The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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Also that, good observation, put yourself in his shoes for a second, if he has half a brain, he'd know the consequences of doing that.

What's showed in this video is all that could happen, all that was acceptable.

And of course, we can reverse the genders here, plenty of women rejected bald men in "Dating in the Dark" (Or L'amour Est Aveugle for us ;) ) and they would sometimes mention the baldness as the reason.

But no one batted an eyelash at that, no one is thinking "gee, what an a**h** this woman was! Poor guy!" No, they're thinking "that's just her preference, she just doesn't find bald men attractive!"

Yet, that's what people would lose their mind if this guy rejected that bald woman and said "I don't like her bald head, it's not attractive!".

Yes and women are free to reject a man for any superficial reason they like

Here's a question... have YOU ever rejected a woman? I have a few times and the response is quite amazing. Anger, resentment, entitlement etc. I have been threatened with violence for rejecting a woman. Just imagine this in reverse.

They will stalk you, they will harass you, they will threaten you. Everything women are "afraid of" in men, they will do themselves.

And at no cost.


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Yes and women are free to reject a man for any superficial reason they like

Here's a question... have YOU ever rejected a woman? I have a few times and the response is quite amazing. Anger, resentment, entitlement etc. I have been threatened with violence for rejecting a woman. Just imagine this in reverse.

They will stalk you, they will harass you, they will threaten you. Everything women are "afraid of" in men, they will do themselves.

And at no cost.
Haha this is so true.

I genuinely have a lot of respect for women who can handle rejection without going crazy


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There is this one time I remember vividly: this cute blonde blue-eyed Finnish girl who wouldn't shut up about her conquests, and how she fucked the guitar player of that bar, how messy her life was, how much of a victim she was, etc.

I made me sick at a point, and I got up and told her just that: "I'm sorry but you make me uncomfortable with your stories"

"But that's my life and I don't see why I should be ashamed of it!"

To this day, this is the girl who still randomly texts me to see me. So rejecting a woman can be incredibly powerful. I didn't do it on purpose like some PUA wannabee, I was legit feeling bad in her presence, the kind of person I wouldn't want in my life.

This is also the girl who had fucked 70+ different men in her life, I was going to f*** her but she told me: "I have HPV, one of the very bad kinds that can lead to cancer". Her lifestyle is reckless and now she has to suffer the consequences: no guy will self-respect is ever going to go for her.

But she's used to spineless men who'd do anything to get in her pants. Hell I'm sure most guys wouldn't even back off after learning about her potentially deadly STD.
Apparently you can catch hpv even with a condom so good call on saying no.


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Yes and women are free to reject a man for any superficial reason they like

Here's a question... have YOU ever rejected a woman? I have a few times and the response is quite amazing. Anger, resentment, entitlement etc. I have been threatened with violence for rejecting a woman. Just imagine this in reverse.

They will stalk you, they will harass you, they will threaten you. Everything women are "afraid of" in men, they will do themselves.

And at no cost.

We can imagine it in reverse--go back a few pages of this thread you have a poster talking about his anger at two women who rejected him after 1 date...and how he angrily confronted one who rejected him months later when she was already in a new relationship...
mind you 1 date.

We have another poster on here who says he follows random women and video records them on his phone.
Kind of stalkerish to me...and we cant know if they are technically underage or not.


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as long as you aren't deformed men will white knight you and pay for your looks. its not an issue of being attractive enough.

i agree with you about how fucked up it is that a man who sent you death threats though. there are a lot of completely f*****g pathetic men out there , and even IF i know where they are coming from (ugly , cant get a date, etc) its still disgusting how entitled they are.

and its also true you are far from the average woman with the hair loss, so i'll take that into account. if you went without a wig it would be far more socially unacceptable

i won't deny theres issues with being a woman like not being taken serious and such but honestly i still think men have it worse. being seen as dispensable, having to prove ourselves, and take care of ourselves makes our lives almost inherently more difficult. it's do or die for us men.

