The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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I look back and think I looked so handsome - but I had no confidence back then. That picture of me with longish hair was when I was 19 and a virgin. I was scared of women and felt ugly. I wish I could have saved the old me and taught him to stop hating myself.

Also, I feel like I'm not fully blue pilled. I come somewhere in the middle of the spectrum: one groups says looks is all that matter and the other say its personality and confidence - my opinion is in the middle and that both of them are important factors.

As a fullhead I would say I was around a 7 and as a nw3 who is ageing I'm probably a 6.5 (its a bit crude judging yourself)
I think you might get a few more points by some women if you know what I mean.:D


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One of the issues revealed is from interviews with people who worked in the Nixon white house in the 1970s. They openly admit that the reason the USA amped up the war on drugs was to put Black men in jail.

While I hate the war on drugs, don't do drugs if it can ruin your future.

It's so easy. Don't do drugs.
Don't get violent with the police even if the police are abusing their authority. Don't give them cause to shoot.

Anyone seen Chris Rock's video on how to not get your *** kicked by the police?


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@JohnsonDDG You look really good much better than me
I find that hard to believe. Never seen your photo but I heard you are very good looking greek god. However, I know what its like to be called good looking and never believe it. Once you realize you are at least average or better, you will start to come out of your shell. If you don't you will always be trapped in it and just live in misery and regrets. And then 20 years from now, realize you wasted your youth on something you saw that no one else did.


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4,302 is definition from dictionary (not saying you don't know it)
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

Not the case here. Profiling is not based on a "belief", it's based on hard statistics.

I get profiled, hard, at European airports. Oftentimes, after I pass and clear the security checkpoint, and on my way to gates (always while flying to the US), a dude with a machine gun will come up to me and take me for a "random" second security check, where another person will poke and feel up my feet to see it's flesh and bone.

This is not racism, this is profiling. Based on our reality.


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You're actually the second person who doesn't trust me with his pictures.

And I can understand why, it's because of my "ghetto roots".

I used to go on epic rants during some debates and I wasn't always fair to other members.

Understandable that someone would be like "wow, I don't trust that nutcase!"

Anyway, just know that when I give my word, I keep it.

Same in real life with my family, friends or colleagues, you'll never catch me spreading harmful gossip or say anything bad about other people.

Maybe that's one other reason that I'm living in La La Land, people don't attack me because they know I'll never attack them.

And even when they do (Mister Clean!), they apologize the next day.

But of course, people will be people. I learned the other day that my cousin mocked my job pretty harshly, something like "Haha, doing university to work at that company!"

To my face, he doesn't say anything. Nothing new under the sun.

I will consider it. Mind you, I'm also very, very paranoid, it was absolutely nothing personal and I didn't mean to judge you or offend you in any way.


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You are right, firstly, African Americans are real Americans (!!!) who suffer discrimination and the comparison with Europe current issues is not a good one.

Regarding Muslims in Europe, it is actually a very complicated issue. I am really sick of the "colonialism" invocation by our politicians all the time (and at the same time they are conducting wars and breaking apart African countries!!! Talk aout hypocrites). I don't think colonialism is the reason why some French young people from Arab or Muslim families have develop a feeling of hate towards France and are turning to EI (Daech). Reality is, their parents, the first generation, the one which could have suffered colonialism was happy to find work in France and have a better life here, just like my parents were when they escaped Salazar dictature. My own parents had to live in guettos, real guettos, just like the other immigrants. But no one never talk about that an they never felt they were victims. Portuguese (and I am sure Polish, Spanish, ec.) suffered racism an social discrimination too and had to live in awfull guettos as well. Young French people who were born of Portugese parents are acually the less represented at University... they are the ones with the less diplomas. What does it tell us? The fact I did long studies and a prestigious preparatory class is actually not "normal" regarding what the stats tell us about French from Portuguese background.

Is colonialism a crime? I think we can say it is now. But then we have to also consider new forms of colonialism that may be impacting Europe. I am saying that a bit in a provocative way of course, though...

Completely agree. People who blame Islamic radicalism on colonialism have no idea what they are talking about. A few simple facts completely destroy the argument that issues with Islamic world is solely a result of colonialism.

(1) Islamic radicalism existed BEFORE the Arab countries were even colonized or the US came into existence. As early as 9th century Muslim armies were invading non-Muslim lands, murdering innocent people, raping women and looting their wealth.

(2) Other religious communities such as Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists and Zoroastrians were colonized too and yer they don't engage in terrorism like Muslims. So no, the claim that colonialism is the sole cause of Islamic terrorism is absurd.

(3) It is not only the Europeans that Muslims have issues with.Iin India, they have problem with Hindus. In Africa, they have problem with their fellow non-Muslim Africans. In Thailand, they have problem with their fellow Buddhist. They have problem with everyone. In all these places, they claim to be the victims. Hindus and Africans didn't colonize Muslims. So why do they hate them? . In fact, in the case of Hindus, it were Muslims who came to India, slaughtered millions of innocent people, destroyed their temples and tried their best to end Hinduism. And yet they claim to be the victims.

The truth is that Islam was established with bloodshed. Mohammad waged several wars in his life time, committed genocide and enslaved women and children. He was not like great people of other religions such as Buddha or Jesus. What else can you expect from an ideology spawned by such a violent man?


