Out of interest, how do you actually think Trump has caused damage? What policies and actions are you referring to? The problem for liberals is that the vast majority of them make statements like you did talking about "controversies" and "sackings" and the GOP being traumatised without any evidence or logic to back up what you said. It's always meaningless, generic drivel with no specifics. Do you see Russia in your cereal when you eat breakfast?
Whether or not liberals are smart enough to understand basic finance or economics, in the medium and longer term they would all suffer under current American liberal policies such as subsidising renewable energy (including China's and India's through the Green Climate Fund), embracing the Paris agreement, higher and noncompetitive corporate tax rates, higher levels of immigration to citizens that are net drains on federal and state revenue, and Islamic immigration of people who hate America.
Truly, how is Trump any more ridiculous than one of the Christian neo-cons like Ted Cruz or Jeb! on POLICY? Because he is a showman in the way he speaks and presents himself? He isn't particularly different than the average GOP member but slanted against globalism, crony capitalism and rampant illegal and Islamic immigration. If Trump hadn't FORCED immigration to be a serious issue for the GOP they Republicans wouldn't have had a chance. The old GOP is dead, and Trump birthed the new GOP.
REAL conservatives including people like Ben Shapiro (who I don't agree with on a lot of issues) DO focus on the issues. It is idiotic liberals who don't understand basic economic policy in the slightest that don't focus on the issues because they are too stupid to understand them to begin with. The fact is that Democrats like Chuck Schumer were calling for Comey to be fired the WEEK before he was by Trump and lost his sh*t when Trump actually did it. Conservatives call out Liberals because in the last five years or so Liberals legitimately went INSANE.
That went from 0-100 pretty damn quick, sounded like you were innocently asking and thats fine, then it's Russia in my cereal, what the f***?
If Sally Yates and Comey don't count as major controversial sackings over a single issue, then either you've forgotten about them (or the reasons behind them) or we can't agree here. And yes to an extent a lot of what I've heard from the White House are guys within it, sometimes unnamed sources, sometimes democrats, claiming Republicans are basically feeling like they could be lined up at any moment. It's not well sourced but it sure does add up. If any president had sacked the Attorney General and FBI Director after barely getting into office, this wouldn't even be up for question.
And just this evening news comes through that he wants to sack Bob Mueller, which is going to go two ways from a Republican view; either it's fake news and Ruddy's lying, or the crooked Mueller should get sacked for betrayal. It depends whether it turns out to be true or not, then these fanatics know how to respond.
The main defence over economic policy is that most of his budget cuts won't be upheld anyway, that's the best we've got. To fulfil these plans you need a surge up to 3% GDP and most importantly for it to be
sustained, for nearly a decade.
It's just the stuff of pure fantasy. And I'm pretty amazed that you'd use economic policy as a strong point as pretty much from day 1, it's one of the only issues that have united left and right, into feeling completely well, baffled. What exactly about his economic policy do the looney Liberals (or Republicans for that matter) not understand that you're informed of?
As for reforms on corporate tax rates, are you still living by the promises, or seen what's actually been happening for the last half a year? It would make no difference whether it's conservative or republican in office, nothing is changing.
And fine if you want to say the alternative options were even worse, by making only a side-issue of immigration (which is important, undoubtedly, but not enough to make the GOP basically a one-issue party) an ideology of how to run a country, he's alienated most of his "supporters" within the party, and laid down the groundwork for its demise. From such an insanely strong position one year ago.
America is now ostracized from the rest of the world (apart from who, the Saudi's?) and as far as domestically- well you can explain why focussing completely on defence, shunning social care and the working class, will somehow result in a success. The only way being a country that HAS to prosper dramatically and soon, otherwise none of these proposed economic plans can possibly work.