The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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It will only get worse.

Previous generations weren't so radical, the younger generations have been fed these lies about how they were discriminated against and how everyone is racist since they were kids.

Anything that doesn't go their way is explained by the fact that we're racist. So they get angrier, more violent, more insulated, young men start wearing djellaba's and more and more young women insist on wearing the hijab.

Often it's just to provoke us, and it works. We complain about it, tell them that "no, you can't wear it at school or at work", so they pretend to be offended, and it reinforces their position, making them more confident in the fact that we tell them "no" because we're racist.

They rally more men and women to their cause, and the landscape of the city is slowly looking more and more like one of those Islamic shitholes.

Humans love attention, so Muslims love attention too, they want to feel special, to have a special identity with special clothing to piss off the racist Westerners. In the end, it's just provocation to attract attention, not religious conviction.
Whats the solution?

Ban religion? Ban Muslims? Make them leave?

Even if we were to accept that they are bad for our country - what can we do with this knowledge?


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Black Lives Matter activists don't seems so different from Islamic terrorists.

No all black people, and not all Muslims (hashtag) of course.

But it's obvious that there is a problem with those groups.

You can't just call out my argument and say "it's wrong lololol, so warped!" by the way.

Come up with an argument or admit you're wrong.

Well as someone who actually knows black lives matters people in real life thats not true.

You can't control all people not to be anarchists on either side.

If someone is against abortion politically I don't blame them for a nut who shoots up an abortion clinic.

If people riot and scream 'black lives matter' that does not mean they are actually representing Black Lives Matter or all black people or even all people in BLM.

I don't agree with everything they say across board but the common message is--that the justice system has to start holding the 'accidental' or avoidable deaths of black people by police force accountable.

These cops never even apologize...IF they are over stressed and make a mistake--okay they are human but they never say this...they ALWAYS pretend to be justified in that particular shooting.
Because police unions will never just allow them to say 'sorry I fcucked up.'
they lawyer up and start to pick apart the person killed.

I don't think every case that blew up in media is not justified..But some of them were not.
We can go case by case if you like.
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I am not saying its not hard to be a cop it is.
I am saying there has to be a middle ground and there is a lot less accountability for cops who over step or 'f*** up' then there used to be.
The killing of cops to USA citizens is way too much...both black and white people
The difference is when its a black person --it is always some how 'justified'.


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I just want to add you cant argue their is no racism in these killings then claim they are justified in their bias of these killings due to conditioning.
it's two opposing view points.
Which is it they see a difference based on skin color of they don't?
If they see a difference based on skin color--is that not technically racism? Assuming one race is better then the other or different based on skin color?

SO if you feel they are justified in their racism--this is a different argument and you have to stop saying its not racist.


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You seem to subscribe to the theory (myth?) that black people or Arabs turn bad because they're victims of our racist society.

I call BS on that. Arabs of Europe always had the same chances as white people or Asian people, but somehow they slack off, drop out of school and subscribe to this "get rich or die trying" gangsta mentality.

But of course, they just love to paint themselves as victims and it's what the leftist media are trying to make us swallow. These articles: "Causes of terrorism: poverty, feeling of exclusion, no chance in life!"

All these theories have been debunked many, many times, with every terrorist that takes place: Salah Abeslam was not poor, he was middle-class and had a job, which is already not so common even for white Belgians, the recent terrorist attack in Paris: university student who was doing his thesis.

Oh yeah they're so poor and ostracized, these people black people and poor Arabs, that's why they become criminals!

Excuses. Excuses that don't even hold up to close examination.
You would make a great lawyer. For your age, you are very smart and very well read. When I was your age, I had no clue on politics( still really don't too much because it just leads to arguments or debates:rolleyes:) and was not well read on anything but science and biology. I can see why so many girls like your company. You have the "gift to gab" which makes most women intrigued.


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You seem to subscribe to the theory (myth?) that black people or Arabs turn bad because they're victims of our racist society.

NO I am not equating european Arabs and USA black people as equal---YOU guys are doing that

I believe you guys in Europe and i believe the footage I see of how arabs are in Europe.

Arabs here are not like that at least not in those numbers.

