The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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I have difficulty believing that. Elaborate.

You can check any number of sources, such as the new jim crow by michelle alexander, or ava duvernay's "13th" which was available on netflix and might still be available. There are countless recordings on youtube of police officers beating the sh*t out of black people without due cause.


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That's a good reason to sign up. What were your experiences like? Do you remember liking or hating the adults? Did it make your life better?

I would have used these services as a kids but my parents were too disorganized to sign me up.

I do not plan on telling eleven year-olds about finasteride :)
it was great. i had a lot of fun socializing with the other kids and counselors. pretty much liked all of them! precious memories really. i was a completely f*****g different person back then haha. depressing to think about.

that sucks about your parents. i know you had talked about the dysfunctional parenting methods of your mom. my mom was fucked up too just in different ways. it really does mess you up


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You can check any number of sources, such as the new jim crow by michelle alexander, or ava duvernay's "13th" which was available on netflix and might still be available. There are countless recordings on youtube of police officers beating the sh*t out of black people without due cause.

Police also beat the sh*t out of poor white people.

Was your discrimination statement restricted to police discrimination?


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Police also beat the sh*t out of poor white people.

Was your discrimination statement restricted to police discrimination?

If you'd genuinely like to know more, start with those references. We can then discuss them.


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Police also beat the sh*t out of poor white people.

Was your discrimination statement restricted to police discrimination?
they are discriminated against but at the same time blacks act horribly and commit huge amounts of crime. i'm in between the black lives matters racists and the police *** kissers. because there IS also a problem of authority abusing assholes in police.

its a vicious cycle. blacks commit a lot of crime, police get pissed at them and overstep their boundaries, blacks get even more mad and commit even more crime, etc.

its such a clusterfuck. usually people just think about it when blacks riot on the news.


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I've read exactly the opposite on several occasions.

What should be the goal? To keep lifting more. If you can keep progressing without going to failure, it'll be great.

For month 1: absolutely do not go to failure. Get your form right. Focus on the compound lifts. After the first 3-4 weeks, slowly start increasing weight. Like 2.5 - 5 pounds for compound lifts per week.
You go to failure too soon in the program, you'll make suboptimal progress.

It's called bodybuilding, not bodybreaking.

I'm wondering if we're thinking of the same thing when it comes to failure. I don't promote bad form especially for beginners, to me failure is holding your form together but squeezing out those last few reps when you think you can't push any more. It's more fatigue than risking injury, but the importance being on the most intense contraction at this point. Contraction throughout makes a huge difference but those last few failure reps you don't even think of it, your activated muscles are really pushing naturally.

I'm new to it all myself and constantly learning (like even advanced weight lifters probably are) so I just read a few articles, and maybe I naturally do what they say seems to be a balance- train to failure only on your last set, build each set with more strain until the last one which is failure.

But some exercises like say, dumbbell flyes, I do it to failure each time, manage 8-10 reps. So I guess following this, drop weight and do overly comfortable form until last set, then up the weight a little to do the last set to failure.

I pretty much go with the advice people I've known who've trained for years have told me, and are clearly big and shredded. I usually read about it after but failure is one thing they've all promoted, and each set I believe. Reading about it now I can see it's very debated.


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If you'd genuinely like to know more, start with those references. We can then discuss them.

@CaptainForehead and @Afro_Vacancy

To add some context to the discussion, according to this study conducted by Roland Fryer, professor of economics at Harvard University, there is at least some bias against African Americans when it comes to police stops. However, when it comes to the use of lethal force, he found no racial bias. Professor Fryer is an African American himself. It's a surprising result given that media will have you believe exactly opposite of what the study found. They need to conduct more studies to verify these findings.


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You don't need to verify studies

You just have to know cops in person and have grown up with cops kids in major cities.

It's not rocket science.

There is a lot of racism

When you are a rookie in NYPD they put you on foot patrol in the most cop-hating neighborhoods, Jamaica for one, on purpose to 'break you'.
You are abused daily as a young rookie.
They tell you where its unsafe to eat because they will spit in your food.

How do I know this? I know NYPD cops who I grew up with.

And yes, they are pretty racist.

How racist? If its close to where they know they can get over time they will arrest a guy walking street just to get OT. And its not white people they get away doing that to..

Are all of them racist? no
Is it as racist as it used to be? NO
But its racist enough and its pretty crooked too.
I have known a lot of dirty crooked cops.


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So I'm strongly leaning towards asking out this 19 year old dime piece who just came into my life

The delusion may be very strong with me on this one, but I think I may have a shot

This could go very badly

If you think you have a shot, ask her out man. The only regrets I have when it comes to dating is not asking out the women who looking back were clearly interested in me.


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But are you saying they became racist because of the neighborhood they had to work in and tat broke them?

