The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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I never said Italy has not its faults (it has many). But we never remorselessly destabilized countries, bombed civilian targets or conducted illegal human experiments.
forgot ww2 you are the reason Greece entered the war. Almost got thrown in the sea after attacking us


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You are right. I was not trying to compare, just saying what the situation is here (which is indeed very different) very political and a lot of censors.
Well we do have military in the street now...

From what I can tell, we, in France, do have this feeling US cops are shooting like they would smoke a cig, and Black people are discriminated.

I know--i actually appreciate the conversation, I hope I don't sound sharp towards you--I'm not meaning that way at all.

If i get shot by a cop and I am unarmed with hands up the scrutiny will be much higher than if a black guy got shot by a if that black guy had a record of selling weed or some minor crime--the scrutiny goes down even further.

But the thing is--its not out of a 'liberal' heart strings it upsets upsets me because in a few years they are going to be more and more out of control...and at that time maybe it won't matter who they shoot or why.

I think the training has changed significantly...There is this level of justification of using their firearms that seems to have gone down. Way down.

I don't think its always racism BUT there is a police union that is very powerful and they never admit when a cop did something wrong..

Half the time I think 'if they just apologize this would not be so heated' but they never do. They always take this obnoxious stand as if they are justified. SO i understand how black people lose it when an innocent black person is killed and the people who did it take no accountability for it--even just to say 'I'm sorry, i made a mistake.'


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America's neverending gun problem. And it's not about the right to defend yourself, that's bullshit excuse, reality is much simpler: too much money to lose for arms sellers and people are expendable for them. Disgusting.

Love that many Americans have for guns is unfortunate. I will never understand their obsession for guns. I have guys on facebook posting pictures of guns they own as if it's a matter of pride. Guys living in small towns of Oklahoma with little to no crime. With so many guns floating around, the police are trained to be very rough and respond to any movement that creates doubt in their minds with deadly force. The whole thing is very unfortunate.


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Did you guys ever watch the Eric Garnor video of his death?

I mean it was so unnecessary.

There is also complexity to do with our grand jury system and 'where' (which neighborhood) the grand jury is selected from and what area the prosecutor is from.
So with Eric Garnor it was Staten Island I think all white grand jury and our District Attorneys are political.
And if memory is correct the grand jury documents were sealed--so we don't know 'what' the DA presents to the grand jury.

I think in Europe this is different?


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The US are far from being a civilized country, they're built on violence and ruled by corporations, tycoons and military fanatics who deal with oil and arms and have waged wars and ruined countries and economies since they exist.

Tarantino provides very good portrayals of the real nature of the U.S. in Django and The Hateful Eight.

To be fair, if you start looking at the past, you will find dirt with many countries. European countries were no saints either. Look at their colonial past. Don't even get me started on Arabs who committed genocide and savagely murdered millions of people in various countries and enslaved women and children. Even to this day, many Arab countries have barbaric laws such as punishment for blasphemy. Native Americans were no saint either and during tribal conflicts they would regularly murder all males of enemy tribes and proceed to enslave their women and children. Even Australian aborigines engaged in practices that will shake modern sensibilities. African also wreaked untold atrocities on other Africans. If you look at the past you will find that often the difference between oppressor and oppressed was that oppressors were more powerful, not necessarily more evil.

I am not trying to excuse the grave mistakes committed by Americans of the past by pointing to the mistakes committed by Europeans, Arabs or Africans of the past. That will be a logically fallacious position. What I am trying to say is that the entire human civilization herself was at a different stage and people had different set of ethical values due to the environment they were raised in. It's very easy for us born in the modern times to declare our ancestors as evil, but imagine if we were born 200 years ago. What kind of moral framework would we have possessed?