BTW you can benefit from money from men too...just switch teams

a lot of men who are prostitutes or sex workers are not actually gay.

so if its about getting something from a beta provider we are not attracted to--you can do same exact sh*t

because reality when you are NOT attracted to a guy you may as well be with someone from same gender

you can lay there and take it up the *** for some unattractive guy who wants to take care of you.

you got the Asian young thing going on, your small--they would love you actually..probably find a guy to pay for your college and get you out of your moms house :)

if its that easy go put yourself out there in that manner.

You sound like your jealous of women being coddled--go get coddled.

It is your life--you actually DO have choices. You may not like the choices but you have them.


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There is this one time I remember vividly: this cute blonde blue-eyed Finnish girl who wouldn't shut up about her conquests, and how she fucked the guitar player of that bar, how messy her life was, how much of a victim she was, etc.

I made me sick at a point, and I got up and told her just that: "I'm sorry but you make me uncomfortable with your stories"

"But that's my life and I don't see why I should be ashamed of it!"

To this day, this is the girl who still randomly texts me to see me. So rejecting a woman can be incredibly powerful. I didn't do it on purpose like some PUA wannabee, I was legit feeling bad in her presence, the kind of person I wouldn't want in my life.

This is also the girl who had fucked 70+ different men in her life, I was going to f*** her but she told me: "I have HPV, one of the very bad kinds that can lead to cancer". Her lifestyle is reckless and now she has to suffer the consequences: no guy will self-respect is ever going to go for her.

But she's used to spineless men who'd do anything to get in her pants. Hell I'm sure most guys wouldn't even back off after learning about her potentially deadly STD.

Looks like ugliness came in handy after all. :D


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We can imagine it in reverse--go back a few pages of this thread you have a poster talking about his anger at two women who rejected him after 1 date...and how he angrily confronted one who rejected him months later when she was already in a new relationship...
mind you 1 date.

We have another poster on here who says he follows random women and video records them on his phone.
Kind of stalkerish to me...and we cant know if they are technically underage or not.

I don't get a chance to read the whole threads but lmao I really wanna know who you're talking about

But in any case I'm merely pointing out the double standards. And it's funny you're quick to jump to underage accusations when female teachers are prosecuted for sleeping with male pupils all the time, while the reverse is almost unheard of.


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BTW you can benefit from money from men too...just switch teams

a lot of men who are prostitutes or sex workers are not actually gay.

so if its about getting something from a beta provider we are not attracted to--you can do same exact sh*t

because reality when you are NOT attracted to a guy you may as well be with someone from same gender

you can lay there and take it up the *** for some unattractive guy who wants to take care of you.

you got the Asian young thing going on, your small--they would love you actually..probably find a guy to pay for your college and get you out of your moms house :)

if its that easy go put yourself out there in that manner.

You sound like your jealous of women being coddled--go get coddled.

It is your life--you actually DO have choices. You may not like the choices but you have them.
these are some weak arguments. getting with someone of the gender you are attracted to is nothing like getting with someone of a gender you aren't.

and about the coddled young men that has nothing to do with being a man lol. what does that have to do with this. and those women you mentioned wouldn't even need to f*** guys to get money. its called cam modelling and fetish stuff.


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I don't get a chance to read the whole threads but lmao I really wanna know who you're talking about

But in any case I'm merely pointing out the double standards. And it's funny you're quick to jump to underage accusations when female teachers are prosecuted for sleeping with male pupils all the time, while the reverse is almost unheard of.

The creator of this thread. It is no secret he discussed it for several pages.

Listen women and men are both crazy when it comes to rejection.

I don't think there is a double standard at least in USA so I am not sure what you are talking about.

A guy I know was stalked by a woman who he had a few hook ups with..she stalked both him and then later his new gf.

When it happened he got a restringing order she violated it and she was arrested.

so I dont know what double standard you mean.

The difference in with the statistics (in USA)--men will often resort to killing an ex..rarely does a woman do this.

