The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women



The reason why African Americans love superman more than batman is because of the following:

Superman comes from a completely different culture which is a far superior than ours. It is the 'roots' of superman which make him so powerful and invincible. Most african americans believe that black culture is superior and empowering and think they are like superman.

And to be brutally honest
batman is a complex character. superman is not. batman's powers are due to science and superman's powers are due to some magic. Most black people believe magic is more real than science and can only appreciate 1 dimensional characters. This is why witch doctors are more trusted in Africa. Just my observation. I have nothing against black people. I think black women are so warm and nice and kind. It is just that I think black people need more intellectual maturity to appreciate batman movies.


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It is just that I think black people need more intellectual maturity to appreciate batman movies.

I don't think black people need more ""intellectual maturity". There may be various other reasons why African Americans prefer Superman. For example, as @Afro_Vacancy pointed out, fear of violence. African Americans had a different history than Caucasians, consequently their state is different from whites. Of course you are going to observe differences in cultural trends such as superhero preference.


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I don't know anything about misophonia or about arranged marriages. We have two Indian culture experts in @pjhair and @Saurabhaj who might have advice on navigating that issue. I know that if I ever bring home a non-Jewish woman, my entire extended family will disown me. I will be cutoff. It's a stressor.

Every workplace has separate dynamics, and some are awful. In some situations, the best option is simply to live.

But if you are in physical good health, I don't think that suicide is the answer. Lots of people have been there and recovered. It is your life to live, not your mother's.

@karankaran seems to have removed his post so I don't precisely know what he was talking about. Going over this and other posts, it seems he is concerned that if his family finds out that he is gay, they will be really hurt. Unfortunately his concerns are warranted. Unless his family is in 0.0001% of India, they will be upset. Homosexuality is generally not accepted in India. Forget homosexuality, marrying a women from a different caste is often a big issue.

Karan, the best thing for you is to find people (including other gay Indians) who are in your situation. They can offer a lot more help and useful tips than we can.


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View attachment 55786

I hate, hate, learning anything .... I do it because I like having the knowledge.


I find your lack of curiosity and passion for knowledge disturbing.


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Yes he did because Gulianni went on Fox news and said clearly 'Trump called me and asked me how can we do this milim ban" you can google it
so between that and Trumps tweets and own statements clearly calling it a 'muslim ban' it is a muslim ban
And in USA that is unconstitutional

Now you can debate the policy but the wording and the intent behind them is what is kicking his *** in all the courts so far. Its most likely not going to pass supreme court either mostly due to his tweets.
The proposed ban only covered immigration of citizens from about 5 muslim majority countries.

Millions of muslims from countries not included on the list were unaffected.


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The proposed ban only covered immigration of citizens from about 5 muslim majority countries.

Millions of muslims from countries not included on the list were unaffected.

Does not mater the executive orders were legally unconstitutional

Look up 9th district court ruling I am not going to keep explaining it.

it is unlikely to pass supreme court.


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Does not mater the executive orders were legally unconstitutional

Look up 9th district court ruling I am not going to keep explaining it.

it is unlikely to pass supreme court.
It was unconstitutional, I agree.
But it was hardly a "blanket" muslim ban.

Give it some.....


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It was unconstitutional, I agree.
But it was hardly a "blanket" muslim ban.

Give it some.....

just re read what you wrote.

Does not matter if it was blanket or partial

I am not sure what your point is...

If it were christians from certain countris--and those countries committed no acts of violence in USA...the rule of law would also apply.

if people WANT to have this be an executive order in spite of the constitution then that is exactly what Usama Bin Laden wanted and he will be taking a piss (up) on USA from where ever the hell he is rotting.

The fact that someone as inept at the role he is elected to as Trump is, the Muslims are winning in my opinion...their goal? destroy the West--what is going on from our leadership? West is starting to destroy itself from within.

There are many more from many courts so far that are interpreting this as a 'muslim ban' from the Presidents own tweets...You can argue that you still think the ban should go forward..but he has and does refer to it as a ban himself. So if it looks like a duck and quacks like a's a f*****g duck.

The States argue that the Executive Order violates the Establishment and Equal Protection Clauses because it was intended to disfavor Muslims. In support of this argument, the States have offered evidence of numerous statements by the President about his intent to implement a "Muslim ban" as well as evidence they claim suggests that the Executive Order was intended to be that ban, including sections 5(b) and 5(e) of the Order. It is well established that evidence of purpose beyond the face of the challenged law may be considered in evaluating Establishment and Equal Protection Clause claims

The Government has pointed to no evidence that any alien from any of the countries named in the Order has perpetrated a terrorist attack in the United States. Rather than present evidence to explain the need for the Executive Order, the Government has taken the position that we must not review its decision at all. We disagree.
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That is interesting. I wonder how many dudes I know are harboring secret gay fantasies

here is the scale I am like a 1 or 2 depending on exact definition,
not sure what 'incidentally' means exactly in how he is using it.
Probably a 2 because I chose and sought it out at times...where someone in Prison who settles for a man or same gender as opposed to being celibate is probably a 1.
married men or men who are dating women who are also having sex with men on side/down low are probably 3 to 5.
Maybe 6 is if i countries where it is socially going to ruin lives to be openly gay.
Screen Shot 2017-06-23 at 9.21.48 AM.png


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No, why do you ask?

I have no idea, but that's a plausible reason. I have started invisalign since those pics so I should do better soon.

What is the main reason that you opted for invisalign compared to 'capping your teeth'? I'm asking because, considering your age,
capping is an option which gives instant results in comparison to invisalign which need much time.

Keep on maxing. You're doing really well!


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What is the main reason that you opted for invisalign compared to 'capping your teeth'? I'm asking because, considering your age,
capping is an option which gives instant results in comparison to invisalign which need much time.

Keep on maxing. You're doing really well!

The orthodontist recommended invisalign. I don't know much about the different treatments?

How did you know about my results? I took off the pictures !


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The orthodontist recommended invisalign. I don't know much about the different treatments?

How did you know about my results? I took off the pictures !
Ok. I too have some work I'd like to be done on my teeth(including a slight overbite, I think), so I'm cautiously browsing my options. Capping, if it can do the trick alone, will be a bless. Hopefully it can hold out a decade or two, before we get a tooth-Tsuji.

I didn't actually see the pictures, rather I complimented your mental state of mind if that makes any sense. I admire and compliment your drive, which in the end, hopefullly will bring results for you. Also, I can understand from other member's posts you have gone up a few 'levels'. And no, imo I don't think it's a cope on your part thinking you have a chance of making your mental health better.

Edit: I did see a photoshopped pic somewhere here, and compared to the original pics, I could see why you're choosing the 1-4 guard option for your hair. It frames your face better, and camouflages hairloss. And your face looks way better with less body fat %.
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Then resurrect yourself. We may look like rotting corpses. but there is NO excuse for letting our minds rot as well. There's so much to learn, read, experience. Travel, read a book, watch a movie, go to a museum. I was stripped of my beauty and social and sexual life, but I'll not be stripped of anything else, like the pleasure of reading, travelling or playing music and painting.

How does one resurrect oneself?

I am also super lazy.

That's why I said I like having knowledge/experiences, but I hate the effort involved in the process.

Anyway, I'm doing some travelling (f*** you to my heel which hurts).

My parents/brother tell me that I used to have passion when I was younger. But now I appear disinterested in everything. Could be low grade depression.

PS: For let us appreciate this moment involving Dante trying to motivate others.


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Does anyone remember which service Baldhurts used to post videos online?