The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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Those who use the dislike function are indicating mental weakness.

No. Disapproval has a role in society, and here.

People do have a tendency to abuse the dislike button though, they confuse disagreement with disapproval.


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No, never heard of those two.

I realize that not all of you are defined by the modern day campus scene, but those people have something akin to a religious fervor and have a tendency to attack anyone who doesn't conform to their views.

Camille Paglia is out of favour with many feminists. Paglia is into the role of biology in sexuality, she likes her sexuality aggressive, she liked Madonna in the 1980s and hates her now, she defended Trump a lot, and now she's researching aboriginal communities. I'm not sure if I agree with her personally, but that's irrelevant. Within society it's important that there be iconoclastics and rebels, and radicals, like Paglia, even if they're "wrong" a lot. We need debate in order to not have intellectual monoculture. We need people to point out if there's bullshit in our general "religion", otherwise we might never know.

Campus feminism is not, in my opinion, it's own thing, but rather a subset of general campus student politics. It's an intellectual monoculture. Steven Pinker has referred to it as the "left pole" (like the north pole or south pole), where there's a set of opinions you can have an be left-wing, and it's an exact set of opinion. If you have a single deviation, a single disagreement, then you're a right-winger, similarly to how the north pole is a point (in theory) and not a region.

Writers at The American Conservative have written that political ideology is replacing religion for a lot of young college students, where they define themselves by their politics, they have a rigid set of views that they can't explain, and they only associate themselves with people who share the same beliefs.

The set of beliefs would include, but is not limited to in my opinion: that sexuality is a pure social construct; discrimination predominantly takes place on three axes that are gender, race, and sexual orientation and sometimes ableism with emphasis on intersectionality, not including social class and looks; the democratic party is a vessel for the good; religion and churches are bad; environmentalism is ideal and global warming is the most important feature, etc. So it's a very rigid belief system, some of it good, some of it less good.
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How to squander the gift of great hair, a 4.65/10 leads by example:

I loved the "4.65 out of 10" line.


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I loved the "4.65 out of 10" line.

I'm not giving him the rating, I pulled it from

I have a higher rating than him actually, but he's a better-looking guy (unless he's short) than I am, he's just making no effort.

ETA: He'd benefit from more muscular definition, a better posture, a photo that's actually in-focus and zoomed-in rather than blurry, and taking off the sunglasses.

Sunglasses are a fashion accessory, they help you see when it's bright outside, they make driving safer, and they protect the eyes from ageing, but within a "rate me" picture they're counterproductive as they hide one of the most important bodyparts, the eye area.


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I was reluctant to quote this because you are so nice and I don't want to put you on spot at all but I found this intriguing and I genuinely wanted to ask you to expand on it if you could.

I always got the impression (perhaps wrongly) that you validate a lot of the men on here on their view of women and themselves but when i read the above it sounds more like you are wanting them not to repeat your own dating mistakes (which reads as if you went for women's looks being better than your own if not mistaken).
Actually, White Polar Bear gets it after reading his last post above. He really has impressed me the most on here over the years. He has truly evolved into someone I wish I would have evolved into at his present age. It took me way longer in life to get what he gets. A lot of what I post has the intention of saving these guys from going down the wrong path. However this generation is so much different than mine that they are better off listening to White Polar Bear than me at this point.

Don't take this the wrong way, Hairblues, but I am surprised your addiction to posting among men almost half your age has lasted this long. I certainly would not be able to do the same in the female section of this forum. And I am no way hinting you should leave. I think these guys respect you enough that you should be here as long as you need. I am actually intrigued about your presence here as well so it kind of goes both ways. Although I feel some "attachment" to this forum, I am in the processes of detaching little by little as I just feel I don't really need this place anymore like I did when I first started to notice my hair thinning. I only wish the best for everyone on here.


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No, never heard of those two.

I realize that not all of you are defined by the modern day campus scene, but those people have something akin to a religious fervor and have a tendency to attack anyone who doesn't conform to their views.

You might like them and it will give you a more rounded view of 'feminism' and how varied it is.

Camila Paglia is like the anti-feminist, feminist. Its basically points out that some feminism schools of thoughts and actions boarders on being a victim.
Actual real authentic idea of feminism in my mind or interpretation is NOT to be a victim.
Their is another woman you might like I cant think of her name, she is English. She did a debate with Milo actually and she has a similar out look as well although more traditional in some areas.
to me the message is don't be a 'victim', there are a lot of legitimate becomes 'crying wolf' a lot of modern campus feminists and liberals do this (probably going on with other side as well I don't know--but I sense it's a 20 something generation thing more than a specific ideology).
If you are outraged by everything it's diluting the real sh*t. If tons of women report men telling them they are pretty as a 'sex harassment' it fucks up the women who are legitimately being sexually harassed and in danger.
I was in college and I had a very short top on and a guy who I did not know from a hole in the wall called me a sl*t as I walked by him in cafeteria..I turned around and put him on blast--"I heard you dickhead" ...he acted like 'so what' but two weeks later he came up to me quietly and apologized he said he does not know why he said it. We are actually still friends to this day ironically lol..he was just frustrated I think and he thought I was hot but it annoyed him for whatever reason and he expressed it in the WRONG way.
But I never would have thought--let me report him to the administration for sexual harassment and get him booted out of school.
Not comparing all sexual harassment, some is legitimate or repeated daily and then some is dangerous and harmful.
But I think you understand what I mean. You have to weigh a situation and be able to speak up for yourself.


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Hmm Doctor you sure you actually meant that in a 'nice' manner.
I truly did. I have my theory but I am waiting to hear yours(hint: a part of it may be actually the same reason for me too).


