The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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Hummm... I respect your POV.
I see it quite differently. First of, the fact of saying that it is about "things people can't control" bothers me... This expression implies it is like some kind of disease, abnormal... Yes, we can not control a big part of what we are, but that's not the point IMO.
Secondly (but it is all connected in my mind) words are part of our morality and humanity, of course. Words are important, and the choice of words is revealing. Though it seems to me that it is more complexe than that. One should not just consider what words people are using, but also the "way" and tonality, and also the context in which they are using it. For instance, what Karankaran said about Black people did bother me despite the fact he used the word "African American". Again, it is an exemple of someone being politically correct but, actually, spreading racist views without even noticing it! (Note that to me racist and racialist also are two different things... )
On the contrary, I could use some "Bad" words in some contexts depending on the purpose of this use. I could say "********" to annoy politically correct people. I could also joke about very dramatic indecent things. It is essential to think against oneself, against what you mistake for your natural very personal way of thinking but, is, really, just the shared ideology at the moment. One must, in my opinion, think against his "time". Or else it is spirit morbidity and casual stupidity.
Finally, I have been myself called many things I don't think I am from people wanting to juge me for not being pro multiculturalism (you know it first hand! I told you about how some people tried to make me an "infréquentable"), and to demonize me. The violence I suffered did hurt me like in the heart of my heart.
It's mostly people who can't comprehend an entire post or the entirety of what you're trying to convey who resort to losing their minds of just one word. And the same people are often tricked into agreeing with racist or homophobic things when they avoid using the "trigger words".

Lol at being a grown up and afraid of arbitrary words. It seems to be mostly Americans who are afraid of words such as: f*****, c*** and ********. It's just words but if you use one of these words the entire room goes silent and forgets whatever else you were trying to convey.


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I mentioned that I posted a summary if what happened here, she said it might be a problem as everybody gives opinions and I'm someone who is extremely receptive to outside advice/criticism/commentary, so it might be overstimulation. I agreed to take a one week break from posting to see how it goes.

This is very good advice. Good luck...


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I did log out on my phone, and now prior to logging out on my desktop ... (lol)

I agree with everything you wrote. I think words at the matter but not at the expense of tone and content mattering, all of it matters, there's no dichotomy to me. I know which post of karan you're referring to.

When I wrote my post to you I was only discussing language in the general sense and your specific post, not addressing the larger conversation that you and karan are having. I noticed that he's disliking a few of your posts, but I don't know where that fight started or what the fight is about, plus again I didn't want to pile on given thew awful head space.

Some gay men hate women. That's why. They get jealous of them. Just like fat lesbians hate straight dudes, same thing.


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@Wolf Pack

Please ban me.

The sick and demented ASSHOLES on this forum were celebrating their vile homophobia in another thread and you did nothing. When I called them out for it, they grouped together and started treating me as an out caste. I lashed out at one of them in frustration since I am outnumbered here. and now they have ganged up to dislike my posts as a punishment for standing up against them.

There was a time when the word 'phaggot' or 'f*****' led to immediate ban. What happened? Freedom of speech eh?

I came here in 2013 when crackpots where selling violet machines and pushing pseudo scientific gibberish to hijack this forum. They used to call every proven treatment poison. I helped fight them along with some members who are no longer here.

Perhaps I should have taken their lead. I am doing it now. Better late than never.

I know I will be bullied once again, so I will not bother coming back to see replies to this post. This forum helped me cope with my depression concerning hair loss. But all good things come to an end I guess.

I am going to miss afro_vacancy the most.



Now we need a new token gay guy


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for the record i have never said anything to karankaran nor have I ever used the word "phaggot" or "f*****"; that is not in my vocabulary, neither on this forum nor in daily life. I suspect he feels neglected and chose to attack someone as means of getting people to talk about him - and hey, looks like it worked. To be honest i never even knew he existed until he started attacking me, and i'd just as rather go back to not knowing he exists because i seem to have upset him in incomprehensible ways without knowing. Long story short, i think he was just looking for attention as of late..

Oddly enough I made quite a few generalisations about homosexuals in a thread recently, and he picked up on it some time after and obviously was upset. But I just explained it's been my experiences, it's not concrete, but these were generally how I felt and I stand by it.

If anything he should have continued giving me the worst of it since as, although I didn't say phaggot or anything, I had expressed an arguably homophobic attitude, at least definitely more than others he's since attacked.

But he got my explanation, he didn't reply, it's too boring and not getting the outrage he mightve wanted from me.

So instead he started picking on people who didn't even get involved in anything to get a strong reaction from them.

Ironic but makes sense I suppose.


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One of my coping mechanism for this unhappy life is that about twice a year, for 10 days I sink into depression, become a hermit, and binge watch some tv series. Keeps the darkness at bay. Have not been able to do it this year because of work and job search. I can feel it affecting me mentally, an ever present companion of ennui. I feel like I want to crawl into a safe space, but I cant.


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One of my coping mechanism for this unhappy life is that about twice a year, for 10 days I sink into depression, become a hermit, and binge watch some tv series. Keeps the darkness at bay. Have not been able to do it this year because of work and job search. I can feel it affecting me mentally, an ever present companion of ennui. I feel like I want to crawl into a safe space, but I cant.

I shouldn't really have a reason for sudden demotivation but I also do this.


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There are no safe spaces for men. As for women their entire life is a safe space just LOL at the inequality
Exodus, in my experience, I don't know exactly what you mean by "safe space" but alot of women who are over 30 or even sometimes younger have alot of emotional baggage that fills "their space". Some know how to leave it buried in the past and some like to open it up if they think ( like in Twin Peaks), "its happening again".:D


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uhm, you just described every day for me; seriously, binge watching and eating all kinds of food and not socializing. I love it actually - if I didn't have to go to work i wouldn't leave the house at all. I fuckin hate human beings. If instead of humans you just had to interact with dogs, i think it would be much better. but unfortunately people are a thing, and being outside and interacting with them is not my favorite thing to do so i don't do it.
Macaroni, I hope you don't hate us too. But I get the loner part, binge eating, and binge TV watching.


My Regimen
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There are no safe spaces for men. As for women their entire life is a safe space just LOL at the inequality

Don't you still live with you mom? I would call that a safe space.


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Exodus, in my experience, I don't know exactly what you mean by "safe space" but alot of women who are over 30 or even sometimes younger have alot of emotional baggage that fills "their space". Some know how to leave it buried in the past and some like to open it up if they think ( like in Twin Peaks), "its happening again".:D

Doctor people over 30 have baggage. You cant live a life without obtaining some form of 'baggage; which just means you have a past.
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Im sorry Doctor people over 30 have baggage. You cant live a life without obtaining some form of 'baggage; which just means you have a past.
Never said they didn't. Just wondering how women can have their ENTIRE life as a safe space. But for me finding a safe space is only temporary. And you never know who is going to invade your space so it's hard to say if its truly safe.


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Never said they didn't. Just wondering how women can have their ENTIRE life as a safe space. But for me finding a safe place is only temporary. And you never know who is going to invade your space so it's hard to say if its truly safe.

I dont think a safe space is for people over seems to be college aged kids both male and female..I never heard it referred to as female vs male.
It's a place they go on campus when they are 'upset' to color and pet service dogs.