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I think the profiling I was talking about should not be labeled racism as there's a huge difference between viewing a whole race as subhuman or discriminating against a whole race than to profiling. It's possible and entirely likely that many police profile blacks from certain areas but have black mates, whom likely come from a different class, dress differently etc. These guys don't neccesarily believe their own race as superior, so even under your defiition they are not racist.

In contrast a police officer who views all blacks as crinimals is truly racist and a much worse person in my mind.

yeah but if you are the innocent black guy--its going to be optically racism to you..

In my opinion it is technically racist.

Let me clarify this--racism does not mean 'kkk' i want to kill black people or make them suffer'--it just means you see them as inferior or different.

I think eventually (think it already started) its going to eventually be income 'racism' (income-ism).

as liberal as I am i can be 'racist' at times. I have had racist thoughts. Its word that covers a huge spectrum of thoughts.

i think people over-hyperventilate over the word.
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Said no user ever. :D

By the way there's no point in sending a picture to anyone. What would be the point? I know I'm ugly, no sh*t sherlock, I don't need anyone's confirmation, and I'm not here to satisfy someone's morbid curiosity.
Dante, you don't need to prove anything to anyone. You are your own judge and jury.


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yeah but if you are the innocent black guy--its going to be optically racism to you..

In my opinion it is technically racist.

Let me clarify this--racism does not mean 'kkk' i want to kill black people or make them suffer'--it just means you see them as inferior or different.

I think eventually (think it already started) its going to eventually be income racism.

as liberal as I am i can be 'racist' at times. I have had racist thoughts. Its word that covers a huge spectrum of thoughts.

i think people over-hyperventilate over the word.

Well we will have to agree to disagree. I think people overuse the word, demeaning what I consider to be a very powerful word.

If you say you're racist sometimes, what shall we label people who truly believe all blacks to be inferior and deserving of being treated as such? Super racist?

Seeing black people as different? Not racist and factually correct.

Hating on poor people? Not racist, yet still horrible.

Believing black people more likely to commit crime? Not racist, just a statistical argument.

Someone percieves someone as being racist to them? Maybe it's racism, maybe it's not.

Using the word ******** derogatively? Maybe it's racism, maybe it's not. Just like if I call a girl a c*** out of anger it doesn't neccesarily mean I'm sexist, maybe I'm just an emotional, angry, a**h**.

Some people don't care about these distinctions, or even consider it rude to bring them up.


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Based on reality indeed.

My Arab friend was mumbling "discrimination" when it was taken away for a more thorough interrogation in the US.

"They should do that with everyone!"

"That's not realistic Mohammed (not his real name of course)."

Arab guy from Brussels right after everything that happened in our city the last year, why the hell would they want to question him and not me?!

"Why don't they interrogate every single person for 30 minutes?!"

Profiling is done because security agencies don't have time or resources to interrogate everyone. Hence they go after the people most likely to be terrorists. It's not only the security agencies that profile though. Health care agencies do it too. There are agencies that give free HIV test to gay men. Why? It's because they are more likely to be infected with HIV. So should I as a heterosexual man throw a fit and start calling health agencies heterophobes and bigots? No, I wouldn't. I understand that they have limited resources, hence they only give HIV test to people more likely to be infected with the virus. It will be absurd of me to throw a fit and complain. And yet this is exactly the kind of absurd behavior I see many so called liberals engage in.

As a brown man, I am put through extra scrutiny at European airports however it has never bothered me as I understand the logic behind it. Funny thing though, for some reason, I have never been stopped at American airports.
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I will consider it. Mind you, I'm also very, very paranoid, it was absolutely nothing personal and I didn't mean to judge you or offend you in any way.
when he posted the girl it was different. he was goaded by blackg about whether he was a slayer, that girl doesn't post here and was unaware of it (i assume?), and she was attractive so its not like posting an insecure bald man's pictures.


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Well we will have to agree to disagree. I think people overuse the word, demeaning what I consider to be a very powerful word.

If you say you're racist sometimes, what shall we label people who truly believe all blacks to be inferior and deserving of being treated as such? Super racist?

Seeing black people as different? Not racist and factually correct.

Hating on poor people? Not racist, yet still horrible.

Believing black people more likely to commit crime? Not racist, just a statistical argument.

Someone percieves someone as being racist to them? Maybe it's racism, maybe it's not.

Using the word ******** derogatively? Maybe it's racism, maybe it's not. Just like if I call a girl a c*** out of anger it doesn't neccesarily mean I'm sexist, maybe I'm just an emotional, angry, a**h**.

Some people don't care about these distinctions, or even consider it rude to bring them up.

I actually agree there should be another word for it...but that is a major problem with people misunderstanding one another. For now there is no other word it is all under one blanket.

It is not really that black people are more likely to commit crimes--it's poor people with no hope of a better life are more likely to commit crimes. I knew a lot of white criminals who were very violent.

You cant really debate the dictionary, it's the definition of the word.

we have to have universal understanding of words based on actual definitions in order to communicate better.


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I wish that was true. I would not be so self-conscious about my appearance... But no, people just need to remind me being ugly is worse than a crime, and that being mocked everyday is a punishment I deserve for it.
Dante, unfortunately we live in a world where people use "words" to take your power away from you. And in extreme cases, death. If I was rich enough, I would buy an island and make it a paradise. And you would be the first one invited to live there.