The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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Given that this is a hair loss site, I'd like to remind those of you who have income and not too many dependents to follow the lead of @nameless and a few others including myself and to contribute to @hellouser 's trip to Tokyo to report on the hair congress.

I remember the reports from the last congress, they were out just about the time I started posting here, and were of great quality. Aside from providing information, they also grow our nice little community here.

Here is the link:


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I'd be curious what you're like in person. You do sound like one of the most socially well-adjusted people here.

Let us know how it goes.

I'm absurdly insecure, and I have spasms of high social anxiety, but I hide it well and I am actually pretty high functioning. I'm well liked by most groups of people I become a part of....I've got this weird humor about me that seems to draw people in

but obviously I'm fucked up in the head or I wouldn't spend time browsing impact lol

I'll keep you updated. I'm sure I'll come on here for consoling when she harshly shoots me down



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It would be nice to think so

I seem to keep catching a lingering gaze...and when we talk, we finish talking, and then we're staring at each other, and she seems to have this dreamy look in her eye....happened a couple times today when we had conversation....f*** I sound like an idiot describing this. Most likely I'm massively misinterpreting this sh*t. Usually I wouldn't bother with a girl who looks like her. She's a legit 8.5/10....hell I usually assume 7's are out of my league

I'm between full time semesters at school and I just started a job for the summer where I'm working with a bunch of young college types. Fortunately since I look young I am still able to fit in at these settings and not look like too much of a weirdo (they've already expressed shock upon hearing my age)

Anyway after you guys encouraged me I actually made an attempt to text her....I have a bunch of work numbers from a group text and I thought I knew which one was hers....accidentally texted one of the managers lol. So I have her number here just not sure which one it is, so I'll have to do this in person

I should be seeing her tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have the balls + opportunity to ask her if she wants to hang out

Most likely I fall flat on my face. After all there is only one @Wolf Pack

Awesome man. If she is busy when you ask her out, don't get discouraged and lose hope. Asked her out again. A buddy of mine had to ask his co-worker three times before she said yes. However, never ask more than 2-3 times. Tomorrow when you see her, you will be extremely nervous, but DONT give up. The regret that comes with losing these chances are very hurtful.

If she agrees to hang out with you, then tell her where and when. For example, "how about we go for coffee after work?" . Good luck!


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Given that this is a hair loss site, I'd like to remind those of you who have income and not too many dependents to follow the lead of @nameless and a few others including myself and to contribute to @hellouser 's trip to Tokyo to report on the hair congress.

I remember the reports from the last congress, they were out just about the time I started posting here, and were of great quality. Aside from providing information, they also grow our nice little community here.

Here is the link:

Come on everybody. Even if you can only afford $5 it will help the cause. There are many of us and if we all donate even a small amount of money we will reach the goal. And there are a number of reasons to believe that this hair loss congress could be the one that finally reports a breakthrough. Of course if some people don't have the money to make any donation that is understandable.
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Come on everybody. Even if you can only afford $5 it will help the cause. There are many of us and if we all donate even a small amount of money we will reach the goal. And there are a number of reasons to believe that this hair loss congress could be the one that finally reports a breakthrough.

Who said people here did not donate?
It's kind of obnoxious to reiterate it when its all over the site.
it assumes we can't see it.


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It's kind of obnoxious to reiterate it when its all over the site.
it assumes we can't see it.

The effort to raise money for the trip is a campaign.
It's common for the objective to be repeated in any campaign.
If some people can't afford to contribute I fully understand that.


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The effort to raise money for the trip is a campaign.
It's common for the objective to be repeated in any campaign.
If some people can't afford to contribute I fully understand that.

I get it but are you going to randomly go in every thread asking for donations?
You may actually alienate people.


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I get it but are you going to randomly go in every thread asking for donations?
You may actually alienate people.

I didn't say I was going to post this info in every thread. I only posted the info in this thread in response to Afro_Vacancy. I got an alert saying my name was posted in this thread by Afro_Vacancy.
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I didn't say I was going to post this info in every thread. I only posted the info in this thread in response to Afro_Vacancy. I wasn't going to post in this thread until I saw my name was posted in this thread.

The impact section is a separate step child of the forum and a lot of people post here without posting elsewhere. An occasional reminder is worth it, as hair loss awareness is the main purpose of the forum. Say one reminder every 200 pages or so, that's fine. We don't know who donated it and who didn't so it's worth reminding people.


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Given that this is a hair loss site, I'd like to remind those of you who have income and not too many dependents to follow the lead of @nameless and a few others including myself and to contribute to @hellouser 's trip to Tokyo to report on the hair congress.

I remember the reports from the last congress, they were out just about the time I started posting here, and were of great quality. Aside from providing information, they also grow our nice little community here.

Here is the link:

I will donate soon.


