The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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One thing is already sure: Islam will never be reformed.

They'll tell you that the Quran and its holy teachings are perfect, given directly by God.

So yeah, good luck convincing the vast majority of Muslims to alter it.

So what's the alternative? At a point, people will just want them out of their country.

There will be more violence, more terrorist attacks, more "moderate" Muslims doing nothing, more non-Muslims getting pissed off, it's going to escalate for sure.

My best friend who's supposed to be a moderate Muslim told me that the people who gave out Salah Abdeslam's (Europe's public ennemy number one at a point) location were snitches.

Make no mistake, they're all in it together. There are exceptions of course, but most Muslims approve the terror attacks all over Europe.

The uproar among so-called moderate Muslims is so hard to find that they actually have to make it up:

Do you not think the religion will soften in western countries?

We've got tons of young muslims in the UK and a lot of the younger generations are no longer wearing headscarves, praying five times a day, and even going to the mosque on Friday's.

A lot of the young muslims you cant even tell are muslims - they just blend in with the rest of the Asians living here (hindus and sihks).


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One thing is already sure: Islam will never be reformed.

They'll tell you that the Quran and its holy teachings are perfect, given directly by God.

So yeah, good luck convincing the vast majority of Muslims to alter it.

I know, the nature of Islam makes it extremely hard to reform. Allah himself declared in Koran that "Today I completed your religion", meaning that he perfected their religion and there is no need for further modification. This coupled with some other factors made it really hard for the religion to be reformed. People claim that "just like other religions, with time Islam will reform". But this claim is based on assumption that Islam is exactly like other religion which it isn't. It's theologically very different. Also, why hasn't Islam reformed already? Some argue that because it's new. It's an idiotic argument and a result of shoddy thinking. Religions like Sikhism that came centuries after Islam are really tolerant. So the argument that Islam hasn't reformed because it's new doesn't make sense. Also, Islam isn't really new. It's around 1400 years old.

The truth is that other religions collided with modernity and liberalized as a result. However, modernity failed to liberalize Islam. Why? What will happen in future that hasn't happened already which will trigger reformation of Islam? Will people learn more about science? But hasn't science already advanced enough to trump radical religious beliefs?

Despite all that, I still have hope. We non-Muslims will have to STOP lying to Muslims that their religion is religion of peace. We all have to be honestly question Islam. However, any attempt to criticize the religion earns you a tag of bigot. Pseudo liberals tell Muslims that there is nothing wrong with their religion. If even non-Muslims don't admit that their is a problem with Islam, what hope do we have of Muslims admitting it?

I consider pseudo liberals to be the greatest obstacle to any constructive dialogue with Muslims. Whenever I criticize Islam, do you know who I get the most vitriolic and hate filled response from? It's from pseudo liberals, not from Muslims. In fact, I have very rarely gotten angry response from Muslims. Pseudo liberals though have issues with me on daily basis. They often have a very poor knowledge of Islam and Islamic history. Most of the times they, can't even tell difference between Sira and Hadith. But they will be quick to tell you that Islam is a religion of peace and you are a bigot for questioning it. Retards.


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Do you not think the religion will soften in western countries?

We've got tons of young muslims in the UK and a lot of the younger generations are no longer wearing headscarves, praying five times a day, and even going to the mosque on Friday's.

A lot of the young muslims you cant even tell are muslims - they just blend in with the rest of the Asians living here (hindus and sihks).

Data about Muslims in UK is depressing. A significant portion of them hold radical views. If my memory serves me, 70% of British Muslims indicated that Danish cartoonist should have been prosecuted.

Your hope that Islam will soften in western countries will not happen. The religion by it's nature is hostile to other worldviews. Unless Islam reforms, there is no hope for peace.


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It will only get worse.

Previous generations weren't so radical, the younger generations have been fed these lies about how they were discriminated against and how everyone is racist since they were kids.

Anything that doesn't go their way is explained by the fact that we're racist. So they get angrier, more violent, more insulated, young men start wearing djellaba's and more and more young women insist on wearing the hijab.

Often it's just to provoke us, and it works. We complain about it, tell them that "no, you can't wear it at school or at work", so they pretend to be offended, and it reinforces their position, making them more confident in the fact that we tell them "no" because we're racist.

They rally more men and women to their cause, and the landscape of the city is slowly looking more and more like one of those Islamic shitholes.

Humans love attention, so Muslims love attention too, they want to feel special, to have a special identity with special clothing to piss off the racist Westerners. In the end, it's just provocation to attract attention, not religious conviction.