SO i will give you that--And sorry as a 'liberal feminist' I am not a great defender of muslim religion....I don't hate them or wish them harm or mind them coming to US at least in some numbers (because we assimilate people better than Europe does)

BUT USA BLACK PEOPLE? its ridiculous comparison.

A few ghettos are actually like war zone but we are talking about very isolated areas in very large urban areas.
We don't even have that here in NY anymore...this is really Chicago. I am sure there are a few pockets...but this is not NYC urban area--not like it was in 70s or 80s lets say.
I mean you have to be careful of course I don't walk around with blinders.
BUT the justice system helps to cover the back of the cops when they are not justified in shootings.
There is a 'racial' component to this.

DO i think cops are driving around like KKK looking to lynch 'niggers'? NO of course not.
I don't think they are murderers..i think there is less value to pulling trigger on a black person then a white perosn.
There is less repercussions paid in court system.


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@WhitePolarBear , one of the documentaries you should watch is "13th" by Ava DuVernay, it covers a lot of the history of the American justice system in the past few decades and how it pertains to Black Americans. At least a while back it was available on Netflix. One of the issues revealed is from interviews with people who worked in the Nixon white house in the 1970s. They openly admit that the reason the USA amped up the war on drugs was to put Black men in jail.

You would make a great lawyer. For your age, you are very smart and very well read. When I was your age, I had no clue on politics( still really don't too much because it just leads to arguments or debates:rolleyes:) and was not well read on anything but science and biology. I can see why so many girls like your company. You have the "gift to gab" which makes most women intrigued.

He would definitely be a very good lawyer.


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You seem to subscribe to the theory (myth?) that black people or Arabs turn bad because they're victims of our mean and racist society.

I call BS on that. Arabs of Europe always had the same chances as white people or Asian people, but somehow they slack off, drop out of school and subscribe to this "get rich or die trying" gangsta mentality.

But of course, they just love to paint themselves as victims and it's what the leftist media are trying to make us swallow. These articles: "Causes of terrorism: poverty, feeling of exclusion, no chance in life!"

All these theories have been debunked many, many times, with every terrorist that carries an attack: Salah Abeslam was not poor, he was middle-class and had a job, which is already not so common even for white Belgians, the recent terrorist attack in Paris: university student who was doing his thesis.

Oh yeah they're so poor and ostracized, these people black people and poor Arabs, that's why they become criminals!

Excuses. Excuses that don't even hold up to close examination.

We try to do everything we can for them, they have countless associations defending them, all the mainstream media are having their backs, politicians bend over backwards for them and yet all their problems remain.

I have a lot of work to do today. If you don't see me respond to this by Saturday feel free to remind me. I have to go now unfortunately.


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NO I am not equating european Arabs and USA black people as equal---YOU guys are doing that

I believe you guys in Europe and i believe the footage I see of how arabs are in Europe.

Arabs here are not like that at least not in those numbers.

SO i will give you that--And sorry as a 'liberal feminist' I am not a great defender of muslim religion....I don't hate them or wish them harm or mind them coming to US at least in some numbers (because we assimilate people better than Europe does)

BUT USA BLACK PEOPLE? its ridiculous comparison.

A few ghettos are actually like war zone but we are talking about very isolated areas in very large urban areas.
We don't even have that here in NY anymore...this is really Chicago. I am sure there are a few pockets...but this is not NYC urban area--not like it was in 70s or 80s lets say.
I mean you have to be careful of course I don't walk around with blinders.
BUT the justice system helps to cover the back of the cops when they are not justified in shootings.
There is a 'racial' component to this.

DO i think cops are driving around like KKK looking to lynch 'niggers'? NO of course not.
I don't think they are murderers..i think there is less value to pulling trigger on a black person then a white perosn.
There is less repercussions paid in court system.
Please don't take your "dislikes" out on me just because you don't agree with what WPB says. That was my opinion not yours. What happened to " I never give dislikes". That to me is just as low.


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You seem to subscribe to the theory (myth?) that black people or Arabs turn bad because they're victims of our mean and racist society.

I call BS on that. Arabs of Europe always had the same chances as white people or Asian people, but somehow they slack off, drop out of school and subscribe to this "get rich or die trying" gangsta mentality.

