The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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Nah the reason was kidding. My bad.

(Got this response from the handbook)



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Trump tried to put a ban on muslims.

Did he though? Was the proposed ban applicable to hundreds of millions of Muslims living in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Malaysia?


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Did he though? Was the proposed ban applicable to hundreds of millions of Muslims living in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Malaysia?

Yes he did because Gulianni went on Fox news and said clearly 'Trump called me and asked me how can we do this milim ban" you can google it
so between that and Trumps tweets and own statements clearly calling it a 'muslim ban' it is a muslim ban
And in USA that is unconstitutional

Now you can debate the policy but the wording and the intent behind them is what is kicking his *** in all the courts so far. Its most likely not going to pass supreme court either mostly due to his tweets.


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Yes he did because Gulianni went on Fox news and said clearly 'Trump called me and asked me how can we do this milim ban" you can google it
so between that and Trumps tweets and own statements clearly calling it a 'muslim ban' it is a muslim ban

Was the proposed ban applicable to hundreds of millions of Muslims living in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Malaysia?
I don't care about tweets. I'm asking about applicability.


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Was the proposed ban applicable to hundreds of millions of Muslims living in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Malaysia?
I don't care about tweets. I'm asking about applicability.

That does not matter his intent is what is important. He intended to at least minimize the number of muslims specifically coming into country and he asked his friend Gulianni who said on TV that they figured out a way to use the law to do this.
It is written in the first ban that only christians be allowed.
You cant have a religious test in USA.

This is not me making this up this is every court so far (I think except one) has ruled it unconstitutional.


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While wasting time on youtube, saw some John Cena interviews. Dude is everything I'm not, chiseled masculine face, deep voice, testosterone forearms. Also, hair and tall. I'm jealous.


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While wasting time on youtube, saw some John Cena interviews. Dude is everything I'm not, chiseled masculine face, deep voice, testosterone forearms. Also, hair and tall. I'm jealous.

I though he was so hot until I caught his reality show and the dude is such a tool. His GF is hot though.


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How so? He comes off as composed in his interviews.

I don't know he just seems really conceited to me in his reality show and kind of condescending to his GF and she is super sweet and he comes off like a dick to me. It may just be schtick for the show but I find him a turn off on the show..where the other twins BF is super into her and he comes off more attractive to me. He is wrestler too. They seem to have a better relationship.


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I didn't get a dick vibe at all from his interviews. I was hoping for a dick vibe, but he comes across as a decent human being.

But then, people can put up a facade during interviews.
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I didn't get a dick vibe at all from his interviews. I was hoping for a dick vibe, but he comes across as a decent human being.

But then, people can put up a face during interviews.

he is going out with a twin..he acts like he is 'suffering' her meanwhile she is hot and sweet.
the other relationship with the other twin and her BF is so much more 'real' to me.
It can be just for show but it seem like he rolls his eyes a lot, sighs, he makes her walk on eggshell kind of feeling. its like uncomfortable compared to the other relationship that is like healthy fun and 'light'.