The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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That is a good idea. Because of my laziness and depression, I don't do anything which requires any sort of effort, not even videogames, if I don't see a benefit beforehand. Now I have a reason to try videogames.

In my lessons, I have experienced that memorable, interactive ways of learning always leave a positive mark, and are easier to remember. Videos, movies, videogames,... They all help more than books.


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I play video games for the same reasons I watch movies and listen to music: the emotions, the way it makes me feel.
I watch movies, listen to music too. But there it's like I can shut off my cognitive part of the brain and immerse myself in the fantasy world. Anything which requires effort, that part comes online and reminds me of my inferiority. I can't enjoy books for that reason. Jack Reacher movies where girls are throwing themselves at him, sure. Jack Reacher books where girls are throwing themselves at him, I get depressed.

I remember @Afro_Vacancy saying that playing Final Fantasy VII would make me a better person, and as ridiculous as it sounds, it's true.

Wait, what? How did it make you a better person?


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I watch movies, listen to music too. But there it's like I can shut off my cognitive part of the brain and immerse myself in the fantasy world. Anything which requires effort, that part comes online and reminds me of my inferiority. I can't enjoy books for that reason. Jack Reacher movies where girls are throwing themselves at him, sure. Jack Reacher books where girls are throwing themselves at him, I get depressed.

Wait, what? How did it make you a better person?

Interacting with popular culture in a constructive way enriches your personality.

It definitely applied to well made works. If you watch Mad Men and maybe even listen to the commentaries you'll know more about the world. I think they had a study showing that it increases emotional acuity.

I suspect that this does not apply to poorly made works of fiction. Watching Terminator Genysis might actually make you a lesser person.


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Anyone sensitive who played it can say it is true. And the musics:rolleyes:

Some Elder Scroll games can even teach you some latin :p

The game which indeed shook me to the core was surely Undertale. It basically reawakened my crippled soul, cleansed it by most of the sh*t that tainted it in the last few years. I shed some tears for f***'s sake.


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The game which indeed shook me to the core was surely Undertale. It basically reawakened my crippled soul, cleansed it by most of the sh*t that tainted it in the last few years. I shed some tears for f***'s sake.

Damn, I gotta play this game!


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Play it. Seriously. You'll feel like a human being again and legit cry.

I looked at the wikipedia page, the game seems to have received critical acclaim.


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I walked for 3 hours today. My knees are sooooo shot :(

Those of you who travel: do you have any tips for knee upkeep for roaming about in the streets on foot?

I'm in worse shape than I thought. After my 3 hour walk in the city center, I had to take a nap (not just knees, my general system was shot.


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Those of you who travel: do you have any tips for knee upkeep for roaming about in the streets on foot?

Hate to say this CF and you probably already know, at your age little tips or tricks shouldn't be needed for casually walking around for 3 hours, or even much longer. Hopefully it is just knees and the stress on them caused the rest of you to physically and mentally be shot as well, or maybe you're just really unfit (which isn't nice but you can fix it of course).

Something like swimming could help, or cross trainer.


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Hate to say this CF and you probably already know, at your age little tips or tricks shouldn't be needed for casually walking around for 3 hours, or even much longer. Hopefully it is just knees and the stress on them caused the rest of you to physically and mentally be shot as well, or maybe you're just really unfit (which isn't nice but you can fix it of course).

Something like swimming could help, or cross trainer.
3 hours is a long *** walk. i'm 23 and even i would have to take a break after walking that long (done it every now and then when walking to friends house).


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3 hours is a long *** walk. i'm 23 and even i would have to take a break after walking that long (done it every now and then when walking to friends house).

Yeah, maybe youre right and I didn't quite picture it. But he is on a city centre so I'm sure there was some stopping or browsing different things, even before I had an interest in training I would be able to walk around a city all day long with other people and just had to stop and sit here and there.


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Actually it was a little under 2 hours brisk pace, roundtrip to get to the city center (7km overall=4.3 miles) + walking around from store to store, and an hour strolling casually in the mall. I guess my CV system is not used to long exertions.

An hour walk is no problem for me (I have to do it fairly often to get groceries).


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Nah actually f*** that you're both in a bad way, shouldn't really need a break for a 3 hour wall at moderate pace, unless it's really hot or something.
quick search only found this from a walking event director.

" You could probably walk five to seven miles if you are a healthy person without diabetes, heart disease, or orthopedic problems. That is approximately 9 to 11 kilometers, a walk of about two hours at a steady pace.

This figure comes from decades of personal experience as a walking event director hosting 10K (6.2 mile) volkssport walking events.

I have seen countless untrained walkers come and enjoy a 10 kilometer (6.2 mile) volkssport walking event. These include my family and friends who are not regular walkers. All have survived with no ill effects although, some rare people have developed blisters. "

"Most people whose feet are not prepared by being toughened up on previous walks will have blisters by 10 or 12 miles."

Actually it was a little under 2 hours brisk pace, roundtrip to get to the city center (7km overall=4.3 miles) + walking around from store to store, and an hour strolling casually in the mall. I guess my CV system is not used to long exertions.

An hour walk is no problem for me (I have to do it fairly often to get groceries).

thats not bad at all then.


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^ I saw that too, made me feel better.

I will be in Berlin next weekend. I had hoped to be on foot for 7hrs/day. Looks like that's not gonna happen :(


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quick search only found this from a walking event director.

" You could probably walk five to seven miles if you are a healthy person without diabetes, heart disease, or orthopedic problems. That is approximately 9 to 11 kilometers, a walk of about two hours at a steady pace.

This figure comes from decades of personal experience as a walking event director hosting 10K (6.2 mile) volkssport walking events.

I have seen countless untrained walkers come and enjoy a 10 kilometer (6.2 mile) volkssport walking event. These include my family and friends who are not regular walkers. All have survived with no ill effects although, some rare people have developed blisters. "

"Most people whose feet are not prepared by being toughened up on previous walks will have blisters by 10 or 12 miles."

thats not bad at all then.

Yeah the walking event director forgot the part about walking event participants all being major pussies.