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To be fair, if you start looking at the past, you will find dirt with many countries. European countries were no saints either. Look at their colonial past. Don't even get me started on Arabs who committed genocide and savagely murdered millions of people in various countries and enslaved women and children. Even to this day, many Arab countries have barbaric laws such as punishment for blasphemy. Native Americans were no saint either and during tribal conflicts they would regularly murder all males of enemy tribes and proceed to enslave their women and children. Even Australian aborigines engaged in practices that will shake modern sensibilities. African also wreaked untold atrocities on other Africans. If you look at the past you will find that often the difference between oppressor and oppressed was that oppressors were more powerful, not necessarily more evil.

I am not trying to excuse the grave mistakes committed by Americans of the past by pointing to the mistakes committed by Europeans, Arabs or Africans of the past. That will be a logically fallacious position. What I am trying to say is that the entire human civilization herself was at a different stage and people had different set of ethical values due to the environment they were raised in. It's very easy for us born in the modern times to declare our ancestors as evil, but imagine if we were born 200 years ago. What kind of moral framework would we have possessed?

Oh, I know quite well, after years of reading about history I know how miserable and shitty humankind in general can be, depending on the civilization and the time. I'm not saying "U.S. are evil", I'm just stating facts. I never see historical events from my point of view and moral framework, I know that different times mean different people and that it's quite difficult to understand things without being there to live them.


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Are cops racist? Yes. But why are they racist? It's simple, blacks are more likely to be criminals. Because they tend to grow up poor with a single mom in a segregated ghetto and have little to no education. They don't see a future in working minimum wage jobs, and are influenced by black culture "get rich or die trying".

When you feel like you've got nothing to lose that's when you are likely to commit crimes.

Why are cops so trigger happy? Because everyone and their mom has a gun in USA. Cops are trained to be extremely conscious of this fact. That causes them to be stressed out all the time, and always ready to pull the trigger. Mistakes are bound to happen.


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Oh, I know quite well, after years of reading about history I know how miserable and shitty humankind in general can be, depending on the civilization and the time. I'm not saying "U.S. are evil", I'm just stating facts. I never see historical events from my point of view and moral framework, I know that different times mean different people and that it's quite difficult to understand things without being there to live them.

Have you read Better Angels of Our Nature written by Steven Pinker? You should check it out if you haven't. Fascinating book. It deals precisely with this topic.


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I regularly read a newsletter by current and former prisoners about prison news, and everything about the system is shocking. It definitely sounds that depending on prison capacity, certain jurisdictions push up petty crimes into jail time, and create new ways of ensuring ex-cons return to prison.

Privatised corporations are now paid off on the percentage of capacity, Arizona being one of the worst with a few prisons demanding 100% capacity at all times. When it was 90% at one stage in a prison, the Corrections Corporation of America (sick name in itself) sued the state for several million dollars. Overcrowding is now top priority in many prisons to ensure they always meet their quota, and as mentioned they bring in new laws for ex cons on probationary period, such as finding a job and home address within 6 weeks of being free, or they can be summoned back in.


And it's hit a static position because there's literally no room left! They're overcrowding overcrowded prisons. And it's happening on all levels, eg the Cash for Kids scandal in Pennsylvania which saw thousands of children convicted to juvenile for-profit detention centers, a famous case being the kid who took his friends schoolbag, was detained for 3 years without trial, and after coming out committed suicide.

The entire system is now rigged purely for money, everything down to prison phone calls is a monetized scheme.

Certainly not the most shocking abuse of power within the prison system but definitely gives an insight into how corporations are ringing out every aspect of the judicial system, from literally outbidding eachother for the value of a prison bed, to overcharging phone calls for a shitty service.

Jones says she’d travel to Texas to visit her son in person, but Hays County Jail, where he is locked up, banned visitations in November 2013. That happened shortly after the county jail entered into a contract with Securus.

Since then, all family communication with prisoners at Hays County goes through Securus, which charges Jones about $10 for a phone call and about $8 for a video visit.

In the year and a half that her son has been locked up, Jones says she has racked up over $1,000 in bills with Securus to keep in contact with her son. The cost to keep in touch, Jones says, “makes me ill.”

