The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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To the best of my knowledge, if you normalize to account for police deaths by civilians, police kill blacks at equal rates to whites.

PS: @Pasbrillantebrunette overlords over a biker gang. hairblues has violent criminals and chop-shop car thieves as acquaintances. Anything you want to tell us @EvilLocks ?

It is not the 'numbe's' of killings I am speaking about, it's the outcomes after the killings when they are obvious 'mistakes' or covered up. They are almost always deemed 'justifiable' even when the person is innocent or there was a way to avoid killing them.

I will add this..the cops are killing way too many people in general when it is avoidable.
They shoot to kill I have issue with this regardless of race.
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You didn't entirely get my comment: lire entre les lignes.

Yeah, he did it because he was goaded, without much care. If he was "goaded" into sending/showing my picture to somebody, you think he wouldn't do it? How can I be sure? I can't.

I don't think he would--BUT if that possibility makes you uncomfortable then it's not worth it.


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when he posted the girl it was different. he was goaded by blackg about whether he was a slayer, that girl doesn't post here and was unaware of it (i assume?), and she was attractive so its not like posting an insecure bald man's pictures.

I don't think WPB would violate anyones trust here to be honest its like a 'club' to him.
BUT that girl it was an intimate photo if I am not mistaken..I don't think he should have done that either.


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Says the guy who complained for years until he got laid through tinder cause he was too pussy to go through real life. Now hes a blue pilled baldcel
At least he made the effort to change. I give him credit for that. I would be proud to be him.


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I'm not scared, meeting women in real life just doesn't happen for me.

That's just how it is.

And thanks to online dating, I've never had to try to meet women in real life.

I found what worked for me, and you should do the same.
You were handed the easy way through genetics lets not kid ourselves.


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You didn't entirely get my comment: lire entre les lignes.

Yeah, he did it because he was goaded, without much care. If he was "goaded" into sending/showing my picture to somebody, you think he wouldn't do it? How can I be sure? I can't.
that would be different because he would know you don't want him sharing your pic. i mean it's a hot girl, you really think she cares about being posted places? of course i can't assume but pretty sure she wouldn't haha


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Better be a pussy than a criminal.

That's idiotic.
Being a pussy like a typical Asian might put you on the path to becoming the CEO of google/microsoft/PepsiCo or becoming the founder of Youtube/Marvel semiconductors and the resulting miilions of dollars.

The thug life is so much better, impregnating as many b****s as possible and taking off. Jailtime is a small price to pay.



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Skinny, pale, bald and feminine face, hit the real jackpot there.
Liar you told us a girl wanted you to get hooked up in a modeling agency.

Getting loads of tinder matches which are usually girls bellow ones league means one thing. You are good looking.

I did tinder experiment all over the world it's ogre I have very aggressive unredeemable characteristics


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Liar you told us a girl wanted you to get hooked up in a modeling agency.

Getting loads of tinder matches which are usually girls bellow ones league means one thing. You are good looking.

I did tinder experiment all over the world it's ogre I have very aggressive unredeemable characteristics
What do you mean by aggressive unredeemable characteristics?


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Sub7 is invisible ugly f** for the hypergamous w****s of today
Xander, why do you listen to people your age who have no experience in the real world. They live behind a computer and that's it. Why not listen to someone who was once you and proved your way of thinking is distorted. You need to read books on how to read people. You can better yourself by reading books by people who are a successful instead of reading posts on Lookism by men with no experience of life. I can tell you once again, online dating may work for some but for others you have to meet people in places you like to frequent. If you are so tied to your computer than take it with you to some coffee shop or cyber cafe and meet up with other computer lovers like yourself.


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But you are not ugly either so what is your point?


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Xander, why do you listen to people your age who have no experience in the real world. They live behind a computer and that's it. Why not listen to someone who was once you and proved your way of thinking is distorted. You need to read books on how to read people. You can better yourself by reading books by people who are a successful instead of reading posts on Lookism by men with no experience of life. I can tell you once again, online dating may work for some but for others you have to meet people in places you like to frequent. If you are so tied to your computer than take it with you to some coffee shop or cyber cafe and meet up with other computer lovers like yourself.
Because I see their theories being correct in real life. Every day it is validated. Whatever you do doesnt matter since the genetically superior chad is just around the corner with just a swipe of the finger