The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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@Xander94 , top 5% is very good. I would have had you at top 25%. Congratulations. You are a hot stud.
Thanks, but I really dont think Im top 5%. 25% sounds reasonable even though my face is average. Pretty irrelevant though since I cannot socialize with the other gender and I apparently dont make the cut for online dating.


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nice try with the black and white but you can tell her skin is sh*t

5/10 would still bang

I'd rate her more from this pic but seems like she is bigger in weight than I think.

Anyway would fill her mouth with ejaculate full of baldness DNA gene without second thought


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I'd rate her more from this pic but seems like she is bigger in weight than I think.

Anyway would fill her mouth with ejaculate full of baldness DNA gene without second thought

How can you tell she's fat?


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Last night I had a date with the most beautiful woman I've had a date with in nearly two years.

The date went decently, her body language showed some positive signs, she was engaged, we talked for two hours over dinner in a nice restaurant and we were the last customers to leave, conversation flowed naturally, she laughed several times, we talked about various things, I both talked and listened, she asked questions, offered opinions, and we have similar values.

Tomorrow, I will get in touch and ask her to meet up again, and she will most likely never respond.


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No make-out on the first date?

Bad sign.

I don't know if it is a bad sign on her part.
If someone is not used to having chemistry with someone, I think it can be met (maybe) with uncertainty and then a missed moment.
I think if men feel that chemistry pull the first night--GO in for kiss!!--worst that will happen is she turns her cheek and then you at least 'know' for sure.


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I don't know if it is a bad sign on her part.
If someone is not used to having chemistry with someone, I think it can be met (maybe) with uncertainty and then a missed moment.
I think if men feel that chemistry pull the first night--GO in for kiss!!--worst that will happen is she turns her cheek and then you at least 'know' for sure.
You're the only woman left on this forum. We scared everyone else off lul. The last amazon.


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If she gives you the cheek, you can be sure that she's not attracted to you.

If she's attracted to you, the worst that can happen is an awkward kiss with her being a little surprised.

But a girl that wants you will never dare to offend you by not returning a kiss.

Every girl that refused to kiss me never kissed me later.

I don't know if girls can confirm, but if they want a guy, they'll be begging for a kiss (with their eyes and demeanor I mean).

I remember sometimes I'd beat around the bush and talk about kissing her, and her reaction was often:

"So stop talking and kiss me!"

I think for some women its unconscious signs or tells and for other women its that they are purposely giving out signs.
So sometimes I think it can be subtle...If someone is inexperience I think its possible to miss signals or be uncertain.
Example I am unconsciously touching my hair like I am 15 years old when I am attracted to someone..I am only aware of it because it is a little ridiculous for a grown woman to be sitting there petting or twirling her hair. I don't do this any other time so..its got to be an unconscious thing of attraction.


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LOL I don't scare, I just bite back, hard.


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Every girl that refused to kiss me never kissed me later.

Not true in my smaller experience.

Our different experiences may be due to you forgetting rare exceptions, or the fact that we're boxing in different weight classes. You're a much better-looking guy, so the women you interact with will be better looking and thus more experienced, consequentially more assertive, more comfortable in their own skin, et cetera.

Moreover, you might just not bother going for a later kiss if she's giving you difficulties, as you don't feel a drive to deal with it given the availability of other options.


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It's not time to celebrate just yet. All we have to do is wait. To paraphrase a movie quote, being the last of anything, by and by, means that soon there'll be none left at all

Eventually I will be gone but has nothing to do with you guys.
And probably some other woman or women will take my place at that time.


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I'm both unhappy and happy that the other women are gone.

Unhappy for the obvious reason, all of them other than Nadia increased the level of discussion here.

Happy because it's good for them to move forward. They made a good decision for them.


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I think I'm genuinely kind and caring, and certainly nicer than Trump.

I don't do the nice guy routine ever, you won't find it in my posts. I see it as something that may or may not be good for me in general though it doesn't matter as it's in my nature.

As for women, I think they don't give a sh*t. They don't prefer nice guys to sociopaths or the other way around. It's neither good nor bad, it's just not a critical variable like height, social status, or ambition, it's neutral.

So within the context of this forum, it's just not relevant.


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I think I'm genuinely kind and caring, and certainly nicer than Trump.

I don't do the nice guy routine ever, you won't find it in my posts. I see it as something that may or may not be good for me in general though it doesn't matter as it's in my nature.

As for women, I think they don't give a sh*t. They don't prefer nice guys to sociopaths or the other way around. It's neither good nor bad, it's just not a critical variable like height, social status, or ambition, it's neutral.

So within the context of this forum, it's just not relevant.
Im a nice guy too and thats what matters brah


LUL just kidding (I really do believe you're a nice guy tho)


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I'm not. I'm a bitter, self-righteous, self-centered prick. Or so I've been called by the women here. Curious how most women can actually be described by these 3 adjectives.
Seriously, though, I'd say that irl I'm very similar to david personality-wise. Shy, reserved, quiet and polite. I'm quite nice, but people only care about how I look so it doesn't really matter.

I think most of the women here want good for you Dante...but I understand your disbelief of it and it is your prerogative to post as you wish and think express yourself as you are feeling.
I am not going to try and convince you of that..and maybe I am wrong.> I won't say I 'like' you but i really really respect your character and I often like your posts.

Character is very important to me more so than if I agree, get along or on surface 'like' someone.
I feel that way about both you and Fred even very early on--if I did not I would never interact with you guys.
I know you don't feel same--and that is perfectly fine--but you are very authentic and that is a trait i appreciate in people and posters.

I will say this--I see growth in you from 6 months ago..their is a difference and I don't know what it is exactly..and I am surprised no one else has noticed it. You are more chill than you used to be. Less angry or in less pain maybe? I don't know I am asking I guess. Something seems at least to have changed positively.


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I don't believe in the 'women are attracted to assholes' view. As David says its largely irrelevant. But being a pushover, or nonassertive is something I've had to, and continue to, work on because I believe it's important for attraction. Being more dominant.

I've also been complimented on a few dates for being chill (since fixing my social anxiety I'm chill as f*** on the actual date, anxious before and after). I think this does nothing for attraction but increases her enjoyment\relaxation and thus increases chances of a next date.

I also think that being funny helps in this way, as well as helping with attraction.

Red pill note: these things can only help you get looksmatched girls, looks trump all.