Over the last decade, the prison phone business has become a scandalous industry, characterized by lawsuits, exorbitant fees, high phone rates and monopolistic relationships between public jails and private companies that openly offer kickbacks to local sheriffs.


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I regularly read a newsletter by current and former prisoners about prison news, and everything about the system is shocking. It definitely sounds that depending on prison capacity, certain jurisdictions push up petty crimes into jail time, and create new ways of ensuring ex-cons return to prison.

Privatised corporations are now paid off on the percentage of capacity, Arizona being one of the worst with a few prisons demanding 100% capacity at all times. When it was 90% at one stage in a prison, the Corrections Corporation of America (sick name in itself) sued the state for several million dollars. Overcrowding is now top priority in many prisons to ensure they always meet their quota, and as mentioned they bring in new laws for ex cons on probationary period, such as finding a job and home address within 6 weeks of being free, or they can be summoned back in.

View attachment 54220

And it's hit a static position because there's literally no room left! They're overcrowding overcrowded prisons. And it's happening on all levels, eg the Cash for Kids scandal in Pennsylvania which saw thousands of children convicted to juvenile for-profit detention centers, a famous case being the kid who took his friends schoolbag, was detained for 3 years without trial, and after coming out committed suicide.

The entire system is now rigged purely for money, everything down to prison phone calls is a monetized scheme.

Certainly not the most shocking abuse of power within the prison system but definitely gives an insight into how corporations are ringing out every aspect of the judicial system, from literally outbidding eachother for the value of a prison bed, to overcharging phone calls for a shitty service.

Jones says she’d travel to Texas to visit her son in person, but Hays County Jail, where he is locked up, banned visitations in November 2013. That happened shortly after the county jail entered into a contract with Securus.

Since then, all family communication with prisoners at Hays County goes through Securus, which charges Jones about $10 for a phone call and about $8 for a video visit.

In the year and a half that her son has been locked up, Jones says she has racked up over $1,000 in bills with Securus to keep in contact with her son. The cost to keep in touch, Jones says, “makes me ill.”

Over the last decade, the prison phone business has become a scandalous industry, characterized by lawsuits, exorbitant fees, high phone rates and monopolistic relationships between public jails and private companies that openly offer kickbacks to local sheriffs.

This makes me sick. Money at the cost of destroying human lives. How do these corporations sleep at night?


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Are cops racist? Yes. But why are they racist? It's simple, blacks are more likely to be criminals. Because they tend to grow up poor with a single mom in a segregated ghetto and have little to no education. They don't see a future in working minimum wage jobs, and are influenced by black culture "get rich or die trying".

When you feel like you've got nothing to lose that's when you are likely to commit crimes.

Why are cops so trigger happy? Because everyone and their mom has a gun in USA. Cops are trained to be extremely conscious of this fact. That causes them to be stressed out all the time, and always ready to pull the trigger. Mistakes are bound to happen.

Male role models in the black community are a huge problem. Such a high percentage of young black men are incarcerated and kept on that hamster wheel, the system designed on every way to keep them either in prison or gangs. Education isn't naturally what youths like to turn to, and when you see the only relatively successful men in your community are slinging, what option is a young kid going to choose?

I hate how outsiders (not that I'm not one) make it sound like the youth of America is on an even playing field these days, and they choose their own path. The ghettoisation of minorities is more complex and underhanded than ever, so how this problem is ever going to even begin to come to a progression, it's beyond me.


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I am sure you have a shot ;)

If you think you have a shot, ask her out man. The only regrets I have when it comes to dating is not asking out the women who looking back were clearly interested in me.