I mean we might cut off your penis but we won't shoot you ;)


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I don't get a chance to read the whole threads but lmao I really wanna know who you're talking about

But in any case I'm merely pointing out the double standards. And it's funny you're quick to jump to underage accusations when female teachers are prosecuted for sleeping with male pupils all the time, while the reverse is almost unheard of.
it was me that records girls. i love doing it and always will do it :). gives me a rush and turns me on. just did it the other day at wal mart in fact. and about the guy getting mad at the girls it was david but he never insulted the women or anything

also he has MUCH more reason tto get mad at the women who rejected him than vice versa. women have a million times more options


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these are some weak arguments. getting with someone of the gender you are attracted to is nothing like getting with someone of a gender you aren't.

and about the coddled young men that has nothing to do with being a man lol. what does that have to do with this. and those women you mentioned wouldn't even need to f*** guys to get money. its called cam modelling and fetish stuff.

again its not a weak argument

if you are not attracted to someone what is the difference? not much

And modeling and fetish stuff--you can do that too

shook did it remember?

you are just making excuses for yourself.

you dont like the idea of someone you are not attracted to a man--who is attracted to you and sees you sexually giving you favors over dont like it because you are not attracted to them..THAT is same thing.

You have a dont like it but you have it.


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it was me that records girls. i love doing it and always will do it :). gives me a rush and turns me on. just did it the other day at wal mart in fact. and about the guy getting mad at the girls it was david but he never insulted the women or anything

also he has MUCH more reason too get mad at the women who rejected him than vice versa. women have a million times more options

You make excuses and they are weak.

You are stalking women.

And David is harassing woman for months.
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again its not a weak argument

if you are not attracted to someone what is the difference? not much

And modeling and fetish stuff--you can do that too

shook did it remember?

you are just making excuses for yourself.

you dont like the idea of someone you are not attracted to a man--who is attracted to you and sees you sexually giving you favors over dont like it because you are not attracted to them..THAT is same thing.

You have a dont like it but you have it.
that doesnt make sense. a heterosexual would prefer an ugly person of the opposite gender than sex with same gender . . . . lol


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that doesn't make sense. a heterosexual would prefer an ugly person of the opposite gender than sex with same gender . . . . lol

Not really.
I think its pretty bad if you are not attracted to someone you are not attracted to someone.
You are not going to be enjoying it either way.

see you are thinking like a man because you can still c*m if you are not into someone....women dont work that way biologically.


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You make excuses and they are weak.

You are stalking women.

And David is harassing women for months.
i looked it up its legal :). and no its not stalking.

"Pathé and Mullen describe stalking as "a constellation of behaviours in which an individual inflicts upon another repeated unwanted intrusions and communications".[6] Stalking can be defined as the willful and repeated following, watching and/or harassing of another person. Unlike other crimes, which usually involve one act, stalking is a series of actions that occur over a period of time."

its a legal term

and lawl seems like you are revealing your hate of unattractive and average looking men


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Not really.
I think its pretty bad if you are not attracted to someone you are not attracted to someone.
You are not going to be enjoying it either way.

see you are thinking like a man because you can still c*m if you are not into someone....women dont work that way biologically.
lol you still have it so easy. sit there and take it. so difficult. you dont need to get off for men to be satisfied. some men get off on women not being satisfied haha


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i looked it up its legal :). and no its not stalking.

"Pathé and Mullen describe stalking as "a constellation of behaviours in which an individual inflicts upon another repeated unwanted intrusions and communications".[6] Stalking can be defined as the willful and repeated following, watching and/or harassing of another person. Unlike other crimes, which usually involve one act, stalking is a series of actions that occur over a period of time."

its a legal term

and laws seems like you are revealing your hate of unattractive and average looking men

legal or not it's creepy... it goes back to the point I was making with @Medina


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lol you still have it so easy. sit there and take it. so difficult. you dont need to get off for men to be satisfied. some men get off on women not being satisfied haha

Correct and you have that same choice to sit there and take it up your ***.
you dont like the choice but yo have it.