The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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Thats why I wondered if he is in USA or Europe because in USA his approvals are down to 35% and 65% of the country is NOT liberal LOL.

I'm perfectly aware of the political situation in the States and more so than the vast majority of people in the US who in general are politically illiterate morons. I made an absolute sh*t ton carving up on my stocks and stock trading from the Trump win and most importantly, FOLLOWED THE POLICY. b**ch about Jeff Sessions being a racist all you like, it doesn't mean two shits to the bigger picture. The economic situation of the country and wages will improve whether you like it or not due to erasing Paris targets, energy subsidies for renewables, 15% corporate tax rate, deregulation of the environmental and financial sectors and crackdown on illegal immigration.


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Dodd Frank has yet to be gutted and it's simply not true that ALL provisions to protect people financially are being removed. The specific forms of derivatives involved with 08 have not been reopened. When Trump says something is a disaster we all know that is hyperbole, those in charge of working on these issues are pragmatic and not all of us here are autistic, we should be able to understand the difference between a type of rhetoric and an actual action.

On Comey, as you said the claim is "Apparently" interfering which Trump has denied and said he would would testify against. From the Hilary campaign wikileaks emails we had the Democrats suggesting to press the Russia issue and effectively make things up in November 2015. It's a made up delusion in the heads of liberal cry babies to help them avoid thinking of their own stupidity and loss. As I said, Schumer was calling for Comey to lose his job a week before he was fired. EVEN BERNIE SANDERS HAD SAID HE SHOULD LOSE HIS JOB. No one thinks Comey is trustworthy or takes him seriously, he's a liar, an idiot and a showboat who has bipartisan disrespect if we're all being honest.

The voters were aware of Trumps business dealings and voted him in anyway. It is not his fault if his business yields success when he is no longer managing it. What can he do in this situation? He ran a multi billion dollar multinational, it is an impossibility to avoid exposure to the presidency. Either way, people voted for him and were perfectly aware of this.

I agree the ban on Muslims is unconstitutional, however his immigration policy won him the election and it is also logical policy. Unfortunately the constitution isn't perfect.

Gutting medicaid will lead to more embracing private healthcare driving down costs and improving service, and the fact is that with an ageing population and Obama's reckless fiscal policy and debt mountain we will no longer be able to afford 30 years of serious healthcare burden for seniors post retirement.

With Jeb or Cruz we would still be in the Paris agreement and subsidising Chinese wind farm investment and increasing our energy costs. We wouldn't have left the TPP, and we wouldn't be having a serious discussion about immigration issues. None of the issues you mentioned would be different under Cruz or Jeb!.

Don't take this the wrong way but look how much you have to 'explain' Trump

We NEVER had another president that had to be 'explained' so much because his management style is not good for the country..let alone his policies...we can debate his policies...but his 'way' of doing this is NOT good for the country as a whole.

I do not understand you opinion on medicaid...we had no obama care most of my life...and insurance costs were ALWAYS very high for that given economy. SO if we believe in free markets--why were those costs so high even 20 and 30 years ago?
Medicaid being gutted those people will NOT buy insurance because they will never afford it sow hat will happen is what happened before--tehy will only get care in ER which 'we' will all pay for.
Most seniors will be negatively effected since a chunk of the money that was already in medicare was relocated into medicaid to help seniors with things like nursing home costs--THAT money is going to be cut and it is NOT going to go back into medicare--which is where it was initially in essence and fact it is a CUT to MEDICARE.

There is NO discussing of this bill

You can criticize Obamacare BUT Obamacare had like 150 amendments added to it FROM Republicans during debate in Senate...THIS IS NOT HAPPENING NOW>.what is happening now is a back room with a few men who are being super secretive about the bill--NO ONE Is going to be able to debate it..Mconnle is going to PUSH it through with 50 votes and the VP to break the tie.

