The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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1) He has exactly the same rating within 0.05 points in his pic with a shirt on.

2) A woman can look like a teenager or be pale and it's not an issue. Nobody's ever rejected a woman because she's a pale giner, but maybe you'd reject her:

OMG look at this disgusting woman, she's also pale, pale = gross for sure:

3) I'm not saying he's gorgeous ... He's not a 10 lol.

Then again the posters here are super harsh on woman. The redhead I posted in this post might be a 4.5/10 to a lot of the posters here.

Fair enough, I didn't even see this site so I'm not sure how this is working. All I know is that from girls I've known, shirtless pictures, even guys with bulky abs and great bodies, are a huge no-no.

Can they see his profile from the shirt picture to know he has a shirtless one as well?


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Fair enough, I didn't even see this site so I'm not sure how this is working. All I know is that from girls I've known, shirtless pictures, even guys with bulky abs and great bodies, are a huge no-no.

Can they see his profile from the shirt picture to know he has a shirtless one as well?

They can but they probably usually see one picture at a time, he gets the same rating shirtless or not. There's also a shirtless category on the site, where people purposefully rate shirtless pics and bikini pics for that matter.

For some women it may make a difference as women value subtlety in men, and a shirtless pic is not subtle. If you're physically fit it will be obvious without a shirtless pic from your cheekbones, jawline, shoulders, and forearms.

Note also though that men don't brag that they subtract points from women who post bikini or lingerie pics. All that matters is if she looks good in the picture.

ETA: Imagine a man saw this on a dating site and thought to himself "haha she's trying too hard"


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I've never, ever heard a woman's look be criticized on the basis that "she's pale"

For women, it's the other way. At least for non-white women, pale skin is prized, dark skin is a negative.


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For women, it's the other way. At least for non-white women, pale skin is prized, dark skin is a negative.

I doubt it, women look good whether tanned or pale within a broad range of Fitzpatrick types. There's no opposites.


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Few women are in denial. Most of them lie without any hint of care or remorse, they're redpilled as f*** but pretend to be bluepilled and take advantage of any situation.

You really think women or men have that much self awareness? People in general like to say one thing but act completely against what they say. I have personally known women who always said that personality is 90% part of the equation and looks only 10% but somehow never saw them with an average dude.

I have found that people in general have low self awareness and often hold views that merely sound good but can be easily found to be absurd with unbiased application of logic. When I was in India, pretty much everyone complained about the corruption among government officials but all of them would regularly bribe to get their things done. Not only that, they would even accept bribe when they obtained a position of power. People were happy to criticize others but pretty much never applied the same criticism on themselves or their loved ones.

When I came to the US, I was always approached by Christians who wanted to proselytize me. They talked about how great Christianity is and criticized other religions. They were perfectly rational when they talked about other religions and found logically valid objections to them. However, when it came to their own religion, all their rationality used to go out of the window and they would make flimsy and weak excuses for the big logical holes in their own faith. Whenever I asked a question they couldn't answer, they would say things like "God works in mysterious ways ". The truth was that their love for their faith had nothing to do with rationality. They believed it because of their own biases, upbringing and environment. Had they been born and brought up in Saudi Arabia, they would have more than likely advocated Islam with the same zeal.

I see the same attitude among liberals and leftists who take pride in their "open minded" attitude. Whenever I criticized Islam and Islamic world, they would make flimsy excuses and say things like "Christians kill people too". What a logically absurd statement. You can't excuse crimes committed by a man by pointing out crimes committed by another man. Additionally, there may be difference in the extent and severity of violence committed by other religions in the modern world too. The following statements perfectly demonstrate what I am trying to say.

"You think Islam is bad? Christians and Hindus kill people too."

"You think Cancer is a deadly disease? People have died of flu too."

"You think poverty is a big problem in Africa? People in America have died of poverty too."

I sometimes shudder at the magnitude of stupidity of statements that people make.
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I doubt it, women look good whether tanned or pale within a broad range of Fitzpatrick types. There's no opposites.

Trust me, it's a big thing amongst non-whites.