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Although I feel some "attachment" to this forum, I am in the processes of detaching little by little as I just feel I don't really need this place anymore like I did when I first started to notice my hair thinning. I only wish the best for everyone on here.
If you ever detach yourself completely, DH, I hope you check your inbox now and then. You've been one of my favorites since day one, and I'd like to see where life takes you. :)


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I truly did. I have my theory but I am waiting to hear yours(hint: a part of it may be actually the same reason for me too).

You can PM me if you want to ask me things. I won't bite you.


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If you ever detach yourself completely, DH, I hope you check your inbox now and then. You've been one of my favorites since day one, and I'd like to see where life takes you. :)
Joan, I promise you I will always keep in touch with you as long as you like thru PMs. I always appreciate you just as much.


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I am surprised your addiction to posting among men almost half your age has lasted this long. I certainly would not be able to do the same in the female section of this forum. .

I started to post in impact section I think in August or September. So 7 or 8 months..

I don't think anyone needs to be concerned for my 'addiction' because the truth is once I go back to work full time (12-18 hour days 5 to 6 days a week sometimes 6 months at a time) I probably will ghost out for most part. I think it is going to be in September.

For now I enjoy talking to most of the guys here--I think if it was a forum of women my age it would be a boring echo chamber.


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I don't think anyone needs to be concerned for my 'addiction' because the truth is once I go back to work full time (12-18 hour days 5 to 6 days a week sometimes 6 months at a time) I probably will ghost out for most part. I think it is going to be in September.

For now I enjoy talking to most of the guys here--I think if it was a forum of women my age it would be a boring echo chamber.

You've been part time since September? Any reason why?


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A question for you @David_MPN how long does it take for your photos to get rated on that rankmyphotos site? Mine has been up for 2 days with no rating, seems very slow.


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A question for you @David_MPN how long does it take for your photos to get rated on that rankmyphotos site? Mine has been up for 2 days with no rating, seems very slow.

It's part of why I've lost interest in that site. There seems to be few people on it, and most of them are insecure men like myself so it's not a great metric.

God damn, I just went on this site and this beautiful woman shows up first, Somewhere around a 6.40 with ~600 votes.:

Damn, I would love to do her.

Anyway, my 6 photos have 21, 19, 21, 23, 18, and 16 "1-10" votes, with a a few of the other kinds of votes. I think I've been up for a month or two. For about two weeks or so, I was logging on every day and ranking 20 or 30 people in the hopes that their algorithm would reward me by giving me more votes (someone suggested this), I don't know if it works that way. So I'd suggest you rank 30 people every day for 2 or 3 weeks.

Sources of error: small sample size, too many men voting, and trolls who give ratings of 1,2,9, or 10. I do get some ratings of 1,2,9,or 10 and I can't take anybody seriously if they give me those numbers. I wish I could delete those. Anything between 3 and 8 is sensible in my opinion given the range of tastes out there. Do you agree given that you've seen my pictures?

FWIW, my rankings range from 5.18/10 with 28 votes to 5.61/10 with 23 votes. They range from 26th percentile to 51st percentile. The two pictures with the highest ratings might actually be the two better pictures so that's a good sign.

Overall, not super accurate. Might be accurate in a year or so when I accumulate more votes.
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It's part of why I've lost interest in that site. There seems to be few people on it, and most of them are insecure men like myself so it's not a great metric.

God damn, I just went on this site and this beautiful woman shows up first, Somewhere around a 6.40 with ~600 votes.:

Damn, I would love to do her.

Anyway, my 6 photos have 21, 19, 21, 23, 18, and 16 "1-10" votes, with a a few of the other kinds of votes. I think I've been up for a month or two. For about two weeks or so, I was logging on every day and ranking 20 or 30 people in the hopes that their algorithm would reward me by giving me more votes (someone suggested this), I don't know if it works that way. So I'd suggest you rank 30 people every day for 2 or 3 weeks.

Sources of error: small sample size, too many men voting, and trolls who give ratings of 1,2,9, or 10. I do get some ratings of 1,2,9,or 10 and I can't take anybody seriously if they give me those numbers. I wish I could delete those. Anything between 3 and 8 is sensible in my opinion given the range of tastes out there. Do you agree given that you've seen my pictures?

FWIW, my rankings range from 5.18/10 with 28 votes to 5.61/10 with 23 votes. They range from 26th percentile to 51st percentile. The two pictures with the highest ratings might actually be the two better pictures so that's a good sign.

Overall, not super accurate. Might be accurate in a year or so when I accumulate more votes.

Yeah I'd guess those troll votes might cancel each other out (I'm terrible at rating guys but I'm fairly sire you're not 1-3 or 8-10), but the fact that it's mostly male is definitely a problem. Just got a 6/10 vote from a girl on one of my pics. This is very slow though.

Years back after I looksmaxed I used to go on talk with strangers until I got a girl (20 or so mins) and get her to rate my pics. Thought this site would be easier but not great so far.


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That site is cope Im on it as well. Some gay dude rated me high lul Im considering removing my pictures from it. Chad doesnt bother with that website at all hes too busy talking and sleeping with women all the time.

One of my pics got a 6.9 rating Im in the top 5% should be getting laid every day (lul cope).


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God damn, I just went on this site and this beautiful woman shows up first, Somewhere around a 6.40 with ~600 votes.:

Damn, I would love to do her.

You and me both buddy. How the hell is she a 6.4? She's 7 at least.


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nice try with the black and white but you can tell her skin is sh*t

5/10 would still bang


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That site is cope Im on it as well. Some gay dude rated me high lul Im considering removing my pictures from it. Chad doesnt bother with that website at all hes too busy talking and sleeping with women all the time.

One of my pics got a 6.9 rating Im in the top 5% should be getting laid every day (lul cope).

There are a ton of Chad's on the website. You can sort photos by rank.