The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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Why are people paying this guy to go on a free trip to Japan?

The news from the conference will be made public anyway.

The guy getting the free trip probably thinks its hilarious.

This is wrong on so many levels that it's hard to know where to even begin explaining why it's wrong, but I'll list some of the reasons.

1. Is it a certainty that the media will report EVERY detail that we want to know about from the Congress? No. Is it even a certainty that the media will report ANY of the information from the Congress? No. Afro_Vacancy put it best when he said, "He's not going to a Lebron James summit. This is an academic/scientific meeting. At any given time there are dozens of these taking place and most of them are ignored by the media, or reduced to a single paragraph." And Hellouser correctly pointed out that, "Media didn't report on any anything from (the) Miami (Hair Loss Congress)". Hellouser went to the Miami Hair Loss Congress back in 2015 and he brought back a lot of information. And he's right that the media didn't report any of it. None.

2. Even if the media does show up and does a story about the information at the Congress media stories about these events are always short and superficial, without good detail. The media doesn't get answers to lots of questions. The info Hellouser would bring back will be up-to-the-minute and detailed. He will get the answer to almost every question every one of us wants answered. Medical journals will also publish a good level of info but that will happen numerous months after Hellouser gives us his information, or the information might never be published in medical journals at all.

3. Even if we don't send someone to the Congress the researchers will still release a lot of information (during their presentations) but if we don't have someone there to collect information for us how will that information get back to you if the media only does some short shallow story on it, or worse yet, if the media does no reporting on it at all? Do you have a video feed from the event to your residence?

4. Plus, when we send someone to the Congress that person always manages to do private interviews with the researchers and get even more detailed information than the researchers disclose in their presentations. But of course Hellouser can only do those interviews if he's there.

5. Hellouser has established a rapport with a lot of the research groups and the researchers know he's there as a representative of a bunch of hair loss sufferers so the researchers may feel some empathy for him (since he's one of the people the researchers are trying to cure) and open up a little more than they would for a media reporter.

6. Hellouser is very motivated to do the best possible job because he himself wants the information because of his own hair loss. To media reporters it's just another day at the mill. And again, media reporters may ignore the event.

7. Hellouser is very informed and astute about everything related to hair loss so he's going to ask all the right questions and he's going to pick up on every last significant detail and nuance. Again, these media reports of these types of events are usually superficial and short if the media even bothers to do stories about these events at all.

8. Hellouser will get detailed updated information back to us during the congress and shortly after the congress. This information will be up-to-the minute and usually even includes late-breaking news.

9. I would not call this a trip in the sense of it being a vacation. I would not want to do what Hellouser is going to do. Will he have some time to check out some of the local sights? A little bit, but it will also be a lot of work. It will be nothing but work during the daylight hours. And he's going to be tired at night. And he's going to start out tired from the trip to get there. At the Congress he's going to be rushed, loaded down with equipment, racing around from presentation to presentation and from presentation to interview, gathering information, keeping us updated, and putting a lot of effort into organizing all of the information for the rest of us to review. Here in italics is Hellouser giving a short description of all of the fun he had when he went to the Miami Hair Loss Congress:

"Sitting in presentations all day long, doing interviews, taking notes and pictures of scientific posters and then compiling it all in dozens of threads with youtube videos of recordings AFTER the congress isn't really a vacation. It's work. A lot of it. For Miami I had to give up my vacation days to do it."

10. He's also putting some of his own money into the project and he's using his vacation leave from work to do this.
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Advise you guys to stop wasting your time with Xander the attention wh*** he tries to steer every discussion in every thread back to the topic of him. Has had nothing but support, kindness and advice from majority of posters and ignores it and continues to spew autistic Lookism bullshit. He needs a mental health professional (100% srs)


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Dench, I figured it out. Xander is really Baldhurts. Put your Scooby cartoon up. Oh wait did you do that already? If you read Baldhurt's posts and Xander's, they are the same. I think I am going to spend the rest of the day doing a search and reading all Dench's past posts to put a big smile on my face so I don't have to hear women keep telling me to smile.


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Is this really needed?

I've injured myself twice since I started weightlifting so I'm trying to be careful.

Lifting to exhaustion doesn't always seem like a good idea.

At least for those with beta body genetics :p.