The western civilization will pay for its greed, hypocrisy, excessive tolerance and political, cultural and social laxity and timidity. Muslims are obviously taking advantage of our weakness, and if you argue against them you're a bigot, xenophobe, etc. Look at the media: they don't even call the terrorist attacks "islamic terrorism" any longer, in order not to "offend" those who want us destroyed. Most of them are not obviously terrorists, but deep down, they silently gloat and rejoice at those attacks, and many even help terrorists with their silence or by giving them hospitality, transports, support, etc.

I know many muslims who integrated into western society, and to do so, they abandoned their ridiculous, fanatical religion because it's incompatible with western values and democracy, it's a theocracy for f***'s sake! It's as simple as that, and refusing to address the elephant in the room is suicidal. We're infidels, and our death is only a reason to celebrate, it's written in their cursed sacred texts.


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The western civilization will pay for its greed, hypocrisy, excessive tolerance and political, cultural and social laxity and timidity. Muslims are obviously taking advantage of our weakness, and if you argue against them you're a bigot, xenophobe, etc. Look at the media: they don't even call the terrorist attacks "islamic terrorism" any longer, in order not to "offend" those who want us destroyed. Most of them are not obviously terrorists, but deep down, they silently gloat and rejoice at those attacks, and many even help terrorists with their silence or by giving them hospitality, transports, support, etc.

I know many muslims who integrated into western society, and to do so, they abandoned their ridiculous, fanatical religion because it's incompatible with western values and democracy, it's a theocracy for f***'s sake! It's as simple as that, and refusing to address the elephant in the room is suicidal. We're infidels, and our death is only a reason to celebrate, it's written in their cursed sacred texts.

Io mangio la tua carne!!!!!!!


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You didn't answer my question.

If you actually want to know more you're free to educate yourself.

As for me, I no longer debate topics like evolution vs young-Earth creationism, the validity of quantum mechanics, and the existence of discrimination. They're real, if people want to know more I discuss them, if people want to deny reality they're on their own.
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Data about Muslims in UK is depressing. A significant portion of them hold radical views. If my memory serves me, 70% of British Muslims indicated that Danish cartoonist should have been prosecuted.

Your hope that Islam will soften in western countries will not happen. The religion by it's nature is hostile to other worldviews. Unless Islam reforms, there is no hope for peace.

It's not that Islam needs to soften imo, it's that Muslims need to stop being religious.

There's plenty of nonsense in Judaism too but for the most part Jews don't let it run their lives.


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If you actually want to know more you're free to educate yourself.

As for me, I no longer debate topics like evolution vs young-Earth creationism, the validity of quantum mechanics, and the existence of discrimination. They're real, if people want to know more I discuss them, if people want to deny reality they're on their own.

You still didn't answer my very simple yes/no clarification question.

You oftentimes come across as someone who gets off on his believed superiority.

Eh, whatever.


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Your comparison of blacks and Arabs is not accurate. Blacks were brought to the US as slaves. Due to the nature of slavery, their family units were deeply destabilized. That had a very negative impact on the African American culture. They have yet to recover from it.

Doesnt explain why the percentage of black children born without a father in the picture has increased since desegregation.


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Blacks in the US = Arabs in Europe = people who don't belong in those cultures.

Not even close but keep talking about things you know nothing about in a country you just touched down in for a few days.


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You still didn't answer my very simple yes/no clarification question.

You oftentimes come across as someone who gets off on his believed superiority.

Eh, whatever.

You are actually the arrogant one here, as you believe yourself sufficiently knowledgeable to reject well-established truths. You're not Galileo.

As for your question, you are free to educate yourself. I've given you good sources to start. If you want to know more, we can discuss things.


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Exactamundo on both points.

I'm not white, yet I never was harassed by the police in my decade of stay in the US.

I was held up at gunpoint. Black young males.
My friends had armed robbery when they were home. Black young males.
One was almost mugged at knifepoint in the street. Black young male.

Black culture has a massive problem. Most of the children are being raised fatherless.
For all the talk about poverty, somehow children of poor asian immigrants tend to do well. In contrast black culture teaches black kids that if they study hard, they are not being black. Oreos and crap.

@pjhair I wanted to cite that study by the econ prof.

You are Asian not black
They don't profile asians or Indians.

Your not 100% wrong as far as crime in some areas...BUT i live in NY we don't have crime like we did in the 70s and 80s
I have never been mugged and i have been alone in some poor neighborhoods late at night.
I have witnessed violence but its been both black and white at various times.
The blacks are treated disproportionately to the whites.
I have witnessed it.
you are closing your eyes to at least 'half' the problem.
And the reason its disproportionate and not 50/50 is one half the problem the law is on their side.


