The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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~Basement dweller
~Black pilled

The latter implies the former.

But really, not to say there's absolutely no truth to red pill theory, sometimes there's at least a fundamental thought that correlates to logic, but anyone who really believes in the black pilled stuff usually has very little experience grounded in reality.


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Holy heck, from what i got from this thread is, that i must be a slayer lol at that. I'd say with a perfect haircut and a good tan i might be a 6+ but in your eyes and from what girls i got i must be a legit 7 or 8 lmao


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@Xander94 what a petty dislike, considering 2 others said basically the same thing (Dante word for word!).

Before now I could never figure out if you were a harmless spaz or an annoying tool, but thanks as it's now clear it's a mixed f*** up of all things shitty.


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@Xander94 what a petty dislike, considering 2 others said basically the same thing (Dante word for word!).

Before now I could never figure out if you were a harmless spaz or an annoying tool, but thanks as it's now clear it's a mixed f*** up of all things shitty.
"Other people say the same thing therefor it must be true" ~h.l. 2k17


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Holy heck, from what i got from this thread is, that i must be a slayer lol at that. I'd say with a perfect haircut and a good tan i might be a 6+ but in your eyes and from what girls i got i must be a legit 7 or 8 lmao

Do you think the men on this thread are being easier on the men looks and harder on the women looks?
Not sure I understood your post fully.


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Maybe for an LTR but chad can just get phone numbers in his pocket just from eye contact while you have to try for weeks and date a girl to go anywhere.

Looks trump all. Thus why I said for looksmatched. Which it seems is guys main problem, including yours.


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Looks trump all. Thus why I said for looksmatched. Which it seems is guys main problem, including yours.

A lot of random men just don't have sex appeal to women the way random women will have sex appeal to men..

It's not really the 'looks'.


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A lot of random men just don't have sex appeal to women the way random women will have sex appeal to men..

It's not really the 'looks'.

Then what? Even women I dislike and never would date would have sex appeal with the right looks.


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"Other people say the same thing therefor it must be true" ~h.l. 2k17

My god I can already tell this is going to be so hard to explain simple things.

Other people said the exact same thing and you didn't Dislike their post. If you don't agree then fine, but no need to be a petty little b**ch about it.

If anything if you agreed with me I'd have to question if I'm becoming retarded too.


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Do you think the men on this thread are being easier on the men looks and harder on the women looks?
Not sure I understood your post fully.

I don't get them tbh, the ratings here are ridiculous or the women in austria look like sh*t compared to the standards here. Furthermore do i agree that you need at least a certain degree of beauty but i see really ugly men in my hometown banging way above there standard from my pov


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Then what? Even women I dislike and never would date would have sex appeal with the right looks.

Men respond visually more sexually than women..i don't think this is new thing.

most men walking down street are noticing women as they walk.
Most women walking down street are not noticing men as they walk.
It is almost at times like men are 'scanning' women.
Men almost compulsively will turn head if an attractive or even a women with an attractive feature walks by..women not as much.
Men will use photos of naked women to masterbate--I don't know any women who do that. (look back at sales of playboy vs playgirl).
we are 'different' in how we access sexual appeal visually--this is not new to modern times.

I made this point other day as well, I think women are more 'pleasing' to look at generally speaking most of the time this is why artists both male and female tend to favor female subjects..I don't think this is new dynamic.
Why are so many women bi, bi curious compared to men?
Generally speaking but most straight men are repulsed at the idea of another man where straight women are more curious--not all but definitely more so than men.


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Men respond visually more sexually than women..i don't think this is new thing.

most men walking down street are noticing women as they walk.
Most women walking down street are not noticing men as they walk.
It is almost at times like men are 'scanning' women.
Men almost compulsively will turn head if an attractive or even a women with an attractive feature walks by..women not as much.
Men will use photos of naked women to masterbate--I don't know any women who do that. (look back at sales of playboy vs playgirl).
we are 'different' in how we access sexual appeal visually--this is not new to modern times.

I made this point other day as well, I think women are more 'pleasing' to look at generally speaking most of the time this is why artists both male and female tend to favor female subjects..I don't think this is new dynamic.
Why are so many women bi, bi curious compared to men?
Generally speaking but most straight men are repulsed at the idea of another man where straight women are more curious--not all but definitely more so than men.

This all seems mostly true (ive many times been with girls who've ogled guys on street or in pics, just more subtle than guys usually, and there are diff reasons for diff pref in p**rn) but I'm not sure what your point is?


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This all seems mostly true (ive many times been with girls who've ogled guys on street or in pics, just more subtle than guys usually, and there are diff reasons for diff pref in p*rn) but I'm not sure what your point is?

I don't know if i really have a 'point' its just some thoughts and observations

I don't think its modern era or societal standards I think its just biological reaction and men work different then women in brain response to visuals of opposite sex than women do about men.

in past women had to settle sooner for both economic survival and societal pressure.


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There is nothing more insulting in this world than a dislike on Hairlosstalk.

I guess it depends on the context. I'd accept a dislike if I was being facetious or intentionally ignorant for the point of satire, oddly those never happen, it's only for simple disagreements and being petty.

I don't think I've ever used the dislike button, I feel it chips away at one's soul.


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I guess it depends on the context. I'd accept a dislike if I was being facetious or intentionally ignorant for the point of satire, oddly those never happen, it's only for simple disagreements and being petty.

I don't think I've ever used the dislike button, I feel it chips away at one's soul.

I have so many and I think all of them are fred and dante if not mistaken.

but I always take that as a sign I must have said something 'right' ;)


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I think we can all agree that is a crazy extreme example and something is wrong with him because he can have an attractive and slim 25-35 year old if he wanted...this is not a guy suffering from lack of options.
The only thing "wrong" with this guy is that he probably loves this large woman.
She has probably only recently had a weight gain due to factors beyond her control.

Please don't join the chorus of fat shamers on here, hairblues.


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The only thing "wrong" with this guy is that he probably loves this large woman.
She has probably only recently had a weight gain due to factors beyond her control.

Please don't join the chorus of fat shamers on here, hairblues.

I am not a 'fat shamer' but I am not with the 'big is beautiful' movement either it is incredibly unhealthy and both men and women are dying from diabetes, heart disease and many other things due to reluctance to lose weight. And generally speaking most obese women are not 'happy' they settle and pretend to be happy. And many young girls in teens and 20s are getting an unhealthy message that to be 'big is be big is to be sick at some point sooner or later.

I think some of the men on this forum are ridiculous as to what they consider to be 'fat'..a young woman who is 10-20 pound extra weight who still has a small waist, good hip to waste ratio is not 'fat'---a size 8-12 women is not fat--but that woman in photo is obese in my opinion--she is also much older than it's an extreme if they are indeed a romantic couple (which I doubt they are but who knows). You don't see that often. It is an outlier and not a good example for these guys to use to show how looks is one sided to favor women if they wish to be taken seriously.

I'm liberal but far from PC about things like this, sorry to disappoint you.
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I don't think its modern era or societal standards I think its just biological reaction and men work different then women in brain response to visuals of opposite sex than women do about men.

Be careful hairblues ... feminists will cut you if they find out you said that there are biological differences between how men and women's brains work.