It may very well sound like a bodybuilding-cliche, but(!), you must lift the ''right way'' to failure, in order to achieve muscle tension,
one of the 'big three' in order to achieve hypertrophy(musle growth). Muscle tension, with metabolic stress and muscle damage are the driving forces of hypertophy, but muscle tension being the single driving factor also for the two others(think of it as finasteride for muscles).

Being focused only on lifting the heaviest and most possible reps will leave you with not-so-favourable form, your joints and ligaments might take the bigger part of the weight in the movement. This is what happens when you focus on just moving a certain weight by any means possbile. You will find an effective way for it to consume the littlest of energy possible, but it ain't going to result in hypertrophy. The difference in body composition of weightlifters and bodybuilders will show you this. Therefore you should rather be focused on what movement that creates the best tension on your musle, and this is why focus is important in training.

When working out, try to 'connect'' with your muscle, try to feel what makes the biggest tension on it. This tension with then lead to effective muscle damage and afterwards also metabolic stress. These are, to a degree, independant factors, but to a high degree driven by the very most important one described.

Nevertheless, any tension is better than no tension, so you have my blessings anyways. ^^

Good luck man!


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Dench, I figured it out. Xander is really Baldhurts. Put your Scooby cartoon up. Oh wait did you do that already? If you read Baldhurt's posts and Xander's, they are the same. I think I am going to spend the rest of the day doing a search and reading all Dench's past posts to put a big smile on my face so I don't have to hear women keep telling me to smile.
I wish baldhurts was allowed back. I don't understand why pretending to be rick was so bad.

Plus, I think baldhurts grew a lot when he was posting here. He went from a shut in loser to a guy who realised he was worth a damn (because we all told him) who went out, had dates, and got laid. He also became a decent contributor once he got beyond the whole, 'I am ugly and unlovable nonsense).

Also, I'm really surprised he didn't just set up another account under a new email.


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Muscle hypertrophy leads to bigger testosterone concentration, and with that ability to utilize protein. Of course, 1.6g - 2.0g / kg body weight will be enough for most. Protein, also, is not just for muscle hypertrophy. Is is great for various reason, her are few; Increased thermic effect of feeding, increased glucagon, increased provision of auxiliary nutritions, increased protein turnover - and not just nitrogen status. Also, we must eat 'something'. Protein = aprox 4 calries. Carb = approx 4 cal. Fat = approx 9 cal. A man, who eats only 100g protein, would therefore get only 400 calories from this source. If we imagine he need 3000cal for maintenance (working out), then 2600 calories would come from fat and carbs. Tbh, I haven't read much studies on what is best for health, but my reasoning says protein should account for more than only 13.3 % of calories (400/3000). It would be interesting what WHO guidelines are and so on...


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I wish baldhurts was allowed back. I don't understand why pretending to be rick was so bad.

Plus, I think baldhurts grew a lot when he was posting here. He went from a shut in loser to a guy who realised he was worth a damn (because we all told him) who went out, had dates, and got laid. He also became a decent contributor once he got beyond the whole, 'I am ugly and unlovable nonsense).

Also, I'm really surprised he didn't just set up another account under a new email.

I would also like @Baldhurts to be unbanned.


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How'd it go bro? You have nothing to lose by trying, try to see it in that manner. Anxiety must be an uncomfortable feeling, but with the right approach (medication/therapy/socialising slowly) you can beat it. She could have a crush on you, no point to be left wondering if you also fancy her. What pj said about going for a coffee is great. Start off casual and in a place with some background noise like a bar, it will relax you and her.

It's not looking good man. It's definitely looking like I shot out of my league on this one

Man I still get so f*****g scared everytime I ask a chick out....same damn feeling I had when I was like 16, I never get used to it. I asked her today what time she was getting off, then asked her if she wanted to hang out later. She didn't say no, but she was like "I might have plans later". Pretty typical avoidance type response of someone who's not interested in the approaching party. I made sure I had her number and she was like "I have your number" and that topic was left at that

Anyway after that we kept talking and interacting normally until she left. I was hoping she would at least say goodbye or something and it would be a signal that there was hope but she didnt let me know she was leaving or anything

Anyway I'll text her later just so I don't look like a complete pussy, but I'm not hopeful about it given how things are looking

Oh and the bar would be out for hanging out lol, as she's 19 and the legal drinking age here in the states is 21

@Pasbrillantebrunette @Afro_Vacancy @pjhair


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After a lot of procrastinating I bought some new minoxidil yesterday, and just bought some new RU off Anagenic.