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Are cops racist? Yes. But why are they racist? It's simple, blacks are more likely to be criminals. Because they tend to grow up poor with a single mom in a segregated ghetto and have little to no education. They don't see a future in working minimum wage jobs, and are influenced by black culture "get rich or die trying".

When you feel like you've got nothing to lose that's when you are likely to commit crimes.

Why are cops so trigger happy? Because everyone and their mom has a gun in USA. Cops are trained to be extremely conscious of this fact. That causes them to be stressed out all the time, and always ready to pull the trigger. Mistakes are bound to happen.
Exactamundo on both points.

I'm not white, yet I never was harassed by the police in my decade of stay in the US.

I was held up at gunpoint. Black young males.
My friends had armed robbery when they were home. Black young males.
One was almost mugged at knifepoint in the street. Black young male.

Black culture has a massive problem. Most of the children are being raised fatherless.
For all the talk about poverty, somehow children of poor asian immigrants tend to do well. In contrast black culture teaches black kids that if they study hard, they are not being black. Oreos and crap.

@pjhair I wanted to cite that study by the econ prof.


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I lived in a black neighbourhood for a while in Ohio and it was basically a war zone with the police patrols.

The police did not make that neighborhood a war zone. Police were there because it was a war zone.


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Exactamundo on both points.
I'm not white, yet I never was harassed by the police in my decade of stay in the US.

My experience in the US is similar. I went to college in a small town of Oklahoma with total population of 10000. I was stopped by cops several times over the years especially on Friday nights because they thought I was driving drunk. Once they realized I wasn't too drunk they would always let me go without tickets. They were always respectful. I have nothing but good experience with cops. However, I do recognize that my experiences don't represent the entirety of the US population hence I will refrain from making any sort of general claim. That's when data and studies like the one I posted come in handy.


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Come on everybody. Even if you can only afford $5 it will help the cause. There are many of us and if we all donate even a small amount of money we will reach the goal. And there are a number of reasons to believe that this hair loss congress could be the one that finally reports a breakthrough. Of course if some people don't have the money to make any donation that is understandable.
Why are people paying this guy to go on a free trip to Japan?

The news from the conference will be made public anyway.

The guy getting the free trip probably thinks its hilarious.


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Blacks in the US = Arabs in Europe = people who don't belong in those cultures.

They're homesick, have lower levels of intelligence on average, lower levels of conscientiousness, they're unhappy and despise the culture, values and way of living of the people that do belong there.

We were not meant to live together, places with a lot of blacks in the US are shitholes, neighborhoods with a majority of Arabs in Europe are shitholes. And you know what else are shitholes? Their countries of origin.

And when we point that out, they say it's the white man's fault of course. We could do everything we could to help these people and they still wouldn't be able to help themselves.

Anti-discrimination laws, affirmative action, lowering the passing grades at school and university, two educators per Arab kid (yes), deradicalization programs, etc.

And still, they remain losers (to quote Trump, because it's accurate), losers who hate us, who join ISIS and want us dead.

Only yesterday, I saw an Arab guy bashing his head against a wall and try to kill himself on the subway's rails, people pulled him up just in time, his head was covered in blood. The guy passed by me and I thought "this man has nothing to lose".

I don't want my kids to grow up in this sh*t, and I'm sick of people trying to make excuses for these stupid, violent, blood-thirsty losers.

Bottom line: our racism is justified. Theirs is just jealousy and stupidity.

Your comparison of blacks and Arabs is not accurate. Blacks were brought to the US as slaves. Due to the nature of slavery, their family units were deeply destabilized. That had a very negative impact on the African American culture. They have yet to recover from it. Couple that with the information that rudiger posted in the previous page as to how the system is rigged in keeping prison population high, it's not too hard to see why African American community is lagging behind. I am not an expert on African american history or culture but this is what I have come to learn from my readings and discussions I had with my black friends. I will like to hear from someone more informed than me on the issue.

Arabs though are different. They didn't have the same past as African americans and many of them moved to Europe of their own accord. However due to their religion and incompatible worldview, they dislike other cultures. One can try to blame ghetto's in Europe for radicalism of Arab youths however that simply doesn't explain why Muslims in their OWN countries hold radical beliefs and are hostile to other religions and cultures.

One should also consider that some Arab countries are really rich. Richer than even the US in some cases. And yet they hold barbaric views. So what effect of colonialism do liberals speak of?
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This makes me sick. Money at the cost of destroying human lives. How do these corporations sleep at night?


A friend linked it to me a few hours ago. I'm gonna buy it as soon as I can. Thank you, by the way, nerd minds think alike. :p

Have you read Better Angels of Our Nature written by Steven Pinker? You should check it out if you haven't. Fascinating book. It deals precisely with this topic.

I never read it, but I heard of it many times. Now I've got a very good reason to look into it. Thank you.