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I watch a lot of movies and documentaries about US history.

Not the same as living here for 45 years.

Documentary film makers still have a narrative they are telling you..

Documentaries are not always fact from the manner in which you get singular in your opinions about various subjects I am going to make an educated guess you watch documentaries that are definitely with an objective in mind.


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My "Muslim" cousin is going to give me a stroke someday.

He believes in almost every conspiracy theory out there.

He's very, very far gone and will tell you that all scientists are in on this big conspiracy, that science is fake and they overcomplicate it on purpose.

Paleontologists only pretend to study dinosaurs, the bones they have are actually rocks!

Space, the ISS, the round earth, gravity, they're all lies and NASA and all the space organizations in the world are just pretending to study and work on a field that's all BS.

Why is all this happening? To lead us astray from God of course.

Everything's a conspiracy and I'm a sheep for believing in science, facts, reality.

Debating with these people is so mentally taxing, exhausting, I don't even know why I bother.

Yes, I used to debate such people and no longer do.

They exist in Christianity and Judaism as well, they're just not as common. I was told that fossils are under the ground to test our faith. That's not a Muslim invention lol, I'm sure it wasn't Muslim scholars who came up with that.

I've had long "debates" on the subject of evolution vs young-earth creationism, quantum mechanics, etc etc etc.

No more, it's a waste of time. If people want to reject nature there is nothing that anybody else can do.


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As for your question, you are free to educate yourself. I've given you good sources to start. If you want to know more, we can discuss things.

Apparently you don't know what my question was.


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Yeah, Spike Lee was lying, because he's a white supremacist.

For god's sake, how else could I get my opinions? Written articles or papers can't possibly be biased, right?

Laughable arguments.

That you compare black people in USA to terrorits in Europe?

Yeah you sound pretty warped to me.


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And why don't they profile Asians and Indians?

Asians are very different from Blacks in the USA. I can't list all the differences here so I'll list a few.

The United States was built off slavery, so hatred against Blacks goes back further. Attempts to divide poor blacks and poor whites based on race, and thus to have poor whites buy into the system, go back several hundred years, for example to the bacon rebellion. There is no such history with Asians.

Blacks are 13% of the US population, Asians are 6%.

Asians are predominantly distributed in democratic-voting cities, Blacks are much more widely geographically distributed including in swing states. This creates a political incentive to disenfranchise Black voters, which is why Blacks are more likely than whites or Asians to face decades in jail for smoking marijuana, or to be executed at will by police.

If you read 1984, you'll learn a (marxist) view of society where the classes follow a pyramid structure. A narrow top, a middle, and a wide bottom. American society has more of a pear shape. There's a narrow top, an intermediate middle, a wide bottom, and then a narrow super bottom. In the USA, that's Blacks. Blacks have historically been held down to keep poor whites satisfied, it often works.

Black Lives Matter activists don't seems so different from Islamic terrorists.
They have more legitimate complaints against the system, an important distinction.

Apparently you don't know what my question was.
Of course I know what it was. Read clearly: I'm no longer interested in debating the validity of basic truths such as evolution, quantum mechanics, or the existence of discrimination.


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@WhitePolarBear then tell me why all the violent criminals I knew who were white never got half the sentences or bull sh*t the black people got?
SO were Irish Westies, Italian gangsters also 'terrorists" like Europ Arabs because these guys were never harassed and they did a lot of violent sh*t.
I had friends who worked for chop shops stealing cars--none of them went to jail..I wonder why?
But i knew a black guy who was hanging out in the park and was beaten by cops who had badges covered when they were 'cleaning out the park' for no reason. He was there and assumed to be homeless meanwhile college kid just hanging in park but black skin.

There is a problem in ghettos/projects for sure but that is not middle class neighborhoods where black people are still overly profiled and harassed.

Black Lives Matter activists don't seems so different from Islamic terrorists.

Black Lives matter is not speaking for all black people number one same way black panthers did not speak for all black people.
Second any moron who wants to cause anarchy can use use 'black lives matter' to be anarchists.
Are all black lives matter in the same 'group'? NO
But again you show your lack of willingness to see nuance.

ALL black lives matter people fit in one column for you same way all liberals fit in one column and all feminists fit in one column.

You limit yourself to see world only in extreme sides.
Right, left.
white, black
good, bad.
men, women,
Hot, ugly.