The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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This guy is a 6.07 with over 200 votes:


Shows how hard it is to be a man. All of his features are average or above average, he's looks-maxed with a proper haircut, low body fat, proper eyebrows, teeth, etc. Good enough for a 6.07. If a woman put in that much effort and perfectionism she'd be a 7.00.


Here, a 7.07 woman with over 700 votes:

And a 6.71 with 463 votes:

And a 6.49, she's not even trying:

Is this that Rate My Photo site? I'm on there; hopefully you guys haven't found me yet. :p

tfw girl that ghosted me is dating a guy with a diffusing bird's nest that just shaved his head


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In China (and other places) lighter skin is good as dark skin is associated with working outside. Here in Ireland (and other places) a nice tan is good as it means you go on holidays and are thus well off.

Pale is good on women but only if they have good skin, I think bad skin looks a bit better with a tan but I'm really not sure actually.

Definitely girls look for tanned guys in Ireland.


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You can still have a sense of community despite being an atheist. I quite like celebrating festivals like Diwali and Dussehra with my family despite being a atheist. You can be part of a culture and enjoy it's perks without holding logically invalid views. True, if religions are suddenly removed tomorrow it will destabilize communities as there will be a void but I am sure people will be able to organize around some other shared attributes/interests.

Irrespective of whether presence of religions is good, my main gripe is and has always been lack of rationality. I see illogical views as the single most important reason behind many majors problems in the world. If someone arrives at his/her religious or other views by logically valid arguments, I will have no issues. But during my conversations with people, I find that they often don't. I am far, far more concerned about the thought process behind the views than the views themselves.

Diwali and Dussehra can survive as good festivals because there's a sufficient number of people who take them very, very seriously. The remaining people can enjoy the fun.

That's my assumption based on seeing Hannukah, etc.

The meta-rationality of religion is that, even though it's an incorrect description of nature, a society will be stronger if the people have a consistent theology. It creates cohesiveness and community and social bonds and nationalism. It helps motivate people and provides an ethical framework that can be arbitrarily defined to be whatever the powers that be need it to be -- and that's more powerful than "the law".


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Is this that Rate My Photo site? I'm on there; hopefully you guys haven't found me yet. :p

tfw girl that ghosted me is dating a guy with a diffusing bird's nest that just shaved his head

I've probably seen you by now, I'm not sure why you're worried though, who gives a f*** if we see you?


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Pale is good on women but only if they have good skin, I think bad skin looks a bit better with a tan but I'm really not sure actually.

One of the theories I've read is that men prefer light skin because it makes it easier to spot skin defects.

And that women prefer dark skin because testosterone results in darker skin (not sure if this is true).

It's quite interesting, all the guys here who have some dark Asian blood @pjhair @Exodus2011 and I, we all prefer super pale women. Paler the better as pjhair said. There must be some genetic component to this preference.


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And that women prefer dark skin because testosterone results in darker skin (not sure if this is true).

Indian women prefer lighter skin. They go crazy over it. There is definitely a strong biological basis for attraction but cultural factors may also play a role.


You really think women or men have that much self awareness? People in general like to say one thing but act completely against what they say. I have personally known women who always said that personality is 90% part of the equation and looks only 10% but somehow never saw them with an average dude.

I have found that people in general have low self awareness and often hold views that merely sound good but can be easily found to be absurd with unbiased application of logic. When I was in India, pretty much everyone complained about the corruption among government officials but all of them would regularly bribe to get their things done. Not only that, they would even accept bribe when they obtained a position of power. People were happy to criticize others but pretty much never applied the same criticism on themselves or their loved ones.

When I came to the US, I was always approached by Christians who wanted to proselytize me. They talked about how great Christianity is and criticized other religions. They were perfectly rational when they talked about other religions and found logically valid objections to them. However, when it came to their own religion, all their rationality used to go out of the window and they would make flimsy and weak excuses for the big logical holes in their own faith. Whenever I asked a question they couldn't answer, they would say things like "God works in mysterious ways ". The truth was that their love for their faith had nothing to do with rationality. They believed it because of their own biases, upbringing and environment. Had they been born and brought up in Saudi Arabia, they would have more than likely advocated Islam with the same zeal.

I see the same attitude among liberals and leftists who take pride in their "open minded" attitude. Whenever I criticized Islam and Islamic world, they would make flimsy excuses and say things like "Christians kill people too". What a logically absurd statement. You can't excuse crimes committed by a man by pointing out crimes committed by another man. Additionally, there may be difference in the extent and severity of violence committed by other religions in the modern world too. The following statements perfectly demonstrate what I am trying to say.

"You think Islam is bad? Christians and Hindus kill people too."

"You think Cancer is a deadly disease? People have died of flu too."

"You think poverty is a big problem in Africa? People in America have died of poverty too."

I sometimes shudder at the magnitude of stupidity of statements that people make.

Oh Man, I wish I can like this a million times.


