending six hours a day on the bicycle? Is everybody telling her that she's amazing for doing that? Maybe we shouldn't use the judgment of the people in her life as a guide on good decisions?


Anyway I don't care that much about hair style. I also don't care about hair colour, I know that as a man I'm supposed to prefer blondes but I never cared much, I might even prefer brunettes but only by a slight amount. As long as the hair is healthy, it's fine to me.


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LOL Big deal when that happens to women. I kissed a guy once (or better, a guy kissed me) and it was nowhere near pleasurable nor hot to watch, despite what yaoi fangirls may believe. The fact that we were also both way underage makes it worse.
please tell me that didnt happen....


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You know what? Forget it, pretend I was lying or something. Yes, I was joking, happy now? I'm not here to satisfy people's morbid curiosity, I was being serious, then I remembered it's stupid looking for real support here, especially on a public forum. Nevermind.

Think about something living and squirming. No, better, think about Hostel. No, better, think about what you do in your basement, only 10X times worse. :D

Holy sh*t dude