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You really think women or men have that much self awareness? People in general like to say one thing but act completely against what they say. I have personally known women who always said that personality is 90% part of the equation and looks only 10% but somehow never saw them with an average dude.

I have found that people in general have low self awareness and often hold views that merely sound good but can be easily found to be absurd with unbiased application of logic. When I was in India, pretty much everyone complained about the corruption among government officials but all of them would regularly bribe to get their things done. Not only that, they would even accept bribe when they obtained a position of power. People were happy to criticize others but pretty much never applied the same criticism on themselves or their loved ones.

When I came to the US, I was always approached by Christians who wanted to proselytize me. They talked about how great Christianity is and criticized other religions. They were perfectly rational when they talked about other religions and found logically valid objections to them. However, when it came to their own religion, all their rationality used to go out of the window and they would make flimsy and weak excuses for the big logical holes in their own faith. Whenever I asked a question they couldn't answer, they would say things like "God works in mysterious ways ". The truth was that their love for their faith had nothing to do with rationality. They believed it because of their own biases, upbringing and environment. Had they been born and brought up in Saudi Arabia, they would have more than likely advocated Islam with the same zeal.

I see the same attitude among liberals and leftists who take pride in their "open minded" attitude. Whenever I criticized Islam and Islamic world, they would make flimsy excuses and say things like "Christians kill people too". What a logically absurd statement. You can't excuse crimes committed by a man by pointing out crimes committed by another man. Additionally, their may be difference in the extent and severity of violence committed by other religions in the modern world too. The following statements perfectly demonstrate what I am trying to say.

"You think Islam is bad? Christians and Hindus kill people too."

"You think Cancer is a deadly disease? People have died of flu too."

"You think poverty is a big problem in Africa? People in America have died of poverty too."

I sometimes shudder at the magnitude of stupidity of statements that people make.

I think that this level of bullshit is actually essential to a healthy society though. It's important that the common masses buy into the mythologies and religion that keep a civilization cohesive and that paper over problems.


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I think that this level of bullshit is actually essential to a healthy society though. It's important that the common masses buy into the mythologies and religion that keep a civilization cohesive and that paper over problems.

Religion may have played positive role in the past but I think it has overstayed it's welcome. Additionally, we can't advocate rationality and at the same time encourage people to continue to believe in their religions or whatever views they want to hold unless those views are formed by unbiased application of logic.


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Religion may have played positive role in the past but I think it has overstayed it's welcome. Additionally, we can't advocate rationality and at the same time encourage people to continue to believe in their religions or whatever views they want to hold unless those views are formed by unbiased application of logic.

Old time religion still produces a lot of social value, for example it provides cohesiveness to jewish and christian communities in North America, it gives people a sense of community, If they were atheists they might not have church friends and they'd need to do things like post on hairloss talk to fill the social void in their lives. Within the Jewish and Mormon communities religion actually provides a very strong philanthropic network which creates a lot of networking, scholarships, loans for entrepreneurs, etc.

Religion is also evolving. It's been pointed out by intellectuals on the right that left-wing ideology is becoming a catechism to young people on the left, and I think that's actually correct. The obsession with marginal issues that should not be issues like transgendered bathrooms is a good example, it helps control people. Also, people were agitating for Obama to intervene in Syria even though they could not find Syria on a map to save their lives. However the same is true of the right, I'd say neo-classical economics is itself a catechism.

Religion is a subset of general bullshit, and the superset will live on. Just as monotheism replaced polytheism in the west, I now see political ideology potentially replacing monotheism, which doesn't imply that it will be sensible.


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Old time religion still produces a lot of social value, for example it provides cohesiveness to jewish and christian communities in North America, it gives people a sense of community, If they were atheists they might not have church friends and they'd need to do things like post on hairloss talk to fill the social void in their lives. Within the Jewish and Mormon communities religion actually provides a very strong philanthropic network which creates a lot of networking, scholarships, loans for entrepreneurs, etc.

Religion is also evolving. It's been pointed out by intellectuals on the right that left-wing ideology is becoming a catechism to young people on the left, and I think that's actually correct. The obsession with marginal issues that should not be issues like transgendered bathrooms is a good example, it helps control people. Also, people were agitating for Obama to intervene in Syria even though they could not find Syria on a map to save their lives. However the same is true of the right, I'd say neo-classical economics is itself a catechism.