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The meta-rationality of religion is that, even though it's an incorrect description of nature, a society will be stronger if the people have a consistent theology. It creates cohesiveness and community and social bonds and nationalism. It helps motivate people and provides an ethical framework that can be arbitrarily defined to be whatever the powers that be need it to be -- and that's more powerful than "the law".

I see that as a problem. Ethical framework should be rooted in rationality, not in religions. The fact that many people derive their ethical framework from religions gives you suicide bombers who believe that their actions are justified because Allah commanded them to do so. There are Christians who even try to excuse genocide described in Old Testament such as slaughter of the Cannanites saying that it was Gods will. Religion was basis for discriminatory practices such as the caste system in religions such as Hinduism. I believe that human well being can't be maximized unless we all follow objective moral values that are rooted in human reason, not in some religion or faith.


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When?! Where?!

That's cool. How did he come off?

I met a few Nobel laureates. Went to one's home. Definite halo effect from the Nobel prize.

Also met some politicians at campaign rallies, but that obviously doesn't count.
i was part of this community service club in high school and we had to go to this event :

i just shook his hand when he was greeting everyone and heard his speech. it was super dramatic. shook hands with a few congressmen and senators too. idk he seemed calm lol. all i did was see his speech, i didnt talk to him or see him talk to anyone casually


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I see that as a problem. Ethical framework should be rooted in rationality, not in religions. The fact that many people derive their ethical framework from religions gives you suicide bombers who believe that their actions are justified because Allah commanded them to do so. There are Christians who even try to excuse genocide described in Old Testament such as slaughter of the Cannanites saying that it was Gods will. Religion was basis for discriminatory practices such as the caste system in religions such as Hinduism. I believe that human well being can't be maximized unless we all follow objective moral values that are rooted in human reason, not in some religion or faith.
Here's a thing for you without God everything is allowed social laws are just a way to cope with reality.


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And that women prefer dark skin because testosterone results in darker skin (not sure if this is true).
Same old. Everyone likes testosterone until it gets in the way of the follicles.


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Here's a thing for you without God everything is allowed social laws are just a way to cope with reality.

Really? Without God, you wouldn't see anything wrong with acts such as murder, theft, rape, etc? I completely disagree with the idea that you need God for moral accountability. This notion is very basis for the divine command theory which attempts to justify all the mass murders and crimes committed in the name of God as excusable merely because God commanded them so. According to this theory without God, there wouldn't be inherently anything morally wrong with any action. Acts such as murder or theft are intrinsically morally wrong ONLY because they are against God's command. Had God commanded that theft or other acts are morally right, it would be the right thing to do. I completely disagree with this view of morality.

I view morality as independent of God or religions. I believe that objective moral values exist and are rooted in rationality, not in God or any supernatural agency.


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Seriously, it's just so f*****g depressing. By Tinder standards I'd be a 1-2/10 if the guy is merely a 6. And the girl.... LOL she doesn't even get close to 7... Online dating is for above-average guys, I said it once, I'll say it again.
Correction : either you're a 7+ or its over for you in online dating.


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Seriously, it's just so f*****g depressing. By Tinder standards I'd be a 1-2/10 if the guy is merely a 6. And the girl.... LOL she doesn't even get close to 7... Online dating is for above-average guys, I said it once, I'll say it again.

Yeah but in real life he would have no trouble getting dates.


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Seriously, it's just so f*****g depressing. By Tinder standards I'd be a 1-2/10 if the guy is merely a 6. And the girl.... LOL she doesn't even get close to 7... Online dating is for above-average guys, I said it once, I'll say it again.

I'm a 5 if that guy is a 6 but I still pull regularly. Feel kind of sick that even if I organise sex with a girl on Okcupid or POF in the next 2 months I am in the transplant ugly duckling stage and will be too embarrassed to meet them.


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Here's a thing for you without God everything is allowed social laws are just a way to cope with reality.

If the only reason you don't murder steal etc. is because you're scared of punishment/lack of reward from your made up God then you are the one that lacks morals. But this is unlikely. The reasons likely go (unless you're a phycopath) evolved, genetic, morality > social affects > law affects

Religion is the biggest cope of them all. It literally tells people they they will live forever in ecstasy if they just do as the religion says.

I'd rather have a destructive, disastrous, red pilled society than a cohesive but cope filled, bullshit, blue pilled society. But I don't think that would be the case.

I don't believe we need religion or any sort of lies in order to bring people together.

Seriously, it's just so f*****g depressing. By Tinder standards I'd be a 1-2/10 if the guy is merely a 6. And the girl.... LOL she doesn't even get close to 7... Online dating is for above-average guys, I said it once, I'll say it again.

I hate that it's such a compounding problem. If you're not above average as a girl you can still go on tinder and have your ego stroked. If you're not above average as a guy you will go on tinder and have your ego destroyed. This leads to lack of confidence and lack of motivation to try. Which leads to even less success and so on.


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Truth Black pill of the day

females - might not be able to marry Chad
males - might not be recognised as human

Truth blue pill of the day, personality does matter for getting looksmatched girls.