It would be nice to think so

I seem to keep catching a lingering gaze...and when we talk, we finish talking, and then we're staring at each other, and she seems to have this dreamy look in her eye....happened a couple times today when we had conversation....f*** I sound like an idiot describing this. Most likely I'm massively misinterpreting this sh*t. Usually I wouldn't bother with a girl who looks like her. She's a legit 8.5/10....hell I usually assume 7's are out of my league

I'm between full time semesters at school and I just started a job for the summer where I'm working with a bunch of young college types. Fortunately since I look young I am still able to fit in at these settings and not look like too much of a weirdo (they've already expressed shock upon hearing my age)

Anyway after you guys encouraged me I actually made an attempt to text her....I have a bunch of work numbers from a group text and I thought I knew which one was hers....accidentally texted one of the managers lol. So I have her number here just not sure which one it is, so I'll have to do this in person

I should be seeing her tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have the balls + opportunity to ask her if she wants to hang out

Most likely I fall flat on my face. After all there is only one @Wolf Pack


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It would be nice to think so

I seem to keep catching a lingering gaze...and when we talk, we finish talking, and then we're staring at each other, and she seems to have this dreamy look in her eye....happened a couple times today when we had conversation....f*** I sound like an idiot describing this. Most likely I'm massively misinterpreting this sh*t. Usually I wouldn't bother with a girl who looks like her. She's a legit 8.5/10....hell I usually assume 7's are out of my league

I'm between full time semesters at school and I just started a job for the summer where I'm working with a bunch of young college types. Fortunately since I look young I am still able to fit in at these settings and not look like too much of a weirdo (they've already expressed shock upon hearing my age)

Anyway after you guys encouraged me I actually made an attempt to text her....I have a bunch of work numbers from a group text and I thought I knew which one was hers....accidentally texted one of the managers lol. So I have her number here just not sure which one it is, so I'll have to do this in person

I should be seeing her tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have the balls + opportunity to ask her if she wants to hang out

Most likely I fall flat on my face. After all there is only one @Wolf Pack

I'd be curious what you're like in person. You do sound like one of the most socially well-adjusted people here.

Let us know how it goes.


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I think if I was living in the US I would think the same way you do; The two siuations are very different. You did no sound sharp, no worries;
in France, we do have social mouvments accusing cops of discrimination, but I do know those cops work in areas where delinquancy is very high and their mindset is to defend themselves and the population. For instance, I did read some paper in which a women was saying she feared her children could meet the bad police patrol someday... we are talking about an area where criminality is so high sometimes even police can not go in, my first worry would not be for my kids to encoutered the wrong cop but to be a victim of crimes that are going on on a daily basis in such area!

I don't know how aware you guys are of our culture but in USA even upper class wealthy black people who live in fantastic neighborhoods, well dressed have 'the talk' with their sons about police and how to comport themselves because its two sets of conduct acceptability for white and black with at least enough cops it makes a difference of life and death.


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Are cops racist? Yes. But why are they racist? It's simple, blacks are more likely to be criminals. Because they tend to grow up poor with a single mom in a segregated ghetto and have little to no education. They don't see a future in working minimum wage jobs, and are influenced by black culture "get rich or die trying".

When you feel like you've got nothing to lose that's when you are likely to commit crimes.

Why are cops so trigger happy? Because everyone and their mom has a gun in USA. Cops are trained to be extremely conscious of this fact. That causes them to be stressed out all the time, and always ready to pull the trigger. Mistakes are bound to happen.

Maybe they are in wrong line of work.
Its called 'bravest' for a reason it is to risk your life and someone who gets stressed out all the time should not have a gun.
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Are cops racist? Yes. But why are they racist? It's simple, blacks are more likely to be criminals. Because they tend to grow up poor with a single mom in a segregated ghetto and have little to no education. They don't see a future in working minimum wage jobs, and are influenced by black culture "get rich or die trying".

When you feel like you've got nothing to lose that's when you are likely to commit crimes.

Why are cops so trigger happy? Because everyone and their mom has a gun in USA. Cops are trained to be extremely conscious of this fact. That causes them to be stressed out all the time, and always ready to pull the trigger. Mistakes are bound to happen.

I knew a LOT of Irish and Italian criminals growing up...who did fucked up sh*t...none of them were beaten or killed by know why? they knew the cops.