But of course, they just love to paint themselves as victims and it's what the leftist media are trying to make us swallow. These articles: "Causes of terrorism: poverty, feeling of exclusion, no chance in life!"

All these theories have been debunked many, many times, with every terrorist that carries an attack: Salah Abeslam was not poor, he was middle-class and had a job, which is already not so common even for white Belgians, the recent terrorist attack in Paris: university student who was doing his thesis.

Oh yeah they're so poor and ostracized, these people black people and poor Arabs, that's why they become criminals!

Excuses. Excuses that don't even hold up to close examination.

We try to do everything we can for them, they have countless associations defending them, all the mainstream media are having their backs, politicians bend over backwards for them and yet all their problems remain.

Please don't take your "dislikes" out on me just because you don't agree with what WPB says. That was my opinion not yours. What happened to " I never give dislikes". That to me is just as low.

I don't believe I ever said I don't give dislikes..where did I say this?
I don't mind getting them and I do give them on occasion.
In fact I have stuck up for people who use them and who are criticized for it.
@WhitePolarBear the person you just praised is a fond user of dislikes himself.
Does it only bother you if I do it but you are okay when he and @Dante92 use them constantly often without explanation ?


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I don't believe I ever said I don't give dislikes..where did I say this?
I don't mind getting them and I do give them on occasion.
In fact I have stuck up for people who use them and who are criticized for it.
@WhitePolarBear the person you just praised is a fond user of dislikes himself.
Does it only bother you if I do it but you are okay when he and @Dante92 use them constantly often without explanation ?
No, you are missing the point. Its the fact that you did it to ME. Otherwise, I would have not been triggered. There are plenty of posts I dislike but I ignore them because I try to be an "adult" here.


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If a 'dislike' an anonymous forum triggers you I question your adulthood.
You can question all you want. You obviously have some serious issues recently and you are taking out on people. Adults can get triggered. I am not a zombie. I hope you get some help.


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You can question all you want. You obviously have some serious issues recently and you are taking out on people. Adults can get triggered. I am not a zombie. I hope you get some help.

I am going to stop replying to think what you want about me and post what you want about me.Not getting trapped into another fight with a man on this forum who will then turn around and say its 'me and my anger.
Have a great day Doctor.
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btw @WhitePolarBear you would make a great lawyer or politician that was not why I 'disliked' his comment.
If you are curious send me a PM if not no worries..I actually don't mind debating you. it's not 'anger'..>i think you know this but if not then PM me. I have no beef with you on my end. I learn a lot from you and your perspective.


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Whats the solution?

Ban religion? Ban Muslims? Make them leave?

Even if we were to accept that they are bad for our country - what can we do with this knowledge?

Stem immigration.

Accept that Islam is the problem.

Admit that Islam is the problem.

Regaurliy vocalize that Islam is the problem and make it clear that we despise many of the beliefs that even ordinary Muslims believe in. Hell, even run ad campaigns. Teach the truth about all religions in schools. I was taught Islam was a religion of peace, no mention of the atrocities in the quran, history, or present day Islam.

Teach our values at schools with pride and not shame.

Remove all faith schools, funding from Saudi Arabia and religion from prisons.

Do everything we can to support ex muslims and muslim reformists. Currently, even in Britain, to be an ex muslim who is critical of Islam requires you to hire a bodyguard whilst simultaenously being demonized by the left for not being accepting.

Accept the problem is still not going to go away for a long time.


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Stem immigration.

Accept that Islam is the problem.

Admit that Islam is the problem.

Regaurliy vocalize that Islam is the problem and make it clear that we despise many of the beliefs that even ordinary Muslims believe in. Hell, even run ad campaigns. Teach the truth about all religions in schools. I was taught Islam was a religion of peace, no mention of the atrocities in the quran, history, or present day Islam.

Teach our values at schools with pride and not shame.

Remove all faith schools, funding from Saudi Arabia and religion from prisons.

Do everything we can to support ex muslims and muslim reformists. Currently, even in Britain, to be an ex muslim who is critical of Islam requires you to hire a bodyguard whilst simultaenously being demonized by the left for not being accepting.

Accept the problem is still not going to go away for a long time.

that is the thing Europe does not seem to assimilate them.