Their website was not working on my Apple Safari, I don't know why, but when I used google chrome, it worked.

My hair can survive, but I might be off RU for a week or two which should not be an issue.

God bless the best alternative to finasteride.

Done the same thing. Wil be using at 2%, once daily. Will take good pics to see how it goes. ^^


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Discrimination against blacks in the US is a very real thing and the data bears it out. The deck is stacked against them from birth. Since we're talking about crime, it's a fact that they are treated more harshly by cops and given longer and harder sentences by judges than whites for the same infractions.

There's two sides to everything however and there are quite obviously facets of African-American culture that exacerbate these problems. But anyone with a brain and a heart can appreciate and empathize with the grinding misery of their situation.
Not only in the US.


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There's a lot of good to the country as well. I'd argue that Imperial America is much better than Imperial Britain was, and better than Imperial Germany would have been. Some parts of the rest of the world are seeing increasing living standards, and we've had great technological progress which has been somewhat shared.

The United States was built from freedom, and it was built from slavery. It appears as a contradiction but both statements are valid and accurate and meaningful descriptions of the history.

There's been a constant battle between the two sets of forces. Unfortunately, I think that darker forces have been on the ascendent since 1973.
Sad story really, (almost) always having to choose the lesser evil. Will never truly achieve fairness to a meaningful extent without reaching a meaningful percentage of earthly residents with high(er) ethic and morale standards. Education, example and tutoring is key. Also, widespread socialism is inevitable as exponential rise of technology will provide whatonly slavery once could.


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It's not looking good man. It's definitely looking like I shot out of my league on this one

Man I still get so f*****g scared everytime I ask a chick out....same damn feeling I had when I was like 16, I never get used to it. I asked her today what time she was getting off, then asked her if she wanted to hang out later. She didn't say no, but she was like "I might have plans later". Pretty typical avoidance type response of someone who's not interested in the approaching party. I made sure I had her number and she was like "I have your number" and that topic was left at that

Anyway after that we kept talking and interacting normally until she left. I was hoping she would at least say goodbye or something and it would be a signal that there was hope but she didnt let me know she was leaving or anything

Anyway I'll text her later just so I don't look like a complete pussy, but I'm not hopeful about it given how things are looking

Oh and the bar would be out for hanging out lol, as she's 19 and the legal drinking age here in the states is 21

@Pasbrillantebrunette @Afro_Vacancy @pjhair

The good thing is, you had courage to ask her out. She many genuinely have had plans for that day. It has happened to me in the past. Doesn't mean she isn't interested. Ask her for coffee next time and try not to make the same day plans.


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It's not looking good man. It's definitely looking like I shot out of my league on this one

Man I still get so f*****g scared everytime I ask a chick out....same damn feeling I had when I was like 16, I never get used to it. I asked her today what time she was getting off, then asked her if she wanted to hang out later. She didn't say no, but she was like "I might have plans later". Pretty typical avoidance type response of someone who's not interested in the approaching party. I made sure I had her number and she was like "I have your number" and that topic was left at that

Anyway after that we kept talking and interacting normally until she left. I was hoping she would at least say goodbye or something and it would be a signal that there was hope but she didnt let me know she was leaving or anything

Anyway I'll text her later just so I don't look like a complete pussy, but I'm not hopeful about it given how things are looking

Oh and the bar would be out for hanging out lol, as she's 19 and the legal drinking age here in the states is 21

@Pasbrillantebrunette @Afro_Vacancy @pjhair
Well done for trying - a lesser man wouldn't have had the courage.

I know it might sound harsh but if she was attracted to you then she would have been more eager.

Best thing you can do is forget about her and move on to someone who will want you back.


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Well done for trying - a lesser man wouldn't have had the courage.

I know it might sound harsh but if she was attracted to you then she would have been more eager.

Best thing you can do is forget about her and move on to someone who will want you back.

He tried to make the same day plan. She may genuinely have something going on. @kj6723 you have only asked her once man. Like I said, similar events have happened with me with the women that were interested in me. I once asked a women in college to come to my apartment for dinner. She said she can't as her aunt was in town. However, two days later she did come to my apartment. These situations are not always black and white. One of my friend had to ask his women three times before she went out with him.


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