Not all cops are racists..first of all a lot of cops are minorities.
BUT I grew up in a very Irish/Italian/Jewish neighborhood that was very racist about black people. We had some puerto ricans people in my neighborhood also so it was a little more 'accepted' but not much.
A lot of the guys I knew who became cops were the same guys I knew as a teenager who I would witness them jump black kids for being on wrong block.
Those guys are NYPD now.
I know maybe like 20 cops.
Not many of them are not racist sorry.
And I know this from hanging out with them as a kid and teenager.
If they magically changed from that time period I seriously doubt it.


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Here in Europe it is common knowledge that black people are still discriminated in the U.S. (several episodes were reported by media here as well) and that cops there are far too trigger-happy. I still remember reading about a cop killing a deaf man who was trying to communicate using sign language. Unbelievable. Things like that would never happen here.


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Here in Europe it is common knowledge that black people are still discriminated in the U.S. (several episodes were reported by media here as well) and that cops there are far too trigger-happy. I still remember reading about a cop killing a deaf man who was trying to communicate using sign language.

I mean they do kill white people too.

They kill way too easily now its more 'militant' and that has seriously changed in past 15 years.

I mean they used to beat the sh*t out of people which sucked but now its like shoot to kill way too easily like 'war'.


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I mean they do kill white people too.

They kill way too easily now its more 'militant' and that has seriously changed in past 15 years.

I mean they used to beat the sh*t out of people which sucked but now its like shoot to kill way too easily like 'war'.

America's neverending gun problem. And it's not about the right to defend yourself, that's bullshit excuse, reality is much simpler: too much money to lose for arms sellers and people are expendable for them. Disgusting.


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Here in Europe it is common knowledge that black people are still discriminated in the U.S. (several episodes were reported by media here as well) and that cops there are far too trigger-happy. I still remember reading about a cop killing a deaf man who was trying to communicate using sign language. Unbelievable. Things like that would never happen here.

I lived in a black neighbourhood for a while in Ohio and it was basically a war zone with the police patrols. The white people I knew were very critical of me for living there, and my then-boss told me that he was angry at me for being irresponsible. Note that all of these people are officially pro-tolerance, pro-affirmative action, pro-diversity, and never used the term "Black" to describe the area.

The USA is heavily segregated, neighbourhoods are white or black but rarely mixed, and black neighbourhoods tend to get inferior government services. You can cross the street and it can go from 90% white to 90% black.


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The US are far from being a civilized country, they're built on violence and ruled by corporations, tycoons and military fanatics who deal with oil and arms and have waged wars and ruined countries and economies since they exist.

Tarantino provides very good portrayals of the real nature of the U.S. in Django and The Hateful Eight.
The whole world is like this you think Italy is different? lmao


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The US are far from being a civilized country, they're built on violence and ruled by corporations, tycoons and military fanatics who deal with oil and arms and have waged wars and ruined countries and economies since they exist.

Tarantino provides very good portrayals of the real nature of the U.S. in Django and The Hateful Eight.

There's a lot of good to the country as well. I'd argue that Imperial America is much better than Imperial Britain was, and better than Imperial Germany would have been. Some parts of the rest of the world are seeing increasing living standards, and we've had great technological progress which has been somewhat shared.

The United States was built from freedom, and it was built from slavery. It appears as a contradiction but both statements are valid and accurate and meaningful descriptions of the history.

There's been a constant battle between the two sets of forces. Unfortunately, I think that darker forces have been on the ascendent since 1973.


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I was asking that in good faith since you said that working in Jamaica hab break them.
The reason why I ask is because in Fance, they pulished that police voted massively for Marine le Pen and everybody reacted by saying "of course police are racist, facist, etc." My reaction was to ask myself "why would they be tempted to vote Le pen ?"
I personnaly know some cops, some of them were raised to vote Le Pen and so they do, some were raised to vote Le Pen and don't, some are Muslim and/or Black and voted Le Pen, some were placed in neigborhood so bad that they started to vote Le Pen.

I would never compare Europe to USA let alone NYC or Chicago
It's different here.
Our police are like military here with training and guns.
I don't think you guys have that if not mistaken.

I don't think its political here in that way as you are describing.

If you google you can find a lot of footage of people who are innocent being killed by USA police.
and when I say innocent I don't mean they have no criminal record..I just mean the death is very avoidable and the cop is not in harms way or danger.


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I would never compare Europe to USA let alone NYC or Chicago
It's different here.
Our police are like military here with training and guns.
I don't think you guys have that if not mistaken.

I don't think its political here in that way as you are describing.

If you google you can find a lot of footage of people who are innocent being killed by USA police.
and when I say innocent I don't mean they have no criminal record..I just mean the death is very avoidable and the cop is not in harms way or danger.

Police here don't even carry guns, first time I saw an active gun was in New York when a police officer asked me to step down off the railing. (I was only 8 and had lost my Mam).