Religion is a subset of general bullshit, and the superset will live on. Just as monotheism replaced polytheism in the west, I now see political ideology potentially replacing monotheism, which doesn't imply that it will be sensible.

You can still have a sense of community despite being an atheist. I quite like celebrating festivals like Diwali and Dussehra with my family despite being a atheist. You can be part of a culture and enjoy it's perks without holding logically invalid views. True, if religions are suddenly removed tomorrow it will destabilize communities as there will be a void but I am sure people will be able to organize around some other shared attributes/interests.

Irrespective of whether presence of religions is good, my main gripe is and has always been lack of rationality. I see illogical views as the single most important reason behind many majors problems in the world. If someone arrives at his/her religious or other views by logically valid arguments, I will have no issues. But during my conversations with people, I find that they often don't. I am far, far more concerned about the thought process behind the views than the views themselves.


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This guy is a 6.07 with over 200 votes:


Shows how hard it is to be a man. All of his features are average or above average, he's looks-maxed with a proper haircut, low body fat, proper eyebrows, teeth, etc. Good enough for a 6.07. If a woman put in that much effort and perfectionism she'd be a 7.00.


Here, a 7.07 woman with over 700 votes:

And a 6.71 with 463 votes:

And a 6.49, she's not even trying:

Young men are a dime a dozen. Young women on the other hand are worth gold. It's like complaining that women can call their friends girlfriends and no one thinks anything but if a guy calls his friends boyfriends everyone thinks they're gay.


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I wonder if the male vs female attractiveness is equal in a natural way for both genders.

An example is in art most male and female artists I know both professionally and hobbyists prefer female subjects over men in both fine arts and photography...and its not great looking models..its just esthetically they prefer looking at females.
Maybe this is just part of our nature so trying to 'equate' 'like for like' ratings is pointless because it goes against our nature as humans.


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Young men are a dime a dozen. Young women on the other hand are worth gold. It's like complaining that women can call their friends girlfriends and no one thinks anything but if a guy calls his friends boyfriends everyone thinks they're gay.
That comparison doesn't make sense at all. I've never even heard anyone complain that they can't call their guy friends their boyfriends.

The fact that a man has a lower value in the world of relationships than a woman that is equal in every sense, that's definitely a problem. Not being able to call my guy friends my boyfriends isn't.

The fact that being a 7/10 is much more difficult for a man than a woman is a problem. In order to be considered a 7/10 man you need to be: tall, hair, good coloring, low body fat, muscles, jawline, decent facial features.
In order to be considered a 7/10 woman you need to be: healthy weight (sometimes not even that), decent facial features.


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For women, it's the other way. At least for non-white women, pale skin is prized, dark skin is a negative.

this is so true even some of our Souther European friends have made statements of preferring 'white' blonde fair over mediteraiani skin women.

My Grandmother was very white and blonde/blue eyes my Mother very fair--her family was PISSEd that she married someone dark..and my Father was hot stuff--but he was dark and my Mothers family were very snobbish about it. I mean that was in early 60s they married but it was like a big thing in my Mothers family.

A lot of black women this is huge also with skin color. How dark or light they are pushes up their attractiveness in society.


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That comparison doesn't make sense at all. I've never even heard anyone complain that they can't call their guy friends their boyfriends.

The fact that a man has a lower value in the world of relationships than a woman that is equal in every sense, that's definitely a problem. Not being able to call my guy friends my boyfriends isn't.

The fact that being a 7/10 is much more difficult for a man than a woman is a problem. In order to be considered a 7/10 man you need to be: tall, hair, good coloring, low body fat, muscles, jawline, decent facial features.
In order to be considered a 7/10 woman you need to be: healthy weight (sometimes not even that), decent facial features.

It was a joke but the first part of my message was factual.


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Either I'm autistic and can't ever tell when people are sarcastic or people need to get better at showing when they're joking.
Please add a brah or a :rolleyes: so I can tell that you're being sarcastic, and don't have to feel like I'm retarded.

I though same thing lol


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