So you can cricize Obama care but this is going to be horrific except if you are wealthy. And wealthy means the billionaires who will get back $37,000 in taxes..most people are going to get like $300 back a year in taxes LOL

But I guess you are right and almost 70% of the country are wrong..LOl I mean come on!!!


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dude im sorry to break this to you but its not a "discussion". its intelligence agencies compelling congress to conduct hearings, and the appointment of a special counsel. "wah, hillary" doesnt work when you have republicans controlling every branch of government and they are appointing a special counsel to investigate themselves. lol

I'll suck your dick if Trump is impeached. It won't happen. Pure delusion from insane, criminally stupid liberals.


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I'm perfectly aware of the political situation in the States and more so than the vast majority of people in the US who in general are politically illiterate morons. I made an absolute sh*t ton carving up on my stocks and stock trading from the Trump win and most importantly, FOLLOWED THE POLICY. b**ch about Jeff Sessions being a racist all you like, it doesn't mean two shits to the bigger picture. The economic situation of the country and wages will improve whether you like it or not due to erasing Paris targets, energy subsidies for renewables, 15% corporate tax rate, deregulation of the environmental and financial sectors and crackdown on illegal immigration.

I am glad to know you are more intelligent and informed than such prominent people as Warren buffet and Marc Cuban.


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I'll suck your dick if Trump is impeached. It won't happen. Pure delusion from insane, criminally stupid liberals.

LOL careful that is what they said about Nixon...In fact Nixons approvals at this point in investigation were much higher than Trumps.


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Don't take this the wrong way but look how much you have to 'explain' Trump

We NEVER had another president that had to be 'explained' so much because his management style is not good for the country..let alone his policies...we can debate his policies...but his 'way' of doing this is NOT good for the country as a whole.

I do not understand you opinion on medicaid...we had no obama care most of my life...and insurance costs were ALWAYS very high for that given economy. SO if we believe in free markets--why were those costs so high even 20 and 30 years ago?
Medicaid being gutted those people will NOT buy insurance because they will never afford it sow hat will happen is what happened before--tehy will only get care in ER which 'we' will all pay for.
Most seniors will be negatively effected since a chunk of the money that was already in medicare was relocated into medicaid to help seniors with things like nursing home costs--THAT money is going to be cut and it is NOT going to go back into medicare--which is where it was initially in essence and fact it is a CUT to MEDICARE.

There is NO discussing of this bill

You can criticize Obamacare BUT Obamacare had like 150 amendments added to it FROM Republicans during debate in Senate...THIS IS NOT HAPPENING NOW>.what is happening now is a back room with a few men who are being super secretive about the bill--NO ONE Is going to be able to debate it..Mconnle is going to PUSH it through with 50 votes and the VP to break the tie.

So you can cricize Obama care but this is going to be horrific except if you are wealthy. And wealthy means the billionaires who will get back $37,000 in taxes..most people are going to get like $300 back a year in taxes LOL

But I guess you are right and almost 70% of the country are wrong..LOl I mean come on!!!

70% of the country ARE wrong. I agree healthcare will be the downfall of this Republican administration, but the fact is that people aren't entitled to free healthcare and the country will not be able to afford it in the long term with an ageing population. I agree that the majority will be negatively affected on healthcare, however that doesn't mean that Obamacare or a single payer is a sustainable system in the long term.


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And one of his removed posts says the girls should share my private images on here. He has some issues. Most people base intelligence on IQ/articulacy/career.

No issues: he's just your average hypocritical, shallow prick. My colleagues are 100% like him, the same guys who smile and fake politeness while posting pictures of me online and humiliating me at my back. That's why I saw through his bullshit right away.


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I am glad to know you are more intelligent and informed than such prominent people as Warren buffet and Marc Cuban.

Warren Buffet increased capital utilisation into equities after Trump won. Mark Cuban just wants to be cool in the eyes of idiotic New York liberals. He speaks sh*t and he knows it. Also extreme jealousy.


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I'll suck your dick if Trump is impeached. It won't happen. Pure delusion from insane, criminally stupid liberals.

wah.... WAH... republicans appointed a special counsel to investigate the republican administration, so ill cry about liberals... WAAAAAH liberals did it

sorry but you just sound ridiculous. if you dont think trump should be impeached then blame the republicans who are trying to make it happen. "liberals" are powerless at present to touch your man.


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70% of the country ARE wrong. I agree healthcare will be the downfall of this Republican administration, but the fact is that people aren't entitled to free healthcare and the country will not be able to afford it in the long term with an ageing population. I agree that the majority will be negatively affected on healthcare, however that doesn't mean that Obamacare or a single payer is a sustainable system in the long term.

i will say this because I don't want to keep going with you ( I like you and like a lot of your posts and we just disagree on this)
I do think the main problem of health care in USA is the 'cost' of the actual testings, hospital stays, medications.


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I wouldn't normally share images but I established a bond with @EvilLocks and @Joan. Privacy, I'm comfortable how I am! Some say I look a little like Oscar Isaac but I'm not sure. We all have our own look. I think you would like me and also my career. Won't elaborate though :p

You actually do resemble that guy :)


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Glad I've never been like this. Taking advantage of someone's misery is never good thing, can hit us anytime too in different ways. Empathy or at least say nothing! Most bullies do it as they enjoy causing further pain to others, through insecurity. Horrible people. Life throws a curve ball at everyone in some way if they deserve it (hopefully).

Keep making your situation better in every way and stay on your own path. You have a lot going for you.

I can fight with someone to the bone lol but I won't betray confidences...this is about 'character' and not even what they think of you but what you think of yourself.


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And one of his removed posts says the girls should share my private images on here. He has some issues. Most people base intelligence on IQ/articulacy/career.
What, he actually said that? FYI Wolf, I would never do such a thing. That's why I've only shared my pictures with members whom I find trustworthy, that I know would not share my images. And of course I will never share theirs.


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Indeed. Luckily the girls I shared with (both pretty too), are good people :) I guess Johnson feels very insecure/annoyed and really cares to see me, strange. I couldn't give a **** how some random person looks like on the net unless I knew them and developed a bond over PM at least.

He's a narcissistic attention wh***, don't overestimate him. He most probably wants to see you just to compare himself with you, hoping he's better-looking than you.


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You base intelligence on likes? Feeling angry at me? Lol.
Why would I be angry at you?

I would say the better posters have a lot of likes - which is clearly logical or else nobody would like what they say. And those who have a lot of like have either said something interesting, intelligent, or entertaining.


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(but also, if you want war then you may have - although its not a path I think we should take)



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Please don't think I'm a fool and insult me by saying something so pathetic. Just like when you tried to back track with hairblues about insulting her for being single, don't try to back track with me and cover it up. You need to give people some credit! We all have a brain too.

You've reworded it now. Before you said that intelligent posters get the most likes in response to what Afro said about me. Well, intelligence is loosely to do with IQ/articulacy/creative/career. Did you stop to think of confounding factors for getting likes?

A)Spending more time on here, the more you put in the more you get out usually in terms of likes.

B)If you go on a supremacist forum as a liberal, you will get less likes than a supremacist. Does that mean the liberal is not intelligent? So consider the forum atmosphere. A lot of likes go to people who have a more tough time dealing with hair loss for example. Or someone like Dench who is funny with his posts. Sometimes the more adjusted people get disliked even. Look at your behaviour towards me, berating my intelligence, out of insecurity.

Me? I stay on here to help admin run the site and help people along the way that I come across. Bit weird to judge someone you don't even know in real life with a bizarre comment. You don't take into account people talk over PM too.

I'm not going to spend all evening here, doing this, so that's that. Also you have some serious issues re-registering and hiding who you are. That's just weird.

First he mocks us, then he pretends he was not. But worst of all, he thinks we're stupid.